Forgive us for being late on the upload. But we've been lately on CP time instead of CT Time. This episode is about the "Black Talk" and the stigma behind it. Basically, if you don't understand black talk. Then this episode isn't for you. Respectfully of course! But let us know how we did!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
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The host had an idea to talk about domestic violence. As you will hear, the show eventually became about domestic abuse. Knowing that the host is a feminism advocate really helps out with perspective. The point of the episode is to notice the flags of domestic abuse. No matter the relationship. We hope this episode gets through to whoever needs it! As always, let us know how we did.
We did have other episodes before hand, but the quality wasn't up to par for a spotify upload. If you would still like to watch them, you can find them here:
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This episode, our guest speakers got caught up. But luckily we have a person shadowing with us. And they gladly helped out with the conversation with the background that they have. The title speaks for itself. Some people believe that Gospel is for children. Some people believe that Gospel is not for children. Others would rather not care. While there are worst music genres to talk about. It's no better place to start than with some of the first music genres we all listen to as children. As always, let us know how well we did!
This is not a diss to anyone that is reaching middle age and still very much single. This is actually a reach for understanding for both ends. Those that are of the age and those that are not of the age. Anyone can become 35+ in age and be constantly single for years. But why is that though. We weren't able to fully dive into this discussion due to not having guest speakers this episode. But we did scratch the surface. We might even come back to this topic sooner or later as well. Let us know how we did!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
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We apologize for the lateness of our episode upload, but know that we have more episodes ready as well. This was about the fact that the new iphone 15 dropped. So you know what that means: people are already beginning to start comparing phones. Around the time that this show actually started, this conversation would've been a great one to have. But since apple has lost their monopoly lawsuit, each phone now basically has it's give and take physically on why you should get it. We have 2 guest speakers on our show. One is team android and the other is team iphone. Let us know how we did with our discussion!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
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As far as dates go, 9/11 definitely happened. Or else we wouldn't have been able to record that day. But as far as conspiracies go, We weren't allowed to record in our studio that day. But luckily our team is resourceful as always, so we found a local library to talk. It was just unfortunate that we couldn't stream that day. But luckily we still have content for you! The conspiracy is not actually about whether or not the 9/11 event happened. But that is for you to find out! Let us know how we did with this show!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
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The past few weeks have been crazy. It affected our production and production value. We do strive for professional episodes, but we don't always get those together unfortunately. But that leads to the conversation that we have this episode. While we strive for greatness, our episodes are paid out of pocket. We do ask for support, but we can be patient about when it comes. Everything one does can be evaluated when it comes to one's job. But this conversation is more so about if the job is undervaluing us. These questions come in rotation a lot. And it's hard to decide if the individual is right to feel how they feel, or if it's all in their head. It's up to you to decide. Still, we are always here for the convo! Let us know how we did in the episode!
Gaming has become an easy sense of access for a waste of time as of late. And within that access, you get the less enthusiastic or even worse: the exclusive club. And then there's also the awkward group within the awkward group. Lately, gamers have all came together to figure out how to differ who from whom. Not to say that there aren't gatekeepers out there, but knowing that there are those trying to have you join their club feels more warming than those that act disgusted with you simply due to your lack of talent or uninterests into their usual hobbies. And this is how we came up with this conversation. We have two guest speakers for this conversation as well and they were both male and female giving two separate perspectives! Let us know how we did!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
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In our final week, we wanted to talk about an LGBT issue that is going on inside and outside of the community. There are many words for the phenomenon, but we decided to go with the umbrella term "Labels". Basically "What is your sexuality? Are you a boy or a girl or both or none? Do you even identify as human?" These labels both separate and discriminate individuals in so many ways. While there are those that embrace the labels, there are also those that reject them. With our special guest lil simi from pugilistradio.com we will be getting down and dirty with the conversation! Let us know how we did!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
Believe it or not, both the words "Sympathy and Empathy" have a sense of spirituality towards them. It's not just about feeling or caring, it's about the who/what/when/where/why. Usually how we start our questions. But even then, it's still about the connections. So too many times, people have confused the two words or even the concepts of such. Ironically one of these words was invented because the concept itself didn't even have a name to it. Rambling aside, we had two guest speakers today talk about the two words, whether or not they understood the difference, and even how to even apply it. The world needs a sense of sympathy and empathy. Lately it's been corrupted with mostly apathy. Hopefully with our conversation, you can possibly understand the difference and reasons to use each sense of caring. Let us know how we did!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
Freaknik was once a picnic for college graduates. And then it evolved into what the Netflix film considers a phenomenon. But the impact that came out of it is what this conversation is about. How because the over exposure of sexuality and animosity on both the male and female end awakened and introduced more people into what we call "Rape Culture". The culture of it is something we will bring up later on. But understand that we are trying to come together on acceptance, tolerance, empathy, and moral support. A woman shouldn't have to be "asking" for it if she decides to dress provocatively. And a man shouldn't be accused of wanting to force the women just because he finds her attractive. The same can be said vise versa or within an LGBT situation. Rape is rape, no matter the sex or gender. Let us know how we did with this conversation!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
We don't know how many people actually watch our episodes since we finally released them on video. But We do know that you decide to listen. And That's all we could ask for! But more importantly, we also would like to ask the question of "Do you still watch TV"? It's a very tricky question today since not a lot of individuals carry a cable box in their house anymore. But how many have smart TV's in almost every room in the house? And why? That's particularly how this conversation came to be. Conspiracy theories or not, no TV is actually watching you. Smart TV's are just able to confirm who particularly is watching what with the info that you provide. With that being said, we had 2 guest speakers today that helped figure out at least if the millennial generation actually still watches TV or not. Let us know how we did!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
Despite what you might think, this is not an uncommon topic. Nor is this an uncommon question. Lately a lot of content creators have been coming out if the blue correlating the school systems with the prison systems. This conversation alone is becoming a decent conversation for conspiracy theorist and small time hustlers. In order fir the producer to attempt to prove the crowd wrong, as he is an advocate for education, he had to get an ex con from prison on his show to explain what it was actually like living in a prison as pertaining to just one attending an educational institute. As always, let us know how we did. Our guest speakers today was a highschool senior and an ex con from prison.
if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can always call or text us @ 513-788-3910
Easter was just the day before we broadcasted the episode so we decided to talk about the real meaning behind it. We also added a few origin points to it as well. While the conversation became slightly heated during the broadcast, the team is still in good standings with each other. Either way, this was supposed to be an easy topic out of the other topics we had so far this season. Let us know how we did with this conversation. And Also let us know who you think is right about when we think Jesus died and resurrected.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can always text or leave a voicemail @ +1-(513)-788-3910
With the rise of TikTok, Facebook reels, Onlyfans, and other content sites paying their users to be on, the rise of "content creation" has come to an all time high. Forcing those who actually make multimedia from scratch have to get extra gimmicky in order to get the attention they feel they deserve. There is nothing wrong with having a plethora of content creators per say. But there is an issue about having people steal one's content and claim it as their own. Especially if their getting paid for it. It has been happening for years. And now it is almost uncontrollable with how many people can get paid to steal other creators material and use it as their own practically without getting sued. So in this episode, we were trying to get down to business on what truly makes one a content creator. With our host Asisa for the third season and our guest speaker Lord Ac3, we were doing just that within our episode. Let us know how well we did within the episode!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can always text or leave a voicemail @ +1-(513)-788-3910
This is our final episode for the season! We will be back in 2 months tops. But for now, lets look back on all the conversations that we had. This episode would not stream how we wanted, so we eventually just streamed from the iphone. We just want to thank everyone that's been listening so far and we hope that you continue to listen as we continue to get better with our conversations and sound! But for now, let us know how we did!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can always text or leave a voicemail @ +1-(513)-788-3910
2023 is almost here! And that almost means nothing when people are still catching covid. But when it comes down to it, the scare isn't as harsh as it was at the start of 2020. This show actually started during covid. And ever since, we've been trying to do the best we can with bringing quality content and interesting and heavy topics. All in all, you can at least say that this show survived the pandemic. We can't say that for many other businesses though. This is not a flex as it is more an observation and discussion. Running a business is hard. Keeping a business alive can be even harder. So for those that survived, we salute you. And for those that fell apart, hopefully this talk will help you get motivated to get back on your feet if you didn't give up. Let us know how we did during the conversation.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can always text or leave a voicemail @ +1-(513)-788-3910
Sometimes one has to look back and see how far they came as a community from where they started to where they are now. And sometimes one also has to see why even though they've reached a pinnacle, that they are still not appropriately recognized as an individual or as a group. You have to understand that even though movies like Black panther, Woman King, and birth of a Nation have won awards, some people still don't see movies with a black lead as one that can be considered high tier or worth a watch. Sometimes even our music gets overlooked if the music is too positive and not demeaning to our community. So recognizing that we as a black community are finally breaking a stigma of how everyone views us as a community is very great. But we aren't fully there yet to where we are recognized as a "normal" community. Only time will tell. Until then, thanks everyone who decides to listen to our philosophical talks. Let us know how we did this episode!
The audio for this video was edited by Casual music llc:
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can always text or leave a voicemail @ +1-(513)-788-3910
We decided to have a sequel episode to our first episode about porn. The last one was about addiction to porn. This episode is about how porn makes you view sex as a whole. A lot of people claim that it can keep you in the fantasy mindset. Our producer and Emcee almost agree about that. But what is understood is that porn is not real life. We have an ex pornstar named Jadadee on our show to give her personal perspective on the inside and how it has affected her on the outside. And then we have as a special Guest speaker "Tapped Dubb" to explain how he views the romantic endeavors while still watching porn. Let us know how we did with this conversation.
Tapped Dubb's info:
The audio for this video was edited by Casual music llc:
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can always text or leave a voicemail @ +1-(513)-788-3910
This is a sequel episode to our last episode we dropped about the men. We had two beautiful guest speakers on here able to come in person and provide their stories about the hurt, the wall building, and the struggling in relationships from the woman's perspective. Now hurt varies as explained by our guest speakers but one thing stays consistent. And that is that neither side is hearing each other. The show today was hosted by the producer instead of Asisa just to show a sign of empathy on both ends. Let him know if he did a good enough job or if he should leave the hosting to Asisa.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can always text or leave a voicemail @ +1-(513)-788-3910
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