In this episode, the mysteries behind the show business world of carnivals. One of the most exceptional stories of Gibtown, Florida is the woman who married the Ferris wheel. They call her boxcar Betty it takes 10 men to hug her and a box card a lugger she must be made of jelly cause jam. Don’t shake like that… 70 bucks I did not intentionally mean to do that. I’m so sorry. Oh my God. #everyone @followers #carnival
In this episode…. Of BREAKING GIRL CODE… DDRL and one of the Vaginaz … Bushwacker discuss what an argument is really about and if it is worth keeping a relationship or communicating is through and why women end up with losers what to do to avoid it! #massfollowing @everyone
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In this episode of BGC, Breaking Girl Code DDRL touches base on how to ask her a certain question that can literally change the whole relationship dynamic! This is a question that is easily thrown around daily and you probably never thunk it had such a powerful impact !
Make sure you SUBSCRIBE & SHARE !
In past few months, little over a year since our start date , DDRL Podcast went from approximately. 3000 listeners to now streaming over 30,000 listeners per episode with three episodes a week and heard globally in 20+ countries it it’s a dream come true thank you for all your support!
In this episode, DDRL is joined by OG Vagina Mary Bushwacker The Republican and Kandle the ChatGPT4.0 Ai (Brads replacement 😓) on Breaking Girl Code. Guys keep those pens out because this lesson we expose dos and donts of profile pics on dating apps!! SUBSCRIBE NOW ! You don’t want to miss a second of this inside scoop! @everyone #everyone @followers
In this episode, DDRL breaks girl code! New series exposing the secret world of women! How women think How women act How women do. You don’t want to miss these insider tips ! Stop being single and grab that word relationships by the balls ! Here’s how !!! @everyone #everyone #massfollowing
In this episode, the preparation for 2024 continues the color is green the year is money and the time has come 2024 is it! Get ready for that clean slate and change those people, places and things because we’re going to manifest some deep pockets right off the bat when that clock strikes 12 get ready now!! And we’re going to discuss and remind those that have forgotten basic boundary rules to be in the inner circle and when you should not cross them especially when it comes to ex relationships stay away FRFR
do you try to call people and they never answer the phone? Do you always get ball busted for not answering your phone? Here’s why
In this episode, DDRL gives psychological advice in regards to answering the phone with one of the OG Vaginaz in the house Krissi spelled with a K, Notta C.
Subscribe today and share it with your friends, we appreciate your support and happy new year !! @everyone
In this episode…DDRL goes solo i’m upset and really opens up about her personal life in a situation that can help other get through as well. This is a special episode because she doesn’t normally open up about her personal internal soul because there’s just so many things that you can’t keep private in life when you are an open book, but your soul is one of them and find the mentorship in it to help your path and share it with everybody share share share they could help someone else as well! @everyone #fyp
IN THIS EPISODE, DDRL shares psychological secret life tips you must find out about! Subscribe today
In this episode, DDRL breaks it down into the real facts to why we stay in toxic relationships and how to avoid them. Understanding to accept being single is much easier. #everyone @everyone
In this episode, DDRL reveals 6 hidden secrets grocery stores do to influence you to spend more money. @everyone
Don't forget to subscribe to the show and get the extra perks exclusively for Members! In this episode, pay attention, get your pencils out, class is in session! Professor Double D breaks down the relationship truth your man can’t own or admit, maybe he really doesn’t have an eggplant 🍆 after all or any balls or maybe he’s just a DICK ! #fyp #spotifyforpodcasters #wow @everyone
In this episode, DDRL re-introduces our favorite Ai....drum roll ladies and gents...BRAD THE AI is Back!! And he's got some sass on that invisible ass! DDRL spills the beans (literally) on what this bitch is doing to get bikini ready for the summer...in December....do tell bitch do tell... #everyone @everyone
**Previous recorded in 2022 in lost files never aired *
In this exclusive episode for those court goers that come late to court I decided it needs be published. It is in regards to a court chronicles that I kept messing up and being late to and I’m still butt hurt over the situation but listen up you’ll see. #everyone @everyone #followers
* these episodes previous recorded in 2022*
In this episode, we are doing an experiment with Cash App. Just wanna test some waters out there and see what really works and what doesn’t in the land of Mystic
In this episode the Vaginaz take over on topics that SELF check their trigger spots , G what a crazy topic !
In this episode, it is Bushwacker in the house. We are catching up on the week of medical hell and swollen faces while on her knees feeling good.
In This Episode, DDRL goes off the zhen radar in to explosion mode....but calmly comes back down to earth. Haters just have to stop saying shit that isn't facts and if you are going to talk shit or spit shade, know your facts front most before you open up that mouth and remove all doubt. Bet. #everyone https://DebbieDiazReportingLive.com
In this episode, DDRL dives deep on her favorite topic of discussion, relationships. Is there any loyalty left in the world? Are relationships a thing of the past and just slowly dwindling away like a fairwell departure? Is the extra terrestrial out in the galaxy just playing us like a ps5 game and we're all just characters on this earth? Alot of unknowns makes us all wonder.... #everyonewww.DebbieDiazReportingLive.com
In this episode, DDRL and the Vaginaz debate about relationship topics of taboo. Mary Bushwacker the Republican is in the house full of solid opinions catered towards cheating and foul play especially about porn. Krissi Spelled Witha K Notta C gives her two cents based upon personal situations well. Subscribe to follow more popular episodes on the DDRL podcast! #Everyone
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