Žiadne nebíčko v papuľke... Tento podcast budete žrať! Robo a Tono sú kuchári, ktorí si do podcastu volajú kuchárov, čašníkov, barmanov a majiteľov reštaurácií.
Toto je GEEKFRIENDLY zóna. Očakávaj čokoľvek, čo súvisí s Pánom prsteňov, Star Wars, Marvelovkami, legendárnymi PC hrami, atď.. Vy, ktorí máte radi geekovské a nerdovské veci - my budeme váš hlas. @hatala.martin a @vladimirmikulas
Kdekoľvek sa nachádzate, s kýmkoľvek sa prechádzate, ako odreagovanie, keď s niekým nevychádzate, práve vtedy k vám prichádzame.
Vítame Vás pri počúvaní podcastu SME NÁRODNÉ.
Činohra, Opera i Balet spolu na jednom mieste.
Raz týždenne sa Vám budeme prihovárať správami o tom, čomu všetkému sa venujeme, keď práve nestojíme na javisku.
Podcasty jednotlivých súborov vám otvoria dvere do zákulisia celkom iným spôsobom. Nechajte sa vtiahnuť do zvuku divadla.
Vždy v nedeľu večer nás môžete počuť na všetkých podcastových platformách... -
Every other week three friends, coworkers, and coffee industry professionals humorously explore topics in history, culture, and business using coffee as inspiration. Then, using their professionally trained palates, they try the coffee and commit to giving no bad reviews.
Hosted by Jenni Trilik, Marcus Contaldo, and Stephanie Motenko.
Sponsored by Modest Coffee
platforma Divadla J.G.Tajovského, v rámci ktorej vám budeme prinášať zaujímavé informácie z diania v našom divadle.
The unusual choice making of being a good girl in the front and a badAss girl in the back foot
Štátna opera prináša podcast venovaný (nielen) opernému umeniu.
Dramaturgička Alžbeta Lukáčová sa každé dva týždne zhovára so zaujímavými hosťami a hosťkami o témach z prostredia operného divadla, o dianí vo svete súčasnej opery, operety či tanca a ponúka aj výhľad do histórie. Diskutuje o každodennosti i exkluzívnych umeleckých produkciách a tituloch, ktoré prináša kamenné divadlo. Podcast je určený každému, kto má chuť spoznať chuť opery ako živého, životaschopného a komunikatívneho umenia. -
Possibly the World's most inclusive art podcast.
Artist & Curator Gary Mansfield talks to emerging, established and world renowned artists each week in his quite unique manner.
Gary's booming Cockney voice and jovial approach, is a breath of fresh air for those within the art world and a beacon to those that thought it inaccessible.
Previous guests include: Maggi Hambling, Mark Wallinger, Gavin Turk, kennardphillipps, Mat Colishaw, Ray Richardson, Camille Walala, Rankin, Keith Brymer-Jones, PureEvil, Tanya Ling, Koestler Arts, Stuart Semple, Richard Wirson RA, Sarah Maple, Jenny Eclair, Katy Wix and Adam Buxton
Feel free to contact Gary with any queries, comments etc: email: [email protected] All Social Media: @ministryofartsorg To find out more on Gary Mansfield go to:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast zameraný na umenie a jeho úlohy v spoločnosti. Uhol_92 je profesionálne nezávislé divadlo z Bratislavy. Uvádza prevažne autorské texty, ktoré s kritickým odstupom a humorom reflektujú témy súčasného človeka. Tvorbu podcastov z verejných zdrojov podporil hlavný partner Fond na podporu umenia.
Season 3! We are back! With more African Horror Stories... Afro-Horror... Afrorror? No? Yes?
Post - Halloween jitters, don't worry we are here to get your spook on.
This season, we dive straight into African Horrors. Folklore, Mythologies, True Stories and Works of Fiction are what you should be strapped in for. The Africa you know has a darkness that you need to hear.
The Horror Fan Club Kenya brings you this Horror-driven, African Centric podcast, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. See you when the Witch's scream rings across the valley.
13 Nights, 13 Minutes. -
Go behind the scenes of The Atlanta Opera through in-depth interviews, thoughtful series, and informative (and witty) Opera 101s.
The poetry podcast for people who don’t like poetry... and those who do. Host Dylan J. Kershaw is dragged kicking, screaming and making ridiculous interpretations along the way toward enjoying poetry by close friend and literature whiz Charlie Pidcock. Join them as they dive into the enlightening world of poetry, and have some laughs along the way.
S veľkými hlasmi zo sveta umenia. S umelcami, ktorí dnes nemajú veľa priestoru v médiách. O ich práci, radostiach, aj starostiach, o veciach, ktoré inde nezazneli.
Hudobné novinky zo sveta, či z domácej scény ti každý piatok prináša Chartcast so Zuzanou na Europe 2.
Who is responsible for making a work of art? In each episode of this collaborative podcast series, one anthropologist, specialising in a particular cultural context, has a conversation with an artist of their choosing, exploring issues of authorship and the relational in art. Ranging across geographical locations and creative practices, discussions address and unpack the conceptualisation of the artistic person, authorship as centred upon an individual or bounded group, and the development of responsibility for artworks during and after their making. Every episode brings a fresh perspective on where ideas come from, what agency an artist feels in the creation of their work, and how, and in which contexts, ownership and responsibility for the artwork are claimed. Ultimately, as a collection, the series encourages listeners to think about ‘the artist’ and ‘the artwork’ as dynamic processes in a relationship of authoring. Each series offers a nuanced approach to this relationship. Series one (supported by the AHRC) explores how authorship and responsibility are developed and understood in artmaking. Series two investigates the authoring of artwork as a process of relational creativity. Series three focuses on the intersection of authorship and voice.
Artery is a podcast organised by Iza Kavedžija (University of Cambridge) and Robert Simpkins (SOAS, London).
Music: Footsteps, by Robert Simpkins. -
Every month, Nick and Andrea discuss an unusual, or an infrequently-produced play. We share our thoughts on production requirements, including casting and set needs, and give a description of the plot. Episodes are released on the first of day of each month.
Songs And Stories Written, Narrated And Sung By Hiya And Kiki As A Small Token Of Love For Our BTS Boys Who Taught Us To Be Confident, Independent And Love Ourselves Added To That We Also Have Many Other Talks Chats And Discussions To Spread Love And Care .. Please Stay Tuned To More And More Fun And Excitement.. 💜
Callen Rechkemmer talks about his viewpoint on the Industrial & Engineering Tech Academy.