
  • In this enlightening episode of the DYIC podcast, host Joanna Kleinman, a seasoned psychotherapist, empowerment coach, and CEO of the DYIC coaching and consulting company shares nine transformative truths that can radically change your life. Drawing from her 30 years of coaching experience, hundreds of hours dedicated to personal growth, and insights from over 300 books, Joanna delves into deep wisdom and practical advice that have not only transformed her life but also the lives of countless clients.

    Joanna discusses the importance of trusting your intuition over anxiety, finding perfection in the present moment, and freeing yourself from autopilot thinking. She emphasizes the significance of becoming your inner lighthouse and uncovering the hidden depths within yourself. Joanna also explores the distinction between being driven by fear and insecurity versus being called by a deeper purpose, the patience required for personal growth, taking responsibility for your healing, and the joy found in the process of creation. Each truth offers a profound insight that can guide you towards a more fulfilling and empowered life.

    Reflection Questions:

    Trust and Anxiety: Reflect on moments when you have let anxiety override your intuition. How can you start distinguishing between your automatic mind and your true self to trust your intuition more?

    Present Perfection: Think about a recent moment where you felt content and at peace. What thoughts or anxieties tend to disrupt your peace, and how can you remind yourself of the perfection in the present?

    Healing and Responsibility: Consider a situation where you are waiting for someone else to change or apologize for you to feel better. How can you take responsibility for your healing and growth, regardless of others' actions?

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna dive deep on the idea that our old identities never truly leave us. Even as we grow and evolve, those limiting beliefs and fears can resurface, especially when we're on the cusp of a breakthrough.

    Kleinman offers a three-part formula to help listeners navigate these moments. By following this formula, you can learn to trust your intuition and align yourself with your higher self. This allows you to experience more joy in the present moment and move forward on the path of least resistance.

    Reflection Questions

    Can you identify a situation where your old identity held you back from pursuing a goal? How can you use the three-part formula to approach this situation differently?

    Do you struggle with letting go of expectations? What are some strategies you can use to detach from outcomes and trust the process?

    How can you better connect with your intuition and inner excitement when making decisions?

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

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  • In this episode, we dive into the world of motherhood with Tara Clark, founder of the wildly popular platform Modern Mom Probs. Tara shares her journey of navigating the often messy, beautiful, and hilarious realities of raising children in the modern world. We discuss the struggles of letting go, the pressure of social media perfection, and the unexpected ways growth emerges from embracing the chaos.

    Tara discusses how sharing her authentic experiences, struggles, and triumphs on social media became the foundation for building a massive online community. We see how vulnerability and storytelling can foster genuine connection and empower others on their own journeys.

    This episode is a must-listen for any mom (or entrepreneur!) who feels overwhelmed, lost, or unsure of their path. Tara's story is a testament to the power of following your passions, embracing vulnerability, and learning to let go of the need for control.

    Reflection Questions:

    Where in your life are you clinging to control? Is there a situation where loosening your grip could lead to unexpected growth? What are you passionate about? Consider how you can share your passions and experiences in a way that connects with others. How can you embrace vulnerability in your own life? Think about someone you trust and consider sharing a struggle you're facing.

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode, we delve into the world of connection and intimacy with Connection and Intimacy Coach Ken Blackman. Ken shares powerful tips on how to cultivate a deeper connection with your partner, move beyond surface-level interactions, and build a truly fulfilling relationship.

    Reflection Questions:

    What are some ways I currently connect with my partner? Consider both physical and emotional forms of connection. Are there areas where I could be more present or engaged in our connection? Think about activities you share or conversations you have. What is one small step I can take today to strengthen the connection with my partner? This could be anything from initiating a deeper conversation to planning a special activity together.

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, host Joanna Kleinman, sits down with a remarkable guest – an orthopedic surgeon, author, co-founder of Vori Health, and a dedicated advocate for women's health empowerment Dr. Mary O'Conner. Together, they delve into the multifaceted journey of this guest, who not only excels in her professional endeavors but also balances her roles as a mother and wife.

    Listeners gain insights into the importance of holistic healthcare, leadership principles applicable across various domains, and the pressing need for diversity and empathy in revolutionizing the medical landscape. Through her experiences and aspirations, the guest inspires listeners to embrace their inner strength and advocate for transformative changes in healthcare.

    Reflection Questions for Listeners:

    How can we integrate principles of holistic healthcare into our daily lives to prioritize our overall well-being? Reflecting on the guest's leadership tips, how can we foster inclusive and empathetic environments within our teams or communities? What steps can we take to advocate for greater diversity and patient empathy in shaping the future of healthcare systems?

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • Ever wondered if there's real science behind the idea of manifestation?

    In this episode, we delve into the fascinating connection between your thoughts, your brain, and the life you create. Learn how to harness the power of neuroplasticity and practical tools to bridge the gap between desire and reality.

    Reflection Questions:

    What limiting beliefs might be holding me back from manifesting my goals? How can I incorporate practices like visualization and gratitude into my daily routine? What concrete action can I take this week to move closer to my desires?

    Dethrone Your Inner Critic for Weekly Inspiration!

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this week’s episode of the Dethroning YOur Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna Kleinman discusses three ways to use your mind to change your life:

    Trust that life is happening through you, not just to you. Everything in your life, even the challenges, are there to help you grow and transform.

    See the synchronicities and meaningful coincidences around you. These are signs that you're on the right path and the universe is guiding you.

    Master your internal energy. Align your energy with what you want to attract in life.

    Reflection Questions:

    How can you start to see the darkness in your life as a guide rather than something to avoid?

    What recent synchronicities have you experienced? How can you interpret them as signs from the universe?

    What can you do today to start mastering your internal energy and aligning it with your goals?

    Subscribe to the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast for more tips on how to overcome your inner critic and create a life you love.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna Kleinman explores the idea of a collective shift happening right now and how it might be affecting you. She discusses 4 signs that your life may be about to change radically, and offers guidance on how to navigate this period of transformation.

    Reflection Questions:

    Do you resonate with any of the signs Joanna mentions that your life might be about to change?

    How can you start to identify the voice of your Inner Critic (IC) and differentiate it from your Authentic Self (AS)?

    What steps can you take to build the muscle of your AS and quiet the doubts of your IC?

    Subscribe to DYIC for Weekly Inspiration!

    Stay tuned for more insightful conversations and practical advice to help you dethrone your inner critic and live a more empowered life. Subscribe to the DYIC podcast or Youtube channel for weekly episodes.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • This episode of Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast explores the transformative power of emotional alchemy in our relationships. Joanna dives deep into these concepts, explaining how our inner critic, the voice that criticizes and judges, often tries to protect us from emotional pain by keeping us from being vulnerable. This, however, can trap us and hinder genuine connection. Joanna also reveals how to use our deepest emotional wounds as fuel for healing and growth.

    This episode also offers powerful tools to break free from this cycle. Through self-reflection and emotional alchemy, you can learn to use your pain as a catalyst for positive change.

    Key Takeaways upfront:

    Emotional Alchemy: Learn to transform painful emotions into opportunities for self-discovery and positive change in your relationships. Break the Cycle of Pain: Discover how your inner critic triggers negative thoughts and actions that perpetuate unhealthy relationship dynamics. Heal Core Wounds: Explore the root causes of your negative patterns by understanding your core wounds, formed in childhood. Take Responsibility: You have the power to choose your thoughts, feelings, and actions, breaking free from the control of external circumstances. Transform Your Relationships: By understanding your inner critic and core wounds, you can transform your relationships, starting with the most important one – yourself.

    Reflection Questions:

    Where in your life is a vicious cycle playing out? Identify situations where your inner critic is causing you to close your heart, potentially affecting how others interact with you. How might your inner critic's thoughts and beliefs be connected to a core wound? Explore the root cause of your negative patterns. How can you use emotional alchemy to transform your relationships? Consider how to turn your pain into a catalyst for positive change.

    Subscribe to the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast for more insights on understanding and overcoming your inner critic.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, psychotherapist and coach Joanna Kleinman dives deep into the concept of core wounds and how they can impact our lives. Joanna discussed how core wounds are formed from early experiences and can shape our sense of self, relationships, and even our success and how it can manifest as shame, self-doubt, and a feeling of not being good enough.

    But there's good news! By understanding our core wounds, we can begin to heal them. This process involves:

    Bringing awareness to the wound: Recognizing the patterns and triggers that activate it.

    Unlearning the negative stories: Challenging the beliefs we've attached to the wound.

    Developing self-compassion: Learning to accept and forgive ourselves.

    Reflection Questions:

    Do you resonate with any of the signs of core wounds mentioned in the episode?

    Are you ready to start exploring your own core wounds and begin the healing process?

    How can you be more authentic in your daily life?

    If you're interested in learning more about how to heal your core wounds and access your greatest gifts, visit our website, www.dethroningyourinnercritic.com

    Joanna also offers a coaching program called Mastering Your Mind that can help you on your journey.

    Remember, you are not alone. Many people carry core wounds, but there is hope for healing and transformation.

    Subscribe to the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast for more insights on understanding and overcoming your inner critic.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • This episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast delves into the idea that raising children isn't just about nurturing them, it's a powerful journey of self-discovery for parents too. Parenting coach Kim Muench emphasizes that by addressing our own emotional baggage and limiting beliefs, we become better equipped to guide our children's growth.

    Key points include prioritizing self-care (emotional and spiritual), acknowledging the limitations of external control, and allowing children to experience natural consequences. By addressing limiting beliefs and inner anxieties, parents become better equipped to guide their children while fostering a strong foundation for their own emotional well-being.

    Reflection Questions:

    How can I prioritize my own emotional and spiritual well-being?

    How can I separate my anxieties from what truly needs to be addressed in my child's life?

    Am I creating space for my child's individuality and choices, even if they differ from my expectations?

    Subscribe to the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast for more insights on understanding and overcoming your inner critic.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna dives into the root causes of self-doubt and lack of fulfillment. It explores how our inner critic, formed from early negative experiences, shapes our perceptions and behaviors.

    The episode highlights the importance of recognizing and detaching from our inner critic to access our authentic selves and experience true joy, peace, and fulfillment. It emphasizes that building confidence and fulfillment comes from within, not through external validation.

    Why you should listen:

    Learn how to identify and detach from your inner critic Discover the root causes of self-doubt and lack of fulfillment Understand how to build confidence and fulfillment from within Gain insights into creating a life of purpose and authenticity

    Reflection Questions:

    How does your inner critic manifest in your life? What steps can you take to detach from your inner critic and connect with your authentic self? How can you build confidence and fulfillment from within, rather than seeking external validation?

    If you're feeling stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and seeking external validation? You're not alone. But there's a way to break free and build unshakeable confidence from within.

    Join me for my exclusive Masterclass, "Building Your Confidence from Within," happening March 11th-15th!

    In this 5-day intensive workshop, I'll guide you through a transformative journey to:

    Unmask your inner critic and its limiting beliefs Develop powerful strategies to overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk Craft a personalized roadmap to build lasting confidence and self-worth

    This Masterclass is your chance to step into a future filled with self-belief and empowerment. Don't miss out!

    Secure your spot today at https://dethroningyourinnercritic.com.securechkout.com/buildingconfidencefromwithin

  • Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of striving for success but never feeling truly fulfilled?

    In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, host Joanna Kleinman explains how your "winning strategy" – the positive quality you developed in childhood to cope with feelings of inadequacy – might actually be holding you back.

    Here's why you should listen:

    Discover how your winning strategy, like being smart, kind, or enthusiastic, can mask deeper feelings of not being enough. Learn how to identify your winning strategy and understand its origin story. Gain insights into how to break free from the cycle of using your winning strategy to seek validation and find true fulfillment.

    Reflection Questions:

    What is your winning strategy? How does it show up in your life? Have you ever felt like you need to overcompensate with your winning strategy to feel good enough? Are you ready to explore the possibility that your winning strategy might be keeping you stuck?

    Subscribe to the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast for more insights on understanding and overcoming your inner critic.

    Learn more and register for the "Building Confidence From Within" masterclass starting March 11th, 2024: https://dethroningyourinnercritic.com/buildingconfidencefromwithin

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

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  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna Kleinman challenges the idea that confidence is just about external achievements and proposes a deeper, more universal truth: everyone experiences self-doubt and insecurity, but true confidence arises from connecting with your authentic self, free from the ego's limitations.

    The host argues that our automatic mind, the "IC," creates false identities and attachments that hinder us. Letting go of these and connecting with our "Authentic Self" (AS) fosters natural confidence. True purpose, instead of being something you need to figure out, emerges from aligning with the flow of the universe and bringing consciousness into the world through your own actions.

    Reflection Questions:

    How does your "IC" manifest in your life? What are some triggers for your self-doubt?

    How can you connect more deeply with your "AS"? What practices or activities help you feel authentic?

    What does "bringing consciousness into the world" mean to you? How can you contribute your unique light?


    Learn more and register for the "Building Confidence From Within" masterclass starting March 11th, 2024: https://dethroningyourinnercritic.com/buildingconfidencefromwithin

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • This episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast focuses on the importance of finding joy in the present moment and how many people are unknowingly blocking themselves from experiencing it. Joanna Kleinman, the host, discusses the negative impacts of living on autopilot and being driven by future goals and societal expectations. She emphasizes the power of small, intentional moments of joy in shaping our present and future experiences.

    Key Points:

    Many people feel a general apathy and dissatisfaction despite achieving external success.

    We block joy by focusing on the future and chasing external validation.

    Our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create our energetic frequency and impact our reality.

    Finding small moments of joy daily can rewire our brains and attract more joy.

    Our automatic mind is often stuck in negativity and needs conscious observation.

    Processing past traumas and core wounds is crucial for lasting change.

    Shifting our focus to present joy creates a ripple effect of positivity in our lives.

    Joy is contagious and spreads to those around us.

    Reflection Questions:

    When was the last time you truly felt joy in the present moment, and what was it like?

    Do you find yourself focusing on the future or the past more than the present? What are the consequences of this?

    Are there any areas of your life where you are blocking joy due to negative thoughts or beliefs?

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna Kleinman delves into the three biggest obstacles you'll encounter when trying to change your life:

    Your Hardwired Brain: Our brains resist change and prefer predictability which can lead to discomfort and hesitation when we step outside our comfort zone.

    Your Past: Our past experiences and identities can limit our beliefs about what's possible. Letting go of these limiting beliefs is crucial for growth.

    Your Fear: Deep-seated fears, often stemming from core wounds, can hold us back from pursuing our dreams. Recognizing and processing these fears is essential for moving forward.

    The episode emphasizes that overcoming these obstacles is key to living a truly fulfilling life. It's not about achieving your dreams to feel happy, but rather, finding happiness now and taking steps towards your dreams from that place of fulfillment.

    Reflection questions:

    What is one change you've been wanting to make in your life?

    What obstacles have you encountered in trying to make this change?

    How can you apply the strategies discussed in this episode to overcome those obstacles?

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna delves into breaking free from the limitations of your inner critic and its automatic beliefs. She discusses how our inner beliefs and automatic thoughts can hold us back from experiencing real transformation and joy. She emphasizes that true change comes from deep internal work to reprogram the unconscious mind, not from external circumstances.And that the lasting transformation doesn't come from trying to control external circumstances, but from deeply rewiring our unconscious mind in the present moment. Cultivating self-love, understanding your triggers, and aligning your actions with your authentic self are crucial steps towards experiencing joy, fulfilling your true potential, and shaping a future rich in possibilities.

    Joanna encourages listeners to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation through introspection, acceptance, and embracing the present moment.

    Remember, the power to create a truly extraordinary life lies within you, not in grasping for outcomes beyond your control.

    Reflection Questions:

    What kind of future are you forming with your current thoughts and actions?

    Are you able to identify when your inner critic is in control?

    What fears or anxieties are holding you back from stepping into your true potential?

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna Kleinman reflects on the challenges and transformations of 2023 and offers guidance for embracing a year of rebirth in 2024. She shares her personal journey through grief, fear, and ultimately, self-discovery, highlighting the importance of:

    Shedding old identities: We all carry outdated parts of ourselves that hinder our growth. Letting go of these limitations allows us to step into our authentic selves.

    Trusting the universe: Despite fear and uncertainty, surrendering to the flow of life and trusting the universe's guidance can lead to unexpected blessings and opportunities.

    Finding purpose in connection: Our true purpose lies in connecting with ourselves, others, and a higher source of love. This connection fuels our growth and brings meaning to our lives.

    Embracing the rebirth process: Change can be uncomfortable, but it opens the door to a new and more fulfilling version of ourselves. Releasing fear and embracing the rebirth process leads to a heart awakening and a brighter future.

    Key Takeaways:

    2023 was a year of transformation and letting go for many, including Joanna.

    Fear and uncertainty are often part of the growth process, but trusting the universe can lead to unexpected blessings.

    Shedding old identities and connecting with our true selves is essential for living a fulfilling life.

    2024 can be a year of rebirth and stepping into our authentic selves.

    Reflection questions

    Where are you in your life right now? Where are you in your growth?

    What can you release from your past year that you no longer want to carry?

    What are you working on in 2024? How are you creating your life differently now?

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this empowering episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna welcomes Melissa Hiemann, co-founder of the Center for Healing in Melbourne, Australia.

    Melissa is the creator of the methods of Root Cause Therapy and Trauma Informed Manifestation Coaching. She shares her transformative journey from a troubled past to creating innovative methods of Root Cause Therapy and Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coaching, offering powerful insights into healing and personal development.

    Tune in as we reflect on personal responsibility, redefine trauma, and integrate safety into manifestation, offering valuable insights into healing and personal growth.

    Reflection Questions:

    What moments or experiences in your life might have contributed to the formation of your inner critic?

    -Consider the significant events or traumas that may have shaped your patterns of thinking and behavior.

    How do you currently approach the idea of taking responsibility for your life and its outcomes?

    -Reflect on your mindset regarding personal responsibility and ownership of your circumstances.

    In what areas of your life do you notice the influence of your inner critic, and how does it impact your decisions and actions?

    -Identify specific areas where your inner critic tends to be more prominent and explore its effects on your choices and behavior.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

    For more information on Melissa Hieman and The Center of Healing in Melbourne you may check out their website here

    and their free courses available in this link https://www.thecentreforhealing.com/free-courses

  • In this empowering episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna Kleinman, psychotherapist, empowerment coach, and CEO of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Human Development Company, takes us on her profound journey from fear to abundance.

    Discover the transformative power of releasing control, surrendering to the flow, and finding joy in the present moment.

    Join Joanna as she shares insights on breaking free from the grips of the inner critic, tuning into intuition, and embracing a life of true abundance.

    Reflection Questions:

    What aspects of your life are you holding onto tightly, and how might releasing control bring more ease and flow?

    Consider moments when fear has driven your actions. How might surrendering to divine timing and trusting the journey lead to unexpected opportunities and synchronicities?

    Reflect on the lens through which you view your life. Are you focusing on what's missing, or can you shift your perspective to appreciate the abundance already present? How might this shift impact your overall well-being?

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.