
  • Are you wondering if the Lean Out Method’s unique approach to simplifying and scaling your business is right for you?

    If you are, tune into this episode to get the final rundown of whether or not my programs are the right fit for you and your business. One thing I can promise you is that there is nothing cookie-cutter here and this will NOT be like any of the off-the-rack, fluff-filled programs you’ve tried before. We believe in transformation over transaction and only offer solutions that are high-touch, high-impact, and highly customized to your specific vision and needs.

    Scaling certainly isn’t easy - but it CAN be simple and straightforward when you work with someone who’s been-there-done-that many times over and who acts as a strategic partner in simplifying and scaling your business. Let’s do this together!

    I’m so glad you’ve come on the journey of this limited podcast series with me! If you are ready to explore what it would be like to work together, visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

  • Over the course of this series, we’ve talked a lot about the different ways we can work together. I want you to imagine what you can achieve at the end of our working relationship - clarity on what’s important, confidence that things are getting done in your business without your constant involvement, an enhanced impact, and the time and energy focused on the right things to scale are just some of what you’ll experience.

    But you know what is just as important as the results you will achieve? HOW you achieve those results. You want to enjoy the journey just as much as the destination, and the Lean Out Method and Lean Business Scaling System give you the systems, strategies, and support to do so.

    It’s all about simple sustainable scaling and getting to fully enjoy the incredible success you worked so hard to achieve instead of feeling trapped by it - in this episode, I share how.

    Ready to get started simplifying and scaling your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

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  • In this episode, I’m joined by my client Susie Tomenchok. Susie describes herself as a corporate escapee who now helps business owners understand the power of negotiation for their own businesses. She’s also a published author, having written the book The Art of Everyday Negotiation Without Manipulation.

    In our conversation, Susie explains that she enlisted my services because she was feeling overwhelmed with “all the things” and wanted clarity on how to best achieve her goals.

    Through our work together, she was able to accelerate her business and attain the focus and clarity on her long-term goals and identify the path to them. Powerful, right?

    Susie’s takeaways from our work together are powerful and empowering, and I can’t wait for you to hear the entire conversation.

    Ready to get started simplifying and scaling your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

  • In this episode, I share another way we can work together to lean out and simplify your business, scale sustainably, and consistently achieve your biggest goals without the hustle. My strategic advisory program helps business owners to refine the vision and goals of their business. This is all about attaining clarity and then figuring out the way that you can reach your vision, all while enjoying the journey in the process.

    This all comes down to your vision, which has three main facets. The first is the vision for your business and the second is the vision for yourself. While the first two are commonly understood and considered, the third facet is oftentimes forgotten. That facet is: the vision for your clients. This begs the question - what does your customer of tomorrow look like?

    Together, we can understand all facets of your vision, how they work together, and what your long-term and short-term goals are. I dive deeper into this offering on this episode, so tune in to learn more!

    Ready to get started simplifying and scaling your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

  • A special guest and long-time client of mine, Jen Coken, joins me on this episode of the podcast! Jen is a done-for-you client that has really embraced the Lean Out Method and Lean Business Scaling System in her business. Doing so has led her to an abundance of success, which you can hear all about when you tune in.

    Jen came to me knowing that it was time to enlist the help of someone who could assist her in refining the direction of her coaching company. She was exhausted and knew she couldn’t keep doing it all. She also had the eventual goal of selling her business in mind but knew she needed the help of an expert to realize the vision she had for her business. Through simplifying her business together and implementing the systems that allow her to working smarter, not harder, she’s able to achieve more than ever but in less time.

    She shares the biggest changes that she and her team have undergone through our work together, the unexpected benefits she’s received, and the specifics of the growth she’s experienced. Tune in to hear it all!

    Ready to get started simplifying and scaling your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

  • I love analogies, and I think a great analogy for your business is a puzzle. The vision of your business is the blueprint of the picture you’re looking to create, and your business model and operating model provides the edges and corners of this picture and provide the foundation and ecosystem of success.

    But, what are the individual pieces that create your vision? In this episode, I talk about the strategies that make up my Lean Business Scaling System, which are essentially the puzzle pieces you need to reach your overarching goals.

    Not only that, but I want to help you get to your goals on the most simplified and direct path. Why choose a 5,000-piece puzzle to create the business you’re dreaming of when you can do it in just 500, right?

    Join me as I talk about achieving more in less time, adapting your mindset, and scaling to your ultimate success. Here, I explain my different offerings - which are a done-for-you implementation and a high-touch group mentorship program in our Simplify to Scale Business Accelerator. Decide your best path for embracing the Lean Out Method by tuning in!

    Ready to get started simplifying and scaling your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

  • Since we covered the back-end systems in the last episode - you guessed it - today’s is all about the front-end systems. This has the remaining three components of the six interconnected front and back end systems of the lean business scaling system.

    These components consist of having a scalable offer suite, creating a luxe client experience, and developing your lean content marketing suite. What we help businesses do with their front-end system is get clear on the customer journey, optimize the offers that currently exist in their business, fill in the gaps of an offer suite, then optimize the packaging, pricing, and positioning of their offers.

    This is vital to providing clients with that amazing experience that will lend itself to referrals, glowing client testimonials, and customer retention. Since it’s such an important aspect of your business - and is one where a lot of time, energy, and resources are commonly wasted - I know this is an episode you won’t want to miss!

    Ready to get started simplifying and scaling your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

  • When you want to scale in a simple and sustainable way, there are a series of systems that make it possible and that comprise the lean business scaling system. In this episode, I share the 3 critical backend systems that will enable you to do less and scale faster and avoid leaving time, money, and profit on the table.

    I share how you can leverage lean strategic planning, the Lean Business Operating System (LBOS), and building out your lean dream team to consistently achieve your business goals in less time and with greater profit margins, and how each of these systems were developed with the unique needs of a dynamic small business in mind.

    Get ready for your business to run like a well oiled machine when you implement these 3 critical components of the lean business scaling system.

    Ready to get started simplifying and scaling your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

  • Have you ever wished you had more time in your day or more profit in the bank? After having helped numerous companies reclaim their time and increase their profitability and impact, I have noticed some common ways that businesses are wasting time and money, causing them to work more than they need to and have lower profit margins than they should. In this episode, I walk you through 5 areas of waste in your business that you can address to uncover hidden time and money in your business including:

    Unnecessary Complexity Focusing on New and Different Things Instead of Optimizing What’s Working Underutilized Resources Incomplete Work Searching

    The reality is that most established coaching and consulting businesses are wasting hundreds of hours a month and leaving a significant amount of money and profit on the table. Tune into this episode to learn how so you can get time back in your week and increase your profit margin.

    Want to uncover the hidden time and money in your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!

  • Welcome to my limited series podcast, where we dive into the Lean Business Scaling System from the Lean Out Method! In this series, we’ll talk about how you can do less to scale faster and take your coaching, consulting, or service-based business to the next level without the endless hustle.

    In this episode, I provide an introduction to the scaling system and dive into some common misperceptions when it comes to scaling those cause entrepreneurs to either avoid scaling or to get burnt out in the process. I also share how growth is different from scaling and an overview of the four pillars of the Lean Out Method, and the combination of lean and luxe that makes up this method to lead to your next level of success and scale.

    I’m so excited for you to take this journey with me - I’ve helped entrepreneurs and companies of all shapes and sizes, and I’ve specifically designed this program with modern digital businesses in mind. Let’s simplify and accelerate scaling your business - together.

    Ready to get started simplifying and scaling your business together? Visit https://www.leanoutmethod.com/consult to apply!