
  • How should you prepare for success in 2018?

    Well, how would you prepare for a big vacation trip?

    The first step would be to determine your destination. I mean, how do you know what path to take if you don’t know where you’re going? Then you must determine what you’re going to do when you get there. And, who’s coming with you? How much will it cost?

    Then you have to book the trip, get your stuff together, pack, prepare—and then go and return home safely.

    In this “final episode” of the Doug Fabian podcast, I tell you how to approach your 2018 financial goals the way you would approach preparing for a big vacation trip.

    That means you have to review your destination and figure out the path forward. First, though, we you must determine where you are, who is coming with you, and what you are going “pack” in 2018.

    And yes, you read that right. This is the “final episode” of the Doug Fabian podcast, and the reason why is because the new year is going to ring in with our new show… the Science of Economic Freedom.

    The Science of Economic Freedom, or SOEF, is a podcast dedicated to helping you accomplishment your financial goals. I am extremely excited about this new show, and along with my team of experts at Mercer Advisors, we are committed to providing you the best information out there to help you make great financial decisions, and to help you cultivate the requisite motivation to act in your own best interest.

  • There’s now only three weeks left in 2017, but that’s still plenty of time to make some smart financial planning moves before the year is over.

    In our last episode of the Doug Fabian Podcast, we told you about some of the things you can do now to prepare yourself for the year ahead. Some of those things were maximizing retirement plan contributions, charitable deductions and funding a Roth IRA.

    This week’s episode includes a deeper dive into taxes, and how you can take steps now to manage your tax liability in 2018. Tactics such as quarterly meetings with your CPA and/or tax advisor are covered in detail in this episode.

    Then we turn to what I call the “Bucket System” of looking at your finances and investment strategy. This is a way of looking at your money that helps you organize properly, and allows you to identify where your money might need attention.

    Plus, why now is a great time to “reboot” your investment thinking, and the right questions to ask yourself as we head into 2018.

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  • There’s only four weeks left in 2017, but that’s plenty of time to make some smart financial planning moves before the year is over.

    Yes, I know everyone is in the thick of the holiday season, and you’ve got a host of things to check off your to-do list. But remember, once the year closes, you can’t go back.

    That means time is of the essence if you want to take a few steps to minimize your tax liability, and maximize your balance sheet.

    Let’s face it, even if tax reform legislation passes, it’s most likely not going to help you. In fact, depending on the state you live in and the income you earn, I suspect many listeners may end up paying more in taxes than they did before tax reform.

    In this episode of the Doug Fabian Podcast, I tell you about several ways, and several last-minute moves, you can make to help minimize your tax profile this year.

    Have you maximized your retirement plan contributions? Have you maximized your charitable deductions? What about funding a Roth IRA? What about a Roth IRA conversion?

    These are just some of the helpful financial planning moves you can make before year end.

  • What does your balance sheet say about you?

    Are you saving enough money? Have you accumulated enough assets? How much debt do you have? Are you spending too much money? What was the return on your investments this year?

    The process of building a better balance sheet doesn’t have to be complicated, but you do have to be disciplined, you do have to ask the right questions… and you do have to understand a few key principles.

    In this week’s podcast, we talk all about how to build a better balance sheet, including ways to increase savings, reduce spending, manage your taxes and increase your income.

    Plus, what is the one thing you can do to improve your financial life in 2018?

    After this week’s show, you’ll have a very good idea of what that one thing could be, and how to go about getting that thing done!

  • One of my favorite holidays is just a few days away, and if you’re like most American families, you’ll probably gather around the kitchen, prepare a big meal and feast on turkey.

    Well, this year, in addition to eating turkey, why not also talk turkey when it comes to your money?

    In this pre-Thanksgiving edition of the Doug Fabian Podcast, I challenge listeners to make a special effort to have money discussions with their spouses, children, grandchildren, and other family members.

    My goal in this podcast is to help you ask the right questions, and bring up the right topics, so that you can begin formulating and improving your money plans for 2018.

    Topics in this show include:

    How to organize your personal balance sheet How to begin legacy planning How to best deal with legacy assets Plus, my favorite investment idea for a young person

    If you want to break the mold at this year’s Thanksgiving dinner by talking about something that actually matters to everyone, this podcast is a great way to start.

  • In our last podcast, I told you that contrary to what many pundits believe, the market is not at all-time highs based on valuations. Sure, overall market valuations matter, but what matters more is individual company valuations.

    What this means for you, the investor, is that you need to discriminate based on valuation via tilting your portfolio towards value stocks—not only because they have higher expected returns, but also because they provide a measure of downside protection when broader market valuations become stretched.

    But what, exactly, are value stocks?

    Where and how do you find the right value stocks?

    What are the best value-stock vehicles out there?

    These are just a few of the questions we answer in this episode of the Doug Fabian podcast… and it’s a topic that’s a must for every investor.

    If you want a broad, yet detailed, overview of value stock essentials—including their relative outperformance vs. growth stocks—this podcast is for you.

  • In this week’s podcast, we look at the market action in October, and we provide details on how the Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq Composite and other key indices performed for the month, and year to date. We also take a look at key bond market segments to see what the performance looked like there.

    I know many people have asked me where I think this market is headed, particularly give the continuous march to new, all-time highs.

    To further answer that question, I went straight to the best source I know, Mercer Advisors Chief Investment Officer Don Calcagni. Don recently shared his thoughts on the market with me and my Mercer colleagues, and those thoughts were so insightful I thought I would share them with you.

    If you want to find out where the market stands, and more importantly, where the market likely goes from here, then this week’s show is for you.

    Finally, one great way to plan for 2018 is to contact me for a free, one-hour wealth coaching consultation. If you want me to work with you to help identify your biggest challenges to achieving and maintaining economic freedom, then wealth coaching is for you.

  • We haven’t even hit the holiday season yet, but before you know it, 2018 will be here.

    And while it may seem a bit early to start planning for 2018, it’s definitely not.

    In this week’s podcast, it’s all about tips, tricks and techniques to help you get your 2018 journey toward greater economic freedom started off right.

    Do you want to save more money in 2018?

    Do you want to spend less money in 2018?

    Do you want to increase your rate of return in 2018?

    If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then this podcast is a must listen.

    Finally, one great way to plan for 2018 is to contact me for a free, one-hour wealth coaching consultation. If you want me to work with you to help identify your biggest challenges to achieving and maintaining economic freedom, then wealth coaching is for you.

  • One of the best things about having a podcast is I get to connect with, and help, all sorts of listeners, from all over the world. In fact, many of my recent podcasts have generated a lot of listener questions—and that’s a sign that we are doing something right!

    In this week’s show, it’s all about your questions, as the entire podcast is devoted to answering listener inquiries.

    Topics addressed here are diverse, and include how to handle investing in educational funds such as 529 accounts; what constitutes cash alternatives, the best tools for generating income from existing cash assets, why higher-yield bonds equal higher risks, the importance of diversification… and much more.

    If you want to hear what’s on the mind of your fellow listeners, or if you have questions on any of these topics, this week’s podcast is for you.

    Also, remember I continue to offer podcast listeners a free, one-hour wealth coaching consultation to help identify your biggest challenges to achieving and maintaining economic freedom.

  • What’s out of sight is often out of mind, as the adage goes. Yet there is one “silent thief” that’s starting to creep back into the market picture, and he’s got the potential to start taking what’s yours.

    This “silent thief” is inflation, and the notorious culprit is really beginning to rear his ugly head after years in virtual hiding.

    In this episode of the Doug Fabian podcast, I give you an update on inflation, including statistics over the past decade. Here you’ll find out what why even the subtle inflation we’ve seen since 2007 is robbing you of your total returns.

    Hey, let’s face it: Our minds are pre-programed to not notice what’s invisible, but that doesn’t mean the invisible isn’t there. This is particularly true of inflation.

    Fortunately, we can correct our programming on this topic, and that correction begins with seeing inflation clearly… and that is the subject of this episode.

    The fact is that inflation is very likely to be higher in the years to come than it’s been in the past, and that means you need to prepare right now. This week’s episode shows you how.

  • Markets just closed the books on the third quarter, and to say that the performance numbers have been stellar would be the height of understatement.

    So, how did the major domestic market equity averages perform during Q3? How about international stocks? What about bonds and commodities, how did they fare in Q3?

    In this special bonus episode of the podcast, it’s “just markets.”

    The reason why I like to do a just markets episode each quarter is that I’m a firm believer that your investment portfolios deserve a close look each quarter. This includes a comparison of how the markets are performing, and how your accounts are responding to the current environment.

    Do you need to make any adjustments to ensure you’re on the path to achieving economic freedom?

    You won’t know until you know what has actually happened in markets over the past several months… and that’s what this special bonus episode is all about.

    And after listening, if you find yourself out of step with the markets and in need of to make some adjustments, or if you just want a second set of eyes on your portfolio to make sure you are doing things right, I’m here to help.

  • Do you want to achieve economic freedom?

    Many people say they do, but very few know the actual formulas to employ that can put them on the right path to making their goals a reality.

    In this week’s episode, I give you a special sneak preview of our soon-to-debut podcast, “The Science of Economic Freedom.”

    This show lays out what we call the five formulas to achieving economic freedom, and how you can use these simple formulas to help you gain and keep financial independence.

    So, what are the five formulas to achieving economic freedom?

    Well, you’ll have to listen to this week’s episode to find out; however, I will tell you that anyone can use these scientific principles, as they’re not difficult to understand.

    The difficulty comes in knowing how to apply them, and more importantly, knowing how to cultivate the motivation and discipline needed to make these formulas work for you—and that is what The Science of Economic Freedom podcast is all about.

    If you want a taste of what’s ahead in the new show, then this episode is for you.

  • Want to get another $1000 per month added to your personal bottom line?

    Of course, we all do… but how do you do it?

    Increasing your personal income statement’s bottom line is actually quite easy, but you have to know about the specific action steps you need to take, and you have to know where to find the savings.

    In this week’s episode, I tell you about the seven best ways I’ve found to increase your monthly cash flow.

    From how to reduce your monthly bills to reducing your investment expenses; and from how to manage your tax liability to how to put that extra money you save to work for you, this episode is a must for anyone serious about giving themselves a raise.

    Plus, I provide an update on our previous show regarding how to deal with your credit in the wake of the Equifax breach.

    It’s all part of this week’s jam-packed, action-steps laced show, so please set aside a few minutes this weekend and give it a listen.

  • Everyone has heard about the Equifax data breach, but what does it really mean for you… and what should you do about it right now?

    In this week’s show, I give you the lowdown on what you MUST know, and do, to make sure you aren’t a victim of this breach, or any other cyber breaches.

    And because I am not an expert on cyber security issues, I brought in someone who is to tell you all about what to do—and what not to do—when it comes to safeguarding your credit.

    Joining me this week is William Nelson, Deputy Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Mercer Advisors. William is our go-to source on how to handle these issues, and his knowledge and experience provide a wealth of information on how to protect yourself, your credit and your identity from cyber threats.

    If you want to find out how you can take the necessary steps to protecting yourself and your credit from hackers, cyber thieves and other nefarious sorts, then this episode is a must!

  • I recently listened to an episode of the Tim Ferriss podcast in which he interviewed the great investor Ray Dalio, who is sometimes known as the Steve Jobs of hedge fund managers. Dalio talked a lot about his mistakes (interestingly, not much about his big successes) and the importance of reflection on those mistakes.

    In my recent wealth coaching sessions, I’ve noticed that many people have failed to reflect on their mistakes. The result is they’ve failed to learn valuable lessons, and that can be very dangerous.

    This is the kind of situation that will eventually cause financial pain, and the simple reason why is that if you are not willing to grow and evolve, you may find your wealth and/or your economic freedom taken from you at a time when you need it the most.

    In this week’s episode, I tell you about what I think are the three keys to achieving economic freedom.

    These keys, or what I call factors, represent the three most important components to achieving and maintaining economic freedom.

    Perhaps the most interesting thing about these three factors is that none of them have to do with the stock market, or with investing.

  • If you had two hours to get the most important stuff out of your home before a natural disaster hit, what would you (or should you) take with you?

    On this special bonus episode, I talk about what financial records are the most important, and which documents you need to make sure you get in the car and keep safe in the event you had to evacuate your home.

    Hey, we are all aware of the two back-to-back natural disasters that have unfolded over the past few weeks (Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma). Now, because I live in earthquake prone Southern California, I have always had an emergency plan in place to help me ride out periods without power, water or access to fresh food.

    But what if one day I had to “bug out” and flee my residence? If that day ever comes, I would need to not only think about my personal safety, but I’d also have to think about the safety of my most-important financial documents.

    This special bonus episode is all about what to put in your financial bugout bag, and what you need to do to from a financial perspective to prepare for a natural disaster.

  • I’ve always been a firm believer in the art of conversation, and in the importance of that human connection and the interplay of ideas, especially when it comes to money, investing and personal finance.

    Moreover, although everyone has a unique circumstance when it comes to their money situation, often people find themselves in very similar financial situations. And, figuring out answers to those situations for one person can sometimes help us figure out a solution to our own situation.

    In this episode, I allow you to listen in as I talk about the highlights of three recent conversations I had with wealth coaching session listeners, all with very diverse topics.

    Should you sell your rental real estate? What should you do with the cash in your portfolio right now? Why are stocks your best inflation hedge?

    Those are just some of the questions we answer in this week’s show.

  • This is our first “mini-podcast,” which is just a shorter version of the usual podcast in terms of length. It’s also dedicated to one subject—how the financial markets performed in August.

    So, how did the major U.S. indices perform? What were the leading sector performers? What were the laggard sector performers? How about international markets, developed markets, emerging markets, and other international markets?

    And what about oil, gold, copper, the U.S. dollar, interest rates and bonds?

    In this mini-podcast, I give you a complete rundown of the market action during the previous month, and year to date. More importantly, I provide you with a few key things to watch out for as we enter the often-volatile month of September.

  • In a recent podcast, I spoke in some detail about the issue of fees (particularly mutual fund expense ratios) and how much investors are paying their advisors for the right to own certain assets. Those comments elicited a lot of listener emails asking me for detail on the subject of fees.

    Well, ask and ye shall receive.

    In this episode, I tell you what you need to know about the fees, commissions, exit fees and transaction costs associated with brokerage firms, mutual funds, investment advisors, and even private REITs.

    More importantly, I tell you how to ask the right questions of your broker, advisor, mutual fund firm (and even yourself), regarding the fees associated with what you own.

    If you’ve ever been confused by the cost of financial products (and we’ve all been there), then this episode is for you.

  • I consider myself a “road warrior.” What I mean by that is that I love to travel the California coast, and the California mountains, in my Airstream trailer. I have a 27-foot Eddie Bauer Edition, and it is an awesome rig.

    When I take my Airstream to a camp site, the cost of that camp site varies. The “slip rent” as we call it differs depending on where you are, and what that camp site offers in terms of amenities. If you’re a road warrior, you almost certainly care about costs, because those costs can really add up.

    It’s the same way with your investments.

    The cost of your investments matter, and depending on the “slip rent” you pay your advisor, your mutual fund company, or your brokerage, those fees can vary greatly (and they can add up to real money).

    In this week’s episode, I show you how to think about the issue of fees, and how to determine if you are paying too much “slip rent” for what you are getting. Hey, keeping your investment costs down is an important component of your total return picture… and the more money you keep, the greater your economic freedom.

    Enhancing your economic freedom is what this episode—and this show—is all about, and this week I show you how to view economic freedom through the lens of a road warrior. Plus, why the road warrior needs to “look less, and ask more questions.”