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Delft University of Technology on iTunes
How do you start to design a product? Can drawing techniques be learned? And why is modelling such a useful technique? This album introduces the basic skills necessary to communicate ideas on paper, as well as revealing the step-by-step processes for making three-dimensional models of objects, showing perspective in drawings and sketching complex objects. It also features a case study of the Strida folding bicycle, an idea taken from initial drawings to marketed product. This material forms part of The Open University course T211 Design and designing.
Delft University of Technology on iTunes
Il podcast sulla lingua italiana della Scuola Leonardo da Vinci
Nella nostra scuola di lingua italiana poniamo molto accento sulla lingua parlata, quella che ti permette di avere scambi fluidi con i madrelingua e anche di imparare la grammatica e gli usi della lingua in modo semplice e divertente.
Da qui è nata l'idea di un podcast! I nostri insegnanti di lingua italiana hanno pensato ad un format sulla lingua italiana, per imparare vocaboli, espressioni, modi di dire. Per praticare l'ascolto e la pronuncia. Su Italiano ON Air potrai sentire un dialogo su un argomento di attualità o di cultura, e qualche volta saranno protagonisti anche i nostri studenti!
The podcast on the Italian language by Scuola Leonardo da Vinci
In our Italian language school we put a lot of emphasis on the spoken language, the one that allows you to have fluent exchanges with native speakers and also to learn grammar in a simple and fun way.
Hence the idea of a podcast! Our Italian language teachers have thought of a format for the Italian language, to learn words, expressions, and idioms. To practice listening and pronunciation. On "Italiano ON-Air" you can hear dialogue on a topical or cultural topic, and sometimes our students will be protagonists too!
Paula ve Philipp esrarengiz olayları araştırıyorlar. Radio D’nin muhabirlerini Almanya’nın bir ucundan diğer ucuna izleyin, ve böylece Almanca ögrenin. Bu kurs özellikle dinleme-anlamayı geliştirir.
Your Playbook for Ruby on Rails
Every week you will be treated to a new Drifting Ruby episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well.
We discuss digital trends and futures and real-world applications! Thought leader guests discuss moving industries forward with digital transformation. The show is especially valuable for business and technology decision-makers.
You can download the entire audio course on our website:
Boost your fluency in German with LinguaBoost!
Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers. -
Günlük yaşamda karşınıza çıkabilecek kalıplar, püf noktaları, zengin kelime dağarcığı için bilmeniz gereken kelimeler, İş İngilizcesi, deyimler, yaygın dilbilgisi hataları ve daha fazlası…
Instagram: İletişim: [email protected]
◻️YOUTUBE'da beni takip etmek için: @Sahinsonmez1
◽Mail: [email protected] -
La chaire annuelle Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt, créée en 2006, marque la volonté commune du Collège de France et de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller de mettre en valeur l'importance des travaux qui doivent être consacrés à l'innovation technologique.
Chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt 2022-2023
La mécanique moléculaire des fluides
Un champ d'innovation pour l'eau et l'énergie
Ce cours décrit les dernières avancées dans le domaine émergent de la nanofluidique, la science des flots moléculaires, qui explore les écoulements et le transport des fluides aux échelles nanométriques. Ce monde de l'infiniment petit fluidique, c'est la frontière où le continuum de la mécanique des fluides rencontre la nature atomique de la matière, voire sa nature quantique. On y observe des écoulements quasiment sans frottement, des effets quantiques émergents, des effets mémoires qui permettent désormais de rêver de calculateurs ioniques. La nature exploite pleinement les bizarreries fluidiques aux nanoéchelles. En utilisant une circuiterie faite de multiples canaux biologiques, elle est capable de prouesses technologiques invraisemblables : pompes ioniques, moteurs à protons, pores ultra-sélectifs, canaux stimulables… une orfèvrerie fluidique simplement époustouflante. Peut-on s'inspirer et égaler ces performances avec des canaux artificiels ? Quelles sont les propriétés spécifiques des fluides aux nanoéchelles ? Comment les quantifier expérimentalement ? Peut-on les exploiter en termes d'innovation ?
Le cours abordera les questions fondamentales posées par le transport des fluides aux échelles moléculaires ou nanométriques et les propriétés émergentes à ces échelles. Nous introduirons en particulier les nouveaux outils expérimentaux et théoriques qui ont été développés pour mesurer, comprendre et exploiter les nouvelles propriétés de transport.
La nanofluidique est également un domaine où il y a un chemin court entre la science fondamentale et l'innovation de rupture, car les nouvelles propriétés nanofluidiques offrent des solutions inattendues pour de multiples applications, notamment pour le dessalement, la remédiation des eaux, ou encore l'énergie bleue – notamment l'énergie osmotique. Nous explorerons quelques exemples où ce cheminement s'est concrétisé par des innovations de rupture.
Developer’lar için Türkçe podcast. Python’dan C#’a, Ruby’den 6502 Assembly’e kadar her türlü programlama dili, tabiiki iOS / MacOS ve tabiiki Demoscene [ commodore + amiga ]
The No Fluff Just Stuff (NFJS) Software Symposium Tour has delivered over 400 events with over 65,000 attendees. NFJS speakers are well-known developers, authors, and project leaders from the software development community. Join us for news and discussion around software development. Current topics include: Java, JavaScript, Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Cloud, Docker, Software Architecture, HTML 5, CSS, NoSQL, Spring, and other development technologies.
GoRails is a series of screencasts and guides for all aspects of Ruby on Rails. Learn how to setup your machine, build a Rails application, and deploy it to a server.
DevOps insanlari, Sistem yoneticleri, buyurun Halil Ibrarim sofrasina
يساهم في تنمية القيم والمهارات الإيجابية وتفعيل الطاقات لدى الفرد والمجتمع يهدف إلى "رسم صورة المجتمع الإيجابية، وتنمية المهارات الفعالة " تصدر حلقات أبديت كل ٣ آسابيع