Shownotes for DruidCast episode 209
Unseelie - Fae as Folk - https://faeasfolk.bandcamp.com/
The Talky bit - Ragnarok with Pete Jennings from the Staffordshire Pagan Conference 2024 (https://www.staffordshirepaganconference.co.uk/) - http://www.gippeswic.org/
Just a Moment of Your Time - Rich Morgan
Meet me at Table - Sarah Packwood - https://sarahjustinepackwood.com/about-sarah/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 208
Matter/Magic - Wyrd Tides - https://www.wyrdtides.com/
The Talky Bit - Druidry and Witchcraft - Kristoffer Hughes. Recorded live at this year’s Mercian Gathering - https://www.angleseydruidorder.co.uk/kristoffer?tab=about
Marw Gyda Kris on S4C - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0jsv129
The Veil - Davey Dodds - https://www.daveydodds.com/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Order and the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Mangler du episoder?
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 207
Tao Wei - Domhan - https://www.invocationrecords.com/domhan
Interview with Eimear Burke - https://www.kilkennydruidry.com/
Come Child - Domhan - https://www.invocationrecords.com/domhan
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 206
Outside of Time - https://nymphya.com/
The Talky Bit - Interview with Nymphya - https://nymphya.com/
Nymphya/Rose Thorn Tour tickets - https://nymphya.com/tour
Tiger Woman - Rose Thorn - https://linktr.ee/growing_rosebud
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 205
Skuderinka Wassail - RavenHymn - https://ravenhymn.bandcamp.com/album/dawn-of-the-raven
The Talky Bit - Moss Mathey - German Dragon Spirits - from the Wild Witchcraft Conference 2024 - https://mossmatthey.com/
Incense - Alex McCue & The Group Activity - https://mccuemusic.com
The Buried Moon - A Folk Tale - Jon Nash
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 204
Wolf in the Corn - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
Three presentations from the OBOD 60th Anniversary Summer Gathering -
Eimear Burke - https://www.kilkennydruidry.com/
Professor Ronald Hutton - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Hutton
Philip Carr-Gomm - https://philipcarr-gomm.com/
Sunrise - Space Goats - https://www.facebook.com/thespacegoats
The Taliesin Sourcebook - Frank Olding - https://store.druidry.org/products/the-taliesin-sourcebook-by-frank-olding
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 203
Raise the Flag of Green - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
The Talky Bit - The Goddess Sulis - Rachel Patterson - https://www.rachelpatterson.co.uk/
Something Beautiful - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/ -
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 202
Under the Trees - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
Interview with Dana O Driscoll - https://thedruidsgarden.com/
Flowers on the Road - Joel Brogon - https://www.joelbrogon.com/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/ -
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 201
Trócaire Brighid - Domhan - https://www.invocationrecords.com/domhan
The Talky Bit - Interview with Pete Jennings - http://www.gippeswic.org/
Carrying the Great Cold on our Backs - Oddfellow’s Casino - https://oddfellowscasino.bandcamp.com/album/the-lewes-psych-fest-sessions
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For further information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/ -
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 200
The Mabon - Silver on the Tree - https://silveronthetree.bandcamp.com/album/eye-of-the-aeon-mystic-spiral
Old DruidCast Intro
Episode 4 - Professor Ronald Hutton
Episode 34 - Brian Bates
Episode 155 - Professor Roland Rotherham
Episode 6 - Philip Carr-Gomm
The Mystic Spiral - Silver on the Tree - https://silveronthetree.bandcamp.com/album/eye-of-the-aeon-mystic-spiral
Episode 64 - Selena Fox
Episode 65 - Margot Adler
Episode 85 - Maxine Sanders
Round and Around - Silver on the Tree - https://silveronthetree.bandcamp.com/album/eye-of-the-aeon-mystic-spiral
Episode 26 - Robin Williamson
Episode 35 - Simon Emmerson
Episode 166 - Einar Selvik
Episode 163 - Kristoffer Hughes
Episode 168 - Adrian Rooke
Episode 172 - Heidi McNie
Episode 176 - Gary Colcombe
Episode 135 - Philip Carr-Gomm and Eimear Burke
Episode 182 - Professor Ronald Hutton
for further information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/ -
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 199
Summerfire - Automated Hero - https://automatedhero.bandcamp.com
The Talky Bit - Animism - Graham Harvey - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Harvey_(religious_studies_scholar)
Glashtyn Shanty - SJ Tucker - https://sjtucker.com
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more informtion on the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 198
Universe - James J Turner - https://www.jamesjturner.com/
The Talky Bit - Interview with Maria Ede-Weaving - https://store.druidry.org/products/essential-book-of-druidry
Follow the River - Green Diesel - http://greendieselfolk.com/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 197
Liffrea - Skyhenge - https://skyhenge.bandcamp.com/
The Talky Bit - Interview with Jason Mankey - https://www.llewellyn.com/author.php?author_id=4751
Jay Morgan - The Sycamore Gap - https://www.youtube.com/@scottishkitchengarden3199
Tree chant - Eyal Amiel
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 196
Wander - Fae as Folk - https://linktr.ee/faeasfolk
The Talky Bit - Kate Johnson talks about the Sacred Sun from this year’s Pagan Federation North West conference - https://www.paganfed.org/
The Road of Life - Ravel Lumba - https://raveldude.bandcamp.com/album/oneself
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 195
A Druid’s Path - Adam Brough - https://www.tiktok.com/@adambroughdruid
Deep - Darkewood Music - https://darkewoodmusic.bandcamp.com/
Future meets the Past - James J Turner - https://www.jamesjturner.com/
The Talky Bit - Sacred Animals, Refreshing Connections - presented by Gordon MacLellan at the Pagan Federation North West conference - https://creepingtoad.com/
The White Hind - Green Diesel - http://greendieselfolk.com/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 194
O Ruin - Hexfellow - https://open.spotify.com/track/4p6vPbith13xFFUQZlR53r?si=jnbcpHQdSni5chipL7TNnQ
Talk recorded at the Pagan Federation North West - Mhara Starling - Welsh Faeries and Magic - https://linktr.ee/mhara_starling
Cauldron of Changes - Chantras - https://sites.google.com/view/chantraspaganmusicgroup/home
Damh and Cerri's new Green Grimoire YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@greengrimoire
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Order and the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 193 - Damh Solo Show
The Talky Bit - Druidry, the Wheel of the Year, and the Awen - Damh the Bard
Colloquy of the Oak and Holly King - Damh the Bard and Cerri Lee
Under a Beltane Sun - Damh the Bard
Lughnasadh Dance - Damh the Bard
Samhain Eve - Damh the Bard
Cerridwen and Taliesin - Damh the Bard
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard
Damh the Bard Website - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information on OBOD and the Druid Tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 193
Thundersbarrow Hill - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk
The Talky Bit - Interview with Cazi Brook on Norse Paganism
Cumberland Gap - The Cracked Pot Ramblers - crackedpotramblers.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-moonflower-sound
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Show notes for DruidCast Episode 191
Winter in a Strange Town - Oddfellows Casino - https://oddfellowscasino.com/
The Talky Bit - Interview with JJ Middleway - https://enchantingthevoid.co.uk/
Mycelium - Bear Witch Project - https://bearwitchproject.bandcamp.com/album/bear-witch-project-vol-1
DruidCast prize - Hare Spring Bells - https://www.wytch.co.uk/shop/p/bluebells
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information about the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 190
Ostara - Deloraine = https://www.deloraine.cz/
Fireside Chats with Eimear - Billy Stewart and Kate Collison - Bards, Ovates and Druids Tartan - https://www.newforesttartan.co.uk/
Fireside Chat Video on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/live/2dtOp8s91H0
Holly king - Kim Thompsett - https://www.kimthompsett.com/
DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - https://www.paganmusic.co.uk/
For more information on the Druid tradition - https://druidry.org/
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