In 2025, Chinese health tonic water has become the new favorite of slightly poor young people. From brands like 'One Whole Root' to Genki Forest and Keyang, the market competition is fierce. Health tonic water is 'involutional' in terms of taste, ingredients, packaging, etc. The industry predicts that the market scale will exceed 10 billion by 2028, but it also faces problems such as homogenization and channel competition. The cover is an abstract and colorful picture, representing different flavors of Chinese health tonic water like intertwined colorful rivers. Among them, various unique bottle shapes loom faintly, symbolizing the richness and vitality of the health tonic water market. The next super drink for slightly poor young people: Chinese health tonic water.
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2025 年,美国欲禁 TikTok,引发‘Tiktok 难民潮’涌入小红书。人们因对禁令不满,且认为小红书友善、真实。这次迁徙带来中美民间大规模交流,虽可能短暂,但意义非凡,堪称社交媒体价值的文艺复兴。
In 2025, the United States wants to ban TikTok, triggering a 'TikTok refugee tide' that pours into Xiaohongshu. This migration brings large-scale exchanges between Chinese and American people at the folk level. Refugees choose Xiaohongshu due to dissatisfaction with the ban and other social platforms. This place is full of friendliness and prepares tutorials for immigrants. Although it may be short-lived, it is like a Renaissance of social media value, reflecting that the integration of life cannot be stopped. An abstract painting shows people of different skin colors standing between two huge social app icons. A colorful ribbon connects them. The background is gorgeous network data lines, symbolizing cross-border exchanges and integration. Chinese and American netizens meet on Xiaohongshu within 48 hours.
30 岁学画画来得及吗?插画师方块子在欧洲求学后,开设图像叙事工作坊,带领零基础学员重拾纯真创造力。节目分享方块子的斜杠人生与独特教学,探讨绘画的魅力与价值。
Is it too late to start learning to draw at the age of 30? This episode invites slash youth Fang Kuai Zi to share her story of being attracted by European comics and then going to Paris to study. She also opened an image narrative workshop. In the workshop, the students regain their innocent creativity and know themselves through painting. Come and listen to her wonderful adventure! The cover is an abstract painting. Colorful brushes are intertwined into wings of dreams, representing unlimited creativity. In the center of the wings, a person is holding a paintbrush and looking firmly into the distance, symbolizing the slash youths who bravely pursue their painting dreams. Everyone can be a cartoonist once in this life. It's still not too late at the age of 30!
2025 年已至,你是否还在为过去一年未完成的计划而迷茫?《掌控习惯》告诉我们,决定命运的不是大事件,而是小习惯。从英国自行车队的逆袭到作者朋友的减重,再到作者自身的成长,都证明了习惯的力量。新的一年,让我们从掌控习惯开始,实现自我重启。
2025 has arrived. How can we restart ourselves in the new year? "Atomic Habits" tells you the answer. From the comeback of the British cycling team to the weight loss of the author's friend and the author's own growth experience, it elaborates on the power of habits. The book divides habit formation into four stages and gives specific methods to help you master habits and achieve a better self. The cover is an abstract clock with the hands slightly tilted, representing the small changes in habits. Surrounded by shining lights, it symbolizes the positive impact of habits. The background is a blurred life path. Different directions imply that habits can change destiny. In 2025, the fastest way to restart oneself.
Explore the AI side hustle track and unlock the wealth code! Tailored for ordinary people, covering fields such as painting, writing, and video. Short-term projects realize quick returns, and long-term projects have huge potential. Choose the right project and persevere for half a year, and you can also become a big shot in the AI wave. The cover presents an abstract digital wave representing AI, with various flashing creative elements such as paintbrushes, words, and lenses, symbolizing different AI side hustle tracks. The colors are gorgeous and full of a futuristic feel.
2025 年,AI 副业赛道成普通人财富密码。文章从确定方向、能力圈到选项目,推荐了 AI 绘画、写作、视频相关的多种副业,并分享实战经验认知。抓住 AI 浪潮,选对赛道坚持下去,你也能成为大咖。
2025 年 CES,中国参展商数量创新高。李泽湘带领的 XbotPark 创业公司表现亮眼,旗下 LiberLive 无弦吉他、Lymow One 割草机器人等产品成绩斐然,从全球市占率第一到众筹金额超高。这些创新产品涵盖多个领域,为科技爱好者带来全新体验。
I 时代新机遇:年轻人靠可灵半年赚 30 万》,讲述西羊石团队用可灵等工具,靠制作视频、知识付费半年赚 30 万,也有年轻人如菜鸟、薯条在 AI 领域探索。同时介绍可灵的特点及行业竞争,探讨其未来能否持续搞钱。
探索极简创业模式,60 天行动计划助你赚到第一个 1000 美元!无需大量粉丝,掌握写作与销售技能,设置数字店面,明确销售内容,提供微型 offer,开启创业之旅。
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