
  • Many view the Bible as restrictive, oppressive, and irrelevant, while others love it, live by it, and hear God through it.

    Maybe you heard the Bible offers hope for life, but do you struggle to experience it? Or maybe someone told you that reading the Bible will improve your marriage, family, or finances, but ever since you started reading it, your life seems to be falling apart.

    If reading the Bible has left you confused or frustrated, you are not alone.

    Join us as we continue our Between The Lines series and delve into practical steps to read the Bible more effectively, understand its context, and apply its teaching to transform ourselves and touch lives.

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  • Are you struggling to understand the Bible? Do you ever find it confusing, outdated, or irrelevant? Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible in a way that reveals its deeper meaning and bigger story?

    Maybe you've tried but just can't seem to get it. Perhaps you got confused, bored, and gave up. Many people admit they are too busy or distracted.

    But, maybe you want to understand and just don't know where to start! This series is for you!

    We are kicking off our very special series Between The Lines. Together, let's discover ways to understand the bigger story, the deeper meaning, and the closer relationship the Bible invites us into. Join us as we learn to read between the lines.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49278239
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Are there some memories from your past that bother you with pain and guilt? Are there hard things that struck deep in your heart but you wish to forget?

    Remembering God’s faithfulness and goodness gives us the courage we need to flourish, and the compassion we need to love others like God loves us.


    ABOUT OUR CURRENT SERIES: “Living Lightly”
    In a world burdened by pressures and heaviness, we sometimes find ourselves seeking solutions that leave us even more hopeless than when we began. This series is a challenge to embrace Jesus’s way, which shows us that real rest, freedom, and a life of influence are often found in embracing the right tensions instead of letting go of them.


    Echo.Church is a place to experience community and discover God’s purpose for your life.
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  • We all look forward to living peacefully and lightly. But life isn’t always perfect. We don’t always feel strong or hopeful. Maybe you are experiencing pain in the form of loss, illness, depression, grief, suffering, or something along those lines.

    But God wants to remind you that His grace is sufficient for you! Even if you are alone or depressed, even if you are battling pain or illness, even if you do not have enough money.

    How is God’s grace sufficient? How is His comfort and power abundant for you?

    Join us today as we continue our Living Lightly series. Together, let us understand how to live lightly even amidst trials and pain. Let us together understand how God’s presence never leaves us…even when you feel lost.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49252143
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Living lightly is sometimes about an internal peace that surpasses understanding. But sometimes, our sense of heaviness comes from our loved ones.

    When people around you are being hurt, do you know how much to help? Do you know how to appropriately share their burdens? Do you have boundaries knowing that they are responsible for their life to an extent?

    Join us today as we continue our Living Lightly series. Together, let us learn from Jesus how to embrace these tensions as Christians and find a balance between burdens and boundaries.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49252142
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Are you haunted by voices of guilt from the past? Are you weary of people judging you or others? Do you question the role of religion in people's lives?

    God's desire for His relationship with us is not meant to be heavy or judgmental. Instead, He wants to make us guilt-free, joyous, and peaceful.

    Join us today as we continue our Living Lightly series. Together, let’s learn from the Bible, how we can place our past and burdens into God's hands and live a life that is untroubled and light.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49252141
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Do you ever struggle with balancing work and rest? Are you sometimes confused about when to push and when to pause? Did you ever feel overwhelmed wondering if your pace is right?
    We often don’t know how to stop and be still. And if for some reason, we are forced to stop, we try to restart with our own efforts. But trusting God sometimes means moving forward, and other times it means pausing.
    Join us today as we continue our Living Lightly series. Together, let’s learn to embrace the right rhythms and tensions of moving with God depending on Him in prayer and in our work, because He is the one who can help us live lightly.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49252140
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Do you carry a lot of pressure? Be it whether from ourselves or from expectations other people project on us. Did you ever think about how life doesn’t have to be heavy or burdensome?

    And God’s plan of redemption and restoration includes women's contribution of their abilities and gifts. What importance does the Bible give to a woman’s unique role? How can women in particular take the privilege of being image-bearers of God and show how and what it means to live burden-free?

    Join us today for a very special message as we celebrate Mother’s Day and kick off our series Living Lightly. Let us together understand how Jesus empowered and dignified women to have a sacred significance and how they play a very important role in leading themselves and the rest into living free and living lightly.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49252139
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Have you ever felt torn between what you want and what you think God wants for you? Maybe you’re confident about what you think God says about sexuality and gender, or perhaps you’re grappling with reshaping your beliefs because of someone you care about.

    Some people are solid on their beliefs but struggle to show love, while others are all about love but seem to switch beliefs often. But there’s a third way to navigate this.

    Join us today as we conclude one of our most reflective series Wonderfully Made. Together, let’s learn from the Bible and Jesus how we personify God to the world and bring healing to a broken culture by embracing grace and truth at the same time.

  • One way we experience division within ourselves might be when our biological sex and our gender don’t seem to align. For some, this can be a deeply painful experience called gender dysphoria; for others, it may be just a nagging sense inside of you that something is off.

    Today, we have a special guest, Son Byrd, who will share his personal journey navigating gender dysphoria. We will tackle gender stereotypes, the definition of gender, and restoration.

    Join us as we continue our journey through our Wonderfully Made series. Let’s unpack together how God wants us to show his intentions for the diversity and harmony of the creation He designed.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49231016
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • What do you long for most in life? Some desire better friends, romance, and love, while others desire power, success, or money. Maybe you crave sexual fulfillment or physical pleasure.

    Have you ever wondered where those desires come from? Is it wrong to have them?


    ABOUT OUR CURRENT SERIES: “Wonderfully Made”
    Cultural changes around topics of gender and sexuality have left many confused, often unsatisfied with who they are, and uncertain about how to respond with clarity and compassion to a conversation that has become increasingly polarizing.

    Join us as we journey in unity with other Bay Area churches in a teaching series called Wonderfully Made. Together, we’ll explore how God’s incredible design for our bodies reveals the beauty and value of every person.

  • Who or what has shaped your view of sex? Whether we like it or not, we’ve all been shaped by influences that have distorted our view of sexuality in some way.

    What is God saying to you in light of this bigger picture of sexuality? Sexuality is an integral part of our bodies and our lives that creates intimacy with Him.

    Join us today as we delve deep into God’s word how sex is a gateway to a divine mystery. Together, let’s unpack the ways of understanding God’s creation in a way that was designed for us to flourish.

    ✅ Check in to let support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49231014
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Over the last few years, we have seen significant cultural shifts around the topics of gender, sexuality, and the body. These changes have left many of us feeling insecure or confused about how to respond with the unconditional love of Jesus, but also with faithfulness to God's Word.

    Our desire for this series is to build bridges, not walls. We want every person in the Bay Area to know their incredible worth, understand the beauty of their design, and step into their identity as a human being that was wonderfully made by a loving Creator.

    Join us as we unite in our teaching series Wonderfully Made. As each of us is uniquely made, let’s together indulge in this series to bring clarity and beauty into a conversation that has often been creating distances instead of love among us.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin
    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49231013
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • We all know our time here is limited, but have you ever wondered if death marks the end of everything? Or perhaps there's something beyond? And if there is, does it overshadow every other concern we have?

    Regardless of our beliefs or current state of mind, the curiosity about life after death is universal. Sometimes we forget that there's a historical figure who supposedly conquered death, suggesting that we might be able to do the same. But where's the evidence?

    This Easter Sunday, join us for a special message from Pastor Filipe. Together, let's delve into the possibility of overcoming death, which might otherwise seem inevitable.

    ✅ Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin

    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49222848
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Do you feel like you have everything and nothing at the same time? Or do you feel like what you have is never enough? We often find ourselves working hard but producing little, gaining much but feeling empty, or consuming more yet being less satisfied.

    God set the people free, so that they could bring hope and freedom to others, but they got comfortable and forgot the reason they came back to the land. The calling to rebuild the Temple was a calling to extend God’s presence and blessing to the nations. We are blessed to bless, but often we take the blessings and run.
    Join us today, as we conclude our series BLESSABLE. Let’s together understand how our motives and ambitions can be turned into real lasting blessings and how we could in turn be a blessing to our family, friends, and our community.

    ✅ Check in to let support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin

    📝 Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49222847
    ✋ Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Our circumstances do not limit God’s blessings. Even during tough times, we have His favor. However, we often forget this when faced with hardships. We may think it’s okay to compromise on our values under the pressures we face today.

    Are your choices leading you to the life you want? God’s desire is for us always to make choices that will bring blessings into our lives. He values our character more than our possessions or actions. God delights in blessing people who are pure in heart and who are a blessing to others. But how can we develop that lasting blessable character?

    Join us today as we continue our series Blessable. Let’s explore what the Bible teaches us about living a life of freedom, where we have nothing to hide, nothing to feel insufficient, but only have joy and contentment.

    Check in to let support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin

    Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49222845
    Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • What comes to your mind when you hear God saying you are made for greater things than just running a healthy or wealthy life on Earth? Do you feel like God is using you for His work, or do you feel blessed that He has chosen you to do so? Whatever you feel, above and above all, God cares more than you about what you are already holding in your personal life.

    Doing the work doesn’t mean we are doing something for Him. Then what does it mean? How can we understand why and what God’s intentions are for our lives? And how is it going to be when we keep our lives in His hands?

    Join us as we continue our series Blessable. Together, let's explore why God's intentions for us are always the best and how we can better understand His ever-blessable intentions for our lives.

    Check in to let support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin

    Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49222843
    Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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  • Have you been too busy and stopped to think about what it means to be blessed by God? Is a blessed life always prosperous? Do you have questions on why some people have certain blessings while others don't?

    This message is for you!

    Let's embark on a journey of discovering the true meaning of blessing through our new series Blessable. Let's learn how to be a blessing to our family, friends, and people around us, and in turn, experience the true joy of being blessed.

    Check in to let support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin

    Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49206763
    Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
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    Need Prayer? → TEXT our prayer line: (408) 716-1675

  • Have you ever forgotten something that you promised to your child, family, or friend? Or have you ever taken on more than you could handle for a group project as a student? Breaking promises happens to many of us at some point.

    Yes, words are powerful. As God’s children, why is it important to keep the promises? What would happen if we became unbreakable with our promises and words? How would being a promise-keeper impact our marriages, friendships, and relationship with God?

    Join us as we conclude our series “Not easily broken”. Together, let's explore what the Bible teaches us about why and how we can become people who are not easily broken by being committed to our words.

    Check in to let support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll receive a free digital gift card! https://echo.church/checkin

    Follow along with the message notes → https://bible.com/events/49206762
    Decided to follow Jesus? We’d love to guide you in the next steps! → https://echo.church/yes
    If this message encourages you, share it with a friend, and like and subscribe so you don’t miss our latest videos.
    Need Prayer? → TEXT our prayer line: (408) 716-1675