Der glänzt mit #MehrWertWissen rund um die Hotellerie und Gastronomie. Garniert mit der typischen Prise klönt Sascha Brenning mit spannenden HOGA-Persönlichkeiten über Themen, die Hotels und Gastrobetriebe bewegen. Jetzt kostenlos abonnieren auf
What if you could increase your productivity by 300% in just 6 months? Your life would totally change! And that’s what Stuttering Your Way To Success with Erik Weir is going to teach you how to do.
Maybe you have big goals to make drastic changes, or maybe you have accomplished a lot already and are ready for the next level… either way, this show is going to give you the raw, honest, actionable steps you can take to start turning those visions into reality without sacrificing your health and relationships along the way.
Join your host, Erik Weir, founder of Weir Capital Management, author of Who’s Eating Your Pie: Essential Financial Advice That Will Transform Your Life, and motivational speaker on entrepreneurism, film, and goal setting, as he motivates and inspires you to dream big and do bigger.
Your own thoughts might be the things holding you back, and Erik is going to teach you how to overcome those limiting beliefs for long-lasting transformation. Utilizing the 5 Fs–Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Friends–along with Erik’s signature FOCUS METHOD, you will finish each episode feeling equipped to live a productive and impactful life that leaves a legacy you can be extremely proud of.
Erik will also be bringing on some of his A-list, high-achieving, and super inspirational friends and expert guests on the show to share their stories and inspire you to strive for even higher heights.
If you’re ready to start making a major impact on not only your life but the lives of everyone else around you, this is the podcast for you. Learn more about the show and Erik here: -
أجلس أنا حاتم النجار كل ثلاثاء مع ضيف مميز، وأنقل لكم تجاربه وقصصه وأفكاره المثرية.
Ideje o zavesti, vesolju, drogah, naši kulturi, tehnologiji in prihodnosti človeštva ... AIDEA je potovanje k samouresničitvi in globljemu razumevanju medsebojne povezanosti vesolja.
Vodi Klemen Selakovič. -
“Share Of Voice” is a podcast about the power of discovering your voice and sharing your truth in the process. Hosted by journalist Karin Eldor, each episode features compelling conversations with the wave makers and game changers on our radar. Less “how I built this” and more “how I make noise,” guests will share how they amp it up in their work. Do they express themselves boldly in their OOTDs or beauty looks, on their social media channels, or in every way, on the daily? It’s about creating ripple effects. Feeling heard. Shaking up the status quo and breaking way out of the boxes that society has imposed on us. We’ll discuss doubling down on yourself unapologetically, and raising your frequency so much that you take up ALL. THE. SPACE. Prepare for inspiring soundbites and mic drop moments, from the disruptors who have made a living from living out loud. You ready to get loud af? For more details on upcoming guests and past episodes, follow Karin on Instagram @alwayskarin.
How can you create an unshakeable business? My name is Leila Hormozi and I crossed $100M by the age of 28. Now I’m growing into a billion-dollar portfolio. In this podcast, I share the lessons I’ve learned in scaling big businesses and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, Let's BUILD.
New Episodes Every Monday & Wednesday! -
Willkommen zu Staffel 2 des Podcast "Arbeit Bildung Zukunft"!
💡Diese Staffel konzentriert sich auf den Wissenstransfer von der Wissenschaft in die Wirtschaft, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf die Bereiche Arbeitswelt, Bildung und zukunftsweisenden Themen wie Digitalisierung, Fachkräftesicherung und nachhaltige Transformation.
🧩 Erfahrt, wie ihr Dinge aus anderen Perspektiven sehen könnt, um innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln, die Bildung und Fachkräfte fördern und die Zukunft digital und nachhaltig zu gestalten. Gemeinsam mit meinen Gästen, möchte ich die Augen öffnen für die Bedeutung von wissenschaftlichem Wissenstransfer und wie dieser dabei helfen kann, Unternehmen noch erfolgreicher und zukunftsfähig zu gestalten.
🌟 Freut euch auf spannende Einblicke, inspirierende Praxisbeispiele, Geschichten und wertvolle Tipps aus erster Hand von Experten aus der Wissenschaft. Verpasst nicht die Gelegenheit, euer Wissen zu erweitern und damit neue Impulse im Unternehmen zu setzen. -
One of the most fundamental of human needs is to know that who we are and what we do matter. As leaders in business, we have the unique opportunity to let our team members know that they do. And when they feel valued and cared for at work, they return home and enjoy better relationships with their loved ones, friends, neighbors and others.
This world needs Truly Human Leadership.
On this podcast, you’ll hear about what it means to be conscious leaders and have a conscious business. You'll hear from voices of inspirational leadership like Simon Sinek, Amy Cuddy, Raj Sisodia of Conscious Capitalism and many more. You'll also hear stories and insights learned through Barry-Wehmiller and it's CEO Bob Chapman’s transformation to traditional business management to Truly Human Leadership. -
Women of Wayland is a podcast born out of the core belief that the most unassuming women around us have the most remarkable of stories to tell. This podcast started in a small peaceful community of Wayland, in Greater Boston Area.
Stories of our women paint a beautiful inspiring picture. Even in a small town an individual can affect positive change that can impact the world. We want to celebrate them! Every episode, we will get into soulful conversations that explore a unique side of the guest. -
What if you could explore the world, no matter your budget?
Are you tired of putting off that dream vacation because of your finances?
Wish you could explore new destinations more regularly without going broke? Well, you’re in the right place!
Welcome, financially savvy travelers!
If you’re passionate about traveling and want to get your finances in order, The Thought Card has you covered with practical money-saving tips and travel hacks to help you create unforgettable travel experiences.
From building a travel fund to finding cheap flights and other traveling hacking tips, enjoy luxury travel at a fraction of the cost.
Join Danielle Desir Corbett every other week as she shares creative ways to achieve your travel dreams and obtain financial freedom.
We cover topics like:
- How to save for a trip
- How to score cheap flights and save on hotels
- Things to do at some of the top travel destinations worldwide
- Tips for traveling for free (or nearly free)
- The best travel rewards credit cards
- How to pay off debt while exploring the globe, and so much more!
As a travel expert and author of six books, Danielle has traveled to 27+ countries, including favorites like Iceland, Bermuda, and China. She'll help you boost your travel savings and explore extensively without accumulating credit card debt.
This travel podcast is perfect for anyone looking to take more vacations with family and friends, develop healthy financial habits, and make informed financial decisions that pave the way for a lifetime of travel adventures.
Follow The Thought Card on your favorite podcast platform! To learn more, including reading our award-winning blog, visit
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Connect with Danielle Desir Corbett on Twitter: @thethougtcard and Instagram: @thedanielledesir
If you love road trip podcasts, check out Road Trip Ready Podcast for inspiration and planning tips, hosted by Danielle Desir Corbett and Christopher Rudder at -
Mary Baird, CSEP - Creative Entrepreneur, Business Coach and Undercover Superhero has one goal in simplify your life. Each episode breaks down topics in business + life and SIMPLIFIES them! Interviewing smart people from all over the world, we will discover new insights, simple action items and spark fresh ideas to help you DO. THE. THING! in an educational, informational and entertaining way. Cash flow, simplified. Productivity, simplified. Becoming a vegan, simplified. Sort my life out, simplified. Whether you're just starting a small business or seeking simplicity and clarity in a NOISY world, tune in for advice and inspiration on creativity, marketing, mindset, branding, fear, motivation, sales, wellness and deep contentment. Episodes are released every Tuesday and Friday, for simplicity sake.
Do you feel stuck? Did you think you would be somewhere else in life by now? Join singer-songwriter duo Jill and Kate, as they sell their belongings, hit the road, try to re-ignite creativity, and get fun back in their lives. They're taking a journey and they're taking you with them...discussing what to do when life doesn't go the way you planned. They aren't afraid to talk openly about failure, fears. and how to get fun back in your life--they'll even be interviewing "fun-spiration" guests. This podcast will hopefully make you laugh, cry, and inspire you to get unstuck too.
We coach small business owners to uncover the things they cannot see, and implement systems and processes that help them live their business on purpose
We explore the lives, careers, and advocacies of people who want to create positive impact in the world.
Reese Fernandez-Ruiz (founder of Rags2Riches and Things That Matter) and Tom Graham (founder of MAD Travel and author of The Genius of the Poor) are joined by other social entrepreneurs to discuss the ins and outs of doing good.
If you’re someone who’s looking for inspiration, positive stories, and opportunities to pursue meaning and purpose, you’re In Good Company. -
Basically I like to talk on Saturdays the podcast is based around sex. Sundays is for the stoners, and the days that I upload during the week is about my life. join the party im just a not so normal weirdo. I will never be perfect and I will never try to be. actually I take pride in standing out and being different. if you could use the comfort of this podcast stick around.
If you’re a small business owner who wants to learn effective business strategies, improve time management, and elevate productivity to maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most, this podcast is for you!
Amber is a sought-after coach, trainer, speaker, writer and the creator of Leverage Lab®. Amber gives small business owners the straight talk on what it takes to reduce stress, be productive, and grow your business.
Tune in and subscribe to get the straight talk on productivity, time management, business systems, leading your team, strategic decision making, and mindset. Also hear Amber interview guests about their expertise and insights on other business topics.
Want one-on-one business support? Get coached on productivity, time management, business systems, leading your team, strategic decision making, and mindset so you can reduce stress, reclaim time, and increase profits during private coaching sessions with Amber tailored specifically to help you and your small business succeed! Head on over to for more info! -
Guy Kawasaki is on a mission to make you remarkable. His Remarkable People podcast features interviews with remarkable people such as Jane Goodall, Marc Benioff, Woz, Kristi Yamaguchi, and Bob Cialdini. Every episode will make you more remarkable.
Using his decades of experience in Silicon Valley as a Venture Capitalist and advisor to the top entrepreneurs in the world, Guy’s questions come from a place of curiosity and passion for technology, start-ups, entrepreneurship, and marketing.
Listeners of the Remarkable People podcast will learn from some of the most successful people in the world with practical tips and inspiring stories that will help you be more remarkable.
Like this show? Please leave us a review -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
Welcome to the Wizards of Ecom podcast. The official podcast of the Wizards of Ecom and the Wizards of Amazon Meetup group. The goal of this podcast can be summed up simply: #SelllersHelpingSellers . While the slant is heavily towards Amazon FBA and Private Label, the podcast shares actionable tips and tactics for all areas of online selling.
▼Twitterもよろしく!▼ -
“Let’s talk about it.” Death and dying is one of those topics that’s just hard to talk about. We know that we will all have to face it one day, but we put that “difficult” conversation off until tomorrow. Or the day after… Well it doesn’t have to be that way.
The people we talk to on this podcast are people who do talk about it. They’re people who have learnt through personal experience how important it is to talk about our wishes before it’s too late, and they have a lot to say. Whether you’ve been bereaved, have a family member who’s approaching the end of life, want to support a friend, or just want to know how to start the conversation for yourself, this podcast is for you.
Dying Matters is a part of Hospice UK ( , the national charity for hospice care. Registered in England and Wales No. 2751549. Charity registered in England and Wales No. 1014851, and in Scotland No. SC041112.