
  • Over the next few episodes, Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri will be addressing some of the thorny issues of our modern age, filtering them through the elements of narrative theology that we've been exploring over this series such as forming habits, assessing status, accepting, blocking, etc.

    Our patrons chose transhumanism as the first topic: a vision of moving beyond the constraints of mortality, illness and suffering, eradicating poverty and scarcity, and enhancing our condition and current capabilities, through the use of science and technology.

    Some Christians accept this without reservation as a rather hopeful vision of what's possible for humanity and other Christians move to block transhumanism immediately as incompatible and even Satanic. What does it look like to over-accept instead, re-framing it within the fuller story of God?

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  • Whether through improv, songs or stories, audiences are delighted when the narrative draws to an end and elements that had been seemingly discarded are brought back into play. In fact, "Reincorporating the Lost" is necessary to bring a fulfilling conclusion to any story (just ask a child whose parent has attempted to summarize the ending to a plot!).

    As those lost things that we thought had been written out of the story start to re-appear, we must be aware of the final act drawing nearer, and as a church and as individuals joyfully incorporate those things back into the story. Are we listening to those once-silenced voices? Are we befriending the lost? Are we changing our habits based on the full story instead of just the part of the story we have inherited?

    Fr Yuri and Fr Geoffrey reflect on this and discuss ways of practicing "reincorporating the lost" so that it becomes a habit in our lives.

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  • Instead of a binary decision between accepting gifts without discernment, or blocking them without engagement (neither of which would make for good improv theatre), there is also a third option, that of over-accepting, which focuses on the way we receive the gift.

    Rather than focus on what the gift IS, or what the gift is FOR, or even whether it is good or bad, we can focus on what the gift COULD BE. In the context of narrative theology, how can this gift be understood in a faithful way? What does the way we accept the gift say about the kind of people that we are and want to be? What can this gift become in the larger story of God as we move the narrative forward towards the final and fifth act?

    Fr Yuri and Fr Geoffrey discuss the idea of "over-accepting", an active way of receiving that allows us to keep our identity and our relevance in the story, while being faithful to the story that has already unfolded and the story that is yet to come.

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  • In the previous episode "Accepting & Blocking", we discussed the importance in improv of using the strategy of "Yes, and..." to further the narrative. Of course, there are multiple ways of saying yes, and often this requires us to question givens. The givens we assume can imprison the way we think and act, but when we question those givens we can receive them as gifts and re-connect to the wider narrative.

    There is ultimately only one unquestionable given: God and His story.

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri discuss another maxim of improv theatre, "Don't be bound by your format", and reflect on the current debate in Canada about assisted suicide to illustrate why questioning givens is so vital.

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  • "I'm not your mom, and you're actually a dog".

    A ridiculous reply, without a doubt (especially taken out of context, but you'll have to listen to the podcast for that). Tragically, the Church sounds precisely like this most of the time.

    A blocking response like this one is based on fear. Fear that we cannot let go of control of the narrative, fear that the story will not unfold in the right way. And what does that say about our ultimate trust in God?

    Accepting an offer, and moving the narrative forward, requires a "Yes, and..." response. Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri discuss how to say "Yes, and..." and also whether there is a place for "no" within the model of accepting offers.

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  • "Assessing Status" is a game that improv actors use to develop their skills, and it's also a game that we play daily as we interact with other people. It's part of the context of every relationship, every encounter.

    High and low status are neither good nor bad in and of themselves, but both are assumed as roles and can be used to move the narrative forward. Status is also complex and is hardly fixed — it shifts backwards and forwards between high and low as we interact with others.

    Fr Yuri and Fr Geoffrey explore examples of this status narrative in the Scriptures and in church history. As we continue on in the fourth act of this five act play, how do we assess and work out what role we as Christians have to address the world and the issues of the day? Spoiler: we don't always have to assume high status!

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  • In this episode, Fr Yuri and Fr Geoffrey reflect on a chapter in Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics by Samuel Wells... well, Fr Yuri improvises his part in the reflection (and a good job he does, indeed!).

    We make a mistake when we think of ethics as only being issues and struggles that interrupt our "normal life". In fact, this view is entirely unbiblical and untraditional. We need to think of ethics as the ongoing practice of the Good, so that we have the instincts and habits in order so that we are always acting in accordance with our second nature, a second nature that has been formed by "doing all the drills", living the right way, as children of God being formed increasingly in His likeness.

    What are these drills? What habits do we need to work on? How do we attain the disponibilité or relaxed awareness, that Sam Wells writes of? Listen in!

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  • If life is a play, indeed a drama, what are our lines?

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri explore the analogy of God's story as a five act play, where we have intimate knowledge of the three acts that have come before, book-ended by intimate knowledge of the final act, while in the midst of act four.

    As Christians we often look for a script, or mistakenly think we already have and know the script, when in reality this is an unscripted act. We have to improvise. With utter fidelity, we must receive the tradition that has been given us (acts 1-3), and honour the telos we are headed towards (act 5). We must train, so that we instinctively react in the right way when faced with any given situation, to properly enact God's story in the world.

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  • We enter into our new series, Narrative Theology, by considering what it means to do the right thing, and by what methods we should discern what the right thing is anyway. Ethics are based on stories such as what a human person is, what the goal of our being is, and what constitutes a good life. As Christians, our ethics are based on the greatest story of all: the story of God.

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri discuss the different branches of ethics that many modern-day Christians subscribe to, and the ecclesial ethic that early Christians followed, an ethic which we should strive to return to. It is an ethic that is practiced, like one perfects their craft, until it becomes a habit, and habit becomes character, and character forms us to be people who will respond in any given situation by enacting the Kingdom, God’s shalom, God’s peace, for all of creation.

    This series on Narrative Theology will centre around internalizing this ethic so that as the Church we can faithfully encounter every situation, including the situations that we never anticipated, without fear, because we’ll have become the right kind of people. God’s people.

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  • We come to the final episode of our series on Your Liturgical Bible, which has been focused on the pillars of the bible and its narrative themes, connecting what's written in the bible with what we do through ritual.

    We have seen that in the Orthodox church, liturgical worship is the primary way we experience the Scriptures, express our faith and experience our relationship with God. There is a dynamic relationship between the old and new covenant and our own participation in the Liturgy, a continuous interplay, an eternal present in which God acts.

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri draw on a number of themes today, including the prophets Habbakuk and Jonah, comic-con, compost and gardening - it all comes together, trust me! They also discuss the beauty of reclaiming narrative theology, and whether or not bible study has a place in Orthodoxy.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • The core theme of the Scriptures could be considered to be the theme of monarchy. Initially the biblical narrative seems to imply that having a king would be desirable, despite prophetic warnings against, and then we see the kings of Israel fail again and again. So is it a good idea to have a king, or not? The fact is, our human expectations of kingship result in kings that fail. All kings will fall short because our king is meant to be God himself.

    As we sing at Saturday vespers, "The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty"!

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • The imagery of land and promised land in the Scriptures can be lost on those of us who live in lands of abundance. But we must also be careful to understand that the promised land is not merely imagery. It is a very real parcel of territory from which God's promises are shown to move out into the world.

    There can be a tendency amongst Christian to universalize everything, insisting on symbolism and downplaying the very concrete reality of the promises that were made to Israel. However, as St Augustine tells us, in order for Christ to be the fulfillment of these promises, it is necessary that they were real in the first place.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • As we see in the Scriptures, the Israelites had a very mature, deep and rich understanding of what it means to be an image of God. Interestingly, the word used for being an image of God is also the same word that is used for an idol, showing a duality we need to be cautious of, and the importance of ordering ourselves according to the divine and not according to our own flesh.

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri flesh out this idea (please forgive the pun!), as well as show how this biblical imagery is expressed liturgically and enacted in our day to day lives.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • Christians like to tout that the Bible is all about family values, but what do we really mean by that? In fact, the very first thing that happens in God's plan of salvation is that Abram is told to abandon his family and nation in order to form a new family by which, God promises, all families will be blessed.

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri discuss this ambiguity around family that runs right through the Scriptures, the meaning and beauty of being adopted into God's family, and the family values that the Scriptures truly stand behind.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • What did Second Temple Jews believe about Sheol, the realm of the dead, and resurrection? There are resurrection - or bodily resuscitation - accounts throughout the scriptures, so how did the various sects interpret those accounts? Were they considered symbolic, historic or prophetic, personal or communal?

    In this episode of Your Liturgical Bible, Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri search the scriptures to better understand how Christ's resurrection is set apart, and how we as Christians are called to proclaim and to live according to this truth - a sign of the new age, a permanent new way of being in creation.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • Typically, and sadly, when we hear the words "life after death", we think of what happens to our soul after our body dies. Maybe it even spurs us to make sure that we are doing the proper things, thinking the proper way, checking the right boxes, achieving a spiritual condition that will assure we are on the right side of that equation.

    The scriptural narrative of life after death shares a much deeper understanding, one of creation and new creation. This is not an individual story, but a communal one, and what we do in this world matters. Everything matters. As Fr Geoffrey shares from a beautiful Rabbinic tradition, planting a tree matters. As Fr Yuri shares from personal experience, cleaning the house for your wife matters. You'll have to listen to see how profound that analogy is. :)

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri also speak about baptism, when we learn to "walk in newness of life", and to participate daily in God's renewal of creation.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • When we hear the word "ark", many of us think of Noah or Moses (...or perhaps Indiana Jones). What is an ark? What are we meant to call to mind when we read about arks in the scriptures, and how does this biblical imagery express itself in our liturgical worship?

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri explore these questions, and caution that we are not meant to be stuck within an Old Testament understanding of the ark, but rather we are meant to acknowledge its fulfillment in Christ.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • Time to get uncomfortable! Instead of trying to explain away the "lowercase g" gods, Fr Yuri and Fr Geoffrey define what is meant by the "Divine Council", both in common parlance and also within the Orthodox context and understanding. As we read the scriptures and participate in the liturgy, it's important to understand what monotheism is, and what it isn't, so that we can engage in theosis and answer the invitation to the heavenly realm.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • Wind, breath and spirit. In English we have these three words, but there is just one word in the Hebrew (ruach) and the Greek (pneuma). In fact, there are many more metaphorical applications of this word, such as air, anger, blast, courage, despondency, quick-tempered, inspired, trustworthy and wrath.

    This spirit, breath and wind portrays God's action in the world - from the life-giving and animating spirit within all human beings, to the powerful blast that forcefully brings order to chaos. Fr Yuri and Fr Geoffrey explore this scriptural theme and how substituting some of these other words for ruach and pneuma can help us comprehend what it truly means when we pray for the in-dwelling of the Spirit.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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  • When we think of fire in the Bible, we may come up with images of hellfire, the judgement of God and a casting away from His presence. In actuality, fire is used in scripture as a way of God revealing Himself and His holiness. Fire is God's presence which humans encounter, which refines and purifies - and in this way, it's not wrong to think of fire as being God's judgement. Could it be that those fires of hell are not a sign of God's absence, but rather of His presence? In the Orthodox tradition, we reframe our understanding of all fire in light of this.

    Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri discuss this pattern that we see in the Scriptures, and how it is also found within our liturgical services.

    In this seventh public season of Enacting the Kingdom, we are releasing a series on the Your Liturgical Bible that was previously only available to our patrons. If you like what you hear, and would like access to much more, please consider supporting our project by heading to patreon.com/enactingthekingdom and choosing a tier of support. We would love to have you join our growing community!

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