
  • “Until the day it's not a possibility, it remains possible. So, stay hopeful.”

    In this heartfelt episode of 'Endings,'  Business psychologist and executive coach Hazel Showell shares her own experiences with child loss and the complex journey towards acceptance and peace. 

    With the support of her friend Charlotte Ashton, Hazel delves into the emotional and generational impacts of choosing a life without children. Through candid conversation and a powerful family systems coaching exercise, they uncover the costs and hopes intertwined in the lineage of motherhood.

    This episode is not just a tale of loss, but a tribute to the strength found in hard decisions and the hope in building a child-free life.

    Places to go if you have lost a baby or can’t have one:

    Miscarriage Association 

    Tommys.org (miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy support)

    Mind (Mental Health support)

    These resources have links for different types of support if you are affected by this issue.

    More from Hazel: 

    Visit her website: Just Hazel

    Or connect on: LinkedIn

  • "When you spend 30 years searching for someone that becomes part of your identity”

    Walter Hubley spent three decades searching for his birth family and trying to understand his heritage. 

    Business psychologist and executive coach Hazel Showell explores how more often than not what you’re looking for is what you’ll find. In this episode, you’ll hear the secret to accepting whatever it is that you find. 

    Walter always knew he was adopted, but a nagging feeling sent him into a search to find his place in the world. Walter would spend three decades on a search that takes him around the world. Along the way, Walter had to come to terms with what would happen if his search didn’t pay off and how he’d fit into his biological family.

    You can read Hazel’s accompanying blog for this episode here. 

    You can also download the acceptance worksheet here.

    And you can download the family systems worksheet here

    More from Hazel: 

    Visit her website: Just Hazel

    Or connect on: LinkedIn

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  • “This is the platform to continue telling someone’s story”

    It was experiencing personal loss that led Andy Jones to a profound career change. 

    After ending a successful career as a film producer Andy found a new role as a funeral celebrant which allows him to weave the final chapters of people's stories with dignity and depth. 

    Business psychologist and Executive Coach, Hazel Showell and Andy discuss the art of crafting meaningful farewells, the importance of storytelling in honouring a life, and the personal growth that comes from embracing change.

    This episode of ‘Endings’ will show you how a life amidst endings can teach us the true value of living.

    If you want to help whilst navigating a career change Hazel has the perfect thing for you. which you can access on her website: justhazel.co.uk. 

    You can check out Hazel’s accompanying blog here

    Hazel has a 'Different Futures' worksheet just for listeners of this episode you can find that here.

    More from Hazel…

    Visit her website: Just Hazel

    Or connect on: LinkedIn

    Connect with Andy

    Via Facebook

    Via X FKA Twitter

  • "I’m really grateful I’ve been gifted that perspective”

    Chef Mary-Ellen McTague faced two of life’s biggest tests; the loss of her business and a marriage, compounded by the revelation of her ADHD.

    Business psychologist and Executive Coach, Hazel Showell explores the intersection of life's toughest transitions and the unexpected gifts they can bring. In this episode, you’ll hear how chaos can lead to clarity and why it's never too late to embrace the gifts of neurodivergence.

    After the closure of her restaurants and the end of her marriage, a chance conversation with a friend got Mary-Ellen to think there could be a reason for her struggles.  As she grapples with the diagnosis of ADHD, discover how Mary-Ellen transforms her struggles into strengths, redefines success, and learns to practice self-compassion. It's a story that will inspire anyone who's ever felt out of step with the world around them.

    You can read Hazel's accompanying blog for this episode here

    You can also download the self-compassion worksheet here

    More from Hazel…

    Visit her website: Just Hazel

    Or connect on: LinkedIn

    Connect with Mary-Ellen

    On Instagram:@maryellenmctague. 

    Mary-Ellen's Photo Credit: Rebecca Lupton

  • “There was nothing romantic about their deaths”

    Karen Green’s life was turned upside down when both of her parents became terminally ill within a very short space of time. Karen and her brothers were forced to navigate the complexities of grief, family dynamics, and the harsh realities of illness and dementia

    Business psychologist and Executive Coach, Hazel Showell discovers the importance of seizing the moment, and having those big, difficult conversations while there is still time. You’ll hear how illnesses altered the relationships of everyone in Karen's family. Including how dementia comes with a double loss, of the person that you knew, and the person that they became. 

    Hazel has her own guide for those who are experiencing grief, which you can access here.

    As well as a worksheet on supporting people who are recently bereaved which you can access here.

    Read Hazel's accompanying blog for this episode

    More from Hazel…

    Visit her website: Just Hazel

    Or connect on: LinkedIn

    Connect with Karen

  • “I want to die as fit as possible”

    Philip Dyer decided to do something unique, he chose to end with the start in mind. When he retired from competitive Karate while he was still in his 20s, his commitment to personal well-being and his pursuit of excellence were only just beginning.

    Business psychologist and Executive Coach, Hazel Showell discovers how accepting his limitations at 20 leads Philip to even more of life’s experiences. You’ll hear the lessons Philip learnt from being a Karate champion at 17, and how they shaped his approach to the challenges that life would bring him. You’ll learn how to know if it’s the right time for an ending. 

    If you want to understand the ways you can find acceptance, then Hazel has the perfect thing for you. Click here to find Hazel’s acceptance worksheet, which you can access on her website: justhazel.co.uk. 

    You can check out Hazel’s accompanying blog for her episode with Phillip here.

    More from Hazel…

    Visit her website: Just Hazel

    Or connect on: LinkedIn

    Connect with Philip

    Via LinkedIn

  • “The brain will heal itself with time and patience”

    How can a life-changing illness be a positive experience? 

    Richard McLean has redefined his life after a stroke.   He’s had to learn to walk and talk again.  All of a sudden, Richard’s busy fulfilling job had to take a back seat whilst he learnt how to not only survive but thrive in the aftermath of a major health crisis. 

    Business psychologist and Executive Coach, Hazel Showell discovers how Richard’s acceptance of slowing down and appreciating every moment was a key aspect of his recovery.  You’ll hear how his ability to learn from failure has completely reshaped his life - and you will learn how to appreciate the present in an embodied way, through techniques like mindfulness. 

    If you want to extend your own mindfulness practice, then Hazel has the perfect thing for you. Click here to find Hazel’s free guided meditations, which you can access on her website: justhazel.co.uk. 

    You can check out Hazel’s accompanying blog for her episode with Richard here.

    Additional Resources

    Richard has written a number of blogs on his stroke recovery, which you can read here

    Here's some of his blogs relating to this conversation...

    On having a stroke

    On physical rehab

    On other aspects of recovery

    Recovering techniques/perspectives Richard Tried include:

    Tim Gallway, and his formula, performance = potential – interference

    Rolfing: (Richard’s wife’s website, she’s a Rolfer)

    If you become curious about trying some Rolfing yourself, you can see who is local to you here

    You might also want to look into the work of Carol Dweck for the growth mindset to pick yourself up and try again.

    More from Hazel…

    Visit her website: Just Hazel

    Connect on: LinkedIn

    Connect on: Twitter

    Connect with Richard McLean

    Via LinkedIn 

    Via his blog 

  • “Actually that’s enough”

    Karen Campbell William decided to retire after nearly three decades at the pinnacle of her career, she was forced to look at her priorities in life and the balance between work and family, this was truly put into perspective for Karen after housing a refugee Ukrainian family. She contemplates how this ending will redefine her identity and purpose.

    Business psychologist and Executive Coach, Hazel Showell discusses the power of recognising when enough is truly enough. In this episode, you’ll be guided in understanding when it's time to close one chapter and how to do so with grace. - and you will learn how to navigate your own endings with intention and positivity.

    Hazel has her own guide for supporting those who are considering leaving a job or changing their role which you can access here.

    You can check out Hazel’s accompanying blog for her episode with Karen here.

    More from Hazel…

    Visit her website: Just Hazel

    Connect on: LinkedIn

    Connect on: Twitter

    Connect with Karen

    Via LinkedIn  

  • When something in your life comes to an end, how do you cope?

    Join business psychologist Hazel Showell for the second series of Endings launching on Thursday 29th February.

    Every fortnight you'll hear stories from real people dealing with an ending in their life. It could be leaving a job, losing a loved one, ending a relationship or even selling a business, you'll hear what they've learned and how they've grown.

    Your host, Hazel Showell is a business psychologist with over 25 years of experience in leadership development and executive coaching, and in each episode, she will give you an actionable tool to help you navigate the endings life deals you too.

    Follow Endings to hear the first episodes on Thursday 29th Feb.

    You can learn more about Hazel's work and how you can get in touch via her website: justhazel.co.uk

    This podcast is produced by Purposeful Podcasts

  • Ep 8: This week, Hazel puts herself in the hot seat for the finale of Endings Season 1. Hazel’s story involves a life-altering diagnosis at the age of 33 and a series of events that would test even the most mentally strong. 


    Turning the spotlight on herself, Hazel is interviewed by fellow business psychologist, Hannah Jepsen. The conversation explores how the diagnosis allowed her to turn a corner, providing motivation to live every day to the fullest. Hazel even offers a time-tested formula for reframing your circumstances through the lens of self-kindness.


    If you want a better understanding of the endings happening in your own life. We have the perfect thing for you, Hazel’s 5-step worksheet, developed specifically for listeners of this podcast.

    ** Click here for your Thriving Through Endings worksheet now. **

    Want to create your own podcast? Contact Fascinate Productions to bring it to life.

  • Ep 7: What happens when a side hustle becomes so lucrative that it could change your life forever? Following his meteoric success, Andy Gray faced losing control of his passion project when he received an offer too good to refuse.


    This week, business psychologist Hazel Showell explores how Andy’s values remained unshakable throughout the merger and acquisition process despite huge changes to the structure of his business. Hazel gets to the bottom of this, explaining how staying true to your core beliefs can guide you through periods of change. 


    If you want a better understanding of the endings happening in your own life. We have the perfect thing for you, Hazel’s 5-step worksheet, developed specifically for listeners of this podcast.

    ** Click here for your Thriving Through Endings worksheet now. **

    Want to create your own podcast? Contact Fascinate Productions to bring it to life.

  • Ep 6: The freedom of starting your own business can be overwhelming, and graduates know a lot about freedom. There are boundless opportunities and a willingness to explore new challenges. It’s hard to predict what shape our careers will take - but who will we become?

    This week, business psychologist Hazel Showell meets Sam, to explore the trials and tribulations of being ‘self made’. Developing emotional resilience, self awareness and even choosing the right business partners – there’s no set toolkit for these things. From this conversation, you’ll learn that launching your own business can be empowering, but can leave you uncertain of your own own identity. 

    If you want a better understanding of the endings happening in your own life. We have the perfect thing for you, Hazel’s 5-step worksheet, developed specifically for listeners of this podcast.

    ** Click here for your Thriving Through Endings worksheet now. **

    Want to create your own podcast? Contact Fascinate Productions to bring it to life.

  • Ep 5: How do you rebuild after losing the love of your life? Once you find that special person, it’s hard to imagine life without them. The reality is, some of us have to deal with this loss. 

    This week, business psychologist Hazel Showell speaks to Madeleine Mansfield - an incredible woman, academic and widow - who experienced the loss of her husband and the life-changing decisions that followed.   

    Hazel guides you through Madeleine’s story, uncovering the tools she used to overcome tragedy, and the thought processes that helped rebuild her life. 

    If you want a better understanding of the endings happening in your own life. We have the perfect thing for you, Hazel’s 5-step worksheet, developed specifically for listeners of this podcast.

    ** Click here for your Thriving Through Endings worksheet now. **

    Want to create your own podcast? Contact Fascinate Productions to bring it to life.

  • Ep 4: Mike Quinn was an entrepreneur with a dream. He wanted to create a cashless Africa, bringing financial control to the unbanked. He co-founded Zoona - hailed as Africa’s first FinTech unicorn - which could make his dream a reality. But things didn’t turn out quite as he planned. 

    Business psychologist Hazel Showell sits down with Mike to examine how he coped with the reality of his dream failing to materialise. Hazel considers Mike’s decision-making process and the importance of trusting gut instincts, at the most high-stakes moments. 

    If you want a better understanding of the endings happening in your own life. We have the perfect thing for you, Hazel’s 5-step worksheet, developed specifically for listeners of this podcast.

    ** Click here for your Thriving Through Endings worksheet now. **

    Want to create your own podcast? Contact Fascinate Productions to bring it to life.

  • Many people consider endings to be a negative experience. A sporting injury could send you into a spiral of depression, but with the right mindset, you could turn even the worst of outcomes into positive lifestyle changes. 

    This week Hazel is joined by Jonnie Whittle, ex-professional rugby player and founding partner of Major Oak. Hazel shares the skills needed to help reframe situations in your life.

    If you want a better understanding of the endings happening in your own life. I have the perfect thing for you, my 5-step worksheet, developed specifically for listeners of this podcast, and based on years of my research. 

    Click here for your Thriving Through Endings worksheet, now.

  • Ep 2: Dealing with a life altering injury at any age is tough. But, at the age of 11, Charlotte Ashton’s world was changed forever following a horrific accident. Despite many setbacks - and a long recovery process - Charlotte was able to maintain a positive outlook on life. 

    This week business psychologist Hazel Showell sits down with Charlotte to discuss her unwavering sense of self confidence and how she has used a growth mindset to accomplish incredible things in her personal life, in business and beyond.

    If you want a better understanding of the endings happening in your own life. We have the perfect thing for you, Hazel’s 5-step worksheet, developed specifically for listeners of this podcast.

    * Click here for your Thriving Through Endings worksheet now. *

    Want to create your own podcast? Contact Fascinate Productions to bring it to life.

  • Ep 1: You’ve probably heard countless stories about the lockdown, but you’ve never heard anything like this. Redundancy and the end of a long-term relationship disrupted Hannah Jepson’s life just before the coronavirus pandemic changed the world. Like the rest of us, Hannah faced prolonged isolation. For her, it was made worse by daily reminders of the life she was trying to let go of. 

    Join business psychologist Hazel Showell as she guides you through Hannah’s story, exploring how acceptance and commitment therapy can resolve trauma arising from a prolonged ending. Hazel deconstructs the tools Hannah used to feel confident again, giving you hope and optimism to make the best decisions in your own life. 

    If you want a better understanding of the endings happening in your own life. We have the perfect thing for you, Hazel’s 5-step worksheet, developed specifically for listeners of this podcast.

    * Click here for your Thriving Through Endings worksheet now. *

    Want to create your own podcast? Contact Fascinate Productions to bring it to life.

  • Just because a chapter of your life has come to an end, does not mean the story is over. Far from it. Opportunities arise from even the harshest of endings. 

    I’m Hazel Showell, a business psychologist with over 25 years of experience in leadership development and executive coaching.

    We’ve all experienced those moments when it feels like everything has come to an end, and we can’t imagine what to do next. I’m here to let you know there is a way forward. 

    And, I’m going to tell you how - by sharing the skills that I’ve learned over the span of my career. 

    With the help of my esteemed guests, you’ll see real-world examples of how people, like you, managed a profound ending in their life.

    I'll unpack the tools they used, and use their stories to show how you can face your life-changing moments with confidence.

    Follow Endings wherever you listen to podcasts, so you don’t miss an episode.