Never underestimate the impact that your actions may have on someone else's life...
In today's pour, we will talk about how our tiny little deeds create a world of change ^_^
Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
Contact:[email protected]
The momentsthat we can't forget...
The events that shape ourlives....
The kind words that we remember from our childhood...are allMemories.
In today's episode, I will share a few moments of my life, in the hopes that you will one day be able to shareyours with another.
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
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"If it were not for our advanced technology...would you humans have been able to survive for the last 100 years?
- S.C Governor 312X (2250A.D)
In today's episode, we open a can of worms, as we poke a few holes in the future of "SMART CITIES" ^_^
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
From the moment that we are born, we are flooded with an infinite supply of both useful and useless information. It is only later in life that we learn that not all information is created equal...
Grab your cups...and Let's G.O! ^_^
Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
Contact: [email protected]
Every morning when our feet hit the floor, we have the ability to make a choice...
The rest of the day is filled with the consequences of our actions and decisions...
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
You never know where your next inspiration will come from...
I recently watched a documentary called, "Summer Of Soul" and let's say that I was ….well...inspired to record this episode ^_^ Enjoy!
*Summer Of Soul is correct...not Summer of Love* :D
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you are doing well ^_^ I know that some of you are still out partying, so we're going to ease into the year with our first sip and a light story... Enjoy
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
Do you find yourself speaking to people with eyes that look like they're dying to get away from you? Do you find yourself unable to connect with listeners during your presentations at work? If so.....grab a cup and listen up!
In today's pour, you will learn how the way you say what you say can make or break a conversation ^_^ Enjoy!
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
So you know a few English words and phrases now and think you can handle a fairly decent conversation....but you still feel like you're stuck and can't get to the next level?
If this sounds like you...listen up! ^_^
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
If you've ever felt like you're the only one making sense in the world, this episode is for you ^_^
Grab your cups and let's go!!!
*Transcript Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
There are very few things that two people need to make a relationship work, however, if one of these vital components is missing then....you might have a day like Dennis here...lol
In today's episode, we will focus on one of them as you listen to a conversation between this unlucky guy and his friend ^_^ Enjoy!
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
In Nov 2023, I asked myself the question: What would happen, if I worked 365 days without taking one day off?
In today's episode, you will hear some of the insights I've gained from the experience ^_^
Grab your cups and Let's G.O!!!
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
A wild horse can be tamed....A man's spirit can be broken....
But the grass.....is Inexorable.
Grab your cups and let's G.O!!! ^_^
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
When it comes to seizing that which we consider to be unattainable, most people spend a lot of time chasing their own tails and getting NOWHERE. But what if.....what if there was a way to catch that Chicken?
Grab your cups and let's go!!! ^_^
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
So, you've been pushing all year and you think that it's time to ease up off the throttle...You feel like you deserve a rest because "you've worked sooo hard"...is that right?
Well, what if I told you that now is the time to do the exact opposite? Are you ready? Get your cups and let's G.O!
*Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
*Contact: [email protected]
Millions of people gather in their homes to watch movies with their loved ones every day.... but is something else happening underneath the surface? Are we watching films to be entertained or is there a deeper need for humans to watch other people?
Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
Contact: [email protected]
Do you have your costume already picked out for Halloween? Or...have you been wearing it all along?
In today's pour, we are going to talk about how our identify is often associated with how we appear to others ^_^
Grab your cups and let's G.O!!!
Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
Contact: [email protected]
How many times a day do you flip a switch? How many times a week do you charge your phone? Are you even aware of how much your life revolves around electric?
In today's pour, we question, if we are TOO dependent on electricity ^_^
Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
Contact: [email protected]
If you've ever lived in an apartment building, you are more than aware of the colorful characters that can move in next to you! Sometimes, you luck up and get someone that's decent, but nine times out of ten, you'll end up with one of the types that we will discuss in today's episode!
So, grab your cups and let's G.O!!! ^_^
Transcript Available: www.englishandcoffee.org
Contact: [email protected]
Most of us can agree that movies are a great distraction from the woes of our lives and for this we are thankful...
But what happens when someone starts to think that what they see on screen is actual reality?
Grab your cups and let's take a trip down the rabbit hole ^_^
Transcripts Available: englishandcoffee.org
Contact: [email protected]
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