In this episode we talk with Richard Graham about the Business of English.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Richard Graham is the lead educational consultant with Genki English and is the world’s leading authority on teaching in a fun, exciting and “genki” way. He has provided training sponsored by Ministries of Education, universities, boards of education and schools throughout the world as well as appearing on TV, TEDx and in numerous press articles.
Genki English:
🟢 Website: https://genkienglish.net/teaching/
🟢 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/GenkiJapanNet
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GenkiEnglish/
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Luke's English Podcast about the future of English.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Luke has been producing podcast episodes for over 14 years. He's a DELTA-qualified English teacher from London with over 20 years of teaching experience, and he's also a seasoned stand-up comedian.
Luke's English Podcast:
🟢 Website: https://teacherluke.co.uk/
🟢 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LukesEnglishPodcast
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LukesEnglishPodcast/?ref=tn_tnmn
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Jennifer about Canadian English.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Jennifer has been helping successful professionals from around the world feel confident speaking English in public for the last 10 years.
JForrest English:
🟢 Website: https://jforrestenglish.com/free-guide/
🟢 YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@JForrestEnglish
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JForrestEnglish
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Bahar about setting expectations in the learning process.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Bahar, an English teacher since the age of 18, has a deep passion for teaching English, particularly to teenagers.
Enjoy English With Bahar:
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/learnenglish.bahar/
🟢 YouTube: https://youtube.com/@englishwithbahar?si=4gAMLp3fl1QxVXem
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnjoyEnglishWithBahar
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Camille about how even native speakers make mistakes when speaking English.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Camille is an online English teacher and author who has helped thousands of people on their English journey. She teaches real life English, not something you would learn in a textbook. She is also a passionate language learner and has studied Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and Turkish. She is originally from the US but is currently based in Portugal with her husband and 3 children.
Learn English with Camille:
🟢 Website: https://learnenglishwithcamille.com
🟢 YouTube:https://youtube.com/@LearnEnglishwithCamille?si=GfW7Y-aZAvRW5GWy
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/learnenglishwithcamille
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Emma about educating on YouTube, not hate.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Emma is a teacher of British English pronunciation. She has an honors degree in English Language and Linguistics, a Master's in TESOL: Education, and a Cambridge CELTA teaching qualification.
Pronunciation with Emma:
🟢 Website: https://courses.pronunciationwithemma.com/
🟢 YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@Pronunciationwithemma
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088536901807
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Tiffani about faith in English.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Tiffani is an English teacher focused on helping English learners master the English language. Her goal is to help 1 billion students around the world finally speak English with confidence.
Speak English With Tiffani:
🟢 Website: https://speakenglishwithtiffani.com/
🟢 YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@SpeakEnglishWithTiffani
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeacherTiffani
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with David Jays Way about English on Loc.Watch the full video on YouTube.
David Jays Way created a YouTube channel about locs. On his channel, you can find everything from loc tutorials, quick and easy loc styles, DIY Hair products, hair product reviews, and even loc talks and loc education.
David Jays Way:
🟢 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DavidJaysWay
🟢 Instagram: instagram.com/davidjaysway
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Robert Salo about how to live anywhere.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Robert Salo has been a TEFL-certified ESL teacher since January 2020, teaches online via Zoom, previously co-hosted Teacher Talk Time, and still teaches English-Everyday online with Kris Amerikos.
Robert Salo:
🟢 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertraymondsalo/
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nomad_skyy_1991/
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SharpGuyInATie
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Fluency MC about the nuances of teaching English on YouTube.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Fluency MC creates raps and videos for students to practice English. He is from the USA and lives in Paris, France. Fluency MC travels to schools around the world to perform his songs with students and teachers.
Fluency MC:
🟢 Website: https://fluencymc.com/
🟢 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@fluencymc
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FluencyMC
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Richard Pinnell about the life of an Englishman.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Richard Pinnel is a British teacher of English from the south of England (Brighton, Sussex). In 2016 he started his YouTube channel Inglés Con Richard to teach English online.
English with Richard:
🟢 Website: inglesconrichard.com
🟢 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@englishwithrichard7568
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inglesconrichardpinnell/
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Colin Munro about niche video growth.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Colin Munro is a filmmaker, and now he is working on teaching English as a foreign language.
English Language Club:
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnglishLanguageClubInternational
🟢 Website: https://www.englishlanguageclub.co.uk/
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/englanguageclub/
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Daniel Crook about living down under in Argentina.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Daniel is a passionate educator, he has visited 36 countries and lived in 5 different ones. He learned to speak Italian, Spanish, and German, but he found his calling teaching English.
English Native:
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/englishnativeok
🟢 Website: https://englishnativeincompany.com/
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/englishnativeok/
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Sezgi Acar about moving from Türkiye to the United States.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Sezgi Acar is a TESOL-trained teacher with master’s degrees in education and applied linguistics, 9+ years teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) at the college level, and experience developing curriculum, course materials, lesson plans, and assessments for in-person and virtual courses.
Sezgi Acar:
🟢Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sezgi-acar-63069182/
🟢YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf6lrx_GZbA
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sezgiacar/
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Konstantin Perminov about frameworks for confidence.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Konstantin Perminov – investor, financial advisor.
Konstantin Perminov:
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/konstantin.russian
🟢 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@konstantinperminov4189
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/perminov.mentor/
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Dave from Dave's English about the politics of English.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Dave has been a professional Cambridge University-certified English teacher since 2017. He has worked with students from all over the world, with different educational backgrounds and with different goals.
Dave's English:
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/justsayiteng
🟢 Website:https://justsayitenglish.com/
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justsayitenglish/
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Feli from Germany about how to be successful in English.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Feli was born and raised in Munich, Germany, but moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for an exchange semester in August 2016. She has a YouTube channel called "Feli from Germany". In her videos, she talks about the cultural differences between America and Germany.
Feli from Germany:
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/felifromgermany
🟢 Website: https://felifromgermany.com/
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/felifromgermany/
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Matt Tait from Jump Up English about English teacher diasporas.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Matt Tait is an English teacher, originally from England, now living and working in Poland. He's traveled the world and had lots of experiences with different people from different cultures.
Jump Up English:
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matt00tait
🟢 Website: https://www.jump-up-english.pl
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Qendresa from English for Ladies about how to immigrate to the UK.Watch the full video on YouTube.
Qendresa Bedra is a professional English teacher with 10 years of teaching experience. She has taught hundreds of students and is considered one of the top teachers in the world.
English for ladies:
🟢 YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@englishforladies
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/englishforladies1/
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/englishladies
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee
In this episode we talk with Kirill the Bearded Linguist about English teaching methods and approaches used by YouTubers.
Kirill Zalischanskiy is an English teacher, Chinese teacher, and the author of the YouTube channel called Bearded Linguist. He reviews online courses and online schools and gives advice on teaching and learning languages.
Бородатый Лингвист:
🟢 YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@bearded_linguist
🟢 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@beardedlinguist?lang=en
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kiruhalenin/English-Everyday:
🟢 Free lesson: https://www.krisamerikos.com/16minutes
🟢 LIVE SPEAKING PROGRAM: https://www.krisamerikos.com/ee - Se mer