
  • LISTENER SUCCESS: How to Earn Money Managing People's Inboxes In this episode, discover how Carol Hinkin, a listener of Join Up Dots, transformed inspiration from the show into a thriving online inbox management service. Hear Carol's journey from understanding the role of an inbox manager, acquiring essential skills, setting up her business, and effectively marketing her services. Learn about her pricing strategies, delivering exceptional service, and scaling her business. Carol's story is a blueprint for anyone looking to start their own venture. Tune in to be inspired and share her success with the world!

  • LIFE COACHING: What To Do About Always Feeling Your Working In this episode of the Join Up Dots podcast, we delve into the pervasive feeling of constantly working. We explore what it means to feel like work never ends, how to recognize the signs, and the psychological and physical impacts this can have. From overcommitment and lack of boundaries to the always-on culture fuelled by technology, and the pressures of perfectionism and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), we uncover the root causes of this relentless grind. Tune in to discover practical tips for setting boundaries, managing technology, and adjusting perfectionist tendencies to reclaim your balance and well-being. #JoinUpDots #WorkLifeBalance #MentalHealth #Burnout #Productivity #SelfCare #AlwaysOnCulture #PodcastLife #FOMO

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  • BUSINESS INTREVIEW: How To Build Online Fashion Success Alison Lumbatis from Get Your Pretty on, is today’s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview. She is a 7 figure entrepreneur and the founder of the Get Your Pretty On website and creator of Outfit Formulas - the #1 online capsule wardrobe building program in the world. She’s served over 40,000 women through the Outfit Formulas program and has attracted an audience of millions to the GYPO web site. As a former engineer she knew there had to be an easier way to get dressed everyday so she created Outfit Formulas - a fool proof system to build your wardrobe and create outfits.

  • LIFE COACHING: Getting That Work Life Balance You All Want Feeling overwhelmed by work and life demands? Join us as we explore the transformative power of time boundaries! In this episode, we dive into why time boundaries are essential for mental health, productivity, and personal fulfillment. Learn practical techniques to set and maintain your boundaries, from defining your working hours to prioritizing tasks and saying no. Discover how to balance work or school with your personal life, ensuring you have time for relaxation, hobbies, and loved ones. Tune in for tips on planning your week, establishing routines, and being present in every moment. Create a balanced lifestyle where both work and life thrive! 🔊 Listen now and reclaim your time! #TimeBoundaries #WorkLifeBalance #MentalHealth #ProductivityHacks #SelfCare #HealthyBoundaries #PodcastLife Share this episode with friends and start setting those boundaries today!

  • LISTENER SUCCESS: Turning Free Stuff into Cash with Jamie and Tim In this inspiring episode of the Join Up Dots podcast, we dive into the incredible journey of listeners Jamie and Tim. After a transformative chat with host David, they discovered a brilliant side hustle: refurbishing children’s furniture found on Freecycle. By sanding, painting, and decorating these pieces with popular football team colors, they’re now making £150 per item from a £30 investment—enough to cover half their mortgage each month! But that's not all! Jamie and Tim also share five more creative ideas for turning free items into profitable ventures: Upcycling Home Decor: Transform mirrors, picture frames, and lamps into trendy, one-of-a-kind decor pieces. Refurbishing Bicycles: Repair and repaint old bikes to sell them for a nice profit. DIY Pet Furniture: Create unique pet beds, cat trees, and dog houses from free furniture or wooden pallets. Vintage Clothing: Find and refurbish vintage or brand-name clothing and accessories to sell online. Garden Furniture and Planters: Turn old furniture and crates into beautiful garden furniture and planters. Tune in to discover how you can turn free stuff into a lucrative side hustle. This episode is packed with actionable tips and inspiration to help you start making extra money from items others are giving away for free. Listen now and get inspired to share your success story next!

  • LIFE COACHING: Conquering Anxiety: Follow Up In this transformative episode, listeners embark on a journey of resilience and hope as they delve into the heartfelt conversation between Claire and David about conquering anxiety. Claire, despite her fulfilling life, shares her struggles with anxiety, sparking a powerful exchange of insights and practical advice. As Sarah, Michael, Emily, Alex, and Laura reach out with their own stories of battling anxiety, listeners are reminded that they are not alone in their struggles. Each email reflects the universal experience of seeking solace and guidance in the face of anxiety's relentless grip. Through Claire and David's candid dialogue, listeners discover actionable strategies for managing anxiety, from mindfulness practices to seeking support from communities and resources. The episode becomes a beacon of light, offering hope and inspiration to anyone navigating the complexities of mental health. As the episode concludes, listeners are encouraged to share this powerful conversation with friends and loved ones, spreading awareness and fostering a community of support. Together, let's conquer anxiety and embrace a life filled with strength, courage, and resilience. Tune in to this enlightening episode and join the movement to conquer anxiety together. Share, listen, and inspire others on the path to healing and well-being. 🌟

  • BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Referrals And Networking Layne Booth is our guest today on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. She is the CEO and Business Growth Strategist of The Project Booth, a business consulting company that uses proven metrics and data to bring business owners to the next level in their business. By strategically planning operations and creating a visual roadmap map, business owners can reclaim their time to focus on their business, make data-driven decisions, and capitalize on sales & profits. Data is key to everything, and unfortunately where most owners spend their time in the "lets hope this makes a difference" stage of business With her passion—and over a decade of “in the trenches” experience—as a guiding light, Layne ensures successful growth-minded business owners eliminate overwhelm by bringing clarity to help with teams, capacity and profits… and get back to running a business they love. How The Dots Joined Up For Layne As she says "I've witnessed business owners have incredible energy and focus for what they do, but seem like they don't have time to stop, and may feel like they are drowning in doing "all the things." We follow a simple ABC approach to drive amazing results: A is for Analyze: Analyze the numbers to tell the story. B is for Bottom Line: What do the numbers say about your actual profits, brand reputation, and customer service? C is for CEO Decisions: The secret weapon is creating a tool that CEOs actually use to make important decisions, not just creating another report. So do you need a ton of traffic to grow a successful business, or is that actually missing the point of business altogether? And what made her take the leap from her position of Forecasting manager for the VF Corporation and go it alone? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Layne Booth Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep subjects with Layne Booth such as: We delve into the distinct difference between a CEO and an entrepreneur, and why so many people get very confused.  Layne shares how she built up her referrals based business by really nurturing her already built relationships. And lastly........... Why you simply have to understand the pain point of you customer, to then make that solution as simple as possible.

  • BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Finding The Energy For Success David Ralph and Calvin Correli engaged in a thought-provoking conversation about embracing one's true self and overcoming mental and psychological barriers to achieve success.  They shared personal insights and advice on how to connect with others through authenticity, prioritize self-care to avoid burnout, and stay true to one's purpose and values in entrepreneurship. Through their discussions, they highlighted the transformative potential of self-discovery and the importance of intentional effort in overcoming subconscious barriers to achieve a fulfilling life.

  • LIFE COACHING: Conquering Anxiety: Insights from Claire and David In this compelling episode, Claire Stiffleforth, a high achiever with a fulfilling job but grappling with anxiety, reaches out to her friend David for guidance. Despite not having children or major personal responsibilities, Claire finds herself overwhelmed by anxiety. Through a heartfelt email, she seeks David's wisdom on how he navigates similar challenges in life. Listeners are drawn into Claire's journey of self-discovery as she courageously confronts her anxiety, shedding light on a common yet often overlooked struggle. David's response, infused with empathy and practical advice, offers invaluable insights into managing anxiety amidst life's chaos. This episode serves as a beacon of hope for anyone facing anxiety, emphasizing the power of connection and shared experiences. As Claire and David exchange perspectives, listeners are inspired to explore techniques such as mindfulness, journaling, and finding moments of solitude to cultivate inner peace. 

  • MINI COURSE: The Top Five Excuses We Have Heard Over The Last Ten Years Of Join Up Dots (Part Five) Welcome to the empowering world of Join Up Dots. In today's episode, we're breaking down common barriers to success and empowering you to seize control of your destiny. Do any of these phrases sound familiar? "I would like," "I don't have enough time," "I am waiting for...," "I need someone to help me," or "I'm not talented or skilled at anything"? These limiting beliefs can hold us back from reaching our full potential. But here's the truth: You have the power within you to create your own path. Join us as we dismantle these barriers and inspire action. Say goodbye to wishing and hello to doing. Make time for what matters most, create your own opportunities, embrace independence while seeking support, and cultivate a growth mindset. Share this episode with friends and family, and let's inspire a world of dreamers and doers. Together, we can #TakeAction, #CreateYourPath, and #EmpowerYourself. Tune in now and unleash your limitless potential!

  • MINI COURSE: The Top Five Excuses We Have Heard Over The Last Ten Years Of Join Up Dots (Part Four) Overcoming the belief of "I'm not talented/skilled enough" is crucial for personal and professional growth. This mindset often stems from comparing oneself to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. However, there are effective ways to combat this negative thinking and build confidence in one's abilities. Acknowledge Your Strengths: Start by recognizing your unique strengths and talents. Everyone possesses different skills and abilities, and it's essential to celebrate what makes you special. Make a list of your accomplishments, skills, and experiences to remind yourself of your capabilities.Example: Look at J.K. Rowling, who faced numerous rejections before Harry Potter was finally published. Despite initial setbacks, she persisted and tapped into her talent for storytelling, ultimately becoming one of the most successful authors of all time. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This approach allows you to focus on making progress step by step, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the end result. Celebrate each achievement along the way to boost your confidence.Example: Beyoncé, despite her immense talent, didn't become a global icon overnight. She set specific goals for herself, such as perfecting her performance skills and expanding her musical repertoire. Through dedication and perseverance, she continuously improved and reached new heights in her career. Embrace Learning and Growth: Understand that skills are not innate but can be developed through continuous learning and practice. Seek out opportunities for learning, whether through classes, workshops, or online resources. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.Example: Leonardo DiCaprio struggled with self-doubt early in his career, feeling overshadowed by more established actors. However, he committed himself to honing his craft, taking on diverse roles that challenged him as an actor. Through dedication to his craft and a willingness to learn, he eventually earned critical acclaim and an Oscar win. Practice Consistently: Consistency is key to mastery. Dedicate regular time to practice and improvement in your chosen field. Whether it's playing a musical instrument, honing a craft, or mastering a skill, consistent practice will gradually build your expertise and confidence. Example: Michael Jordan, widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, didn't rely solely on his natural talent. He famously said, "I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Jordan's relentless work ethic and commitment to practice allowed him to elevate his game and achieve unparalleled success in basketball. By adopting these strategies and learning from the experiences of successful individuals who have faced similar challenges, you can overcome feelings of inadequacy and realize your full potential. Remember, talent is not fixed, and with dedication and perseverance, you can develop the skills needed to succeed in any endeavor.

  • MINI COURSE: The Top Five Excuses We Have Heard Over The Last Ten Years Of Join Up Dots (Part Three) "I would really like..." often signifies a passive longing for something without a clear plan of action. It's a statement of desire that lacks the commitment and determination necessary to turn that desire into reality. When someone repeatedly uses this phrase, it can create a pattern of wishful thinking, where aspirations remain unfulfilled due to a lack of proactive steps. For example, imagine someone saying, "I would really like to learn a new language." This statement reflects a desire without a specific plan of how to achieve it. Without taking action, such as enrolling in language classes, practicing regularly, or immersing oneself in the culture, the likelihood of actually learning a new language remains low. Similarly, consider someone expressing, "I would really like to advance in my career." While it's natural to have career aspirations, without setting specific goals or actively seeking opportunities for growth, this desire may never materialize into tangible progress. In contrast, someone who says, "I am committed to advancing in my career by acquiring new skills, seeking mentorship, and networking within my industry," demonstrates a proactive approach towards their career development.  The danger of perpetually expressing wishes without action is that it can lead to a sense of complacency and missed opportunities. Opportunities for growth, learning, and fulfillment may pass by unnoticed if one remains in a state of passive longing. Encouraging individuals to transform their desires into goals and actionable plans is crucial for personal and professional development. By setting clear objectives and outlining steps to achieve them, individuals can take ownership of their aspirations and actively work towards realizing them. Furthermore, adopting a mindset of resilience and adaptability is essential for navigating the inevitable challenges and setbacks that arise along the journey towards one's goals. By viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning, individuals can maintain momentum and stay committed to their aspirations despite obstacles. Ultimately, by empowering individuals to move beyond wishful thinking and take decisive action towards their dreams, we enable them to create the lives they truly desire. Encouraging a shift from "I would really like..." to "I am committed to..." fosters a mindset of accountability and determination, setting the stage for meaningful progress and fulfillment.

  • MINI COURSE: The Top Five Excuses We Have Heard Over The Last Ten Years Of Join Up Dots (Part Two) Welcome to our podcast, where we explore the power of embracing imperfection and seizing the moment. In this episode, we dive deep into the common misconception of waiting for the perfect moment and how it often holds us back from achieving our dreams. Life is a beautiful, messy journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Yet, too often, we find ourselves waiting for the stars to align, for all circumstances to be optimal, before we take action. But what if I told you that the perfect moment may never come? What if I told you that true progress is made through imperfect action? Join us as we challenge the notion of perfection and encourage you to adopt a mindset of "progress over perfection." Discover how taking bold, imperfect steps forward can lead to remarkable growth and fulfillment. Learn from the stories of successful individuals who have faced setbacks and challenges but chose to take action anyway. This podcast is not just about listening; it's about taking action and sharing these empowering insights with the world. So, join us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, let's embrace the beauty of imperfection and seize the present moment, knowing that our greatest adventures lie just beyond our comfort zones. Tune in to our podcast and share it with friends, family, and anyone who needs a dose of inspiration. Together, let's create a ripple effect of positivity and empowerment that resonates far and wide. The perfect moment is now – don't wait, take action, and let's make magic happen together! 🌟 Listen to the full episode and join the conversation today! #EmbraceImperfection #SeizeTheMoment #PodcastInspiration 🌟

  • Understanding the Excuse: "I don't have enough time" This is a convenient catch-all phrase that masks deeper issues. It's a defense mechanism against confronting the real challenges of prioritization, time management, and sometimes even fear of failure. When people utter this excuse, they're often expressing a sense of overwhelm or a feeling of being pulled in too many directions. Overcoming the Excuse:  Time Audit: Encourage individuals to conduct a thorough audit of their time. This involves tracking activities throughout the day to identify where time is being spent inefficiently. Tools like time-tracking apps or simple pen-and-paper logs can aid in this process. Prioritization: Once individuals have a clear picture of how they spend their time, they can prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. This involves distinguishing between "busy work" and activities that contribute meaningfully to long-term goals. Boundary Setting: Boundaries are essential for protecting one's time and energy. This may involve learning to say no to non-essential commitments or setting specific time limits for certain activities. Boundaries also extend to digital distractions, such as limiting social media usage during productive hours. Chunking and Time Blocking: Break tasks down into manageable chunks and allocate specific time blocks for focused work. This technique, known as time blocking, helps prevent multitasking and ensures dedicated attention to each task. Delegate and Outsource: Recognize that not every task requires personal attention. Delegating responsibilities at work or outsourcing tasks at home can free up valuable time for more high-impact activities. Mindset Shift: Address the underlying beliefs that contribute to the time scarcity mindset. Encourage individuals to reframe their perspective on time as a resource that can be managed and optimized rather than a constraint. Embrace Imperfection: Perfectionism can be a major obstacle to effective time management. Encourage individuals to embrace imperfection and focus on progress rather than perfection. This mindset shift can alleviate the pressure to do everything flawlessly, allowing for greater flexibility and productivity. Celebrity Role Models: Highlighting the time management practices of successful celebrities can provide inspiration and practical insights for your audience. For example: Elon Musk: Known for his relentless work ethic and ability to juggle multiple projects simultaneously, Musk emphasizes the importance of focusing on tasks that have the greatest impact. Oprah Winfrey: Despite her demanding schedule as a media mogul, Winfrey emphasizes the importance of self-care and prioritizing activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: With a packed schedule that includes acting, producing, and fitness endeavors, Johnson exemplifies the power of discipline and consistency in achieving ambitious goals. By highlighting these role models, you can demonstrate that even the busiest individuals find ways to manage their time effectively and pursue their passions. Conclusion: "I don't have enough time" may be a common excuse, but it's one that can be overcome with intentional effort and strategic planning. By implementing time management techniques, setting boundaries, and adopting a growth-oriented mindset, individuals can reclaim control of their time and make meaningful progress towards their goals. Drawing inspiration from successful celebrities serves as a reminder that time is a valuable resource that, when managed wisely, can unlock immense potential and lead to personal and professional fulfillment.

  • ANNIVERSARY: Ten Years In Ten Minutes In this episode of Join Up Dots, host David Ralph reflects on the 10-year journey of his podcasting adventure. He shares candidly about the highs and lows of his experience, emphasizing the importance of finding passion and perseverance in pursuing one's dreams. David discusses the transformative power of Join Up Dots, not only for his listeners but also for himself, as he navigated through challenges and grew in confidence and resilience. With a reflective tone, David acknowledges the support of his audience over the years and expresses gratitude for their listenership. He recognizes the impact his podcast has had on inspiring change and empowerment in the lives of his listeners, even if it's just one person. Looking ahead to the future of Join Up Dots, David teases a new direction with a mini-course focusing on debunking common excuses that hinder personal growth and success. He emphasizes the need for action and determination in creating the life one desires. Closing with his signature sign-off, David invites listeners to stay tuned for more episodes and encourages them to take massive action in shaping their futures. Join Up Dots: where conversations lead to action, and dreams become realities.

  • BUSINESS COACHING: Starting a Business With No Risk's (Follow Up) Welcome to Join Up Dots, where inspiration meets action! In this episode, we delve into the exhilarating world of piggyback businesses—a concept all about seizing opportunities and creating win-win partnerships. Our story begins with a listener, fueled by a coaching session with our very own David, bursting with ideas. Inspired by the notion of piggyback businesses, they set out on a mission to forge partnerships that benefit both parties involved. They start by reaching out to an old friend who runs a local print shop, pitching the idea of driving customers to the shop in exchange for a cut of the business. With determination and a shared sense of excitement, they seal the deal and embark on a thrilling journey together. Fast forward, and our listener is on the brink of something big. They've hashed out the details, sorted the commission structure, and are ready to make waves in the world of piggyback businesses. But it doesn't stop there. Fueled by a vision to target local businesses in need of a marketing boost, our listener is revolutionizing the way they reach their audience. This story is more than just an inspiring tale of entrepreneurship—it's a testament to the power of collaboration, creativity, and unwavering determination. Join us as we celebrate the journey of our intrepid entrepreneur and explore the endless possibilities of piggyback businesses.  Together, let's inspire, innovate, and make waves in the world! Don't forget to tune in and share this episode with the world. Because when we come together, there's no limit to what we can achieve. This is Join Up Dots, signing off. #PiggybackSuccess #CollaborationIsKey #DreamBig #MakeYourMark #JoinUpDots

  • BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Understanding The Financial Challenges Welcome to another riveting episode of "Join Up Dots," where we dive deep into the intricate dance between passion, purpose, and profit in the entrepreneurial world. In today's captivating conversation, hosts Danielle Hendon and David Ralph lead the charge in uncovering the secrets to entrepreneurial success. Throughout this episode, Danielle and David illuminate the crucial importance of arming small business owners with the necessary tools for financial stability and strategic foresight. They highlight the pivotal role of a robust financial foundation and meticulous planning in guiding businesses towards sustainable growth. As the dialogue unfolds, the spotlight shifts to the transformative power of passion and purpose in propelling entrepreneurial ventures forward. Drawing from their vast reservoir of experience, David Ralph shares invaluable insights on finding the delicate equilibrium between professional ambition and personal fulfillment. The conversation delves into the realm of virtual entrepreneurship, where David Ralph navigates the intricacies of financial management and the pursuit of a harmonious work-life balance. Together, they underscore the significance of setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and carving out moments for personal rejuvenation amidst the demands of business ownership. In the latter part of the episode, David Ralph delves into the fine art of delegation, financial planning, and strategic decision-making. His sage advice illuminates the pathway towards optimizing business performance and fostering enduring success. This episode stands as a beacon of inspiration for entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey, offering actionable insights and guiding principles to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business ownership. Join us as we embark on a thrilling journey towards entrepreneurial excellence, guided by the triumvirate of passion, purpose, and profit.

  • Business Interview: How To Convert Customers Directly Randy Rayess is today’s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is the  co-founder of Outgrow, a new way to add interactive content on your business and website. He also has a very interesting backstory to where he is today Alongside his business partner Pratham, he started a mobile app development marketplace in 2012 called VenturePact. This was a site for entrepreneurs to connect with mobile development teams.  The challenge at that time was that mobile app development was relatively new, expensive and it was hard to assess the quality and hard to ensure you are getting a fair price. So this led them to create a marketplace to make it easy to find relevant teams but it was not easy to scale and acquire customers because of the pricing issues. Instead of them giving up and saying “This online game doesn't work” they put their heads together and came up with an idea to create a mobile app cost calculator.  How The Dots Joined Up For Randy As he says “This turned out to be a game-changer for us as we were able to quickly give people a rough estimate and show them how the price varies by feature and by geography. Not only did the calculator help us build trust with the client but it also helped us win over our mobile app teams as they knew that the person they were connecting with had a reasonable understanding of the price associated with the app. People were very impressed with the calculator and the information they received on the results page that they started sharing it on listservs and forums, so we quickly received referrals to the calculator and it turned out to perform better than any landing page or ad we had ever tested. So proof of concept time was good, and traffic was coming in, therefore so impressed with the results of the calculator were they that we built a SaaS tool called Outgrow so any marketer can build calculators and graders to improve their customer acquisition similar to what we had done.  The challenge we realized was that building a powerful calculator required dev and design work so we wanted to make this more accessible to all marketers and entrepreneurs. And that is the perfect place to start today's show. So why do so many people give up when quite often the obstacle they face could well be the business that people are wanting help with too? And where does he want to go from here, more and more apps, or simply scale outgrow? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Randy Rayess Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Randy Rayess such as: Why so many companies need to focus more on their employees body clocks and prime time to work than simply getting them to the desk. We discuss the basis of a creating a trust funnel, that helps to put the customers mind at rest long before they ever buy. Randy shares openly the story of how they overcame the issues that had stopped their first business and wasn't he glad they had those issues. And lastly….. We go behind the scenes of Outgrow and highlight the issues that all businesses have that they solve with their brilliant system.

  • LISTENER SUCCESS: Starting A Business With Little RIsk Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast, where inspiration meets action! Today, we're diving into the exhilarating world of piggyback businesses—a concept that's all about seizing opportunities and creating win-win partnerships. Picture this: A listener of Join Up Dots, fuelled by a coaching session with our very own David, is bursting with ideas. The notion of piggyback businesses ignites a fire within them, propelling them to take action and turn their dreams into reality. So, armed with determination and a dash of entrepreneurial spirit, our listener sets out on a mission to forge partnerships that benefit both parties involved. Their first stop? A chat with an old friend who runs a local print shop. Over coffee, they pitch the idea of driving customers to the print shop in exchange for a cut of the business. The friend, intrigued by the proposition, asks the inevitable questions: How will it work?  What's in it for them? Our listener lays out the plan, highlighting the mutual benefits of the arrangement. With a handshake and a shared sense of excitement, they seal the deal and embark on this thrilling journey together. Fast forward, and our listener is now on the brink of something big. They've hashed out the details, sorted the commission structure, and are ready to make waves in the world of piggyback businesses. But it doesn't stop there. Our listener is fueled by a vision—to target local businesses in need of a marketing boost and revolutionize the way they reach their audience. This story is more than just an inspiring tale of entrepreneurship—it's a testament to the power of collaboration, creativity, and unwavering determination. It's a reminder that with the right mindset and support, anything is possible. So, dear listeners, join us as we celebrate the journey of our intrepid entrepreneur and explore the endless possibilities of piggyback businesses. Together, let's inspire, innovate, and make waves in the world! Don't forget to tune in, and be sure to share this episode with the world. Because when we come together, there's no limit to what we can achieve. Until next time, keep dreaming, keep hustling, and keep making your mark on the world! This is Join Up Dots, signing off.

  • Hugely Popular, top rated entrepreneur business podcast the Join Up Dots show inspired by Steve Jobs, is full of amazing, inspiring online and off success stories and career content. A motivation packed show created for the entrepreneurs, wanting to become the best and grab business success, adventure, money, freedom and dreams too. In fact anyone with mindfulness searching for financial freedom, but unsure of the career path to take will love this show, as David Ralph delivers entrepreneurial business advice direct to your eardrums on every episode. Each guest enters into a free flowing conversation filled with humor, motivation, inspiration and powerful stories of success as they look back over their life, and in the words of the master entrepreneur Steve Jobs...join the dots that has led them to their own area of business or lifestyle success.