The Spiritual Guide to Financial & Personal Fulfillment
"Money is congealed energy," said Joseph Campbell. "And releasing it releases life's possibilities. . ."
Thousands of people worldwide have learned how to build a powerful new relationship with their money and bring their dreams to fruition through Dr. Maria Nemeth's dynamic Energy of Money workshops. Now you can, too by listening to her latest podcast. -
풀러신학대학원 SOT 한인목회학박사원에서 주최한 특강 녹음
Technical posts from a Techie girl
풀러신학대학원 한인목회학박사원에서 제공하는 팟캐스트방송입니다.
자녀의 미국의대 진학을 위해 부모가 알아야 할 정보
Delft University of Technology on iTunes
Химийг сонирхдог хүмүүсд зориулав
The full confidence tour in Tampa, FL.
Various mesages from the alumni serving in R.U.F.
Sermons from various students who have graduated with Westminster degrees.
Lecture series by Dr. Manuel Ortiz
A collection of videos for LSE Library.
Aquí te explicaré que es un fluido, las propiedades que estos tienen, así mismo te daré a conocer tres experimentos en los cuales nos muestras tensión superficial, densidad y cohesión ¡Acompáñame en esta explicación!
국어를 공부하기 위해 노트를 꺼내지 않아도 되요~ 그저 듣기만 하세요~ 제가 떠먹여 드릴게요!! 편하게 듣는 국어 레시피~ 나랏말쌤과 함께 해보아요~
블로그: -
64, avenue Maurice Thorez
94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
tél. 33 (0) 1 45 21 46 75
mél. [email protected] -
In this course you learn how to design and conduct your own creative project, based on your digital engineering skills and personal engineering passions. Your knowledge and interests will be brought to play in a field that you probably don’t know that well – neuroscience. In fact, neuroscience requires a lot of digital engineering and good engineering solutions have a great potential to open up radially new avenues for research and practice.
Something that is good to know: This lecture is funded by the Bosch Science Foundation. They are very interested in your ideas for creative neurodesign projects. Based on your presentations in class, one winning project will be awarded funding in the end, so that it can be continued in the realm of a well-supported and fully-paid PhD project later on. -
Delft University of Technology on iTunes
Audio lessons for students of Baselius College, Kottayam by Viju Kurian department of English, Baselius College, Kottayam.
"Bologna-Reform" im positiven Sinn: gibt es doch in Bologna die schöne Sitte, sich abends nach der Arbeit mit Kollegen, Freunden und Bekannten gemütlich zum Aperitivo zu treffen und bei einem Gläschen oder zwei über das Erlebte des Tages zu plaudern. Diese Tradition nimmt Markus Sattler in der Video-Podcast-Reihe Marginalien beim Aperitivo auf, denn zu berichten gibt es viel von jenen Entdeckungen, die er und sein vierbeiniger Freund Maxi bei ihren täglichen Spaziergängen so machen. Natürlich geht es dabei um Kunst. Nicht um die bedeutenden Meisterwerke abendländischer Kunstgeschichte in den Museen, sondern jene Kunstwerke, die eher weniger bis gar nicht bekannt sind oder leicht auch mal übersehen werden, deren Geschichte und Geschichten aber Interessantes, Wissenswertes oder auch Kurioses am Rande des großen Ganzen über die LMU erzählen: Marginalien als Appetitanreger auf mehr, kulturelle Häppchen bunt gemischt, garantiert leicht verdaulich und unterhaltsam beim Aperitivo serviert.