
  • As we gear up for our upcoming season, diving deep into the book of Acts, Lachlan has a fascinating conversation with Dr. Alan Thompson. They delve into his book titled "The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus: Luke's Account of God's Unfolding Plan" and cover all the essential information we should be aware of before embarking on our journey through the book of Acts.

    Dr. Alan Thompson, the head of the New Testament team at Sydney Missionary & Bible College (SMBC), is a remarkable individual with a diverse background. Originally from New Zealand, Alan has ventured across continents, working as an electrician in both New Zealand and Europe. Additionally, he has dedicated his time to youth and short-term mission work in Ireland and London.

    Alan's academic journey led him to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago, USA, where he pursued his M.Div. and Ph.D. in New Testament studies. During his time at Trinity, he had the privilege of serving as a Teaching Assistant for esteemed scholars such as Eckhard Schnabel and Willem VanGemeren. Furthermore, he worked as a Graduate Assistant for the renowned D. A. Carson.

    Not only has Alan excelled in his academic pursuits, but he has also contributed significantly to the field of theology. From 2009 to 2014, he served as the New Testament Book Review Editor for Themelios, a theological journal for students and pastors hosted on the Gospel Coalition website.

    With his extensive knowledge and experience, Alan Thompson brings a wealth of expertise to his role as the head of the New Testament team at SMBC. His passion for the subject and dedication to his students make him an invaluable asset to the college.






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In the podcast we have two fundamental beliefs, God is real and the Bible is God's word to us. In this supplementary episode, Lochie discusses and defends these two beliefs, with this final episode looking at "Is the Bible God's Word?". Join Lochie as he looks at the New & Old Testaments asking the questions “How did it come together?” and “Why should we believe it?”






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
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  • In the podcast we have two fundamental beliefs, God is real and the bible is God's word to us. In this supplementary episode Lochie discusses and defends these two beliefs, with this episode looking at the "Evidence for God". Join Lochie as he presents two scientific arguments, one philosophical, historical, and personal arguments to prove that God does actually exists.






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Join Lachlan, Joshua & Morgan as they discuss what Christmas looks like for them in 2023, they play Bible Character Secret Santa and unpack the true Christmas story, The birth of a Messiah.






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In this final episode of our Genesis series, Josh, Lachlan, and Morgan answer the questions you were still asking after we studied the first book of the bible. Dive even deeper into this Q&A where we talk more about science, creation, redemption, and questionable moments of some of the leading characters we've been studying.

    Book: Genesis






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Join us for an insightful journey into the final chapters of the book of Genesis, where we delve deep into the poignant moments of Jacob's blessings and his ultimate passing. In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the profound significance of Jacob's actions as he bestows his blessings upon his sons, which shape the destiny of the twelve tribes of Israel.

    Delving into each individual blessing, we discuss the unique character traits and prophetic implications embedded within Jacob's words. From the eldest Reuben to the youngest Benjamin, we explore how each son receives a distinctive blessing, reflecting Jacob's insight into their individual strengths, weaknesses, and future roles within the nation of Israel.

    As we witness Jacob's final moments, we reflect upon the weight of his passing and its implications for the future of his descendants. We examine the emotions and lessons contained within this powerful narrative, touching upon themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the continuity of God's covenant.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 48 - 50






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In this powerful episode, we explore the biblical story of Joseph's dramatic reunion with his brothers and father, Jacob. After enduring betrayal and slavery, Joseph rises to power in Egypt. When famine strikes, his brothers unknowingly seek his help, leading to a momentous revelation: Joseph reveals his true identity to his brothers, shocking them with his forgiveness and grace rather than revenge.

    We delve into Joseph's profound choice to forgive, highlighting his unwavering faith and his ability to transcend past pain by the grace of God. Simultaneously, we witness Jacob's overwhelming joy upon discovering that his long-lost son is alive and well. The episode culminates in a heartfelt reunion, symbolizing the power of forgiveness and the restoration of a broken family.

    "Israel settles in Egypt" offers an inspiring tale of redemption, showcasing the transformative impact of forgiveness on fractured relationships. Through expert analysis and captivating storytelling, listeners will be encouraged to reflect on their own lives, seeking reconciliation and forgiveness where it is needed most.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 43 - 47






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Join Lachlan, Josh, and Morgan as they explore the incredible journey of a young dreamer who goes from being betrayed by his own brothers to becoming a trusted advisor to Pharaoh, ultimately shaping the destiny of a nation.

    Listen as we traverse the episodes of Joseph's life, we'll witness his unwavering faith in the face of adversity and his remarkable rise from a lowly servant to the overseer of Potiphar's household. We'll uncover the resilience and integrity that guide him when faced with temptation, highlighting the lasting impact of his righteous choices.

    But the twists and turns of Joseph's narrative don't end there. Our podcast takes you through the dramatic events surrounding Joseph's imprisonment and his divine ability to interpret dreams—a gift that eventually reaches the ears of Pharaoh himself. We'll explore the profound significance of the seven years of plenty and the seven years of famine, as Joseph's wisdom and foresight prove instrumental in saving Egypt and neighboring lands from impending disaster.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 39 - 42






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In this thought-provoking episode, we delve deep into the fascinating story of Joseph and his iconic coat from the Book of Genesis. We start by setting the scene in ancient Canaan, where Joseph, the favoured son of Jacob, receives a magnificent coat of many colours. As we unpack the context surrounding this gift, we uncover the familial tensions and jealousies that ultimately set Joseph on an unexpected journey.

    We then delve into the intriguing story of Judah and Tamar, an ancient tale of deception, redemption, and unexpected grace found within the book of Genesis. The story continues in the world of ancient Canaan, where Judah, one of Jacob's sons, unwittingly becomes entangled in a series of events that forever alter his life. The story takes an unexpected turn as we encounter Tamar, Judah's daughter-in-law, who finds herself caught in a web of unfortunate circumstances. Join us in this episode as we navigate the social, cultural, and moral implications of their actions, offering insight into the values and customs of ancient societies.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 36 - 38






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Join us in this captivating episode of "Sacred Encounters" as we delve into one of the most iconic stories in the Bible: Jacob wrestling with God. This extraordinary encounter, narrated in the Book of Genesis, offers profound insights into the nature of faith, personal transformation, and the human-divine relationship.

    In this episode, we embark on a journey back in time to the ancient land of Canaan, where Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, finds himself at a pivotal moment in his life. As Jacob prepares to meet his estranged brother Esau after years of separation, he spends a solitary night by the Jabbok River. Unexpectedly, he is engaged in an otherworldly wrestling match with a mysterious figure, later revealed to be God Himself.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 32 - 35






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Delve into the captivating biblical account from the Book of Genesis as we unravel the story of Jacob's marriages to Leah and Rachel. In this episode, we explore the themes of love, deception, and divine providence as Jacob navigates unexpected twists in his quest for love and the establishment of his family.

    We delve into the initial deception orchestrated by Rachel's father, Laban, leading to Jacob unknowingly marrying Leah instead of Rachel. Witness the complexities of Jacob's relationships with both sisters as he grapples with love, rivalry, and jealousy within their polygamous marriage. Furthermore, we examine the divine providence at work, as Leah, despite being initially unloved, becomes blessed with children while Rachel remains barren, revealing unexpected paths and God's unconventional plans.

    Join us as we uncover the intricacies of Jacob's journey to marry Leah and Rachel, exploring the cultural context of ancient marriages, the dynamics of polygamy, and the profound interplay of love, deception, and divine intervention. This episode offers valuable insights into the complexities of human relationships and the ways in which God's plans unfold amidst our own desires and actions.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 29 - 31






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In today's episode, Lachlan, Morgan, and Josh recount the story of the two brothers Jacob and Esau, sons of Isaac. Join us as we unravel the captivating biblical narrative found in Genesis chapters 25 to 28, exploring the story of Jacob and Esau. Where we delve into the complexities of sibling rivalry, the consequences of deceit, and the transformative power of divine encounters. We witness the divergent paths of Jacob and Esau, their conflicts fueled by favouritism and personal aspirations. Jacob's cunning leads him to deceive Esau and acquire his birthright, while a disguised Jacob receives their father's blessing intended for Esau.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 25 - 28






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In this episode, Lachlan, Morgan, and Josh say goodbye to Abraham and Sarah as we witness their deaths. However, God's promise continues through Abramhams son Issac, as we get introduced to Rebbecca.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 23 - 25






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In this episode, Lachlan, Morgan, and Josh see God's promise to Abraham and Sarah fulfilled and a baby boy is born. Later on in the story, the team reads and discusses the ethical drama that is Abrahams's great test of faith.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 20 - 22






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In this episode, Lachlan, Morgan, and Josh read about the destruction of the city of Sodom and the events leading up to it and then preceding it. Join us as the team discusses faith, God's willingness to save the righteous, and how the bible can show us examples of the ups and downs of humanity.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 18 - 17






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • In this episode, Lachlan, Morgan, and Josh read and discuss Abrams's growing concern about not having an heir. Both Abram & Sari work out a way to fix this issue from a human point of view but the outcome of this solution does not go to plan. Later the team looks at God's covenant that he creates with Abram, again promising Abram that he will have a son.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 15-17






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • 06. Genesis, Ch. 12-14 | The Call of Abram

    In this episode, Lachlan, Morgan and Josh explore Abram's call from God. God chose Abram to be blessed and to become a source of blessing for all of humanity. Our hosts explore Abram journey to Cannan and then later Egypt. Towards the end of the story Abram nephew Lot is captured and the hosts read about the battles and alliances that take place.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 12-14






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • 05. Genesis, Chapters 10 - 11 | Tower of Babel

    Join us in this captivating episode with our hosts as we delve into the biblical tale of the Tower of Babel. Discover how humanity once spoke a single language and united to build a tower that would reach the heavens, but how their arrogance and pride led to divine intervention.

    Uncover the story of God's intervention, confusing the language of the people and causing the construction of the tower to come to a sudden halt. Explore the chaos and confusion that ensued as people were unable to communicate and how they scattered across the earth, forming different nations and speaking different languages.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 10-11






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • 04. Genesis, Chapters 6 - 9 | Noah's Ark

    In this episode, Lachlan, Morgan and Josh explore the fascinating story of Noah's Ark and the flood. God chooses Noah to build an enormous ark to save his family and pairs of every kind of animal from a catastrophic flood that would cover the entire earth. The story of Noah's Ark has captured the attention of people for centuries and remains one of the most intriguing accounts in the Bible.

    Our hosts delve into the historical and scientific aspects of the story, discussing the evidence for (and against) a global flood. They explore the moral and theological implications of the story and what it would have been like to experience God's wrath of this magnitude and how the covenant between humanity and Yahweh continues to inspire His people to this day.

    Join us as we uncover the secrets of Noah's Ark and the flood, and unravel the mysteries of this epic tale.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 6-9






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • 03. Genesis, Chapters 4 - 6 | Cain & Abel

    In this episode, Josh, Lachlan, and Morgan delve into one of the most tragic and enduring stories from the Bible – the tale of Cain and Abel. This story of sibling rivalry, jealousy, and murder has captivated audiences for millennia and continues to resonate with us today. Tracing the escalating tension between Cain and Abel, and the devastating consequences that result, we consider the first recorded killing in the bible and how God responds to this act of sin. After pulling this apart and diving deeper into the lineage of Adam and Eve, our hosts start to poke their heads into the captivating story of Noah.

    Whether you are a biblical scholar, a student of literature, or simply someone interested in exploring the human condition, this episode offers a rich and thought-provoking journey into one of the most powerful stories of all time.

    Book: Genesis
    Chapters: 4-6






    https://www.mustardseed-creative.com/https://www.mustardseed-films.com/Thanks to our monthly supporters Lusiana Frost Doris Limnos ALee ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★