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Connect with UR Teas:
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Emerge Juice:
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Instagram | @meliswellthy
Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
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Address | 1801 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville, LA 70448, United States
Phone: | 985-801-0500
Connect with Mel & James:
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Connect with Heather:
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Connect with Mel & James:
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Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
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Connect with Mel & James:
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Instagram |@emergejuice8
Instagram | @meliswellthy
Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
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Connect with Dr. Sarah Duhon
Websites | illuminatenaturalhealth.com
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Connect with Mel & James:
Emerge Juice:
Website | Emergejuice.com
Instagram |@emergejuice8
Instagram | @meliswellthy
Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
Website | Sacredearthcompany.com
Instagram |@sacredearthco
Facebook | Sacred Earth Company
Resources :
Pubmed, CDC, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone
What is the difference between Covid-19 and Corona virus?
• Coronavirus is a culprit for the common cold, multiple strains that infect
humans and multiple that infect animals
• Called Corona because of its shape like a crown
• Similar to SARS, respiratory difficulties, therefor referred to as SarsCov2 or COVID-19
• It is a gain of function virus, created in a laboratory (Although Dr. Anthony Fauci is still denying
• But with every variant, mother nature is changing the spike proteins to make
them more contagious but also less deadly
• The variants are happening because of the vaccine, specifically because the virus is protecting itself through implementing its own natural defense mechanisms
How deadly is the virus?
• We don’t really know because the data is so falsified.
• PCR testing is such a joke. This particular Covid testing is not sensitive or
specific. Therefore what you can get are high rates of false positives and negatives.
• Thus following if the numbers are inflated and there aren’t truly that many cases, then the
mortality rate is actually higher. But the reported deaths in the hospitals are very well inflated as well. Ultimately it
probably evens out to be somewhere around 1.5% or lower.
• Also consider the attack on PCP not being allowed to treat outpatients
• It’s assumed 85% of people who died could have been saved if doctors would
have been allowed to actually practice medicine. Their patients died because they were denied treatment or forced to fit the patient into a failing protocol
• Can cause chronic issues
Typical testing of vaccines (length and methods) vs Covid and number of
vaccine injuries before a product was pulled from the market vs covid
• Used to take roughly 7 years to actually manufacture a vaccine
• Typically there is a minimum 2 year period for trials to determine sub-acute and chronic
adverse effects like geno-toxicity, cancer, birth defects, etc
• Start with animal studies to rule out alarming short term complications
• Stopped working on RSV vaccine when 22 infant deaths
• Stopped working on H1N1 after 53 deaths and Guillan-barre, roughly 550 cases
• This vaccine is producing nearly 53 presumed deaths a day, that haven’t been fully
assessed for actual cause
• In such a short turn around time, no studies could be done to assess
chronic adverse events, nor can effectiveness be determined in such short
• In the studies that were done, recruited patients that weren’t being
exposed to covid were younger and healthy. And much like other vaccine trials they
didn’t have a true placebo for control group
What is different about this vaccine?
• Very obviously an agenda
• December 10th: “Trusted news initiative,” via BBC announcement
• We are only going to publish info that promotes vaccines and stop
anything that creates vaccine hesitancy, ie; no talk of vaccine safety or effective early/ outpatient treatment
• YouTube, FB, local and national and global news censorship
• Informed consent actuality vs, what should we be informed of with integrity
• Declaration of health safety in US and UK: abide by Law of autonomy: NO
ONE will have anything forced in to their body based on coercion or peer-pressure, fear of reprisal
• True informed consent is talking about the risks and benefits so you can
make an educated decision
• Vaccine that now has 15% effectiveness with these new variants
• And high risks such as embolism, myocarditis, cancer, infertility, etc
What's the difference between vaccines and what does FDA approval actual mean?
• Old vaccines: dead/live-attenuated virus or protein
• New technology
• mRNA technology
• Discovered in the 80's, Dr. Robert Malone on team
• Patented for 20 years and failed every time at creating anything effective
• J&J: adenovirus vector (triple ) code for original spike protein
• Tricks body into making spike protein; basically dumbs down your own immune
• Moderna 100 mcg mRNA, Pfizer 30mcg mRNA, J&J and Astrazeneka =
adenovirus particles (not mRNA)
• They made it to last (with nucleoside caps) and loading it on a charged lipid nano
• They said it would stay (localized) for only a few days (short term).
• Japan denied use of Pfizer vaccine when they couldn’t prove it was
localized/ stayed in arm.
• Therefore it is distributed to the entire body- lipid particles found as well as
free spike protein.
• Body will attack the cells that have the spike protein.
• Now research shows the spike protein existing 9 months later and in blood/
body fluids
• Very high affinity for ovaries and adrenal glands and bone marrow.
• Long term effects: infertility, cancer
• FDA/ Dr. Malone: will see in 6 months, 3 years, 6 years if actually causes
• Signs of potential carcinogenic, thrombocytopenia, reactivation of latent
virus (shingles, retroviruses)
• Now we are starting to see increase incidences of tumors
• FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine
• Mainstream media promoting what the government wants them to say which makes
people feel safe.
• 2 approval letters
• Authorization to market in response to biologic application
• Extension for emergency use authorization
• Pfizer has legally created two vaccines, the one we know of that has been
approved for emergency use, and the other that is being made which the FDA
basically gave authorization to market as it becomes available.
• (German product distributed by Pfizer) Commernity is licensed with
conditions (not currently available). They have just approved the label on it
and documentation as possible adverse events. This is available in other
• Full indemnification for emergency use vaccines
• But for FDA approved, means there isn’t a full indemnification- it's possible
see some financial support if you have damage from vaccine
• Currently they are not mandating this particular vaccine- out of the 3.
• Which ones are safest for seniors, women of childbearing years, or pregnant
• Moderna vaccine study in animals- lowered fertility. The FDA would not
include women of childbearing years or in pregnant women in the study due to possible negative side effects
• Graphene oxide is not listed as ingredients- very important to note
• Shedding and why
• FDA has said that it is possible for those who have a weaker immune system to
continue to produce the spike proteins and constantly shed it
• Breakdown of the risks associated and adverse event reporting:
• Who is monitoring our government?
• No independent safety committees
• Even with huge increase in deaths, this is nothing we have ever seen in the field of medicine
• Nothing was being done about it by FDA or a committee
• Early this year a reported possible 1,600 deaths
• FDA/CDC appointed doctors (not board certified and not out-sourced). These doctors declared that ZERO deaths were from the vaccine
• In normal circumstances, it would take 18 months minimum to review
• Study McLachlan and Scott showed 86%+ had no other possible
causes than the vaccine
• J&J claimed 3 deaths from blood clots. VAERS reports 47- so how many is it really?
• Multiple patients feeling fatigued after vaccine (adrenal glands)
• D-dimer tests after the vaccine - 63% had clotting
• His theory is that in the future they will get right sided heart failure
with pulmonary HTN.
• This could be potentially 60% of the population in the next few
years with congestive heart failure.
• Myocarditis has a 60% 5 year mortality rate
• Infertility not being reported
What are the current numbers according to different entities, ie cdc, vaers, etc?
• https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverseevents.html
• On VAERS reporting, with all vaccines combined, about 158 deaths total
reported in a year
• January: 182 deaths, 455 hospitalizations, 1,700 emergency room visits
• As of September, 386 million doses
• Myocarditis, 1,491 (in people
Connect with Katelyn Sonnier:
Email| [email protected]
Instagram | @eat.love.ayurveda
Phone | 859-608-9905
Connect with Mel & James:
Emerge Juice:
Website | Emergejuice.com
Instagram |@emergejuice8
Instagram | @meliswellthy
Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
Website | Sacredearthcompany.com
Instagram |@sacredearthco
Facebook | Sacred Earth Company
Connect with Lillian Savoie:
Email | [email protected]
Her book: Fill Your soul: The Feminine Way
Website | https://awakenchange.com/
Instagram | @awakenchange
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/theintuitlife/?fref=ts
YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg909zsaLGi6rJ0GdfS38Hg
Connect with Mel & James:
Emerge Juice:
Website | Emergejuice.com
Instagram |@emergejuice8
Instagram | @meliswellthy
Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
Website | Sacredearthcompany.com
Instagram |@sacredearthco
Facebook | Sacred Earth Company
Connect with Edmund Lee:
Email | [email protected]
Connect with Mel & James:
Emerge Juice:
Website | Emergejuice.com
Instagram |@emergejuice8
Instagram | @meliswellthy
Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
Website | Sacredearthcompany.com
Instagram |@sacredearthco
Facebook | Sacred Earth Company
Connect with Dr. Sarah Duhon
Websites | illuminatenaturalhealth.com
Instagram | @illuminatenaturalhealth
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/illuminatenaturalhealthBR
Dr. Duhon's recommendation for Mold testing in Louisiana
MoldX LLC (985) 445-2692
Connect with Mel & James:
Emerge Juice:
Website | Emergejuice.com
Instagram |@emergejuice8
Instagram | @meliswellthy
Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
Website | Sacredearthcompany.com
Instagram |@sacredearthco
Facebook | Sacred Earth Company
Connect with Mel & James
Websites | Sacredearthcompany.com (Find Natural Factors Products here!)
Instagram | @sacredearthco
Facebook | Sacred Earth Company
Discover Natural Factorshttps://exposing-wellness-podcast.simplecast.com/
Websites | https://naturalfactors.com/en-us/
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Connect with Mel & James:
Emerge Juice:
Website | Emergejuice.com
Instagram |@emergejuice8
Instagram | @meliswellthy
Facebook | Emerge an Artisan Juicery
Sacred Earth:
Website | Sacredearthcompany.com
Instagram |@sacredearthco
Facebook | Sacred Earth Company