In this episode Ryan Blake chats reflections on the water with Lex Balladon!
Links mentioned in this episode:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSevyGSQuaA_Jr-Mb4d3yeQ -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats applied nutirion with David Dunne.
Links mentioned in this episode:
https://www.hexis.live/ -
Mangler du episoder?
In this episode Ryan Blake chats psychotherapy with Chloe Svolakos.
Links mentioned in this episode:
https://helloalma.com -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats mindset coaching with Lewis Hatchett.
Links mentioned in this episode:
https://lewishatchett.com/podcast -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats freediving with Alexander Nilsson.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Website | www.alexanderfreediver.com
Instagram | instagram.com/alexanderfreediver -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats leadership with Nigel Briers.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Nigel Briers - LinkedIn | https://uk.linkedin.com/in/nigel-briers-9a921242
John Wooden - How to create a winning organisation | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wooden-Leadership-Create-Winning-Organizaion/dp/0071453393
Bill Walsh - The score takes care of itself | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Score-Takes-Care-Itself-Philosophy/dp/1591843472
James Kerr - Legacy | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Legacy-James-Kerr/dp/147210353X
Nigel Briers - Email | [email protected].uk -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats injury prevention & performance enhancement for running with Tom Scales
Links mentioned in this episode:
Profeet Website | https://profeet.co.uk/
Profeet Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/profeetcustom -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats DNA profiling with Wez Pooley.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Muhdo | https://muhdo.com/ -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats all things running with Kev Quinn.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Kev Quinn | https://www.instagram.com/kevquinn_
Team Real Runners | https://www.instagram.com/teamrealrunners
New Balance Running | https://www.instagram.com/newbalance
Intersport Running | https://www.instagram.com/intersportrunning -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats performance nutrition with Jen Carter.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Jen Carter LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennie-louise-carter-24ab2a51/
Jen Carter - Birmingham City University | https://www.bcu.ac.uk/health-sciences/departments/sport-and-exercise/staff-profiles/jennie-carter
Jen Carter Twitter | https://twitter.com/jen_nutritionjc
Informed Sport | https://sport.wetestyoutrust.com/
Global Dro | https://www.globaldro.com -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats performance vision with Zoe Wimshurst.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Zoe Wimshurst Linked In | https://uk.linkedin.com/in/zoe-wimshurst-3ab7113b
Performance Vision | https://www.performancevision.co.uk/
AECC University College | https://www.aecc.ac.uk/about/who-we-are/academic-staff/zoee-wimshurst/
Christiano Ronaldo - Tested To The Limit | https://youtu.be/FmGybMlOLTY
Pulfrich Effect | https://youtu.be/Q-v4LsbFc5c -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats sport yoga with Helena Shirley.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Vitality health & fitness website | https://www.vitalityhealth-fitness.co.uk
Helena's Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/vitalityhealthfitness
Sarah Ramsden website | https://www.sportsyoga.co.uk
GB triathlon | https://www.britishtriathlon.org
Anatomy of movement by Blandine Calis-Germain
Keeping your joints young by Sarah Key
Functional anatomy of yoga by David Keil -
Ryan Blake chats the role of biomechanics in & on sports performance with Tom Stringwell.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Hallam Barbell Club | http://www.hallambarbell.com/
Dr Mark King - Loughborough University | https://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ssehs/staff/mark-king/
Gym Aware | https://gymaware.com/
Professor Ben Jones - Leeds Beckett University | https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/staff/professor-ben-jones/
Dan Baker’s Power Resources | https://www.danbakerstrength.com/resources
Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research | https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/pages/default.aspx
Stuart McGill | https://www.backfitpro.com/
Paul Gamble Textbooks | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Paul-Gamble/e/B001KMJW92%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share
Stuart Yule | https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartyule/?originalSubdomain=uk
Your Gym Sports Performance | https://ygsp.co.uk/
UKSCA | https://www.uksca.org.uk/
NSCA | https://www.nsca.com/ -
Ryan Blake chats fast bowling & effective coaching processes with Stuart Barnes.
Links mentioned in this episode:
John Bracewell | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bracewell
Graham Ford | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Ford
Kevin Shine | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Shine
Limitless - Jim Quick | https://www.limitlessbook.com
NLP Master Practitioner | https://www.inside-performance.com/nlp-master-practitioner/
Hunger In Paradise - Rasmus Anderson | https://www.rasmusankersen.com
Can’t Hurt Me - David Goggins | https://davidgoggins.com/book/
Dan Pena | https://www.danpena.co.uk
Ed Mylett Podcast | https://www.edmylett.com/podcasts/
Stuart Barnes Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stuartnbarnes/
Stuart Barnes Cricket Coaching Website | https://www.stuartbarnescricketcoaching.com -
Ryan Blake chats lockdown training challenges & coaching Jamaica rugby sevens with Stu Aimer.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Tribe performance website | https://www.tribeperformance.co.uk
Tribe performance instagram | https://www.instagram.com/tribe_perform/
Jamaica rugby sevens | https://www.facebook.com/jamrugbyfootballunion/
Tim Gabbett | https://gabbettperformance.com.au -
Ryan Blake chats motorsport & racing driver performance with Alex Stott.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Alex Stott Website | https://www.alex-stott.com
BN Athlete Gym Website | https://bnathlete.co.uk
True coach | https://truecoach.co
Porsche Human Performance Centre | https://www.porsche.com/silverstone/en/human-performance-center/hpc-courses/
Christian Woodford | https://woodfordssc.com
David Thompson Twitter | https://twitter.com/123david_t
Dean Fouache | https://fouache-performance.co.uk -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats micro-progression, transparency & virtuosity with Jerzy Gregorek.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Jerzy Gregorek Twitter | https://twitter.com/thehappybody
The Happy Body Website | https://thehappybody.com
The Happy Body: The Simple Science of Nutrition, Exercise, and Relaxation | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Happy-Body-Nutrition-Exercise-Relaxation/dp/0982403828/
The Happy Body Virtues: Daily Practices for the Modern Stoic | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Happy-Body-Virtues-Practices-Modern/dp/1733044108/
I Got This: The Art of Getting Grit | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Got-This-Art-Getting-Grit/dp/0996243968/
Wayne Dyer | https://www.drwaynedyer.com
Tim Ferris | https://tim.blog -
In this episode Ryan Blake chats leadership, team development, thriving in uncertain environments & understanding needs with Alex Wolf.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Alex Wolf - Linked In | https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-wolf-37257a12/
EIS | https://www.eis2win.co.uk
British rowing | https://www.britishrowing.org
Simon Sinek | https://simonsinek.com
Alex Wolf - Email | alex@wayfaring.uk - Se mer