
  • A book I’ve often returned to over and over is Thomas R.Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never fully understand it – but we can certainly experience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what a such relationship is like. In this episode Fr. Bill goes further into Kelly’s chapter: Holy Obedience sharing what it’s like to be there and four steps for getting there.

    Show Notes:

    A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • A book I’ve often returned to over and over is Thomas R.Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never understand it – but we can experience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what such a relationship is like. In this episode, Fr. Bill focuses on Kelly’s second chapter: Holy Obedience. It’s OK to listen even if you’re not wholly there!

    Show Notes:

    A Testament ofDevotion by Thomas R. Kelly

    Poem: The Hound of Heaven by FrancisThompson http://www.houndofheaven.com/poem

    Wiki page on the life of Francis Thompson (a recovered opium addict)

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  • A book I’ve often returned to in my morning QuietTimes is Thomas R. Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never understand it – but we canexperience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what such a relationship is like. In this episode Fr. Bill focuses on Kelly’s first chapter: The InnerLight. It’s a Light sure to illuminate the path of any spiritual seeker.

    A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly

    Passage from The Light Within by Thomas R. Kelly:

    … Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn lives, warming us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto Itself. Yielding to these persuasions, gladly committing ourselves in bodyand soul, utterly and completely, to the Light Within, is the beginning of true life. It is a dynamic center, a creative Life that presses to birth within us.

    It is a Light Within which illumines the face of God and casts new shadows and new glories upon the face of men. It is a seed stirring to life if we do not choke it. It is the Shekinah of the soul, the Presence in the midst. Here is the Slumbering Christ, stirring to be awakened, to become the soul we clothe in earthly form and action. And He is within us all.

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  • Many early AAs were prolific readers. Dr. Bob left a library overflowing with spiritual literature and for Oxford Group members spiritual reading formed an important part of their daily morning quiet times. When I’m asked, “What books do you recommend?” to read before doing Two Way Prayer, I’m hesitant to answer as we’re each very different. But, for me, there's one book I’ve returned to several times and it never fails to speak to the deepest longings of my soul. The Big Book says the Great Reality is within. Thomas R. Kelly’s book A Testament of Devotion sheds a Light that helps illuminate that inward journey. Come along for the ride!

    A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly

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  • In this Golden Oldie, Father Bill interviews Professor William Miller, author of Quantum Change: When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives. Listen as the professor reflects on his in-depth study of psychic change. It’s a lively discussion of spirituality and science.Quantum Change: When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives by William Miller


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  • Description: Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob and the AA Pioneers found sobriety primarily by working the principles and practices of the Oxford Group and adapting them to meet the needs of alcoholics. This series traces that early history. It draws from the 1980 AA publication Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers.

    Fr. Bill’s guest is recovery archivist Matt D. from the 12-Step Fellowship All Addicts Anonymous. In this final episode they focus on Dr. Bob’s legacy to AA.

    Show Notes:

    Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers

    All Addicts Anonymous: https://alladdictsanonymous.org/

    Return from Tomorrow by George Ritchie

    Denial of Death by Ernest Becker

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  • Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob and the AA Pioneers became soberprimarily by working the principles and practices of the Oxford Group and adapting them to meet the needs of alcoholics. This series traces that early history. It draws from the 1980 AA publication Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers. Fr. Bill’s guest is recovery archivist Matt D. from the 12-Step Fellowship All Addicts Anonymous. In this sixth episode they explore Chapters 15 through 18 as AA meetings evolve in Akron and Cleveland where Dr. Bob’s influence is remembered.

    Show Notes:

    Dr. Bob and The Good Old Timers

    All Addicts Anonymous: https://alladdictsanonymous.org/1939 Cleveland Plain Dealer AA Articles1939 Rev. Dilworth Lupton’s Sermon Article on Matthew Talbot Saint Francis by Nikos Kazantzakis

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob and the AA pioneers gained their sobriety primarily by working the principles found in the Oxford Group and adapting them to the special needs of alcoholics. This series traces that early history. It draws from the 1980 AA publication Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers. Fr. Bill’s guest is recovery archivist Matt D. from the 12-Step Fellowship All Addicts Anonymous. In this fifth episode they explore Chapters 12,13, and 14 as the alcoholics in the Midwest strike out on their own.

    Show Notes:

    Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers

    All Addicts Anonymous: https://alladdictsanonymous.org/

    Your Faith Magazine: 1939 article by Dr. Bob (courtesy Silkworth.net) https://silkworth.net/alcoholics-anonymous/i-saw-religion-remake-a-drunkard/#google_vignette

    AA Saturday Evening Post: article on AA, 1941 https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2015/12/aa/

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob and the AA pioneers gained their sobriety primarily by working the principles found in the Oxford Group and adapting them to the special needs of alcoholics. This series traces that early history. It draws from the 1980 AA publication Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers. Fr. Bill’s guest is recovery archivist Matt D. from the 12-Step Fellowship All Addicts Anonymous. In this fourth episode they explore Chapters 9,10 and11 as the original program starts to take shape.

    Show Notes: Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers

    All Addicts Anonymous

    Dr. Bob’s Last Talk

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob and the AA pioneers gained their sobriety primarily by working the principles found in the Oxford Group and adapting them to the special needs of alcoholics. This series traces that early history. It draws from the 1980 AA publication Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers. Fr. Bill’s guest is recovery archivist Matt D. from the 12-Step Fellowship All Addicts Anonymous. In this third episode they explore Chapters 7 and 8 as the co-founders go to work on AA number Three and chart their course of recovery.

    Show Notes:

    Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers

    All Addicts Anonymous

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob and the AA pioneers gained their sobriety by working the principles found in the Oxford Group and adapting them to the special needs of alcoholics. This series traces this early history. It draws from the 1980 AA publication Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers. Fr. Bill’s guest is recovery archivist Matt D. from the 12-Step Fellowship All Addicts Anonymous. In this episode they explore the two year period when Bob was faithfully attending Oxford Group meetings but unable to stay sober. Then Bill arrived providentially and a spark was lit that ignited the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Show Notes:

    Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers

    All Addicts Anonymis

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  • A recovery program for alcoholics existed before the Big Book was written, and before the 12 Steps ever came to be. Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob and the original members of AA gained their sobriety by working the principles and practices found in the Oxford Group and adapting them to the special needs of alcoholics. This series traces some of this early history. It draws from the 1980 AA publication Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers. Fr. Bill’s guest is recovery archivist Matt D. from the 12-Step Fellowship All Addicts Anonymous. In this first episode Matt shares some of his own story, explores what the original Akron program was like, how it differed from modern-day AA, and why that original program attracted him. Fr. Bill and Matt then go on to explore highlights from Dr. Bob’s early life and recovery.

    Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers

    All Addicts Anonymous: https://alladdictsanonymous.org/

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • Two Way Prayer is only a part of a longer morning Quiet Time. In this final episode of a two-part series Fr. Bill explores a pamphlet by Howard J. Rose that’s titled: The Quite Time. The short pamphlet was popular among members of the Oxford Group and early AA. It gives an overview of the Morning Quiet Time practice covering five areas:

    1.) The Facts of God’s Guidance.

    2.) The Conditions of God’s Guidance

    3.) The Tests of God’s Guidance

    4.) One Method of receiving God’s Guidance

    5.) The Results of God’s Guidance

    The pamphlet is available to download in the show notes

    Show Notes:

    ⁠The Quiet Time⁠ by Howard J. Rose

    ⁠The World’s Religions⁠ by Houston Smith: (Many used copies are available online so don’t spend too much)

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • Two Way Prayer is only a part of a longer morning Quiet Time. In the following two episodes Fr. Bill explores a pamphlet by Howard J. Rose that’s titled simply: The Quite Time. The short pamphlet was popular among members of the Oxford Group and early AA. It gives an overview of the Morning Quiet Time practice covering five areas:

    1.) The Facts of God’s Guidance.

    2.) The Conditions of God’s Guidance

    3.) The Tests of God’s Guidance

    4.) One Method of receiving God’s Guidance

    5.) The Results of God’s Guidance

    The pamphlet is available to download in the show notes

    Show Notes:

    The Quiet Time by Howard J. Rose

    The World’s Religions by Houston Smith: (Many used copies are available online so don’t spend too much)

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • Many in recovery find Buddhist philosophy and meditation a tremendous aid to their spiritual journey. Fr. Bill’s guest is Kevin G. a gifted Buddhist author and teacher in long term recovery from addiction. Kevin is the author One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps. The Buddha’s enlightenment and Kevin’s simple teaching style have much to offer addicts in the ongoing search to overcome our suffering. See the links below to contact Kevin directly.Show Notes:Kevin’s website: www.kevingriffin.net /The Buddhist Recovery Network: www.buddhistrecovery.org /Houston Smith’ World Religions: (pdf.) https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-worlds-r... /Article on Jesuit Brother Bob Maat: https://contemplativealliance.org/201...

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • We live in an age when the meaning and purpose of life are often less clear than ever before. An age when we’re asking questions of doctors we should be asking priests - but few priests seem able to provide meaningful answers to today’s spiritual seekers. Enter Viktor Frankl.

    Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist whose pioneering work known as Logotherapy has helped millions of suffering men and women begin asking the right questions of life and finding answers that satisfy their souls.

    In this series, we’ve explored Frankl’s book The Doctor and the Soul. Fr. Bill’s guest and tour guide has been Tom Lavin, a therapist, teacher, and friend who has studied Frankl’s work for years and helped many addicts and alcoholics find new or renewed meaning and purpose in their recovery.

    This episode concludes the series. It briefly reviews some of the topics we’ve covered, ties them into the 12-Step journey and contains some suggestions from Tom on what to look for when choosing a therapist.

    Show Notes:

    Tom Lavin is a Psychotherapist, Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and a Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor.

    He’s served for many years as Adjunct Faculty, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

    Links to Tom’s website and his LIVE BETTER television series

    Video of Viktor Frankl

    The Doctor and the Soul via Amazon

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • We live in an age when the meaning and purpose of life are often less clear than ever before. An age when we’re asking questions of doctors we should be asking priests - but few priests seem able to provide meaningful answers to today’s spiritual seekers. Enter Viktor Frankl.

    Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist whose pioneering work known as Logotherapy has helped millions of suffering men and women begin asking the right questions of life and finding answers that satisfy their souls.

    In this series, we explore Frankl’s book The Doctor and the Soul. Fr. Bill’s guest and tour guide is Tom Lavin, a therapist, teacher, and friend who has studied Frankl’s work for years and helped many addicts and alcoholics find new or renewed meaning and purpose in their recovery. This episode explores the existential meaning of love. What it is … What is it not … And how to find it in recovery.

    Show Notes:

    Links to Tom’s website and his LIVE BETTER television series can be Accessed here.


    Video of Viktor Frankl The Doctor and the Soul via Amazon: (Many used copies should be available) Link to First Corinthians XIII M. Scott Peck on Love


    Bill Wilson’s article on Emotional Sobriety The Sexual Crucible by David Schnarch (used copies) --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • We live in an age when the meaning and purpose of life are often less clear than ever before. An age when we’re asking questions of doctors we should be asking priests - but few priests seem able to provide meaningful answers to today’s spiritual seekers. Enter Viktor Frankl.

    Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist whose pioneering work known as Logotherapy has helped millions of suffering men and women begin asking the right questions of life and finding answers that satisfy their souls.

    In this series, we explore Frankl’s book The Doctor and the Soul. Fr. Bill’s guest and tour guide is Tom Lavin, a therapist, teacher, and friend who has studied Frankl’s work for years and helped many addicts and alcoholics find new or renewed meaning and purpose in their recovery. This episode explores the existential meaning of work.

    Show Notes:

    Tom Lavin is a Psychotherapist, Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and a Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor.

    He’s served for many years as Adjunct Faculty, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

    Links to Tom’s website and his LIVE BETTER television series can be Accessed here: https://contextualscience.org/tom_lavin_mft_lcadc_acata_live_better_psychoeducat

    Video of Viktor Frankl

    Article on Professor Howard Gardner’s Good Work

    The Doctor and the Soul via Amazon

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • We live in an age when the meaning and purpose of life are often less clear than ever before. An age when we’re asking questions of doctors we should be asking priests - but few priests seem able to provide meaningful answers to today’s spiritual seekers. Enter Viktor Frankl.

    Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist whose pioneering work known as Logotherapy has helped millions of suffering men and women begin asking the right questions of life and finding answers that satisfy their souls.

    In this series, we explore Frankl’s book The Doctor and the Soul. Fr. Bill’s guest and tour guide is Tom Lavin, a therapist, teacher, and friend who has studied Frankl’s work for years and helped many addicts and alcoholics find new or renewed meaning and purpose in their recovery. This episode explores the existential issues surrounding Life and Death.

    Show Notes:

    Tom Lavin is a Psychotherapist, Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and a Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor. He’s served for many years as Adjunct Faculty, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Tom’s website and newsletter can be accessed at: www.easeap.com/

    Tom’s LIVE BETTER television series provides tools to help people face and overcome their anxiety and other mental health and addiction issues. Be sure to download the worksheets that go along with the helpful videos. Access here.


    Video of Viktor Frankl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlC2OdnhIiQ

    Bill Wilson article on Emotional Sobriety:

    60 Values to Live by – Choose 3 and get going.

    1. Acceptance: to be open to and accepting of myself, others, life etc

    2. Adventure: to be adventurous; to actively seek, create, or explore novel or stimulating experiences

    3. Assertiveness: to respectfully stand up for my rights and request what I want

    4. Authenticity: to be authentic, genuine, real; to be true to myself

    5. Beauty: to appreciate, create, nurture or cultivate beauty in myself, others, the environment etc

    6. Caring: to be caring towards myself, others, the environment etc

    7. Challenge: to keep challenging myself to grow, learn, improve

    8. Compassion: to act with kindness towards those who are suffering

    9. Connection: to engage fully in whatever I am doing, and be fully present with others

    10. Contribution: to contribute, help, assist, or make a positive difference to myself or others

    11. Conformity: to be respectful and obedient of rules and obligations

    12. Cooperation: to be cooperative and collaborative with others

    13. Courage: to be courageous or brave; to persist in the face of fear, threat, or difficulty

    14. Creativity: to be creative or innovative

    15. Curiosity: to be curious, open-minded and interested; to explore and discover

    16. Encouragement: to encourage and reward behaviour that I value in myself or others

    Equality: to treat others as equal to myself, and vice-versa

    17. Excitement: to seek, create and engage in activities that are exciting, stimulating or thrilling

    18. Fairness: to be fair to myself or others

    19. Fitness: to maintain or improve my fitness; to look after my physical and mental health and wellbeing

    20. Flexibility: to adjust and adapt readily to changing circumstances

    21. Freedom: to live freely; to choose how I live and behave, or help others do likewise

    22. Friendliness: to be friendly, companionable, or agreeable towards others

    23. Forgiveness: to be forgiving towards myself or others

    24. Fun: to be fun-loving; to seek, create, and engage in fun-filled activities

    25. Generosity: to be generous, sharing and giving, to myself or others

    26. Gratitude: to be grateful for and appreciative of the positive aspects of myself, others and life

    27. Honesty: to be honest, truthful, and sincere with myself and others

    28. Humour: to see and appreciate the humorous side of life

    29. Humility: to be humble or modest; to let my achievements speak for themselves

    30. Industry: to be industrious, hard-working, dedicated

    31. Independence: to be self-supportive, and choose my own way of doing things

    32. Intimacy: to open up, reveal, and share myself -- emotionally or physically – in my close personal relationships

    33. Justice: to uphold justice and fairness

    34. Kindness: to be kind, compassionate, considerate, nurturing or caring towards myself or others

    35. Love: to act lovingly or affectionately towards myself or others

    36. Mindfulness: to be conscious of, open to, and curious about my here-and-now experience

    37. Order: to be orderly and organized

    38. Open-mindedness: to think things through, see things from other’s points of view, and weigh evidence fairly.

    39. Patience: to wait calmly for what I want

    40. Persistence: to continue resolutely, despite problems or difficulties.

    41. Pleasure: to create and give pleasure to myself or others

    42. Power: to strongly influence or wield authority over others, e.g. taking charge, leading, organizing

    43. Reciprocity: to build relationships in which there is a fair balance of giving and taking

    44. 45. Respect: to be respectful towards myself or others; to be polite, considerate and show positive regard

    45. Responsibility: to be responsible and accountable for my actions

    46. Romance: to be romantic; to display and express love or strong affection

    47. Safety: to secure, protect, or ensure safety of myself or others

    48. Self-awareness: to be aware of my own thoughts, feelings and actions

    49. Self-care: to look after my health and wellbeing, and get my needs met

    51. Self-development: to keep growing, advancing or improving in knowledge, skills, character, or life experience.

    52. Self-control: to act in accordance with my own ideals

    53. Sensuality: to create, explore and enjoy experiences that stimulate the five senses

    54. Sexuality: to explore or express my sexuality

    55. Spirituality: to connect with things bigger than myself

    56. Skilfulness: to continually practice and improve my skills, and apply myself fully when using them

    57. Supportiveness: to be supportive, helpful, encouraging, and available to myself or others

    58. Trust: to be trustworthy; to be loyal, faithful, sincere, and reliable

    59. Insert your own unlisted value here:

    60. Insert your own unlisted value here: *** Once you’ve marked each value as V, Q, N (Very, Quite, or Not so important), go through all the Vs, and select out the top three that are most important to you in this domain of life, at this point in time. The next step is to start looking at ways to live these values, in this area of life; things you can say and do, guided by these values.

    The Doctor and the Soul via Amazon

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support
  • We live in an age when the meaning and purpose of life are often less clear than ever before. An age when we’re asking questions of doctors we should be asking priests - but few priests seem able to provide meaningful answers to today’s spiritual seekers. Enter Viktor Frankl.

    Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist whose pioneering work known as Logotherapy has helped millions of suffering men and women begin asking the right questions of life and finding answers that satisfy their souls.

    In this series, we explore Frankl’s book The Doctor and the Soul. Fr. Bill’s guest and tour guide is Tom Lavin, a therapist, teacher, and friend who has studied Frankl’s work for years and helped many addicts and alcoholics find new or renewed meaning and purpose in their recovery. This episode explores anxiety, a disease Frankl called “the disease of our time.” Tom explores the subject and suggests how Logotherapy can be of help.

    Show Notes:

    Tom Lavin is a Psychotherapist, Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and a Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor. He’s served for many years as Adjunct Faculty, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Tom’s website and newsletter can be accessed at: www.easeap.com/

    Tom’s LIVE BETTER television series provides tools to help people face and overcome their anxiety and other mental health and addiction issues. Be sure to download the worksheets that go along with the helpful videos.


    Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger via Amazon (free pdf copies are available online)

    The Doctor and the Soul by Viktor Frankl

    Frankl Quote:

    “ … psychotherapy has given too little attention tothe spiritual reality of man.

    “For the aim of the psychotherapist should be to bringout the ultimate possibilities of the patient, to realize his latent values, remembering the aphorism of Goethe,

    ‘… if we take people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat them as if they were what they ought tobe, we help them to become what they are capable of becoming.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatherbillw/support