
  • In today's episode of The Feminine Magnetism Podcast, we talk about my "ick" with manifestation. I explain why "attraction" is more appealing to me than "manifestation".

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -My personal experiences with manifestation

    -The power of attraction that can be blocked when you're hyper-focused on manifesting

    -What the "high vibe" culture is and why it's toxic

    -Why it's okay, and even natural, to be low vibe sometimes

    -What the Spirit Self is

    I encourage you to play with what we talked about in today's episode. If you are wholeheartedly and selfishly dedicated to yourself, what would that actually mean and look like to you? (Can be how you experience the world, the things you attract, how fulfilled you feel, how people and the rest of the world responds back to you, etc.)

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • In today's episode of The Feminine Magnetism Podcast, we talk about how I f*cked up the 100 days of meditation challenge on Day 9! (I'm currently on Day 12 now)

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -Why I messed up the challenge 

    -How my roommate held me accountable and helped me figure out how to make up for missing a day of meditating (we have a deal in place!)

    -Meditating for yourself VS meditating for your ego

    -How meditating helped shine light on the disconnect I've been feeling (listen to the episode to hear about where the disconnect is!)

    -What it means to be capable of being bigger than your current biggest accomplishment

    -New truths I'm coming to feel/realize 

    I encourage you to start video journaling your feelings, thoughts, accomplishments, etc. so you can document your growth in all areas of your life.

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • In today's short episode of The Feminine Magnetism Podcast, we talk about the 100 Days Of Meditation challenge I made for myself. I'm meditating for 1 hour every day for 100 days, and this was recorded on Day 8! I'm sharing where I'm at in my meditation journey so far because it's been unfolding soooo interestingly! I'm getting more and more "woke" as the days pass.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How I felt during and after my 1 hour long meditation

    -The importance of taking advantage of the downloads that come up during meditation instead of getting on your phone right away

    -Receiving guidance from the Universe/God

    I encourage you to join me in this challenge and if you do, just know that it's important to be careful about your intentions behind starting. You need to have solid intentions and a system in place to hold you accountable.

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • In today's episode of The Feminine Magnetism Podcast, we talk about the 100 Days Of Meditation challenge I made for myself. I'm meditating for 1 hour every single day for 100 days and this was recorded on Day 5!

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -This experience through the feminine

    -The purpose of meditating

    -Why I chose to do this challenge (my intentions)

    -How meditating for 1 hour a day has been going for me so far

    -The connection between meditation and the masculine

    -How I feel during the meditation 

    -How I'm holding myself accountable so I don't give up

    I encourage you to join me in this challenge and if you do, just know that it's important to be careful about your intentions behind starting. You need to have solid intentions and a system in place to hold you accountable.

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • In today's episode of The Feminine Magnetism Podcast, we talk about saying NO to misaligned clients. I know it feels weird to talk about saying "no" and firing clients, but I want to share this because it's not the first time I've felt misaligned with a client. I have a much deeper understanding of what's going on and I know that you queens will relate. 

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -What it means to be aligned vs. misaligned with a client

    -What it means to be at the same level of consciousness as someone else

    -How to know if a client is out of alignment

    -My personal experience with misaligned clients

    I encourage you to recognize what is feeling aligned and what isn't, and listen to what your intuition is telling you to do about it.

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Today we talk about what I mean when I say that neediness is your power. Neediness is probably the most common theme that shows up for my clients in the beginning for several reasons.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -The reasons we worry about neediness so much

    -Why we match well with certain people based on our own stories

    -Masculine and feminine love

    -Attachment styles and neediness

    -A deeper state of love

    I encourage you to own that part of you that has that needy desire. That feels needy for love, affection, and connection.

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Today I am sharing my embodiment practice for emotional release with you! Maybe nothing seems to be working. Maybe you're lost, confused, or struggling with connecting to your intuition... because there is a huge chunk of emotion and unprocessed heaviness that's living inside of you.

    Once you can go into the place where this is being held inside of your body and experience the pain then you'll need to open up and let the clarity from that emotion guide you through your next steps.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -Emotional blockages


    -Victimizing yourself on a short term

    -The importance of having a dedicated space to practice emotional release

    -Breathing techniques

    -Releasing ancestral karma

    -Being intentional with chakras

    -Self pleasure practice

    Take what you need from this episode, and let me know what you end up including in your emotional releasing practice and how you liked it!

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Today we talk about why we should be more mindful of how we choose "spiritual" teachers. I chose to talk about this topic because I recently went to a Men's and Women's Circle and it wasn't what I was expecting. I've been to Circles before and LOVE them because of the space being held, the open forum, the open dialog, and how we can be the ones holding space for others. However, this recent Circle was NOT that.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How I felt misaligned with this recent "Circle"

    -What people think spirituality should look like vs. what it really looks like

    -Why everyone's connection to Spirit is unique

    -What intuition REALLY is

    I am inviting you to my upcoming Women's Circle about the essence of sensuality, sexuality, and embodiment. You can feel free to openly participate and be present OR you can just sit and be silent and simply feel. In a Women's Circle there is a sense of just being, so don't think anything needs to be DONE in the circle. Keep a look out on my Instagram for a date and time for this Circle!

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Listen to today's episode where I repurposed an old coaching call into a valuable episode where everyone who listens will take away something important and apply it to your personal life. (This also gives those of you wanting to work with me as your coach and insight into how I coach!)

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How to find clarity in order to establish a positive mindset and healthy relationship after a breakup

    -How to process your emotions when an ex unexpectedly reaches out

    -What it feels like to be someone's puppet in a relationship

    -The difference between habits and constants 

    -Toxic and selfish masculinity

    -Why it's okay and actually healthy to be angry

    This episode also includes a few different practices that will help you learn to feel and release your anger instead of silently harboring it. I want everyone listening to pick at least one and practice it a few times. Then connect with me on IG and let me know how it's helped you personally!

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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    Feel drawn to work with me? Apply for 1:1 coaching!

    All episodes are produced by Alpha Echo Assistance L.L.C.

  • How can you bounce back when the vibes are low?

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How to charge your water with intentions and why you should try this practice

    -How different vibrations affect water and that's important to know

    -How to release dense energy and replace it with high vibrational energy

    -The importance of having a woman's circle or just a community that holds space for you

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • I saw a post that said, "birth control, was never about sexual liberation or freedom. It was about hiding God's calendar from His people by muting the womb. The wombs of His kingdom's queens." Do you agree or disagree?

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -Why I steered away from saying the word "God" for so long, and would instead say universe

    -Finding peace in saying the word "God" instead of avoiding it

    -How being on birth control provided me sexual freedom and safety

    -Why we shouldn't use medications including birth control as a crutch forever

    -Why birth control disconnects us from our cycles

    The womb holds this creative potential that we actively move in this lifetime. So by silencing the womb and relying on birth control to be our path to sexual freedom or the only trustable source of what's happening in our body, we are surrendering our own power.

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • In today's episode I talk about my recent girls' trip with some of the GlitterGang in Delaware for a friend's birthday and some things that came up for me while I was away and when I came back to Miami.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -Blind dates and how they are actually much scarier for the masculine

    -How you can allow yourself to fully notice and embrace discomfort and allow it just to be there

    -Different ways to love and be loved

    -How toxic it is to put expectations onto one person

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Today's episode is about beauty in the masculine compared to the feminine. What it's like living with a guy when it's not romantic. No s3xual relations, no triggers, no emotional burden, and no underlying expectations. 

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How we can appreciate the beauty in the masculine more

    -The transition I went through from living with only women for about 7 years to living with a man

    -What natural feminine energy looks and feels like

    If these are things you'd like to go deeper with and you want your life to BE the experience of your lessons without doing more, healing more, trying to fix yourself, etc. then you should join me in The Embodiment Feminine Mentorship Program. We will go through and work on many things like:

    -Communication techniques

    -Embodiment techniques

    -Emerging our energy and allowing all assets of our beauty to be seen and felt

    This program is 4 months long and half of the seats are already taken for this round! (possibly launching a second round of this program if you guys want to be a part of this journey!)

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions about Embodied Feminine Mentorship Program that you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Today's episode is about living with the masculine and how it impacts your own feminine energy. This is super relatable for me right now since I'm living with a man who isn't a romantic partner.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How men aren't always in their masculine energy and women aren't always in their feminine energy. (also energies aren't tied to a certain gender, so it's normal if you are a woman, but feel more connected to masculine energy)

    -Enhancing polarity

    -How we tend to match energies based on our current environment

    -Healing your nervous system's reaction to the masculine

    -The different stages of the feminine energy and desire

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Today we are talking about the feminine need for release and how to play with it.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How it feels to invest in ourselves at different stages

    -Nervous system going into shock

    -Finding inner peace

    -The mourning that can take place when you release

    -The feminine cycle and moving forward

    After you listen to this episode, I challenge you to spend some time journaling to see what it is you're not ready to let go of and are clinging onto, and think about if you were to make a decision to initiate the release of that, what would that look like?

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • What are the ways you are possibly blocking your own expansion? There is so much more possibility and opportunity for you when you say yes to things that you normally would say no to as an entrepreneur.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -External energy leaks

    -The opportunity to invite experiences

    -How to open up and receive from the divine

    -Why you should create and do more of what excites you

    Queens, you don't have to work 40+ hours a week when you're an entrepreneur just because that was soooo normalized in the corporate world. If you are currently putting in 40 or more hours in your business each week, I actually want to challenge you to cut that in half and see what happens. See how you FEEL about your business when you are doing it for pleasure. Don't tie your worth and identity to how many hours a week you work.

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How YOU can master attraction with what ever it is you are already doing in your life

    -How you can identify what it is that you're already talented/confident with doing (don't worry, I share examples too!)

    -Power of embodiment and mindset

    -Being intentional with how and what you attract

    -How your desires can guide you

    You have enough changes and challenges going on in your life as is, and if you keep trying to change more and do more all the time then you'll get overwhelmed. 

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Today we talk about why we need to be more careful and mindful of what is going on in our bodies and lives without instantly declaring that everything happening is ONLY because of the moon cycles and where the planets are at. (I am in no way an astrologer, but I know some things!) 

    They absolutely have an effect on us, but there is ALWAYS something even deeper going on too.

    Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -Nervous system 

    -Trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze)

    -Challenges in life and how to appreciate them as you work with them

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -Releasing fear

    -Obtaining inner peace

    -Our energetic bodies and how we exchange energy like real currency

    -Existing through our feminine cycles and the magnetism behind each cycle. (premenstrual, menstrual, ovulation)

    Anytime we are on the brink of a change our nervous system quite literally goes into shock. We will never be able to predict the future, so we can never be sure of anything. That creates doubt, anxiety, and fear. Let me guide you through this to help you learn to surrender and release these negative feelings around change!

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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  • Listen to today's episode to learn about:

    -How we can relate to our feminine when we live in a masculine world

    Being feminine is not the norm of the corporate world right now. If you live in a city or the "normal" world that's very masculine, this episode invites you to step more into your unique feminine expression. I'll help guide you in your journey to bring the two worlds together, so you can receive unfathomable magnetism. 

    If you missed the last workshop in feminine magnetism, then join my Facebook group Feminine Magnetism for Women so you don't miss the next one!

    If you enjoyed today's episode or have questions you'd like to ask me, please leave a review on this podcast or connect with me on Instagram

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