
  • A question I get asked all the time is - How do I stand out in a saturated market?

    This can feel incredibly challenging and I could say to you "just don't worry about the competition" but I know that doesn't help 

    So in todays episode I am sharing 4 ways you can stand out in a saturated market and really elevate your photography business.  

    These are the 4 things that I did that allowed me to stand out from my market, have a consistent flow of clients and maintain a successful photography studio for over 10 years in a really small town.

    If you're ready to take your business to the next level be sure to watch my FREE MASTERCLASS - The photographers roadmap to leveraged income here is the link https://www.bossmotive.com/mc-roadmap. 

  • If you are ready to build a leveraged income suite in your Photography business by creating, marketing and selling digital products, such as templates, guides, ebooks, masterclasses and online courses, on autopilot then this episode is definitely for you.

    The number one concern I hear from photographers when they are considering building a leveraged income suite is, I don't know where to start or what to build. 

    In this episode I am sharing the 4 P's to get you started in the right direction.

    To watch my FREE Masterclass and learn even more about how you can get started follow this link for immediate access https://www.bossmotive.com/mc-roadmap 

    And if you are truly ready to get started and committed to taking action you can join the Freedom + Profit Accelerator - Photographers Roadmap to Leveraged Income Online Course. 


    Enrolment is now open !!!!


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  • Have you ever tried to achieve success in your business but just can't seem to get there? 

    You know in your conscious mind what success looks like, the practical strategies, and you feel like you put in the work every day but there is just something that keeps you suck at the same level.  

    Perhaps things start to go great and without really knowing why you just can't seem to maintain the wealth or unexpected bills or random distractions come up.  

    If you are nodding your head to any of this, then I guarantee you will want to listen and take notes to this powerful episode with Jenna Holloway. 

    In this episode we cover;

    Lack of self-trust and how it is impacting your businessHow to follow your intuition to unlock the ultimate successWhat is subconscious reprogramming and why it could be the key you are missing 

    And so much more!

    About Jenna:

    Jenna Holloway is a former language teacher turned multi-award winning hypnotherapist and Intuitive Visibility and Marketing mindset coach who helps mission-led entrepreneurs remove their stubborn subconscious limiting beliefs so they can show up fearlessly in their business and propel themselves joyfully and sustainably to their next level of success. 

    What’s more, she helps them switch overthinking with self-trust so they can experience total mental and emotional freedom. and feel supported and tap into the energetics that opens the floodgates to abundance  

    Jenna believes when you have access to the tools and support available to you, you can leverage the universal laws and genuinely quantum leap whilst feeling the most relaxed you’ve ever felt in business.

    You can connect with Jenna on Instagram at @iamjennaholloway

    Or visit Jenna's website at https://www.jennaholloway.com/home 

  • This is a powerful episode about the importance of investing and growing your wealth beyond your businesses.

    We discuss, 

    why you should consider diversifying your investments,why you need to understand and be empowered to make decisions,when is the best time to invest,

    and most importantly

    how you can start investing and grow your knowledge and your wealth even with the smallest amount today. 

    Indre Butkeviciute is a Wealth coach for women.   She teaches women how to be better with their money and how to invest.  Her mission is to encourage Women to become more confident and feel empowered about making financial decisions and not to be scared of investing.

    Indre teaches Women how to build an investment portfolio and make confident decisions around financial matters.

    You can follow her super helpful tips and connect with Indre on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/indrebutk/ 

    Or visit her Website at https://www.lilyadvisory.com/ 

  • In this powerful episode, the beautiful Emily K Thomas talks to us about the power of Energetics, how our vibration can affect what we do, and the importance of understanding how it all works to have a successful and fulfilling life and business. 

    Emily explains her impactful 5D method for aligning yourself and working at your best.   There are so many key takeaways in this episode that you will want to grab a pen and paper to take notes.

    Emily K Thomas is an energetic advisor and founder of Anchor and Lead In her work she advises high-performance entrepreneurs & leading professionals to lead with conviction, hire, and scale with complete confidence. She’s passionate about helping her clients harness the power of their unique energetic DNA to mitigate risk and achieve their financial intentions and live with more ease. 

    She is the host of the Live Your Light Podcast and the founder and designer of Sundari Swim, an eco-conscious, body-love swimwear brand.  Her mission is to help entrepreneurs build a business that fuels their lifestyle. 

    You can connect with Emily on Instagram at @itsemilykthomas

    Or head to her website to learn more https://emilykthomas.com/ig 


  • In this episode, I am talking with Joanna Ingram about how we need to be aligned with our business and not just operate from our past skills and experiences.  We discuss how it feels to run a business that isn't aligned with our goals and purpose and how we can do the work to solidify our message and start sharing it with the world. 

    Joanna is a Brand Messaging Consultant & Business Coach, Ex-Advertising Agency Director & Host of the Leading Podcast, Goals With Soul

    As a Brand Messaging Specialist, Joanna has seen what happens when business owners call in clients who aren't a great fit.   She says, "You work even harder to prove yourself, and although the income may flow (at least at first), your energy and visibility plummets, you dread your client calls, you hit a long-term sales plateau, and you can easily fall out of love with your business".

    Joanna is dedicated to helping visionary women unlock their next-level income AND reignite their passion for their clients and business through the "heart articulation" of her unique Brand EPICS process®️ and unlocking your unique Aligned Client Code™️.

    ​You can connect with Joanna on Instagram @iamjo.ingram

    Watch her masterclass here Joannaingram.link/masterclass

  • If you listen to main stream media and those that read the newspaper you are likely to hear that doom and gloom (aka a recession) is coming.  Or perhaps its already here, depends who you talk to, but in my positive opinion it actually doesn't have to be all bad, in fact, from what I have seen plenty of luxury brands actually thrive when times are tough and I fully believe you can too.

    Here's the thing, when times get tight there will always still be opportunities available to you to increase your business if you clearly articulate your brand value, focus some energy on adverting to become more visible and keep your mindset in check. 

    And most importantly now is the time to build more income streams into your business so you don't only rely on one income source.  Perhaps it is time to become more creative than you have in the past with what you offer, lean into how you use your time and really be open and see all the opportunities that are available to you to make money.

    If you are ready to scale your photography business and build more income streams you can follow this link to watch my FREE Masterclass - Products to Profit - https://www.bossmotive.com/products-to-profit 

    Or if you are really ready to take action follow this link and book a FREE Clarity Call to see if we are a good fit to work together and see how I can help you recession proof your business and scale it with more income streams.   https://calendly.com/liz-boss/freedom-profit-apply 

  • In this episode, my special guest Nicole is talking with us about the power of somatic healing to feel safe and secure in your body and business.

    We discuss how our beliefs are formed and how they get in the way of us creating the success we desire and how to continuously break through our upper limits and build a wildly successful business with more ease and joy.

    Nicole is a former University of Cambridge Research Scientist turned Somatic Healer to Ambitious Business Leader. She helps heart-led entrepreneurs break free from their triggers, so they can truly embody unbreakable self-belief, create ease within their business and skyrocket them to their next level of growth & success.

    Her mission is to empower bold leaders to escape from their past traumas and conditioning so they can create wildly successful businesses that bring them joy and freedom. Nicole believes success is only fleeting if you don’t do the somatic work that allows you to hold the expansion that wild success entails.  

    You can connect with Nicole on Instagram @iamnicolepond at https://www.instagram.com/iamnicolepond/ 

    Nicole also references a fantastic book called The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk.  


  • Kristen Salomon is a content marketing strategist who helps entrepreneurs capitalize on their intuition to effortlessly attract leads on social media. 

    In this episode we talk about how valuable it is to follow your intuition and trust your gut to make better business decisions especially when it comes to marketing your business.

    You can connect with Kristen on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/inpocketdigitalmarketing/


  • If you have been in my world for 5 minutes you know how much I believe that every business owner should have multiple streams of income especially if you have only been relying on providing 1:1 service.

    In this episode, I'm talking to another business coach and mentor who 100% agrees with the same philosophy that in order to have a successful scalable business you need to create multiple income streams.

    Kyleigh is the founder of Birthworker.com and the host of the Birthworker Podcast. She went from side-gig doula to CEO of a multi-six-figure birth business in less than 3 years.

    Her passion? Teaching birth nerds how to build an incredibly successful doula business that allows them to quit their day job, stay home with their kids, and make a lasting impact on the world and build out multiple income streams through digital and physical products.

    You can connect and follow Kyleigh on Instagram @theautonomymommy at https://www.instagram.com/theautonomymommy 


    If you are ready to scale your own business you can learn how to do it in my FREE Masterclass - Products to Profit https://www.bossmotive.com/products-to-profit

    Or if you are ready to book a free clarity call and learn if we are a good fit to work together you can book a call with this link here 


  • Mini Sessions can be a photographers achilles heel, they seem to have been around for a very long time and "most photographers" seem to offer them but, could they be keeping you from reaching your income goals and scaling your business financially?

    You might feel like you have to do them because people won't pay your full prices (hello money blocks) or you may see it as a nice way to offer a discount to clients in order for them to have a session with while you're secretly praying you can up sell them to more images after the session. Yikes!

    Regardless of why you have been doing them it is really important to understand that if they are not done correctly eg you are still doing practically the same amount of work for half the price then chances are you are just shooting yourself in the foot and not actually doing your business justice and making the money you need. 

    But do not fear, all is not lost.  In this episode I am sharing how I run mini sessions as a marketing opportunity that makes it easy and less time consuming but leaves your clients wanting more (i.e wanting to book a full session with me later) 

    I would love to know what you think of this episode, so please head over to Instagram @bossmotive_liz.morris and let me know.

    And if you are ready to Scale Your Photography Business, Shooting Less Clients and Making More Income through leveraged products and offers be sure to follow this link to Watch My FREE MASTERCLASS - PRODUCTS TO PROFIT 

  • In this episode we talk about the importance of tapping into your intuition to run a successful business and why its important to really know your audience and your message intimately before you even begin to sell and why getting specific will help you sell.

    "Specificity will HELP You Scale Fast" 

     Kathryn Thompson is a Canadian-Based Entrepreneur who inspires people to use their stories as a way to create change in the world.

     She's an Award-Winning Marketing and communications expert with more than 15 years of experience.  After growing one of her businesses close to a million dollars in sales in less than four years, she sold it with a single email.

     Kathryn is now the Founder of Creatively Owned a marketing and communications firm that helps entrepreneurs use the power of words to create instant appeal for what they are selling.

    Kathryn has a different way to write copy. If you struggle to write copy and content in your business this is likely to be the episode for you



  • The best thing about being an entrepreneur and having your own business has got to be the ability to change direction, pivot and try new things whenever you feel called to do it.

    In the last year or 2, I have been out and about trying a variety of new things, including online digital courses, selling digital products and scaling my e-commerce store to new heights. 

    So you may be wondering why I chose to give up a perfectly good photography business, why I have been out testing all these different business models and why I have been stretching my own capacity to gain mastery and confidence in coaching others to do what I have done. 

    Well, even if you weren't wondering, I am sharing it all here in this episode.

    I am sharing why I burnt my photography business to the ground, what I have been doing and testing since and why I am ready to get back into the industry working with Photographers and picking up my own camera once again. 

    If you're a photographer and this sparks your interest you can watch my free masterclass to learn exactly how you can build out new income streams that will see you make more income in your business without needing to photograph as many clients and finally create more consistent income.

    Follow this link to watch my FREE Masterclass - Products to Profit:  https://www.bossmotive.com/products-to-profit and use the link on the page to book a call if you would like to hear more or join the Freedom and Profit Accelerator Group Coaching Program. 


  • Let me introduce you to Georgia Fitzgerald, Founder of The Venture Architect, qualified business coach, entrepreneur, ex-city recruiter, and coach to professional women looking to create more freedom and profit in their businesses as they scale from 6 to 7 figures and beyond.

    As a Coach to Rising CEOS, Georgia helps entrepreneurs build the business they dream of that gives them income and freedom to make the most of life.
    With over 15 years of experience in recruitment, working within and building start-ups, and business coaching, she is well-placed to get you on track.

    In this episode we talk about:

    * Identifying your first hire and how to begin

    * How to eliminate the overwhelm and confusion of hiring people

    * Who to look for and what roles within your business you should fill first

    * How to become a leader and delegate takes and remove that need to micro-manage 


    Even if you are at the very beginning of hiring staff or you have had staff already this episode is a must to listen to.  

    If you love what you hear on this episode, you can connect with Georgia at 

    Website: http://www.theventurearchitect.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_venture_architect 

  • If you are relying on trading your time for money (service business such as being a Photographer) you will NEVER be able to scale past a certain point. 

    Why? because we are limited by the number of hours in a day, days in the week, and weeks in the year and as humans, we actually want to have a life (well I know I do) 

    It is time to realize that whilst a 1:1 service business is a great entry point and can give you some financial return, in order to scale to higher revenue months and maintain the business without burn out you need to do things differently.

    I touch on this in this episode today but if you want to learn how I have done this in more depth and how I help my clients do this the right way, follow this link and watch my FREE MasterClass - Products to Profit:  https://www.bossmotive.com/products-to-profit


  • Jane is the founder of BodyMastery. She is a Self-Love and Mental Health advocate, a BodyMastery Mentor, Meditation Teacher, Inspirational Speaker and a mum of 2 boys who are fast becoming men.

    She lives on the NSW South Coast with her husband, youngest son Aiden, Molly the dog and Boon the cat.  Her eldest son, Ethan, has flown the nest and is following his heart. She loves sunflowers, travelling, getting lost in fantasy novels, walking barefoot on the Earth, swimming, riding my flower-covered bike, and spending time in nature with those I love.

    For the past 12 years, Jane has been on a very deep healing journey to heal mental illness, reclaim my body and sexual energy, deepen into self-love, and live her soul-truth. At the same time, she has been developing BodyMastery as a modality and business. It is her passion and purpose to help women feel empowered in their Bodies. She wants to help women remember who they truly are, to find their unique BodyMastery and cultivate a loving compassionate relationship with their Body.

    Everything Jane offers creates space for women to make themselves a priority, cultivate healthy self-care habits, be more self-aware, live life intuitively and deepen into Self-Love.

    Jane shares a beautiful meditation at the 35 minute point of this podcast.

    You can connect with Jane at Instagram: @bodymastery.studio

    Website: www.bodymastery.studio 

  • Do you feel like you reach an income ceiling each month in your Photography or Creative Service Business?

    Do you feel like you can't take on any more clients because you literally don't have any more hours in the day or week?

    Been there, felt like that.....

    I decided a few years ago that I was tired of trading my time for money.  I was on the slow lane to wealth and the fast lane to burnout.  Sound familiar?

    In this episode I am sharing how I changed my business to go from trading time for money to leveraging my skills, experience and grit to building multiple leveraged income streams.

    I now make money while I sleep or go on holidays and it is totally possible for you too. 

    In this episode I share an opportunity to watch more about this topic in my FREE Masterclass - Products to profit here:  https://www.bossmotive.com/products-to-profit


    If you are really serious and ready to make changes, earn more and work less you can book a 90min Goal and Strategy Session here:  https://www.bossmotive.com/offers/RnnKScFS/checkout

  • Happy New Year!

    New Year New Look... I've changed the name of this podcast to Freedom Boss to better articulate my purpose and mission to support Women build a Freedom Abundant Business and Lifestyle.

    In all my years in business, I see way too many gurus who overcomplicate it all leaving us freedom seekers' feelings confused and overwhelmed.

    Well not anymore, not on my watch. I am making it my mission to simplify business allowing for more freedom and abundance than ever before.

    In this episode I am sharing why I fell off the podcast wagon for a few months and what is coming in the near future.  I'm excited to be back chatting in your ear once again.

    Are you wanting to add additional revenue to your service business follow this link and watch my FREE Masterclass to learn how... https://www.bossmotive.com/products-to-profit


  • Do you have to be the "face" of your business?

    When you first land in the online marketing world every marketing guru tells you that you have to be the face of your brand in order to make sales.  

    Maybe you have seen this and felt the pressure to show up even if it doesn't feel like you or you don't feel comfortable doing it.

    I get it, and I felt stuck by this notion for a long time.

    In this episode I am pulling the curtain back on this idea, of being the face of your brand, and sharing with you my experience of the pressure I felt to show up and some strategies I used to do make sales and continue to serve my clients without showing my own face. 

    Are you ready to book your own FREE 30min Growth and Strategy Session follow this link to reserve your spot 


    Or connect with me on Instagram 


  • Perhaps you tell yourself and others that you are a perfectionist? 

    Or perhaps you are hiding behind this title?

    In this episode I am challenging you to consider if you really are a perfectionist, what a perfectionism is, how you can let go of it just a little and most importantly understand what else may be going on that is keeping you stuck in your business.

    Are you ready to stop the perfectionism and procrastination and move forward in your business, scale to 5 figure months and beyond then I would love to chat with you. 

    Head over to Instagram and send me a DM with the word "ready" and let's start a conversation.
