“I went to sleepaway camp so long ago that it was the Stone Age. No, but seriously, it wasn't the Stone Age... it was the Ice Age! No, really, it was the Stone Age.” Join Aaron and James this week on a trip back in time to a fictionalized 1981 summer camp romp! Director David Wain, numerous members of The State, and MANY other funny people combine talents to pull off what might the one of the funniest, most quotable, silliest cult comedies of all time. Listen in to catch our thoughts on the best gags and more!
“Many monarchs have come and gone. One drowned in poison, another succumbed to flame. Still another slumbers in a realm of ice. Not one of them stood here, as you do now. You, conqueror of adversities. Give us your answer.” Aaron and James are joined again by a special guest to wrap up their discussion of an underappreciated entry in the Dark Souls series. This week, they explore the world and lore of Drangleic in detail -- its areas, its occupants, and its ties to the first game. Which areas of the game do they find most (and least) fascinating? Which boss approaches are the most painful? How good are the DLCs? These questions and many more will be answered!
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"Bearer of the curse…Seek souls. Larger, more powerful souls. Seek the King, that is the only way. Lest this land swallow you whole… As it has so many others." For this momentous episode, Aaron and James are far from crestfallen as they are joined by a very special returning guest to discuss an entry in one of their all-time favorite video game series. A divisive game, it is not without its detractors, but you will not find any of them here. Join them as they discuss their histories with the game, its development, its gameplay, design, and themes, and, most importantly, why they chose to cover it instead of the other entries in the series. Then, next week they’ll dive into the game’s story and lore, and walkthrough the game in detail.
“Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure. They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful.” This week, Aaron and James pay tribute to the late director, David Lynch. Listen as they discuss the man himself, his artistry, their experiences with his contributions to film and TV, and -- most importantly of all -- why they encourage everyone to seek out at least one of his timeless works.
With the year coming to a close, Aaron and James reflect once more on the games they played in 2024. As usual, they'll surprise you (and each other) with some of their picks. Hopefully some of your favorites made their lists!
“One man's toxic sludge is another man's potpourri.” It’s the holiday season, and we’ve got a special present for all of our listeners! Join Aaron, James, and a surprise returning guest to discuss this controversial adaption of a holiday classic. Do the comedic style of Jim Carrey and the magic of Dr. Seuss work together? Or should Ron Howard get a lump of coal for his directorial efforts? Listen in and join the debate!
"Can I ask you something, Kittridge? If you're dealing with a man who has crushed, shot, stabbed, and detonated five members of his own IMF team, how devastated do you think you're gonna make him by hauling Mom and Uncle Donald down to the county courthouse?" Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to listen to Aaron and James discuss the finer points of this 1996 action spy film. Does Brian De Palma’s directorial style mesh with the sheer intensity of a Tom Cruise performance? Or should this film be disavowed for some of its odd sexual tension? Listen quickly, because this episode description will self destruct in 60 seconds!
Lately, it seems like every other game announcement is a remake or remaster of an old favorite. But what’s the difference? And what games deserve a second chance at life? That’s what Aaron and James will debate in this episode! Each has their own ideas about the muddled differentiation between remakes, remasters, ports, and reboots, and each has a list of six games that deserve the treatment. There’s a blend of deep cuts and bonafide classics, so listen up and see if one of your nostalgic favorites made the list!
Thought Spooky Season was over? Surprise! And the surprises don’t stop there. This week, Aaron leads James through a horror-themed mystery segment guaranteed to shock and provoke some divisive reactions, to say the least! James then takes the wheel and gives his thoughts on some of the MANY horror films he digested this October. May Spooky Season live in our hearts all year long!
“If that were in text, I would emphasize it and heart it!” The V/H/S film franchise is not without its bad dialogue, but Aaron and James are pleased to report that it has an above-average blend of good ideas and horror elements, including this exterrestrial-themed entry. This week, join your hosts as they continue spooky season by discussing the franchise as a whole before diving into the latest of what some would call a solid run of films. If zombies, androids, and skydiving with aliens sound fun to you, strap in for a fun ride!
“All you have to do is accept her f**king gift!!! The 7th entry in this legendary survival horror franchise is quite the gift! This week, Aaron and James gush over the game’s terrifying sights, creepy sounds, and downright macabre Baker family. But do the changes in gameplay hold up to the series’ standards? Does the storytelling? Why is Chris Redfield here? So many questions, so little time! Come on down with us to Louisiana and prepare to join the family!
“I told you before, I didn't want you to read this crap! I never saw such rotten crap in my life!” Only some of the crap’s rotten in this famed 1982 horror-comedy anthology film written by Stephen King and directed by George A. Romero. But what’s crap and what’s genuinely frightening are what Aaron and James will be discussing this week! These five tales beg such questions as: Why does Stephen King think he should be an actor? Is a monster-in-a-box the perfect murder weapon? Is Evil Leslie Nielsen the best Leslie Nielsen? Spooky season is upon us, so let the macabre merriment begin!
"A thousand years ago, everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, they knew the Earth was flat. Fifteen minutes ago, you knew we humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow." This week, Aaron and James, noisy crickets in hand, tackle yet another wonderful 90s film. Joined by a very special returning guest, your hosts talk about every single thing that makes this sci-fi action/comedy so dang fun -- from the witty script to the unstoppable Tommy Lee Jones. Enjoy!
“Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?” This week, Aaron and James board a bus armed with a bomb set to explode if they say anything negative about this 90s classic thrill ride. Join them as they discuss action hero Keanu, the absolute joy that is Sandra Bullock, and a supporting cast that’s a real who’s who of the era. They’ve got a few nits to pick along the way, but it should come as little surprise to those familiar with this film that there is much to love. Enjoy!
“We-a won’t be happy until de Island-a Open champ-a plays-a Mario!” Grab your tennis rackets and Game Boy link cables, and join Aaron and James for an exploration of a true gem in an underappreciated genre: the sports RPG! Lend an ear as they discuss a story mode strangely devoid of Mario characters, why a fully grown, seemingly middle-aged man would be attending a children’s tennis academy, and much more! Does this Mario sports title hold up 2024? Come listen and find out!
“No one understands the lonely perfection of my dreams. I found perfection here. I've created it. A perfect organism.” This week, Aaron and James explore a later entry in the Alien series. Despite a great cast and strong direction from Ridley Scott, this is a strangely divisive film, and your hosts have set out to find out why. Join them as they discuss the tropes of the series, make inevitable comparisons to Prometheus, and more, all while picking a few nits along the way. And stick around for some intense controversy as Aaron and James reveal their Alien movie rankings.
This week, Aaron and James each select two infamous box office bombs and try to defend them. They explore what made those movies fail, what might have prevented the losses from happening in the first place, and why those movies are better than their gross suggests. Listen in and see what they picked!
Grab your holy water, knife, and, uh, cross (are we sure it isn’t a boomerang?) because it’s time to kill Dracula! This week, Aaron and James finally tackle an entry in the beloved Castlevania series. This being a Castlevania game, you know you can count on James doing quite a bit of gushing. But while that might be the reason to tune in, discovering Aaron’s takes on the game and genre is the reason to stay. We hope you enjoy!
"Are you still saying your prayers? Our prayers protect us from the devil." Nothing can protect Aaron and James from a spirited discussion about the newest film from director Osgood Perkins. The target of much buzz and effective marketing, this horror thriller features Nicholas Cage (going for it, as usual), Maika Monroe, and some really great atmosphere. But does the film adequately explain why birthday algorithms are so terrifying? Does it try and do too much? And does it deserve to snuggle up next to classics such as The Silence of the Lambs? Listen in and then decide for yourself!
The entire Game & Watch draft crew is back this week to draft their favorite video game franchises! Now, if you're wondering how to define what constitutes a video game franchise ... well, so are we! The crew has a rollicking good time talking about their picks and there is no shortage of surprises along the way. This draft was far from predictable, and is not one to be missed!
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