
  • In the following episode of GET BETTER ENGLISH we are meeting with a guy from New York, Joel, who's travelled around the whole world just to see what it's like to be living in different places around the globe. It will be interesting to find out what conclusion Joel has arrived at and we'll get a better understanding of Latin America.

    On top of that we'll see how complex modality with perfect infinitives works in real language.

    Here is the TRANSCRIPT:


  • in this episode we'll find out:

    -what do people have under their thumbs

    -why do you need to wrap your head around sth

    -why being a heel is a bad thing

    -recall a myth about Achilles

    -learn to say bad things about people (that's the most useful one)

    Here is the transcript:


    And Quizlet cards with all the idioms:


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    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • This episode is a true revelation because we're going to be exploring the most vivid and the most efficient tool to convey a complex idea in one phrase - idioms. And not some out-dated bookish ones but the really useful ones. Learning and using these will help you to feel on the same wavelength with the native speakers and make your speech much more colourful and full of meaning.

    Listen and you will find out when:

    -you have an egg on your face

    -a foot in your mouth

    -how to ged shit off your chest

    -what means air out the laundry

    -why it's ok to have itchy feet

    -what will happen if you spill the beans

    and so much more

    Here is the transcript to make your life easier:


    And of course the Quizlet folder with all the beautiful idioms we managed to cover here:


  • In this episode we will embark on an incredible journey across the UK.

    Our bubbly guest, Adelaide, originally Irish, who possesses a unique mixture of accents from both Liverpool (Scouse) and Manchester (Mancunian), is going to imitate Celtic accents (Irish, Scottish, Welsh); Cockney; and of course the ones from the North of England.

    Additionally, I'll shed light on the use cases of infinitives and gerunds.

    Enjoy this eye-opener with me!

    Here is the transcript that will make your life easier:


    Here is the Quizlet link with all the beautiful expressions:


  • Working on this episode was one of the most mind-blowing experience I’ve had so far

    We’re going to find ourselves in Florida and meet a civil engineer, Eric, who will explain:

    -which friendly beautiful animal awaits you in a hot spring

    -what to do if you find an alligator in your backyard (spoiler: you do nothing unless it starts eating your pets)

    -what wild reptile ran away from someone’s house, started breeding and ended up eating alligators

    -which community is keen on freediving and why

    -what is hidden in basements in the Cuban neighborhood

    -a lot more about American slang and accents

    Listen to these incredible stories and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do!

    Here is the transcript with some mind-blowing pictures:


    and the Quizlet link:


  • In the new episode I am meeting an outstanding historian, a Cambridge graduate, currently doing his Master's in London.

    He will share his perspective of what it feels like to grow up in the North of England in a fairy poor area and be able to be accepted to Cambridge.

    We will also find out what footy teams are the biggest rivals and whose accent is the hardest to understand.

    Additionally, i will explain how to use tenses in storytelling.

    Please find attached the transcript - you can listen and read simultaneously:


    Also find the Quizlet link with beautiful useful vocabulary:


  • Have you ever felt shy when you ran into an American guy who spoke so fast you wanted to hide away?

    Have you been struggling with complicated grammar?

    Are you panicking every time somebody asks you to tell a story?

    Do you keep forgetting words and falling apart when you need to explain something?

    Do you want to run away when you meet an Irish/Australian/British person because you can't figure out their accents?

    Have you ever been wondering about real life in different countries?

    Wonder no more - here are the answers you need to travel, work and interact successfully with anyone you come across abroad.

    You will hear a lot of amazing stories, learn about cultures, education, landmarks and finally start understanding different accents, learn complex grammar and lexis, improve your listening skills, which in turn will help you to boost your speaking skills.

    Listen and engage in conversations with people anywhere in the world without fear and insecurity!

  • Russian below

    In the first episode we're transported to sunny South Africa where we'll find out:

    -what you shall do if you see a hippo

    -where to catch crayfish illegally

    -what a sheep's head tastes like

    -why South Africans are steering clear of penguins

    -what shocked a South African in Russia

    -how to use phrasal verbs in storytelling to sound like a native speaker

    Below find attached the transcript in case you want to check out the places and dishes that our guest mentioned:


    And the quizlet link with all the phrasal verbs from the episode that you can learn:


    В первом эпизоде мы перенесемся в солнечную Южную Африку и узнаем:

    -что делать если на тебя идет бегемот

    -где нелегально наловить раков

    -какая на вкус голова овцы

    -почему Южные Африканцы обходят пингвинов стороной

    -что шокировало Южного африканца в Москве

    Но это не все: мы посмотрим как употреблять несчастные фразовые глаголы в речи, чтобы звучать как носитель

    Прочитать транскрипт и узнать получше про какие места и блюда говорил Мартин можно тут:


    Тренировать новые слова на quizlet тут:
