
  • Episode 24:38 The SECOND Most Important Question To Ask Your Doctor

    The most common question people ask a Holistic Doctor is this:

    “What is something natural I can take to treat ______________?”

    That’s a great question.

    Great because people are tired of taking drugs.

    Tired of being given a bunch of chemicals made in a lab.

    Instead, they want something better.

    Something more natural.

    Something that will work WITH their body… not against it.

    Something like a vitamin or herb.

    However, as great as that is… as great as it is to be asking “what’s something natural I can take?”… there is still a BETTER question.

    A more important question.

    A question that will improve your chances of healing.

    On this episode I address THAT question.

    I also provide real answers.

    Give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:37 Three Principles You MUST Know If You’re Serious About Your Health

    Are you serious about your health?

    Really serious?

    If so, there are three principles you MUST know.

    Three principles that explain the role of symptoms… conditions… causes… and treatments.

    On this episode I explain these principles.

    What they are and how choosing to live by them can have a dramatic impact on your health and well-being.

    Give this episode a good listen and then adopt what you learn.

    You’ll be glad you did

    In addition, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

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  • Episode 24:36 How NOT To Get A Cold… The Flu… Or COVID

    How would you like to go through the next several months without getting sick?

    No colds.

    No flu.

    No COVID.

    It’s possible.


    I know because I have several patients who haven’t been sick in years.

    Haven’t had a cold or the flu.

    And, if they did contract COVID, it was only a mild case.

    How is that possible?

    How can a person avoid getting sick?

    On this episode I answer that question.

    Specifically, I share several “seasonal” strategies you can implement to help keep your Immune System strong.

    To help prevent your body from getting sick.

    Give this episode a good listen and then act upon what you hear.

    You’ll be glad you did.

    In addition, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:35 Energy… Frequency… And Healing

    Did you know that there are different frequencies… different levels of energy… that correlate with different levels of health?

    There are!

    Or, stated another way, when your body has “good energy” you’ll be healthy and when it has “bad energy” you’ll be sick.

    On this week’s episode I share with you a simple way to create “good energy” in your body.

    Energy that will promote health and healing.

    Best of all, it’s amazingly simple.

    Learn all about improving the energy of your body be listening to this episode.

    And, when you’re done, please share the episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:34 How To Be Healed… In 15 Minutes

    What if healing is not something you need to “get” but something you ALREADY have?

    That is, what if all the healing you need ALREADY exists inside of your body… you just have to learn how to access it.

    Wouldn’t you want to know how?

    Of course you would!

    On this episode I share with you a simple 15 minute routine that will help you tap into the healing power of God.

    A healing power that ALREADY exists inside of you.

    It’s a simple routine, yet very few people take advantage of it.

    Don’t let that be you.

    Listen to this episode and incorporate what you learn.

    (You won’t be sorry!)

    Then do me a favor and share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:33 A Biblical Approach For Eliminating Unhealthy Emotions

    Your thoughts affect your health.

    My guess is that you already knew that.

    However, did you know that your emotions also affect your health?

    It’s true.

    The emotions that reside in your mind have a direct impact on your health.

    On your ability to heal.

    Healthy emotions will promote health and healing.

    Unhealthy emotions will prevent health and healing.

    On this episode I talk about unhealthy emotions and what you can do to eliminate them from your life.

    How you can improve your health - and your body’s ability to heal - by strengthening your emotional “muscles.”

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:32 Are Negative Emotions Blocking Your Healing?

    In the past few episodes, we’ve talked about three Truths that can help you experience a supernatural healing from God:

    They are:

    1) Knowing you ARE healed.

    2) Having FAITH to “activate” your healing.

    3) Eliminating UNBELIEF.

    Get these three right and your healing will manifest.

    Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

    Especially when it comes to eliminating unbelief.

    It’s hard.

    Really hard.


    Because sometimes WE are our greatest source of unbelief.

    Specifically, our EMOTIONS.

    Emotions that prevent us from being healed.

    Emotions that try to convince us that we’re not worthy of God’s blessings.

    On this episode we examine unhealthy emotions and how they can be eliminated from our life.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:31 The ONE Obstacle To Healing

    You’re probably familiar with the phrase “faith can move mountains.”

    It comes from something Jesus said:

    “If you have faith, and do not doubt, you shall… say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and cast into the sea; and it shall be done.” (Matthew 21:21)

    If this is true… and I believe it is… then why don’t we see more “mountains being moved?”

    Why don’t we see more miracles?

    More healings?

    Is it our lack of faith?

    Or, is it something else?

    In my opinion, it’s something else.

    Something very important that is keeping people from experiencing the healing they desire.

    An obstacle.

    On this episode I talk about that obstacle.

    What it is and how to overcome it.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:30 Want A Miraculous Healing? You Got To Have Faith

    The Bible tells us that, by the stripes of Jesus, we WERE healed.

    That is, healing isn’t something we need to seek.

    Nor is it something we have to ask God for.

    It's something that has ALREADY been provided for us… by Jesus.

    The question is, “How do we activate this healing?”

    “How do we manifest it in our bodies?”

    The answer is simple:


    Faith is the key that unlocks the healing Jesus provided for us.

    On this episode I talk about faith.

    How to get it AND how to develop it.

    Please give the episode a good listen and then share it with your friends.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:29 THE Bible Verse That Can Literally Change Your Life… And Improve Your Health

    Did you know there’s a Bible verse that can not only change your life, it can also improve your health?

    There is!

    In fact, the verse TELLS you exactly what to do to experience change… positive change.

    It’s one of my favorite scriptures and it’s a vital one to know, and understand, if you desire to live a healthy life.

    If you want to enjoy God’s blessings in and upon your life.

    Want to know what this verse of scripture is?

    All you have to do is…

    Listen to this episode!

    And, when you’re done, please share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:28 Two Reasons Why You’re Not As Healthy As You’d Like To Be

    There’s a reason why you’re not as healthy as you'd like to be.

    A reason why you don’t look your best… feel your best… perform your best.

    Actually, there’s TWO reasons.

    The first reason is simple:

    1) You don’t know what it takes to be healthy.

    The second reason is a bit more complicated:

    2) You DO know what it takes to be healthy… you just refuse to do it.

    On this episode I address both of these reasons.

    Specifically, I share with you ten things you can do to be healthy AND…

    I explain exactly what’s preventing you from doing them.

    Give this episode a good listen - and implement what you learn - and your health will almost certainly improve!

    And, as always, be sure to share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:27 Two Simple Principles You Really Need To Know

    Happy 4th of July!

    Despite our problems, the United States of America is still the greatest country in the world and it’s an honor and privilege to live in a place where we enjoy so many freedoms.

    For example, freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

    Freedom to believe and say what we want.

    Unfortunately, these freedoms are being challenged more and more each day.

    Not directly, but indirectly.

    That is, we’re still free to believe and say as we want… but now, more than ever, we’re being pressured and persuaded when it comes to WHAT we believe and WHAT we say.

    Pressured and persuaded to “follow the narrative.”

    To make matters worse, we don’t even realize it.

    We don’t realize that the media no longer "reports the News."

    Instead, they simply tell us the story THEY want us to hear.

    The story the “powers that be” want pushed forward.

    That’s not good!


    Because what THEY want us to hear is not always in OUR best interest.

    Not always something that will benefit us… even if we’re told it is.

    On this episode, I teach you how to see through the lies and manipulations of the mainstream media.

    HOW to recognize when they are presenting you a narrative and not real news.

    It’s an important skill that may save you from harm.

    I also share a mindset tip that, if adopted, will help you live a happier and healthier life.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:26 Heart-Related Issues? Consider These 4 Supplements

    If you are dealing with any heart-related issue there are four nutritional supplements you should consider taking.

    Four supplements that have the potential to:

    1) Strengthen your heart.

    2) Lower your blood pressure.

    3) Lower your cholesterol and/or triglycerides.

    4) Strengthen your blood vessels.

    5) Prevent a stroke.

    On this episode I talk about these supplements.

    Supplements that will provide your heart and blood vessels with the nutrients it needs to potentially heal itself.

    Supplements that can also be taken to PREVENT heart-related issues.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:25 Confused About Which Supplements To Take? Listen To This Episode!

    When it comes to taking care of one’s health, there seems to be two types of people:

    1) Those who don’t take any nutritional supplements.

    2) Those who take too many nutritional supplements.

    Neither extreme is optimal.

    For example, those who don’t take any supplements are most likely missing out on some vital nutrients… while those who take a bunch of supplements are probably doing their body some harm.

    In both cases individuals are confused with regard to which supplements they should take.

    That is, some people get so confused when it comes to supplements that they simply give up and take nothing.

    Others find themselves buying everything they ever see advertised or promoted.

    On this episode I clear up the confusion.

    I do that by sharing with you a common sense way of knowing which supplements you should take and why.

    I also tell you which ones you shouldn’t take and why.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:24 The Amazing Benefits Of God’s Favorite Vitamin

    Of all the vitamins, there is only ONE that your body doesn’t have to get from food:

    Vitamin D.

    It’s true… your body can make Vitamin D simply from you spending time outside while the sun is shining.

    That’s a huge blessing for two reasons:

    1) Vitamin D is involved in many body functions.

    2) Sun exposure is free!

    Unfortunately, a large segment of the medical profession is trying to persuade you to AVOID the sun.

    Don’t listen to them!

    Avoiding the sun and/or using sunscreen products to block its rays can be detrimental to your health.

    On this episode I explain why.

    Specifically, I explain the health benefits associated with sun exposure… benefits that will be lost if you avoid the sun or use sunscreen products.

    In addition, I address concerns you may have regarding sun exposure and skin cancer.

    Legitimate concerns for which I provide legitimate answers.

    Give this episode a good listen and be sure to share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:23 Sunshine vs Sunscreen - Which Is More Harmful?

    During this time of the year, most medical doctors will tell you to put on sunscreen whenever you go outside.

    Even better (or worse)... they’ll tell you to do your best to avoid the sun.


    Because, in their opinion, sun exposure can cause skin cancer.

    But is that true?

    Can sun exposure cause skin cancer?

    It might.

    However, there is more to the story.

    More to learn about sun exposure… and sunscreen.

    You see, using sunscreen and avoiding the sun can be very harmful to your health.

    More harmful than sun exposure?

    THAT’S a great question!

    It’s also one I explore on this week’s episode.

    Give this a good listen and then share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:22 The Reason Why You Should Change Your Eating And Sleeping Habits

    As you already know, summer is much different than winter.

    Specifically, the days are longer.

    In fact, here in Alabama we are currently getting four more hours of sunlight each day than we will six months from now.

    In northern states like New York the difference is even more significant… currently 6 more hours of sunlight than in six months!

    These longer days of summer should give rise to different health habits.

    Habits that take advantage of the longer days.

    For example, what you eat and how long you sleep should be different in the summer than in the winter.

    On this week’s episode I talk about how to adjust your eating and sleeping habits this summer in a way that will optimize your health.

    I also explain how living “with” nature, no matter the season, is always a smart move.

    Give this episode a good listen and, as always, share it with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:21 Are You Ready For The “99 Days Of Summer Challenge?”

    What if I told you that your health could improve significantly this summer.

    Would you be interested in learning how?

    Of course you would!

    Well, guess what?

    It can!

    Your health can significantly improve this summer.


    By taking the 99 Days Of Summer Challenge?

    What is the 99 Days Of Summer Challenge?

    It’s a set of health-promoting strategies that YOU establish and implement.

    Strategies based upon ideas I share with you on this episode.

    Give this episode a good listen as it will help make this your healthiest summer ever.

    In addition, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:20 How To Look Great At The Beach

    Everyone wants to look great at the beach.

    There’s nothing wrong with that.

    The problem is that most people DON’T look good at the beach.

    Or, stated another way, most people don’t like how they look in a pair of shorts or a bathing suit.

    They want to look better.

    They want a “beach body.”

    They just don’t know HOW to get one.

    Don’t know what they need to do to look and feel better.

    On this episode I provide the answer.

    Specifically, I share three strategies… two of which you already know… that anyone can employ to improve their looks.

    Give this episode a good listen as it will help you improve how you look, how you feel, and how you perform.

    In addition, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

  • Episode 24:19 Medical Doctor vs Holistic Doctor? The 3 Differences You Really Need To Know

    We live in a country where our health care system is dominated by the medical model.

    That’s not good.


    Because this reliance on the medical model has led to:

    1) Sky rocketing health care costs.

    2) Ever increasing levels of chronic disease.

    3) Epidemic rates of childhood illnesses.

    4) Declining life expectancy.

    Something has to change.

    Interestingly, that change is NOT “a different approach.”

    It’s “an ADDITIONAL approach.”

    That is, we need more than just one approach to health care.

    More than just a reliance on drugs and surgery.

    We need access to a Holistic approach.

    A natural approach that can be offered to people along side a traditional medical approach.

    On this episode I explain the differences between a medical approach and a holistic approach including which health conditions respond best for each.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen as you won’t hear this important information anywhere else.

    And, as always, please share this episode with a friend.



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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.