Every day, thousands of podcasts are uploaded to dozens of hosting websites, but less than 20% of them make it past episode 10. With stats like that, what good is it to start a podcast of your own? How do you get noticed and grow an audience? Does editing have to be so much work? Can a podcast pay?
Join podcast industry veteran Nathan as he sits down with podcasters and podcast-adjacent professionals to answer these questions and more. In each episode, these kings (and queens) of audio, these magnates of the microphone, these Podcasters of Podcasting will share practical advice, stories, and inspiration for fellow travelers and the pod-curious.
(Formley Let's Chat! with Chris Revill) -
Bandurko a Katežinka sa stretli v zadnej lavici aby ti priniesli tvoj nový obľúbený podcast. Zadná lavica je miesto kde neplatí žiadny súcit ani rešpekt. Ak sa urazíš, tak si presadni inam.
Vydaj sa za hudbou s Otcom Mircom. O tých čo za ňou stoja, o tých čo ju tvoria a pre tých, ktorí ju počúvajú. Uvoľnené deep rozhovory, ktoré chcú nahliadnuť do kúzla, ktoré sa skrýva za hudbou. Podcast vzniká v spolupráci s GoOut Slovensko.
Zoznam:sa ide do hĺbky, v ktorej sme všetci rovnakí. Zaujíma nás čo, ale aj prečo. V hosťoch hľadáme autentickosť a človečinu.
Podcast vznikol v spolupráci,, a s hudobníkom Filipom Jánošíkom Lehotským, ktorý sa ujal roly moderátora. -
A Musical Podcast where hosts, Shyama and Ben, write an entire (often silly) musical in 60 minutes or less using your favorite artists as inspiration! Episodes Bi-weekly.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1. Slovenský Punkový Podcast zameraný na punkovú a HC scénu s Harwym
Slovensko má opäť rockové rádio! A každé ráno ťa nakopne ranná show s Tomaggiom a Ľubou Tomášikovou. Zaujímaví hostia a tie najväčšie rockové hity na plné gule. Konečne poriadna muzika!
Welcome to Rock the Cash Bar with hosts Ben Mowbray and Dianne Gallagher. Every week we pick one song and do a deep dive into the lyrics and explore all the different ways they have been interpreted. We will also discuss how the song connected to us on a personal level, focusing on all the embarrassing details. Glad to have you here!
Patreon: -
Yo! DNB Wraps is a face to face video interview hosted by Dirtbox Recordings label owner and VTO Records Co-Label owner, Lee UHF focusing on speaking to artists across the labels as well as people involved in DNB across the globe.
You can check out full visual videos also here
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Adnan Ahmad Professionally Known as Adnan Safir Is An Indian Musical Artist, YouTube Personality, Medical Student And Is A Passionate about Blogging, Modeling And Travelling. Adnan Safir Was Born In Bettiah, India. He Was Very Fascinated By The Technology From The Very Beginning Of His Childhood.
From his hometown in Long Island to the studio in Los Angeles, Fish is hand selecting the next big thing from indie to emo—meaning no matter what kind of tunes you like, Gone Fishkin is sure to have a band you’ll love.
Ahojte,volám sa Teri Čikoš som speváčka a vítam Vás pri podcaste Off beat,kde si budem každý týžden pozývať známych ale aj začínajúcich SK/CZ spevákov,hercov,hudobníkov ale aj ľudí,ktorí pracujú okolo umeleckého priemyslu.S týmito umelcami budem rozoberať ich hudobné začiatky,zážitky ale aj to čo pre nás plánujú do budúcna.
The Lounge Presents is a multi-channel platform for sharing and discussing hip hop culture by the tastemakers and artists driving the culture.We have also launched the monthly Top Ropes & Topes pro wrestling podcast featuring co-hosts Elaquent and Jake Palumbo where three rap nerds get nerdy about graps.Follow The Lounge Presents on Twitch, Spotify and YouTube.
Pink Moon is about connecting energy with different creatives such as Designers, rapers , producers and entrepreneurs. We will shed light on current events and productive ways to better your self relationship.
Podcast Projekt BACKSTAGE z produkce Radia Čas Rock se zaměřuje na rozhovory s rockovými a metalovými muzikanty, pořadateli koncertů a festivalů a dalšími zajímavými osobnostmi ze světa tvrdší hudby. Moderátoři se nebojí zajít za hranice a ukázat, co se děje v BACKSTAGE každé pořádné rock 'n' rollové show! Takže pokud jsi fanda rocku a metalu, tohle si musíš dát!
One Last Breath is a podcast where your hosts; Austin and Alex, discuss some of the most controversial, bizarre, divisive and downright abysmal albums. We hope you'll join us for a weekly discussion of some of the biggest blunders in music history. Keep in mind, we are not critics, just simply fans of music who hope to create a lighthearted and comedic discussion.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hudobný podcast magazínu
Prinášame rozhľad o klubovej hudbe, novinky z festivalov a rozhovory s inšpiratívnymi osobnosťami.
ničím nerušený posluch želajú Dávid & Dano -
Co právě dělá? Co má v plánu a co I něm málokdo ví? Co zajímá vás?
To jsou otázky na pravidelnýho hosta pořadu Odposlech Thoma Frödeho!
Každý čtvrtek živě na Rockzone 105,9 -
ahojjajsem Hodnejchlapec jo a jsem namotanej v rapu jo a miluju to jo