
  • In the latest episode of "Get Your Life Together Girl,"we delve into how we can ease the burden of life's challenges to rediscover joy and peace, because not everything has to be difficult. While most of us are busy living, healing, and experiencing the journey of life, we often focus on what's wrong (the 10% negative experiences), instead of looking at the 90% that's good. Recognizing this balance helps prevent feeling completely overwhelmed by life's complexities. In order to fully take control over your life, we look toward your thought patterns and how we can brain hack the patterns you created.

    Brain Science in Thought Formation

    Understanding how our thoughts are formed is pivotal:

    Neurons release neurotransmitters.

    These create electrical signals.

    Connections between thousands of neurons form thought patterns.

    Negative loops reinforce themselves over time if left unchecked. Therefore, mindfulness about what thoughts we nurture becomes critical for maintaining mental well-being.

    Role of the Reticular Activating System (RAS)

    The RAS acts as our brain’s bouncer:

    It filters what we perceive.

    Allows us to focus selectively based on given instructions.

    By giving specific instructions focused on positivity or joy rather than stress or negativity, you can effectively reprogram your perception towards more uplifting aspects of life.

    Strategies for Shifting Mindsets Towards Joy — the 90%

    Here are some actionable steps:

    Identify Desires: Determine what you want out of life—how you wish to feel—and set clear intentions.

    Validate Thoughts: Regularly check whether your current thoughts align with these pre-set intentions.

    Assess Importance: Decide which thoughts need attention versus those that don’t deserve energy.

    Understand Triggers: Recognize triggers for both joy and stress; use them wisely to guide emotional responses positively.

    Concrete Steps Against Negative Experiences

    To counteract negativity effectively:

    Accept support from others instead of isolating yourself.

    Connect with like-minded individuals who reinforce positive thinking habits.

    Engage deeply with emotions but avoid overcomplicating situations unnecessarily.

    Strategies for Shifting Mindset & Promoting Joy

    Here are some actionable steps:

    Identify Intentions

    Ask yourself these questions regularly:

    What do I want?

    How do I want to feel?

    What do I need?

    How will I achieve it?

    Validate your thoughts against these intentions consistently.

    Understand Triggers

    Recognize what triggers both your joy and stress:

    Use joyful triggers as guides for emotional responses.

    Manage stressful triggers effectively by acknowledging them without letting them dominate your mindset.

    Concrete Steps Against Negativity

    To counteract negative experiences:

    Accept Support

    Break cycles of isolation by accepting help from others when needed—it’s okay not always being self-reliant!

    Connect with Like-Minded People

    Surround yourself with people who reinforce positive thinking—they become anchors during turbulent times!

    Engage With Feelings

    Understand your feelings deeply; don’t overcomplicate things unnecessarily—simplicity often holds clarity!

    Focus On Self-Care

    Avoid harmful escapism like substance abuse—instead indulge responsibly in activities bringing genuine pleasure such as nature walks or connecting closely with friends/family members etc..

    Allow breaks akin reflecting upon concept an overflowing wine glass—to manage healing without becoming overwhelmed completely

    Remember, what you think and what you focus on grows. You must be careful with your mind and thoughts.

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    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.

    Join THE GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER, GIRL COMMUNITY. #mentalhealth #cbt #health #mindset #personalgrowth #selfcare

  • Feeling stuck is a common experience that many of us face at various points in our lives. Whether it's in our careers, relationships, or personal growth, the sensation of being unable to move forward can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening. In a today’s episode, we are delving into what you may be doing to cause yourself to feel and be “stuck.”

    Understanding Why We Feel Stuck

    The feeling of stuck often stems from self-sabotaging behaviors—actions and mindsets that keep us trapped in cycles of negativity and stagnation. It's not unusual for these behaviors to go unnoticed until we take a step back to evaluate ourselves critically.

    There are 17 Common Self-Sabotaging Behaviors:

    Constant Complaining:

    Chronic negativity drains emotional energy and perpetuates a victim mentality.

    Giving Up Easily:

    A lack of resilience means prioritizing short-term comfort over long-term goals.

    Ignoring Feedback:

    Dismissing external perspectives prevents valuable improvements.

    Excuse Making:

    Focusing on reasons not to act rather than addressing fears or insecurities.


    Paralysis by analysis leads to missed opportunities due to fear of decision-making.


    Delaying important tasks results in emotional exhaustion and halted progress.


    Spreading oneself too thin without boundaries causes burnout.

    Negative Self-Talk:

    Destructive thoughts drain motivation and foster harmful patterns.

    Poor Time Management

    Filling days with low-value tasks; perpetuating a cycle of feeling overwhelmed.

    Short-Term Thinking

    Focusing on immediate gratification rather than long-term planning.

    Unclear Goals

    Lack of direction leads to scattered efforts and minimal progress.

    Neglecting Self-Care

    Ignoring physical and mental health; misinterpreting burnout as dedication.

    Lack Of Self-Reflection

    Refusing to see yourself, your emotions, or your actions

    Blaming Others

    Refusing responsiblity and putting blame on outside environments, people, and actions

    Avoiding Problems

    Hiding or not addressing the issues in hopes it goes away.

    Fear Of Risk

    Being risk adverse.


    Holding yourself in place so you do not have to worry about things not meeting an unrealistic standard.

    Overcoming These Behaviors

    To break free from these self-imposed chains, it’s crucial first to recognize them through honest self-reflection:

    Start journaling your thoughts daily—this helps clear your mind and understand your current position better.

    Seek therapy if needed—a professional can offer guidance tailored specifically for you.

    Consider further education or career changes if you're unfulfilled professionally.

    Evaluate your relationships honestly—decide whether they contribute positively or negatively to your life journey.

    Practical Applications:

    Here are some actionable steps:

    Start Journaling: Writing down thoughts helps clarify emotions & identify recurring negative patterns.

    Seek Therapy: Professional help offers personalized guidance & strategies suited uniquely towards individual needs.

    Pursue Education/Career Changes If Needed : Don’t hesitate making necessary shifts ensuring alignment between personal aspirations/professional endeavors

    Evaluate Relationships Honestly Make informed decisions about continuing/ending connections impacting overall well-being either positively/negatively

    Remember—the goal isn't perfection but consistent improvement! By taking small yet deliberate actions every day aimed at overcoming these detrimental habits/mindsets—you'll gradually notice significant positive changes within yourself/life circumstances!

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    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


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  • In the latest episode of the "Get Your Life Together Girl" podcast, we are diving into an invaluable tool I call the Growth Factor. The episode is packed with insights on how to manage those pesky moments that can derail your day and offers practical advice for maintaining inner peace.

    Understanding A Common Problems

    We’ve all been there—those small aggravations like a rude cashier or traffic jam that somehow ruin our entire day. It’s not the isolated incidents themselves, but rather our reaction to them that holds significant power over our mood and overall well-being.

    The Rule of 6 Explanation:

    Imagine having a bad interaction at the grocery store which leaves you irritated. That irritation could then affect your interactions throughout the rest of your day—potentially impacting six other people negatively as well as yourself multiple times over.

    This ripple effect illustrates why it's crucial to control initial negative reactions before they snowball into larger issues affecting others around us.

    Rule Of Six Explained:

    1. A small event triggers an emotional response.

    2. This response influences subsequent actions and reactions.

    3. These reactions create a ripple effect impacting multiple people (up to six in this example).

    This understanding shows us how a singular unfavorable encounter can potentially multiply into half-dozen sequentially impacted parties due to how things spread when we do not address them. The way to stop these triggered downslides of events is to look at the Growth Factor.


    The “Growth Factor” is looking for potential outcomes. If I lean into this emotion, this moment, what could possibly happen? When we evaulate, we look to the statement: “The energy that breaks you has the power to repair you." Your brain craves resolution; they need complete stories with clear endings—even if they're fabricated based on perceptions rather than facts! By consciously choosing calm responses instead of letting emotions run wild, we provide ourselves much-needed mental closure without unnecessary drama.

    The question is how do we get there?

    Practicing Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation

    Mindfulness is the key to moderating emotional responses effectively. By staying present and understanding that most people's actions aren't personally targeted at us, we can better regulate emotions and prevent unnecessary stress from dominating our lives.

    Detailed Breakdown: The Growth Test Questions

    To apply this method practically, we turn to four critical questions under Growth Test framework:

    What is this moment worth?

    Evaluate if letting negative emotions grow will have any substantial benefit.

    Is this how I want to feel?

    Reflect on whether your current emotion aligns with how you wish to feel.

    What is within my control?

    Distinguish between aspects you can control (your response) versus those you cannot (external circumstances).

    What am I hoping to get out of this?

    Focus on desired outcomes instead of being swept away by immediate frustrations.

    These questions guide us towards more thoughtful responses rather than knee-jerk reactions driven by fleeting irritations.

    Enhancing Emotional Intelligence Through Practice

    A growth mindset balances logic with emotion—a skill essential for developing high emotional intelligence (EQ). By practicing presence and mindfulness regularly using tools like the Growth Factor test, we gain greater command over both ourselves and situations around us without relinquishing control unnecessarily due to heightened emotions.

    When faced with heightened emotions:

    1. **Pause** - Be mindful.

    2. **Check-in** - Understand what you're feeling.

    3. **Evaluate** - Is this emotion worth it?

    Conclusion & Call To Action

    Minor inconveniences should never dominate one’s mental state; perspective matters greatly! Using this tool allows you to better handle your feelings, which leads to improved mental health overall!

    Join over 25 K plus members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here!

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves grappling with feelings of discontent, anxiety, or general unhappiness. But have you ever paused to consider that these emotions might be stemming from unmet needs in various aspects of your life? Today, we are deep diving into what unmet needs are, how they impact you, and the way you can course correct to help yourself feel connected to yourself, something bigger than you, and the relationships you deem most important.

    Understanding Needs

    Our needs range from basic physical necessities like food and water to more complex emotional and spiritual requirements such as love, self-esteem, and inner peace. When these needs go unmet, they manifest as negative emotions—sadness, anxiety—and coping mechanisms that often do more harm than good.

    The Five Master Areas of Life

    Categorizing our essential needs into five master areas:

    Mental: Cognitive well-being.

    Emotional: Love, affection.

    Physical: Basic survival (food, water).

    Spiritual: Inner freedom.

    Financial: Economic stability.

    Understanding these categories helps us pinpoint where we may be lacking fulfillment.

    Signs of Unmet Needs Physical Needs:


    Frequent illnesses


    Brain fog

    Safety Needs:

    Constant anxiety

    Trust issues


    Emotional Needs:


    Emotional exhaustion

    Difficulty expressing emotions

    Esteem Needs:



    Fear of failure

    Spiritual Needs:

    Feeling adrift

    Lack of purpose

    Recognizing these signs is the first step towards addressing them effectively.

    Coping vs Safety Mechanisms

    Safety mechanisms are preventive actions we take based on past experiences (e.g., avoiding alone time with strangers after trauma), while coping mechanisms are reactive behaviors like overeating or substance abuse when faced with stressors. Both can become maladaptive if not properly managed.

    Steps to Identify & Address Unmet Needs

    Reflection: Examine areas causing frustration.

    Listen to Emotions: Understand what your feelings indicate about unmet needs.

    Seek External Insights: Consult friends or professionals for new perspectives.

    Try New Experiences: Engage in activities outside your comfort zone.

    Take Small Steps: Gradually address each need without overwhelming yourself.

    We must emphasize the need for patience throughout this journey; understanding one's unmet needs is a complex process requiring gradual implementation rather than drastic changes overnight.

    Imposter Syndrome Episode may be helpful to understand this process and how it may be showing up.

    In conclusion:

    Addressing your unmet personal needs isn't just about achieving short-term happiness but fostering long-term well-being through proactive steps:

    1 . Practice self-care regularly . 2 . Set realistic goals . 3 . Express emotions freely . 4 . Build supportive relationships .

    Join over 25 K plus members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here!

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • Negativity from another person is bad enough, but when it comes from inside your head, it’s tough to hear! Your inner conversation, the monologues that run through your mind and generally right out of your mouth, can cause heartache and a spiral of negativity.

    Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into why how you speak to yourself matters, the toxic impact of negative self-talk, and then, we will talk about how to change the negatives into neutrals, then positives once and for all.

    Let’s get right to it.

    Key Takeaways:

    00:00 Intro

    02:03 If we are constantly criticizing ourselves, we create a negative mindset

    03:07 What negative self-talk is

    04:06 The levels of negative inner conversation & simple negatives

    06:41 The impacts of negative self-talk

    10:10 How the “bouncer” of the brain takes your negative instruction and uses it

    11:29 Name your inner critic

    13:29 Your brain has a negativity bias, which defaults our thinking

    14:35 Moving your thoughts from negative to neutral

    16:45 Step 1 in changing your negative thought pattern/conversation

    18:20 Step 2

    19:14 Step 3

    21:23 Step 4

    24:14 Step 5

    25:32 Step 6

    28:41 Say it out loud!

    30:03 Visualization exercise to stop the thoughts

    31:48 Next-level tools to step up your mindset game

    34:09 What you gain when you think and conversate with yourself in a healthy way

    35:34 How you talk to yourself is the instructional manual to your life

    Join over 25 K plus members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here!

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • In the latest episode of the Get Your Life Together, Girl podcast, we are kicking your excuses out of your mindset as we delves into the pervasive nature of excuses and their detrimental impact on your life. Excuses are an all-too-common human behavior that significantly hampers progress and personal growth and the excuses you make need to be addressed head-on to help you shift your mindset for a better outcome in every experience you come across.

    This insightful conversation dissect why you make excuses, how they affect you, and offer actionable strategies to overcome this negative behavior.

    Defining the Problem Questions That Matter

    Why do you act against your best interest despite knowing that making excuses is harmful?

    Core Drivers of Excuses

    Three primary drivers behind excuse-making:

    Fear: Fear of failure or rejection keeps many from stepping out of their comfort zones.

    Indecision: Uncertainty can paralyze decision-making processes.

    Lack of Responsibility: Failing to take responsibility encourages a cycle where making excuses becomes habitual.


    While making an excuse might offer short-term relief, it ultimately prevents long-term growth and success. The consequences include:

    Procrastination leading to missed opportunities.

    Poor mental and physical health due to stress.

    Strained relationships resulting from unmet commitments.

    How to Overcome Excuses

    Actionable strategies:

    Take Responsibility

    Accept accountability for your actions.

    Reflect on questions like "What am I avoiding?" or "How does this excuse serve me?"

    Develop Self-Control

    Practice self-discipline through small daily habits aligned with your goals.

    Combat Procrastination

    Identify deeper issues causing procrastination such as fear or lack of motivation.

    Track Behavior

    Monitor actions regularly using journals or apps designed for habit tracking.

    Alter Perspective

    View challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles blocking your path forward.

    Exercise Boundaries Define what is enough; address feelings related to inadequacy directly instead allowing them fester unchecked over time."

    “Overcome Middle Problems” Stay committed even when initial excitement fades away during middle phases projects/goals.”

    ”Act Unconditionally” Take action without expecting perfect outcomes valuing effort itself more than results achieved.”

    Emphasis On Lifelong Growth

    The focus remains steadfastly upon continuous personal development regardless end outcome expected. Acting unconditionally allows individuals grow beyond limits previously imposed themselves thereby achieving greater sense fulfillment overall .


    Excuses may seem harmless but are toxic towards realizing one’s full potential.

    What to work with me one-on-one? Book your session now

    CLICK HERE: I'm excited to welcome you to my new course and school! The Blueprint to Growth! You’ll find two NEW COURSES, DIGITIAL DOWNLOADS, SESSIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

    #GetYourLifeTogetherGirl #MindsetShift #SelfLoveJourney #InnerPeaceBlueprint #BetOnYourself #MindsetRevolution #CognitiveBehavioralTherapyInsights #LifeCoachingTips #MeditationForGrowth #EmbraceTheRisk #PersonalResponsibility #OvercomeLimitingBeliefs .#SuccessMindsetStrategies #EmpowermentThroughLearning #HealthyLifestyleChanges #FinancialIndependenceFocus

  • In this transformative session, we are drowning out the outside noise, rejecting negative thoughts and behaviors, and embracing opportunities with realistic optimism. How? By betting on yourself, especially when it scares you the most! Betting on yourself often seems daunting; we fear failure and prefer comfort over risk. But taking that bet is crucial for success.

    Let’s break it down.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Assuming Negative Thoughts are Wrong and how to challenge them.

    Open doors to new possibilities by questioning initial assumptions about yourself and situations.

    Worthiness & Personal Responsibility:

    Emphasize self-worth.

    Coming to terms with the fact that only you can bet on yourself; others may not always have your best interests at heart.

    Embracing Failure & Risk:

    Recognize failure as part of the journey.

    Learn from setbacks instead of fearing them.

    Taking Calculated Risks:

    Shift mindset towards potential gains rather than focusing solely on risks or losses.

    Raising Standards:

    Increase personal value through positive habits and decisive actions in pursuit of success.

    Opportunity Mindset vs Scarcity Mindset:

    Cultivate an outlook that sees potential growth in every situation rather than limitations.

    Truth & Personal Responsibility:

    Own up to one's role in their circumstances. – Stop blaming external factors for personal dissatisfaction or lack of progress.

    Examples of Betting On Oneself:
    – Continuous learning – Career changes or starting businesses
    – Committing to personal development – Prioritizing physical health
    – Investing financially for future independence
    – Strengthening emotional intelligence

    In all of it, I share my personal experiences with limiting beliefs instilled during childhood and how she overcame them by choosing to bet on herself above average expectations set by others. In the end, you are offered a powerful tool to empower yourself into placing the bet. But, grab a piece of paper! You’re going to want to write this down.

    In conclusion, do not just dream big, put those dreams into action regardless of fear or uncertainty. Those that bet on themselves lead richer, more fulfilling lives.

    What to work with me one-on-one? Book your session now

    CLICK HERE: I'm excited to welcome you to my new course and school! The Blueprint to Growth! You’ll find two NEW COURSES, DIGITIAL DOWNLOADS, SESSIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

    #GetYourLifeTogetherGirl #MindsetShift #SelfLoveJourney #InnerPeaceBlueprint #BetOnYourself #MindsetRevolution #CognitiveBehavioralTherapyInsights #LifeCoachingTips #MeditationForGrowth #EmbraceTheRisk #PersonalResponsibility #OvercomeLimitingBeliefs .#SuccessMindsetStrategies #EmpowermentThroughLearning #HealthyLifestyleChanges #FinancialIndependenceFocus

  • Today we're exploring hidden opportunities – those gems within challenges that successful people leverage for growth in all areas of their lives: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial. We'll uncover how being specific about goals and seizing moments can propel you towards success.

    You see, success is not a stroke of luck; it’s an art and science that can be mastered with the right mindset and approach. In this enlightening episode, we are breaking down the anatomy of success into digestible pieces so that you can apply a new approach for any transformational change.

    The Blueprint of Intentional Success

    Imagine success as a complex structure—every beam or brick represents an attribute or habit cultivated by those who consistently achieve their goals. Unlike what many believe, successful people don't just stumble upon good fortune—they build it with intentionality and precision. This is the path:

    Specific Goals Lead to Specific Results

    Setting vague aspirations is like trying to hit a target blindfolded. Successful individuals know this all too well; they set clear-cut objectives because clarity breeds motivation. When you define your destination in specific terms, every step you take has purpose and direction.

    Seize Each Day Like It's “The One” that changes everything!

    Opportunity doesn’t wait around for anyone—and neither do those on the path to greatness. They seize moments big or small because each one holds potential for progress—even if it means stepping out of comfort zones.

    Keeping Score: Tracking Progress

    Without knowing where you stand in relation to your goals, how can you strategize effectively? Regularly checking in on progress isn't obsessive—it's strategic. It ensures you're always steering your ship towards uncharted waters instead of circling familiar islands.

    Realistic Optimism: Hope Grounded in Reality

    Blind optimism leaves one vulnerable; realistic optimism equips them for battle. By expecting positive outcomes while accounting for potential hurdles, successful folks maintain productive mindsets even when skies are gray.

    Grit Over Glamour Every Time

    It’s easy to overlook gritty perseverance when celebrating someone’s achievements—but grit often makes all the difference between fleeting interest and lifelong passion-fueled pursuit through thick and thin.

    Hidden Opportunities: Turning Setbacks into Comebacks

    Life will inevitably throw curveballs at us—in these moments lie hidden opportunities waiting to be unearthed by those willing enough to dig deep. Failures aren’t dead ends but detours leading potentially toward more scenic routes—if we choose resilience over resignation.

    A Daily Practice That Fuels Growth

    Four introspective questions as part of our daily ritual:

    What do I want?

    What do I need?

    How do I want to feel?

    How am I going to get there?

    By answering these regularly, we align our actions with our deepest desires—crafting a life script where we're both playwrights and lead actors.

    Conclusion: Crafting Your Masterpiece

    In essence, success is akin to crafting a masterpiece—it requires foresight, discipline, creativity within constraints—and above all else—the willingness to find beauty amidst imperfections by seizing hidden opportunities everywhere.

    CLICK HERE: I'm excited to welcome you to my new course and school! The Blueprint to Growth! You’ll find two NEW COURSES, DIGITIAL DOWNLOADS, SESSIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Join the 18.3 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

    #GetYourLifeTogetherGirl #MindsetShift #HiddenOpportunities #SuccessMindset #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy #LifeCoachingTips #PersonalGrowthBlueprint #MeditationTeacher #IntentionalLiving #GoalSettingStrategies #EmbraceTheJourney #EnduranceAndGrit #RegionalsOptimism #ReframeYourThoughts #EmpowermentThroughAdversity

  • Have you heard the term “Inner Child Healing?” It’s a popular topic on social media, but do you understand what it is and the impact it has on a healing journey? In today’s episode, I walk you through the common misconceptions and provide you with practical tools to help explore your inner child wounds.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The Impact of Childhood Trauma: How unresolved trauma from childhood can resurface in adulthood affecting our behaviors and relationships.

    Four Core Wounds:



    Trust Issues


    Unaddressed childhood trauma resurfaces in adulthood but recognizing these patterns allows us to heal past neglect or emotional pain. From ages 0-9 we learn safety; when this is disrupted without adult support, shame lingers long-term.

    Carl Jung introduced "inner child" as part of our psyche linked to younger years affecting adult perceptions—especially after trauma which alters our sense of security.

    Abandonment makes us repeat cycles of rejection; guilt leads to boundary issues; trust deficits create validation needs; neglect causes dissociation from self-needs—all impacting relationships deeply.

    Inner child healing involves confronting our deepest wounds—those feelings of being unsupported, unseen, or unheard. By acknowledging and working through these traumas transparently with ourselves, we open the door to change and happiness. Imagine accepting every part of yourself, including those neglected pieces craving love. This self-acceptance is powerful; it leads to a fulfilling life.

    Healing Strategies:

    Writing letters to your younger self

    Acknowledging past hurts

    Listening to what feelings emerge when thinking about childhood

    Identifying emotional triggers

    Tools for Supporting Inner Child Work:

    Hugging oneself as a form of physical comfort

    Butterfly hug technique for those uncomfortable with touch due to trauma

    Mirror work with affirmations

    Practicing self compassion through journaling or meditation

    Notable moments:

    "When we begin to acknowledge our hurts
we open the door to connect with ourselves."

    "Every time we get to a new place [in healing], it’s likely that you open something else."

inner child healing is about identifying the core wounds where we didn't feel supported, seen or heard

    Remember, it's never too late to begin healing. You can learn to express emotions healthily and cultivate self-love and worth—it's all within reach. Choose what you want over trauma.

    CLICK HERE: I'm excited to welcome you to my new course and school! The Blueprint to Growth! You’ll find two NEW COURSES, DIGITIAL DOWNLOADS, SESSIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Join the 24.5 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • We are exploring balance – how it impacts every aspect of our lives and finding a version that suits you. We dive in with work-life balance expert Alison Mandell, who shares her journey from an unfulfilled executive producer to discovering true harmony between personal satisfaction and professional success.

    Alison opens up about her past struggles and reflects on the pivotal moment she chose authenticity over external validation—a decision that led her down a path of profound change. discuss practical steps towards balance like starting your day phone-free to cultivate presence before facing daily demands. It's not just about time management but aligning actions with internal values for joy-filled days that feel genuinely yours.


    Realizing no one else will save you; it’s time for change. – The power of envisioning future outcomes if no changes are made.

    Defining Balance:

    True balance stems from self-belonging and an inner knowing that aligns with your flow of life rather than fitting into prescribed ratios or schedules.

    The Experience of Time: – Discusses how time feels different when rooted in the self versus caught up in reaction mode or chasing after tasks.

    Practical Advice for Creating Balance: – Emphasizes starting the day without checking your phone as a way to keep centered before letting the world in through social media or emails.

    Self Advocacy at Work: – Differentiating between reacting out of frustration versus advocating based on understanding what you truly want out of your career and life.


    Our culture often equates productivity with worthiness, but Allison challenges this notion head-on. She advocates for compassionate shifts towards living genuinely rather than adhering strictly to discipline as the path to balance.


    One practical tip she shares is starting your day phone-free—a small change that can have a big impact on stress levels and inner peace.


    A reminded that it's not about overhauling your entire routine overnight; it's those incremental changes that cultivate presence over reactivity—reorienting our days around what truly matters instead of external demands.

    Start each day with mindfulness

    Implement small changes gradually

    Prioritize genuine needs over pressures

    Foster self-authenticity for a fulfilling life

    This conversation delves deep into emotional regulation within professional dissatisfaction while encouraging personal growth through intentional practice:


    Daily Self-checks: Begin your day understanding your current needs.

    Facing Discomfort: Confront internal discomfort directly.

    Grace Periods: Allow time before reacting emotionally.

    Understanding Reactions: Identify core wounds influencing reactions.

    Navigating Complexity: Time aids in reorienting emotional responses.

    Micro Shifts & Joy Incorporation: Integrate joy-inducing activities daily.

    Continuous Self-examination & Adjustments align with personal satisfaction.


    Avoid radical lifestyle upheavals based on fleeting feelings.

    Commit to manageable steps forward despite fear or uncertainty.

    Recognize stillness as vital in understanding oneself deeply.

    View experiences as lessons shaping individual metrics of acceptability.

    Ultimately, this conversation serves as an inspiration for cultivating balance by integrating mindful practices, setting technology boundaries, fostering authenticity—and most importantly—allowing ourselves the grace period needed for transformational growth without succumbing to guilt or societal pressures.

    💡 Inspiration Alert: "Balance isn't just dividing time evenly; it’s also ensuring our hearts feel light." - Allison Mandell

    To find out more about Allison, visit her website: www.allisonmandell.com or her various offerings:

    Finding Time Program: www.allisonmandell.com/finding-time-program

    Other Business: www.omnianetwork.com

    Instagram: @life.over.work, @omnianetwork.com

    Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode! I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we did.
    CLICK HERE: I'm excited to welcome you to my new course and school! The Blueprint to Growth! You’ll find two NEW COURSES, DIGITIAL DOWNLOADS, SESSIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Join the 25.4 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Sometimes our problems stem from taking things too personally. Today's episode is about learning not to see everything as an attack or personal affront. We'll explore how to shift away from negative self-talk often rooted in trauma and lacking emotional support. For those who are quick to feel hurt or responsible for others' actions, this one is for you. This tendency can lead to anxiety and stress which leads to low self-esteem. It's crucial that we understand the difference between what belongs to us emotionally and what doesn't.

    We’re breaking it all down!

    Strategies Discussed:

    Challenge Assumptions: Ask yourself critical questions about your perceptions in emotionally charged moments.

    Therapeutic Approaches: Consider therapies like CBT or group therapy for deeper issues related to trauma or insecurity.

    Boost Self-Esteem: Work on improving your view of yourself; higher self-esteem reduces sensitivity to criticism.

    Curiosity Over Insecurities: Investigate what triggers your insecurities when faced with hurtful situations.

    Letting Feelings Pass: Accept negative emotions without dwelling on them excessively—acknowledge but don't ruminate.

    Actionable Tips:

    Practice emotional resilience by asking clarifying questions during conflicts instead of immediately reacting with hurt feelings.

    Give people the benefit of the doubt; misunderstandings happen frequently and it’s seldom all about you.

    To combat taking things too personally:

    1. Challenge assumptions: Was this really directed at me? Am I being oversensitive?

    2. Consider if feelings will pass naturally.

    3. Improve self-esteem: Work on how you perceive yourself.

    4. Reflect on insecurities: What triggers sensitivity?

    5. Embrace positive aspects of sensitivity like compassion.

    6. Practice emotional resilience by asking questions instead of reacting impulsively.

    7. Don’t dwell on every situation; seek clarity rather than assuming the worst.

    Remember that being sensitive can have benefits like deeper relationships but don’t let it overwhelm you—seek help if needed so minor criticisms don't disrupt daily life disproportionately.

    Lastly, practice self-compassion by acknowledging feelings without dwelling negatively on them—focus on growth over control since we cannot dictate others' behaviors or reactions but only our responses.

    Additional Resources Mentioned:

    Positive Affirmations Course: Learn how positive affirmations combined with brain chemistry can enhance emotional regulation.

    Empath Burnout Episode: Understand if you're an empath and learn strategies for managing burnout

    After years of prioritizing others, you may feel too drained to care when they start treating you better. You might not believe them because it's different from your past experiences. It's normal but remember, self-awareness can change everything. Focus on what you want to feel and how you want to live.

    Ask yourself if the approval of others is truly important or if apologizing constantly is worth it. Are anxiety and poor self-esteem defining your life? To move forward, don't take on burdens that aren't yours. Practice the tools I've shared; change takes time.

    One key question to ask in any situation is: "Is this about me?" If yes, explore deeper; if no, let it go. Recognize that not everything involves us and owning that helps put our lives together.

    CLICK HERE: I'm excited to welcome you to my new course and school! The Blueprint to Growth! You’ll find two NEW COURSES, DIGITIAL DOWNLOADS, SESSIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Join the 18.3 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Let me ask you a question: What do you see when you stand in the mirror? Do you like the way you look? Do you immediately notice your perceived flaws and begin to feel upset with what is before you?

    Body image is not merely superficial. It can be so intense that it dysregulates your emotional well-being and mental and physical health, while it creates a storm so big that you struggle to find balance, self-love, and inner peace.

    So, today, we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into loving ourselves from the outside in! First, we’re unpacking the one mistake most women make when loving their physical form, and it’s different than you might think. And then, we’ll talk about how to change your relationship with yourself so that you can elevate your life.

    This deep dive is filled with big a-ha moments.

    Key Takeaways:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:49 A question that all of us must ask ourselves

    03:25 Approaching your life from a mind, body, and soul aligned mindset & truth #1

    05:40 The biggest mistake most women make when it comes to being at war with their bodies

    08:22 Our thoughts impact our physical form

    09:00 Releasing the tapes that play in your head—an example of their impact

    12:15 Truth #2: If you can find reasons to hate your body now, you will always find reasons to be dissatisfied

    14:53 The way we change the war is to access your relationship with your body

    17:35 Truth #3: The thoughts about your body is the relationship you have with your body

    18:01 What a scarcity relationship with yourself looks and sounds like

    20:13 Positive thoughts support neuropathway change

    22:11 Step 1: Challenge the narrative

    24:15 Truth #4: If you genuinely and wholly believed the negative narrative, you would not have moments of positive feelings

    24:32 Step 2: Reflect on your beliefs and values

    26:38 Step 3: Move into the value of likeness

    28:00 Step 4: Practicing body gratitude: how and why it’s needed

    31:49 Step 5: Focusing on body functionality

    35:04 Truth 5: Just because the world’s view on exercise and diet has shifted does not mean that your thought patterns and habits have

    35:48 Step 6: Reframing your thoughts around diet and exercise to best benefit your body image

    37:19 Using Approach Goals/Approach Mindset

    42:20 A list of ways to stop the war beyond the steps

    Challenge yourself, my dear. Because in the end, you’ll be amazed at how proud you feel when you change the narrative. And do you deserve to change the narrative; doing so is an essential step in getting your life together, girl.

    Love this episode and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going? Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    #GetLifeTogetherGirlPodcast #UltimateSelfLove #InnerPeaceJourney #MindsetShifts #BodyImageDeepDive #CognitiveBehavioralTherapyInsights #DanielleVannWisdom #EmbraceYourForm #MentalHealthAwareness #PhysicalHealthConnection #MindBodySoulHarmony #StopTheWarWithYourBody #PositiveSelfPerception #ChangeTheNarrative #LovingFromTheOutsideIn

  • In this episode of the Get Your Life Together, Girl podcast we delve into the revolutionary benefits of slowing down for our mental and physical health.

    This conversation was sparked by my own step back from constant busyness. The insights I share here are the ways I did less to gain more!

    Key Takeaways:

    Presence Over Productivity: Prioritize being present in each moment rather than ticking off tasks.

    Mindfulness Encouragement: Slowing down fosters mindfulness which allows us to be more aware without judgment.

    Gratitude & Contentment: Embracing slowness can cultivate gratitude for simple pleasures leading to increased happiness.

    Improved Decision Making: A slower pace helps clarify thoughts for better decision-making aligning with personal needs.

    Enhanced Relationships: By reducing rush, we nurture deeper connections with loved ones.

    Health Benefits: Slowing down reduces stress on our mental and physical well-being while potentially boosting productivity through restorative breaks.

    Setting Boundaries & Accepting Limitations: Recognize your limits and set boundaries accordingly without guilt.

    Fun & Joy Importance: Make time for activities that bring joy as it recharges you emotionally and physically.

    9. Silence Practice & Journaling Reflections: Utilize quiet moments for introspection; journaling can help process emotions like guilt related to slowing down.

    10. Mindfulness Habits Establishment: Anchor points such as meditation or breath work are crucial habits for returning focus during busy times.

    You are invited to slow down through the simple tools I applied.

    Step one: grant yourself permission. Listen to the full episode to uncover more...

    CLICK HERE: I'm excited to welcome you to my new course and school! The Blueprint to Growth! You’ll find two NEW COURSES, DIGITIAL DOWNLOADS, SESSIONS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

    Join the 18.3 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

    #GetYourLifeTogetherGirl #SelfLoveJourney #MindfulnessPractice #SlowingDownMindset #InnerPeaceQuest #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy #LifeCoachingTips #MeditationBenefits #ProductivityVsPresence #EmbraceThePause #EndHurrySickness #GratitudeAndContentment #RegionOfReflections #personaldevelopment #howdoIslowdown

  • 1200Do you ever feel like you are a different person to different people in your life? Do some people see one side of you while others do not? Or, do you ever feel like you struggle to express yourself fully? Maybe you knowingly hide behind who you truly are deep inside?

    If so, you are not fully engaging with and living through your most authentic self.

    Many women are on a quest to live a more authentic life, yet to do so, you must be clear about what being authentic means to you.

    This week we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into authenticity. First, we’ll dive into what it means to be authentic, then how it’s built, experiences and feelings that keep us away from it, and then I’m going to give you eight strategies you can use today to start living and trusting yourself and others with the most genuine version of yourself.

    So, let’s shift our perspectives and our ability to show up.

    Key Takeaways:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:40 What it means to be authentic

    04:58 Why we hide aspects of ourselves and let go of our authentic self

    06:55 Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is the baseline to authenticity

    09:42 If you have a desire to be more connected to your life, you are seeking authenticity

    10:41 Authenticity requires vulnerability and how that challenges us

    15:43 Why is it so hard to be who you are?

    16:34 Understanding the Adaptive Self

    19:05 Strategy 1: Get to the baseline of who you are

    26:00 Strategy 2: Open a dialogue with yourself

    30:53 Strategy 3: Making an active decision to be present with yourself

    32:38 Strategy 4: Owning your gifts is a baseline for authenticity

    35:00 Strategy 5: Speaking our truth

    37:03 Strategy 6: Work towards daily actions of authenticity

    39:00 Strategy 7: Allow yourself to gain perspective anytime you need

    42:49 Strategy 8: You must love yourself

    44:10 Bonus Strategy 9: Connect yourself within an authentic circle

    46:19 Recap of the strategies

    Love this episode and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going? Join the 18.6 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com, I also invite you to join the new Get Your Life Together, Girl Women’s Circle. This monthly membership gives you access to exclusive exercises, practices, tools, monthly live conversations where you can ask questions, 100s of techniques, and a community to support you. It’s just $9.00 a month. Connection can be complicated. Therapy isn’t cheap. The Women’s Circle bridges the gap. Visit the website to learn more and sign up.

  • Most of our suffering and upset come from how tightly we hold onto our perspectives as truths and the emotional, mental, and physical behaviors we cling to that never serve us, such as perfectionism, procrastination, negative self-talk, and avoidance. When we live from a space that prevents us from experiencing our life to the fullest, where we are closed to everything and open to nothing, we keep ourselves in a cycle that pushes against growth and ourselves.

    There’s a term for this behavior, and it’s self-sabotage.

    Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into self-sabotage, what it is, and how it impacts us. Then we will move into a space where we learn to be observers of ourselves and our behaviors so that we may grow, find self-love, rest in inner peace, and fully thrive as the souls we are in our human experience.

    So, let’s dive right in.

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Introduction

    01:59 We’ve all engaged in self-sabotaging behaviors

    04:06 What is self-sabotaging?

    05:18 Behaviors that show up when we are in full sabotaging mode

    06:33 Signs you are self-sabotaging

    16:01 Why do people sabotage themselves?

    Episode 71: Limiting Beliefs

    19:07 The four areas sabotage causes us the biggest issues

    22:14 The type of sabotage

    22:47 The impact of procrastination. Epi 37

    24:51 The impact of perfectionism

    25:24 The impact of self-criticism

    26:00 The impact of resisting change

    27:00 The impact of poor self-care

    27:47 How to become the observer

    34:40 Emotional scale and the importance when it comes to self-sabotaging

    Join the 18.3 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com

  • 1200Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    It’s time for some radical life ownership! My voice matters. My words matter. My emotions matter.I am the definition of strength built by fire and desire.

    I am surrendering and welcoming abundance in a way I’ve never known possible.

    I am everything I am because that is who I want to be.Every little piece of my soul matters.

    And from now on I will not let one piece of living slip through my fingers because nothing will be lost again.

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 900 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • 1200In this episode of the Get Your Life Together Girl podcast, we are diving into the complex emotions surrounding feelings of invisibility. We all have times were we feel unheard and unseen; it’s a natural experience in life, sadly. But there is always a reason why overlooked and unheard. The discussion includes personal experiences with feeling invisible, the impact it has on self-esteem and confidence, as well as actionable steps to break out of this cycle.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    The Impact of Feeling Invisible: How being constantly overlooked can erode self-esteem.

    Understanding Why You Feel Invisible: Exploring reasons including mental health issues like depression or anxiety.

    Childhood Experiences: How they contribute to feelings of invisibility in adulthood.

    Shyness vs. Social Anxiety: Understanding how these traits affect visibility in social settings.

    Communication is Key: The importance of expressing your desire to be seen and heard.

    Practical Tips Shared:

    Tune into your feelings through mood journals or meditation practices.

    Stop hiding by engaging authentically with those around you.

    Communicate openly about your need for inclusion in social activities.

    Build healthy relationships based on mutual respect and understanding boundaries.

    Takeaways: There's no one-size-fits-all solution to overcoming feelings of invisibility, recognizing its root causes is essential for change. With these tools you can work towards internal validation while actively seeking connections where you feel valued.

    Remember that seeking help from professionals like therapists when struggling with deep-seated emotional challenges is always a viable option.

    Join us next week as we continue our journey toward reaching your greatest potential!

    For more insights and therapeutic perspective on life improvement strategies:

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now! 🔔 Subscribe and turn notifications on for weekly episodes

    I also invite you to check out the new 15-day Affirmation Course, where I take you on a journey through how to your brain chemistry and your greatest desires to your benefits. It’s available to start right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    This is the last moment, day, week, month, and most certainly, the year that I willingly accept anything less than what I deserve. I’m claiming it now and refuse to go back on my word. What I deserve is far greater than what I’ve allowed, and that stops now. From now on, what I create and accept is written by my standards and no one else’s. This is my season of reawakening. This is the season of honoring myself. This is the season that I toss out the limits and unwind my anxious mind. This is the season of me, and there’s not a single person, feeling, event, or thought that is going to get in my way. As of today, I WILL no longer accept anything less than what I deserve!

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 900 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.


  • Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Get Your Life Together Girl Podcast. Today's episode is a must-listen as we explore the complex world of validation – both internal and external – and how they coexist in our quest for self-acceptance. We all seek validation—to feel accepted and understood. Social media bombards us with ideas of what validation should look like but remember it's both an inner and outer process.

    Today we'll explore how validating yourself can reduce dependence on others' opinions. Let’s dive into why both internal and external validation are necessary for a fulfilling life.

    Let’s dive right in!

    Key Points:

    The Need for Validation: We delve into why every person craves validation, the role social media plays in shaping our perceptions of it, and why seeking external affirmation isn't inherently negative.

    Two-Step Process: Discover how validation operates on two levels – outer (external) and inner (self-validation). Learn why balancing both is essential to personal growth.

    External vs Internal Validation: Danielle breaks down what each type entails, their importance, potential pitfalls, and misconceptions surrounding them.

    Self-Validation Challenges: Understand the barriers that prevent us from validating ourselves including limiting beliefs, past traumas, and societal expectations.

    Practical Tips & Techniques: Receive actionable advice on how to start affirming yourself through examples of self-validation statements and a four-step process aimed at fostering self-appreciation without over-reliance on others' opinions.

    Radical Genuineness: Embrace radical genuineness by accepting all parts of yourself unapologetically; learn to differentiate between feeling an emotion versus being defined by it.

    Past Influences on Present Feelings: Gain insight into recognizing when past experiences influence current emotions affecting self-validation efforts.

    Why Self-Validation Can Be Hard: Explore reasons behind struggles with self-validation linked to cultural norms or individual upbringing that may hinder relying on one’s judgment.


    No amount of outside approval will fill you up if there's an absence inside; true fulfillment comes from syncing internal acknowledgment with positive external feedback.

    Subscribe & Follow: Don’t miss out! Subscribe for weekly wisdom aimed at transforming your life one step at time.

    Join the 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Love this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    I also invite you to check out the new 15-day Affirmation Course, where I take you on a journey through how to your brain chemistry and your greatest desires to your benefits. It’s available to start right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com.

  • Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!


    Affirming with me:

    I deserve to feel my best, and it's now my focus!I deserve the life of my dreams, and I'm taking daily action to create it.I am capable of creating everything I desire without blocks or getting in my own way.I am prepared to take advantage of the opportunities before me, because I deserve to do just that!I will never give up my dreams to make others happy, because I am giving myself permission to be happy!I am focused on me. I love me. I am strong. I am confident. I am grateful for my life.My thoughts are becoming my reality as I say YES to everything I am, have been, and am wildly becoming! From today forward, I am living a life of HELL YES, and I'm doing it for me!

    Love this pause and affirm and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going?

    Join over 25 K members on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and now Clapper who are engaging in their own life revolution daily. Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Also, please post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally! Sign up for the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Email here! Also, don’t forget to check out my new course on Insight Timer! Nearly 900 people are activately taking the course right now! Affirmations: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Unlock Your Greatest Desire

    Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com and the Get Your Life Together, Girl personal development blog.