
  • The secret is all about energetics – understanding how to infuse magic and create chemistry with the audience. It's really this. Design and aesthetics are ultra-important, but if the energetic codes are not there, if your essence is not there, the potency doesn't land the same. It's a fact and a truth.

    Are you on the vibe of creating impact in this world and reaching thousands or millions of people? Do you have a big vision and dream of success? This is an important piece. Understanding how to infuse your magnetic energy codes into what you create is the crème de la crème!

    Visuals create impact; they are known to speak more than a thousand words.

    Your story, your emotions, your feelings are what people connect to before your concept. Your branding is an art, a way you express yourself. When you don't communicate well who you are, how can you expect people to connect with you? Expression is very underestimated in the realm of consciousness.

    I believe the greatest minds, healers, mentors should be known because they have gifts for humanity.

    Also, beauty and sexiness are never out of fashion. Beauty is a form of love, which is the highest frequency on earth. Sexiness, sensuality, is the cherry on top of the cake – it's magnetism, a force of creation. Love and energetics are natural forms of expression of the feminine. I wish I knew this in school, earlier in my career.

    Understanding the feminine way is the way; it's a game-changer.

    Magnetic codes is the program where we will go in-depth on this topic as well as a bonus module + you can apply for personal mentorship for you brand!

    Find more at www.inesroquedovalle.com

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  • Magnetic Codes and Sexual/Kundalini Energy Explained Part 2

    People often inquire about the mystery of Kundalini energy. Here's a straightforward explanation: Kundalini energy is easy to recognize—it's remarkably magnetic, irresistibly attractive, a force of pure aliveness and power.

    In the presence of someone embodying this energy, it's unmistakable. You'll notice their vibrant aura, radiating pure gold as they enter the room.

    However, understanding and harnessing Kundalini energy isn't a quick endeavor. It requires practice and liberation to open channels to this force. In my journey, it took six weeks of daily eight-hour practices to truly feel its high power.

    My work revolves around unlocking the potential of this energy, as I share codes related to feminine magnetism, sexuality, erotic embodiment, and materialization.

    Kundalini awakening isn't always a tumultuous, confusing process; it can be subtle and cosmic. This enduring energy opens portals to your dreams, acting like a magnet for your thoughts and desires, accelerating their manifestation.

    This energy is the essence of life, representing sexual energy. A person infused with this vitality can move mountains in their world. It's a dominant and unforgettable force, making you feel alive and activated in its presence, leaving a lasting impact.

    Here I explain what we will explore inside Magnetic codes 2.0 Program starting now Live and available for purchase for self-pace study as well

    More in www.inesroquedovalle.com

  • In each episode, we'll delve into the qualities, mindset, and actions that contribute to cultivating a magnetic presence. Join me as we explore stories, insights, and expert interviews to uncover the essence of charisma, confidence, and allure.

    Discover the art behind personal magnetism and learn how to harness it in your own life.

    Here I explain what we will explore inside Magnetic codes 2.0 Program starting now Live and available for purchase for self-pace study as well

    More in www.inesroquedovalle.com

  • Egyptian Technologies with Stephanie Berk: Unveiling Ancient Wisdom in the Modern World

    Embark on a captivating exploration of Egyptian Technologies with your host, Stephanie Berk. In this podcast, we delve into the mysteries of ancient wisdom, navigating its relevance in our modern world. I am [Your Name], your guide on this enlightening journey.

    Join Stephanie and me as we uncover the marvels of Egyptian Technologies, revealing the secrets that bridge the gap between antiquity and contemporary understanding. Together, we'll unravel the enigmatic knowledge passed down through the ages and explore its application in our present lives.

    Immerse yourself in thought-provoking discussions that traverse the realms of ancient science, spirituality, and innovation. Stephanie Berk brings her experience to illuminate the profound impact of Egyptian Technologies on our understanding of the universe, consciousness, and the potential for transformative advancements.

    Tune in to unravel the threads of ancient wisdom woven into the fabric of our technologically advanced era. This is your invitation to explore the intersection of the past and the present, guided by Stephanie Berk and a quest for knowledge that transcends time.

  • Neste Episódio que compõe a junção de 2 podcasts juntos gravados em dias diferentes num só, Mergulhamos nas profundezas das conexões cósmicas, explorando temas como Twin Flames, Soulmates, contratos kármicos e sexualidade. Junto com a incrível Iolanda Doroteia, embarcamos em jornadas emocionantes para desvendar os mistérios das relações e o impacto transformador que exercem em nossas vidas. Este é o espaço sagrado onde a espiritualidade se encontra com a sensualidade, onde compartilhamos insights, histórias e experiências, guiando-vos através do fascinante mundo das conexões soulful. Sintonize-se conosco para descobrir a magia única que habita nos recantos mais profundos da alma e do coração.

  • Explore o fascinante universo do sucesso e magnetismo pessoal. Aqui vamos abordar uma conversa transformadora com a incrível Barbara Barradas. Juntas, mergulharemos nos segredos do carisma, desvendando estratégias para conquistar o sucesso e irradiar um magnetismo épico. Descubra o poder que existe dentro de si e aprenda a criar uma presença que se destaca. Este é o seu convite para uma jornada de autodescoberta e crescimento pessoal.

  • Cura da Voz, Comunicação de Impacto, e Presença Confiante ao lado da talentosa Barbara Barradas, exploraremos técnicas essenciais para a cura da voz e aprimoramento da comunicação, expressar-se com autenticidade, desenvolver uma voz poderosa e criar uma presença que conquista. Esta é a chave para transformar a sua comunicação e se destacar em qualquer situação. Aqui falamos sobre autoexpressão e confiança para que possamos brilhar sempre a cada minuto do nosso dia.

  • In recent years, one of the most groundbreaking revelations in the wellness industry has been the profound exploration of both natural and synthetic psychedelics. This goes beyond the traditional understanding of these substances as tools solely for expanding consciousness. We're witnessing a paradigm shift recognizing their remarkable effectiveness in the treatment of mental and physical health.

    Our discussions have spanned a spectrum of psychedelics, from the organic realms of psilocybin and ayahuasca to the synthetic domains of ketamine, MDMA, and LSD. However, it's not just about the substances themselves but the concept of microdosing and its integration into our daily lives, professional pursuits, and leadership journeys.

    This exploration extends far beyond the stereotypical view of psychedelics. It's about unlocking their potential as therapeutic agents, paving the way for a more comprehensive understanding of their role in wellness, mental health, and personal development. This newfound perspective is reshaping our approach to holistic well-being, ushering in an era where psychedelics are acknowledged not just for their mystical experiences but for their tangible, transformative impact on our lives.

    In this episode I invited Amánda Argot Efthimiou, a psychedelic wellness advocate, integration educator, and facilitator that speaks about the intersection of culture, consciousness, and ecology.

    Amánda is the founder of Integra, she architects transformative integration programs for people to reconnect to themselves, to others, and the world around them. She bridges neuroscience of altered states with traditional wisdom, blending contemporary practices, nature-connectedness philosophy, and creative tools that inspire people to live more authentic and purposeful lives.




    Integration newsletter: https://integraguide.substack.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amaiou/

  • In this episode I share with you the impact sacred places around the world have in accelerating your healing journey. The secrets to expand the heart while in moments of grief, sadness and heartbreak.

    It is said Avalon is the land of magic and o feel shift just by walking on this land, and I share you with the magical journey that unfolded for me,

    Mysticism, High priestess Wisdom, Energy Activations, The path of the Rose and Mary Magdalene are topics of this episode.

  • The wisdom of the feminine is arising.

    An extraordinary pilgrimage through the enchanting temples of Egypt, where the wisdom of the feminine unfolds like anywhere else.

    This transformative odyssey, is a sacred passage dedicated to activating the depths of your soul, Activating Personal Potential, igniting the evolution of your being, and awakening the profound creative powers intrinsic to the feminine essence.

    Egypt serves as a catalyst for soul alignment and activation, offering a realm where your energetic body undergoes a transcendent recalibration. It is a space of profound spiritual growth and healing, where the sacred temples hold ancient energetic imprints that facilitate personal transformation, emotional healing, and profound inner journeys. These sacred temples unlock within us the codes of the new earth.

    In this episode we shared with you all the journey that we designed for this year as my personal experience through each temple infused with ancient egyptian shamanic mysteries .

    This journey will happen on the first half on December 2023

    all info here


    Instagram accounts



  • Nesta conversa, eu e a Iolanda falamos sobre uma variedade de temas espirituais e emocionais, incluindo:

    Compreensão da Reencarnação e Karma nas Relações:Exploramos as crenças em torno da reencarnação em várias culturas.Discutimos como experiências de vidas passadas podem afetar as relações atuais.Aprofundamos os contratos cármicos e o que significam para o crescimento pessoal.Entrevista com um terapeuta de regressão a vidas passadas. Chamas Gémeas, Parceiros de Alma e Parceiros Cármicos:Definimos e diferenciamos estes termos.Discutimos sinais e sintomas de cada tipo de ligação.Exploramos os desafios e oportunidades de crescimento que apresentam.Entrevista com um especialista em relações espirituais. Cura e Crescimento através das Relações:Exploramos como as relações podem ser espelhos, refletindo feridas internas ou necessidades não atendidas.Discutimos modalidades de cura como trabalho energético, terapia ou atenção plena.Partilhamos histórias pessoais ou estudos de caso de transformação através da cura das relações.Entrevista com um terapeuta ou curador especializado em trabalho de relações. O Papel da Polaridade e Equilíbrio nas Relações:Explicamos o conceito de energias masculinas e femininas e seu equilíbrio.Discutimos como a compreensão destas energias pode levar a relações mais saudáveis.Exploramos a interseção da polaridade com a sexualidade e atração.Entrevista com um especialista em tantra ou sexualidade sagrada. Amor Multidimensional: Como Diferentes Dimensões Afetam as Relações:Exploramos a ideia de que o amor e as relações existem em várias dimensões.Discutimos como a compreensão destas dimensões pode aprofundar a intimidade.Aprofundamos práticas para conectar com diferentes dimensões do eu e dos outros.Entrevista com um canalizador ou médium que trabalha com energias multidimensionais. Livre Arbítrio e Destino no Amor:Discutimos o equilíbrio entre o destino e a escolha livre nas relações.Exploramos perspetivas filosóficas e espirituais sobre o livre arbítrio.Partilhamos pensamentos sobre como os indivíduos podem navegar no destino, exercendo a escolha livre.Entrevista com um filósofo ou teólogo especializado em livre arbítrio. Aplicações Práticas: Ferramentas e Técnicas para Navegar nas Relações Espirituais:Oferecemos aos ouvintes meditações guiadas, exercícios de escrita, ou exercícios.Discutimos o papel do amor-próprio e do cuidado pessoal nas relações espirituais.Partilhamos recursos como livros, workshops ou cursos online.Entrevista com um coach de vida ou guia espiritual oferecendo conselhos práticos."

    Links associados aos cursos que falamos

    A Transformational Program to Ignite Love and Passion, Extraordinary intimacy in RELATIONSHIPS


    Retiro Verdade com a Iolanda - https://mailchi.mp/056515dc0027/retiro-espiritual-a-verdade

    Contas Instagram @iolandadoroteia @inesroquedovalle

  • Soul Awakening despite cultures, Blue Lotus, Ancient Egyptian mysteries, Profound Intimacy with Jasmeen Hanna

    In this episode, I had the honor of welcoming Yasmeen Hanna, who graciously shared her profound wisdom, transformative process, and soul awakening. She has been a inspirational devotee to through the mystical blue lotus flower, ancient Egyptian mysteries, and the sacred path of sexuality.

    During the first part of this captivating podcast, which moved me to tears, we delved into the challenges of undergoing a soul transformation and embracing the calling of our hearts despite the societal and religious obstacles that may arise.

    Yasmeen's personal journey is truly an inspiration, particularly as I have experienced the complexities of living in the Middle East, navigating diverse cultures and facing various forms of repression. I deeply recognize and appreciate the courage it takes for an individual to follow the instinctual yearnings of their soul and hold the belief that there is something more profound awaiting us to enhance our lives.

    No matter whatever challenges, blockages and risks it may takes, she truly believed in something more…

    Our conversation also ventured into the sacred initiation journey in Egypt, the enigmatic realm of shamanic mysteries, and the emergence of new currencies for the evolving paradigm. These topics shed light on the transformative power of ancient wisdom and the potential for profound shifts in our understanding of reality and our place within it.

    You can know more about Yasmeen and her offerings on her websites



  • In this episode, I am delighted to introduce you to an incredible healer, Gillian Quinn. She is a powerful mystic and channel who carries the wisdom of ancient Celtic medicine. Gillian facilitates profound transformational journeys focused on ancestral healing and re-patterning cellular memory with the guidance of divine guides and spirits.

    I invited Gillian to join us and shed light on the technology behind her renowned deep spiritual healing journeys. These journeys have been instrumental in accelerating human self-awareness, particularly in addressing the densest and most hidden aspects of our lives. They provide an opportunity to unlock our full potential by exploring places within ourselves that we often avoid confronting. Gillian's mastery lies in assisting individuals to bring these aspects to the surface and integrate them fully.

    The importance of ancestral healing lies in the understanding that we are not isolated individuals but part of a larger continuum. By delving into our ancestral history, we gain insights into the patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that shape our present reality. We uncover the hidden influences that have been guiding our lives, often unconsciously.

    Healing the wounds and traumas of our ancestors allows us to break free from the repetitive cycles that may have held us back. It is an opportunity to release the burdens we have carried unknowingly and to create a new path for ourselves and future generations.

    Through the process of ancestral healing, we not only heal ourselves but also contribute to the healing of our lineage. We become the catalysts for transformation, rewriting the narrative of our family history and creating a legacy of healing, resilience, and love.

  • In this podcast, we delve into the transformative healing power of sex, how it can help you heal and uplift your energy and help you to heal your feminine.

    We explore the profound connection between sex, healing, and personal growth by recognizing that traumas and wounds are not just emotional or physical, but also energy and sexual energy can be harnessed to move through and release these energetic imprints, creating a path towards healing and renewal.

    Sacred sexuality is a powerful form of expansion, healing, and awakening. Through sacred sexuality, we embrace the profound connection between love and sexuality, exploring how it opens the heart, deepens emotional bonds, and cultivates intimate connections.

    The purification of the body is another facet we delve into, as sex has the potential to remove energetic blockages, numbness, and negative beliefs. Uncover the transformative effects of this purification process, allowing for greater self-awareness, freedom, and liberation.

    Sacred union is an essential element we explore—a merging of energies that transcends the physical and taps into the spiritual realm. We delve into the profound experiences that arise when two beings come together in a sacred and conscious union, leading to deeper intimacy, personal growth, and spiritual connection.

    When these elements - sacred union, surrender, and embracing femininity - come together in the context of sexual experiences, they create a powerful foundation for healing. The deep emotional connection, trust, and vulnerability cultivated through sacred union and surrender allow individuals to explore and release past traumas, limiting beliefs, and emotional blockages because embracing femininity brings forth the nurturing and intuitive aspects that contribute to a healing experience.

  • This particular episode deeply moved me, brought me to tears. We delved into the subjects of Kundalini vital force energy and yoga practice as a path of awakening consciousness and reactivating the unique memories of your cells.

    Our conversation took a profound turn when I asked her if there was a defining moment that marked her life though experiencing with the full potential of a Kundalini awakening. She instantaneously shared that it was while giving birth to her child. The raw emotion she conveyed as she explored the great rite of passage that is motherhood touched my heart deeply.

    We then delved into the essential question of how one can become a mother and sustain their vital force energy, while remaining intrinsically connected to the divine feminine within. We also discussed ways to prevent feeling drained while still being of service as a mother, and how to balance feminine and masculine energies not only within oneself but in daily life as well.

    About Andreia Peres

    Andreia Peres holds processes of spiritual evolution through multidimensional therapy, Kundalini Yoga and Tantra. Since her kundalini awakening when she was giving birth to her child that she went through a quick awakening of her psychic abilities and beautiful embodiment of her masculine and feminine energies. Motherhood has been the most beautiful opportunity to attune to unconditional divine love and Christ consciousness. She holds classes, workshops and her mystery school to the greatest good of all.

    You can find her here:





    Andreia Peres ✶KUNDALINI ✶ Tantra (@andreiapereskundalini) | Instagram

  • In this episode, we explored the differences between leading a business from the masculine and feminine energies. While masculine leadership values logic, rationality, and assertiveness, feminine leadership prioritizes intuition, empathy, and collaboration. It also values creativity, flexibility, and adaptability, as well as holistic thinking and problem-solving.

    We also discussed the importance of embracing feminine energy in the workplace, including the role of the menstrual and lunar cycles in productivity and creativity.

    We shared Practices like breathwork, meditation, and movement can help women connect with their feminine energy and manage stress and burnout.

    We dove deep into why is important to balance masculine and feminine by Setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and cultivating a supportive community are also essential for balancing work and personal life.

    Finally, we explored how feminine leadership can enhance creativity and innovation, improve communication and conflict resolution, and nurture a positive organizational culture that values work-life balance, inclusivity, and emotional intelligence. By embracing feminine qualities, leaders can increase employee engagement and retention and ultimately achieve greater success in their businesses.

    My guest Mariya Grinina, is a co-founder of Feel, a sexual wellness company. She has been named among the Top 25 Gen Z founders and one of the top 10 entrepreneurs in the UK under 25, Mariya is also a certified embodiment facilitator, helping people to reconnect with their body and sensuality to increase quality of life and relationships.

    Feel is an education platform concerted with the leading experts in sexuality and sensuality. We are aiming to become the go-to place for all things sexuality for women. From education and practical tips to courses and tools for healing and expansion, Feel aims to provide women with deep knowledge and skills that help them expand in life at the deepest level.

    The Feel App Instagram account :


  • In this episode, I was instead the one being Interviewed this time by Niya for the Illuminations podcast. I decided to share with you as well in my space as the conversation is full of superich content !

    We explored the profound themes of womb wellness, intimacy, and sexuality, recognizing how the disconnection from our womb cycles and the diverse feminine archetypes within us can limit our potential in areas such as creativity, love, relationships, success, and leadership.

    The journey of rediscovering and embracing our feminine essence is a journey back home, to the place where we feel fulfilled and complete in our own lives. By honoring and reconnecting with our feminine energy, we can tap into our innate power and embody our totality as women.

    Illuminations is also an amazing well-known and recognized wellbeing center where I share my work in Dubai.