
  • Today I'm speaking with John Paller, Founder and Steward at ETHDenver, and Founder of Opolis. I have been wanting to speak with John for a long time - and this interview did not disappoint.

    In 2018, John launched ETHDenver, the world's largest and most influential gathering in the web3 industry. Yet, his contributions extend far beyond that event. John is also the visionary behind Opolis, a member-owned employment cooperative that is reshaping the traditional employer-employee relationship.

    During our conversation, John shares insights into his pre-web3 career and the genesis of ETHDenver, offering valuable lessons from its growth. He then provides an inside look at Opolis, highlighting its role in empowering solopreneurs and independent workers. Throughout, John shares unique perspectives on values, reciprocity, business, and so much more!

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today, I'm speaking with Raullen Chai, CEO and Co-founder of IoTeX and MachineFi. IoTeX is a decentralized blockchain platform tailored for the Internet of Things (IoT), aiming to enhance the security, privacy, and efficiency of IoT device interactions and data exchange. MachineFi, an innovative concept introduced by IoTeX, merges decentralized finance (DeFi) with IoT devices, enabling machines to participate in financial activities and generate revenue.

    As per usual, Raullen is another brilliant and insightful web3 founder with deep insight and strong conviction. In our conversation, he shares his educational background and professional journey, which includes notable stints at Google, Uber, and Oracle, before we discuss the inception of IoTeX and MachineFi. Along the way, we explore topics such as DePIN, its genesis, and Raullen's vision for the future of web3, as well as IoTeX's reliance on The Graph and its integration within DePIN.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

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  • Today, I'm speaking with Dan French, a real estate expert who, working as CEO at ResProp, is at the forefront of exploring how blockchain and cryptocurrencies can revolutionize the future of real estate investment, purchase, and management.

    During our conversation, Dan talks about his early interest in real estate, how he got started, the state of the market, and then we shift our attention to web3. Here Dan will explore some important themes as it relates to how web3 might be the technology that enables more people to participate in real estate investments and ownership.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I’m speaking with Dr. James Hendler, the Director and professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a pioneer of the Semantic Web. For those in the tech and academic circles, Jim Hendler is a name synonymous with transformative changes in how we interact with and understand the web.

    This is a truly enlightening conversation with Jim! He brings a rich tapestry of experiences, having worked at places like DARPA and on foundational projects that have shaped the internet and artificial intelligence as we know them today. During our conversation, Jim talks about his early interests in technology and growing up in New York, his extensive professional journey through the early days of AI and working on the Semantic Web with the likes of Tim Berners-Lee, and his insightful views on emerging technologies like web3.

    Jim shines a light on a lot of aspects of technology development and application, reflecting on the evolution from early AI research to today’s state of the field. We’ll explore his significant contributions to the field, including his work on the Semantic Web, his time at DARPA, the early days of AI, and his thoughts on the future of the internet.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • On May 28, 2024, Semiotic Labs, a core developer team working on The Graph, released an exciting new white paper titled "The Graph as AI Infrastructure." This paper details the upcoming launch of two new AI services to be built on The Graph: the Inference Service and the Agent Service. The paper also explores what makes The Graph the best place to service the convergence of web3, blockchain data, and AI. In addition to all this, Semiotic Labs also announced a two-week public demo of their ChatGPT-like AI product called Agentc, which was built using The Graph.

    To help us better understand the details of the white paper, understand these new AI services, and comprehend the implications for the future of The Graph, I've invited Anirudh Patel, or Ani, back onto the podcast. Ani’s been on the podcast several times now, but he’s back for this special release and will answer these questions and more!

    Don't forget to check out the show notes for links to all the resources Ani and I discuss, as well as transcripts of our conversation!

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I’m speaking with Joe Vezzani, Co-founder and CEO at LunarCrush, a leading platform that leverages social media analytics to provide actionable insights for across many markets, including cryptocurrencies. I’m willing to bet every listener today has seen or interacted with LunarCrush.

    This is a very insightful interview with Joe! He’s a seasoned entrepreneur with a compelling story to share. During our conversation, Joe discusses his roots in finance and technology, his early career experiences, and his entrepreneurial ventures leading to the creation of LunarCrush. Throughout our discussion, Joe will shed new light on things like the crypto market, social media, community, and digital marketing, analytics, and the evolving landscape of the industry.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I’m speaking with Meina Zhou, Co-founder and CEO at Native, an innovative DeFi solution for web3, that combines bridges, assets, and pricing into one offering.

    This interview with Meina was a lot of fun. She’s a brilliant entrepreneur with a fun story to tell. During our conversation, Meina discusses her upbringing in Shanghai, her transition to the United States for university, her successful career in consulting, and her entrepreneurial journey leading to the launch of Native. Throughout our discussion, Meina offers profound insights into DeFi, crypto, and the business landscape.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I’m speaking with Kean Birch, Director of the Institute for Technoscience & Society and Professor in the Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies at York University, Canada. In July 2024, I will take up the Ontario Research Chair in Science Policy.

    Kean is an accomplished and thought-provoking scholar in many important topics, including personal data, innovation, and assetization. I invited him on the podcast to discuss his academic journey, research contributions, and perspectives on crypto and web3. Throughout our discussion, Kean shares his wealth of knowledge and provides thought-provoking insights into these evolving fields.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • This is a special release of the GRTiQ Podcast. On May 2, 2024, The Graph launched a new program called the Sunrise Upgrade Program. As part of the larger initiative called The Sunrise of Decentralized Data, the Sunrise Upgrade Program features a series of missions with the change for program participants to earn GRT - The Graph Foundation has allocated 4M GRT to the program!

    To help us better understand what the program is and how it works, I’ve invited Marian Walter, Partnership Manager at Edge & Node, to join us to answer some questions and give direction on how you can join the program and start earning GRT today!

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I’m speaking with Shermin Voshmgir, the author of the best-selling book Token Economy and Founder of Token Kitchen. Shermin also founded the BlockchainHub Berlin and was the Director of the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics at the Vienna University of Economics which she also co-founded.

    In an effort to broaden the educational benefits of listening to this podcast, I invited Shermin on to discuss her background, her books, and her unique perspectives of the industry. During our discussion, we get to learn how Shermin first engaged with the Bitcoin and Ethereum communities in the early days, her early experiences going to work in the industry, and then we talk extensively about her book series the Token Economy - touching on important topics like DOAs, NFTs, and web3 infrastructure. Shermin has very strong opinions, informed by years of research and first-hand experience, about the roots of this industry, where the industry is heading, and the importance of getting it all correct.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I’m speaking with Connor Howe, Founder at Enso Finance, a platform providing financial infrastructure for developers seeking to integrate DeFi interactions into their dapps. Enso equips developers with tools to execute and retrieve all relevant metadata of DeFi protocols, empowering them to create the next generation of financial applications.

    Connor's journey into web3 began in the Bitcoin community in 2012, followed by Ethereum in 2016, providing him with invaluable insights into the industry's roots and evolution. In addition to talking about the origins of Enso, Connor shares his unique perspectives on the web2 versus web3 debate, the state and future of DeFi, and the key themes and innovations shaping the future of the industry.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I’m speaking with Meher Roy, CTO and Co-Founder at Chorus One and show host at Epicenter.tv. The opportunity to meet and interview Meher was an incredible honor - as you’ll hear, he’s one of the most thoughtful and insightful people ever to be featured on this podcast.

    Whether for his work on Epicenter or the amazing growth of Chorus One, Meher is justifiably recognized as a true thought leader in crypto. During this interview, we explore Meher's early education and career, his journey into crypto, and the origins of Chorus One and Epicenter. Throughout the conversation, Meher gives his perspective on a variety of topics, such as his thoughts on the future of validators, technology and vaccines, applying the Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger lens to the crypto industry, his vision for the future of the industry, and his experience as a validator supporting The Graph. I am also deeply humbled that Meher opens up about his leukemia diagnosis in 2021 and how it has influenced his life.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I am speaking with Matthieu Di Mercurio, VP of Product and Strategy at StreamingFast. In a recent blog post released on April 15, 2024, Matthieu and his team, alongside collaborators Yaniv Tal from Geo and Sam Green from Semiotic, explored the intersection of The Graph, AI, and Geo.

    In this special episode, I invited Mat to discuss the inspiration behind the blog post, the insights shared by the StreamingFast team, and why the convergence of AI and The Graph represents a tangible advancement rather than mere hype. As you're about to hear, Mat provides compelling arguments for the evolving platform nature of The Graph and its implications for the future of the protocol.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I am speaking with Ariel Barmat, Vice President of Engineering at Edge & Node. Ari has been featured on the podcast before during Ep. 105 where he joined as a panelist to talk about The Graph’s move to Arbitrum.

    I first asked Ari to come onto the podcast two years ago! At the time, I noticed that the depth and intellect behind Ari’s Forum and Discord posts were distinct - he’s a brilliant person.So I am thrilled to have this chance to interview Ari and to shine a light on his story. As you will hear, Ari’s got a unique understanding and experience with technology. He’s also an OG, having gone to work on The Graph in the early days.

    During this interview, you will hear Ari’s journey into web3, his perspectives on the early days of Graph, his vision for the future of the protocol and what he’s most excited about, and so much more!

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I am speaking with Zubin Pratap, Software Engineer and Developer Relations Engineer at Chainlink Labs. Chainlink is renowned for pioneering how blockchains connect with the real world! Ever since launching the podcast, I have sought to have someone from the Chainlink community on, and I am very happy it was Zubin!

    During our discussion, Zubin shares his remarkable journey, transitioning from a career in law to entrepreneurship, then making his way into tech, including a stint at Google, before joining Chainlink Labs. Along the way, Zubin offers valuable insights into his career and career management, developments at Chainlink, and his vision for the future of web3.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I am speaking with Red Sheehan, Protocol Research Analyst at Messari. If you’re a long-time listener of the podcast, then you know that I have featured several other members of the Messari team on the podcast, including CEO and Founder Ryan Selkis, Engineer Manager, Vincent Wen, and Director of Research, Mihai Grigore.

    During our conversation, Red talks about his journey into web3 and how he got started in the industry. We then talk about his research on protocols and explore many interesting themes related to protocols, networks, and the future of web3. Along the way, Red shares some amazing insights on cryptography, what’s happening in the Bitcoin community, and his perspectives and experience on The Graph.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I'm speaking with Kirsten Pomales, Co-Founder of TalentLayer, an innovative open protocol and developer toolkit revolutionizing service marketplaces. Kirsten and the TalentLayer team have received a lot of attention in The Graph community recently because of what they’ve built and how it leverages The Graph.

    During our conversation, Kirsten shares insights into her early passion for politics, including her experience working in the industry, and her journey into entrepreneurship. We then discuss her introduction to crypto and blockchain, some of her unique perspectives on entrepreneurship and blockchain, and the origin story of TalentLayer - including a discussion of how important The Graph is for TalentLayer and web3.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I am speaking with Daniel Keyes, Co-founder and CEO at Pinax, one of the core dev teams working on The Graph. If you’re a long-time listener of the podcast, then you know that I interviewed Matthew Darwin from Pinax last year, but I am excited to welcome Daniel to the podcast and learn more about his background and the Pinax team.

    During this interview, Daniel talks about his early career in broadcast journalism, following by a decade working in the banking industry. We then talk about how he discovered crypto, got started working full time in web3, and the origins or Pinax. Along the way, Daniel will share some of the initiatives the Pinax team is working, his vision for new data services at The Graph (including a discussion on Firehose and Substreams), and the recent blog post on EIP-4844 and blobs.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I'm speaking with Baki Er, Co-founder of Clave, an innovative new wallet garnering attention for its novel approach to enhancing the user experience with crypto wallets. As you're about to discover, Clave aims to streamline wallet usage through features like account abstraction and biometric authentication.

    During our conversation, Baki shares insights into his educational background in Turkey and his journey from being merely curious about web3 to becoming a prominent figure in his local community with the launch of DeFi Library. We then talk about the inception of Clave (at an online hackathon) and explore its vision for revolutionizing the future of wallets. Additionally, we discuss topics ranging from the evolving landscape of crypto in Turkey to entrepreneurship and Baki's forward-looking perspective on the future of web3.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ

  • Today I'm speaking with Chris Were, CEO and Co-Founder of Verida, a team pioneering a new era of hyper-personalization, where user data is utilized privately and consensually to innovate products and services.

    During our conversation, Chris shares insights into his early fascination with technology and coding, his entrepreneurial journey through several startups, and his immersion into the world of crypto. We also explore the origins of Verida and explore the distinction between private and public data in the context of web3. Additionally, Chris reflects on the lessons learned from entrepreneurship and discusses the evolving landscape of technology. We also touch upon the intersection of Verida and The Graph during Graph Hack in 2022.

    Show Notes and Transcripts

    The GRTiQ Podcast takes listeners inside web3 and The Graph (GRT) by interviewing members of the ecosystem. Please help support this project and build the community by subscribing and leaving a review.

    Twitter: GRT_iQ