The finale episode. We have a real American in the form of Oblivionz. Pandazoot always invades as well as a cameo from Unvirginiser. We talk about PC IV.
45 Minutes, lol.
Masterkraft returns as a guest, as well as a mystery guest later on in the show (Don't get your hopes up). We discuss the same old sh*t, plus a lot of random crap. Don't miss it.
Don't think there's anything technically wrong with it this time, some might complain about the content for whatever reason.
Mangler du episoder?
More shenanigans with Ottae and Tenacious D.
With Ottae, TenaciousD and special guest Masterkraft of the AMF.
After a hiatus, GTAF Radio returns with Ottae and new co-host Tenacious D.
With Ottae and the final episode with Rob.
With Ottae and Rob_UK.
With Ottae and Rob_UK.
The fourth installment with Rob_UK and Ottae. I might flesh these out more one day!
More from Ottae and Rob_UK.
The adventure continues with Ottae and Rob_UK.
The first episode ever, with Ottae and Rob_UK.