Assalamu alaykum - we are in the BEST days of the whole entire year, many of us will be doing the physical acts of giving the udhiya sacrficing that animal for the sake of Allah swt - but what beyond that? Real talk, what will you be sacrificing, and whats holding you back? Why are you blocking your own blessings and progess in these blessed days? A real needed listen and discussion for both you and I so defintiely listen and reflect, its not too late to take that step towards Allah swt and take advantage of the immense blessings and rewards that are waiting for you.
Assalamu alaykum - we are in the BEST days of the whole entire year, many of us will be doing the physical acts of giving the udhiya sacrficing that animal for the sake of Allah swt - but what beyond that? Real talk, what will you be sacrificing, and whats holding you back? Why are you blocking your own blessings and progess in these blessed days? A real needed listen and discussion for both you and I so defintiely listen and reflect, its not too late to take that step towards Allah swt and take advantage of the immense blessings and rewards that are waiting for you.
Mangler du episoder?
It has been over 2 weeks since Ramadan has left us and we often say Ramadan is our guest that comes by every year, but honestly WE are Ramadans guest as it is guaranteed that it will be here next year, but not us. Have we already fallen back into our old habits? Have we already given up on our commitments and promises to Allah swt? Has our hearts, character and actions even changed? Honestly, how was your Ramadan? The scary thing is if we don’t recognise our shortcomings and reflect right now it is only going to go down from here. Join us in this episode to hear the reflection and questions you NEED to hear and lets renew our intentions and get back on that path to at least try to be like the person we promised to be.
Assalamu alaykum, Ramadan Mubarak and welcome back to another Episode and welcome to a beautiful 3 part mini series all about Umrah! Alhamdullilah I have been blessed to be invited to the house of Allah swt and Subhanallah I have been seeing so many of my loved ones there and that just brought back memories and a strong urge to visit the blessed land again. In this Episode I talk about my Umrah experiences, the highs and the sickening lows. I pray through these series our urge to visit the holy lands is ignited and that we increase in all of our duas sincerely. Let us know in the comments your Umrah Reflections and Take Aways!
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem 🤍
Join myself and sisters in Islam in our greatest project yet 🥹 In sha Allah we plan on fundraising to take care of over 100 orphans for a year as well as caring for Orphans in Palestine. If Allah swt wills we plan to build a masjid in Yemen as well as a large water well in Africa.
It’s a lot. Over $150 000 Australian Dollars but by the Will of Allah swt together I believe we can do it 🤍
I pray that Allah swt accepts this from us, purifies our sins through this, and continues to unite us and use us for his cause and never replace us 🤍
The Prophet PBUH said, “Giving in charity does not decrease in Wealth” so give generously 🤍
All the links are listed below. Today, right now click the link to set up a recurring donation for the month of Ramadan towards our orphan campaign and donate towards all of our projects in this blessed month.
May Allah swt bless you all 🥹🤍
Set up a recurring donation towards our Orphan Campaign ➡️ https://www.launchgood.com/TeamSistersinIslam
Care for the Orphans ➡️ https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/save_lives_this_ramadan_4#!/
Build a Masjid in Yemen ➡️ https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/help_sisters_in_islam_build_a_masjid#!/
Build a WaterWell in Africa ➡️ https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/help_sisters_in_islam_build_a_water_well_this_ramadan#!/
If you listened to one reminder before Ramadan let it be this, a reminder straight from my heart to yours. We can not take this blessed month for granted and we can not just let it go by without investing our hearts into the blessings we can receive from Allah swt in this time. We all know of the numerous rewards and blessings and significance this month holds, the question is how do we change our approach then? How do we make this month in still change in us not just for the 30 days but beyond ..?
Assalamu alaykum and welcome back to a much NEEDED topic. In this episode hadafpodcast #islam #muslim #explore #islamicpodcast #muslimpodcast #iman #deen #quran as I finished high school. Alhamdullilah for our experiences as they shape who we are today, but as a big sister from me to you take this time to listen to these tips and advices that will really really help you and ground you in Sha Allah
Assalamu alaykum and welcome back to a highly requested episode. In this episode I dive deep into how I (accidentally) started my Islamic knowledge journey and as well as my advice to YOU on how and where to start based of my experience.
Assalamu alaykum all and welcome back to another episode. Honestly I couldn’t resume these podcast episodes without starting off with a message that we all truly need. Our hearts are hurting and so heavy due to the genocide that is taking place in Gaza, but we can not especially not now lose hope and slow down our actions. Join me this episode to listen and reflect upon a message all of our hearts need to hear.
I pray that it is of benefit and it does revive our hearts the way its meant to to calibrate our focus so that we can help serve our brothers and sisters in need with ihsan.
Episode is out now on all platforms, click the link in our bio to listen now.
The 10 most blessed days of the year are upon us and I really really wanted to put a reminder out there to help us push ourselves and race to Allah swt. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No good deeds can be done at a time better than these first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.” I really urge you all to listen, reflect, apply and share! May Allah swt accept from you all and make us of those who he removes from the hell fire.
The blessed month of Ramadan is here, the month of forgiveness, the month of the Quran, the month of Mercy is here. The month in where the worst of people change their lives around and become the most beloved to Allah. The month where we all strive and sacrifice for the sake of Allah! The month in which we make the Quran our companion and allow for the ayats to truly touch us and impact our hearts. This was an incredibly last minute episode in which I really just wanted to talk and let out my advice in regards to truly recognising the blessing and importance of this month. I pray this episode is of incredible benefit and I pray that this month transforms us and blesses us in every way that we need.
I realised we are 5 episodes in and I have not introduced myself at all! In this episode I sit down and discuss with you all my journey in getting closer to my deen as well as answering many of my most frequently asked questions. This episode was quite heavy for me as it was a lot reflecting on the past two years and re living through it all again with such a fresh perspective. I really hope this episode brings benefit to you all and (re)ignites your passion to get closer to Allah swt and explore the beauty of our religion that is Islam. I really wanted to portray in this episode that I am nothing special and that with sincere dua and sincere intention no change is impossible. I also briefly touch on my journey with the hijab and wearing the ‘niqab’ shedding light into the whole thought process and struggle with my nafs.
In this episode I sit down and chat with my dear sister Khadija and dwell deeply into how this dunya is just not worth it! All of its glammers and glitz is just a distraction as Allah swt says in the quran, “The worldly life is nothing but an illusionary enjoyment (3:185).” We reflect upon sayings of the Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi wa salam that strengthen our Iman whilst helping us focus and strive stronger towards the hereafter. We discuss practical tips that help us break our nafs and break our attachment to this dunya. We acknowledge that all of this is easier said than done and recognise the humanity of a believer that we are all weak and forgetful but always remember that our strength and success comes from Allah and Allah only so, call upon him as he is ready to respond to you.
In this episode I reflect upon a recent Mufti Menk Lecture I attended here in Sydney Australia about us recognizing the value of our deen, of our Islam. Do we acknowledge and treat our Islam like it is the greatest gift? Or are we ignorant to that fact and let Islam fall to the bottom of our priority list every day? In this episode I want each and every single one of you to remember that Islam is our true pride and honour and this recognition can only be attained by knowing Islam and by knowing Allah. The Prophet ﷺ said: "Were this world worth a wing of a mosquito in the sight of Allah, He would not have given the disbeliever a drink of water thereof." Allah swt loves you and that love is evident through you living and breathing as a muslim.
In this episode I invite you to have a little sneak peak into our Seerah Halaqas. The reflections these sisters provide are so profound and so relevant in this day and age. We talk and reflect about the humanity of the Prophet ﷺ and how admirable his character was. Remind ourselves that it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be vulnerable in fact its the softness of the heart that allows for you to be touched by Allahs words and cry for his sake resulting in you being one of the people who receive his shade on the day of judgement. As muslims we rely solely on Allah swt and throughout this episode you will hear in their stories and see how the Prophet ﷺ relied upon the same lord that you and I have access to.
Continuing on from the previous episode, this round we dive further into the journey of finding salam, Peace! Reflection upon sister Dalya Ayoub's talk where she elaborates on the prices we have to PAY to attain inner peace. Changing our perspective and approach from attaining peace to EARNING it. Beginning by reflecting upon one of my favourite verses from Surah Al Fajr where. “Allah will say to the righteous, “O tranquil soul! Return to your Lord, well pleased with Him and well pleasing to Him. So join My servants, and enter My Paradise.” (89:27-30) Allahu Akbar, I pray Allah swt makes us of those who get to hear these beautiful words. In this episode I want you to truly realise that you are nothing but a traveller on this earth and the sooner you detach yourself from this dunya the better you will be able to prepare for your akhira!
After attending a 8 hour Salam Conference all about attaining ‘peace’, I was overwhelmed to say the least. I was bombarded with so many beneficial tips and reminders and inspired to say the least after hearing all of these women share their journeys on how they attained peace through their struggles. I could not sit at home and just left all this information sit with me so I found myself setting up the mic and speaking to all of you about my reflections and consequently finally kickstarting the first episode of this podcast, alhamdullilah. In this episode I reflect upon sister Naima B Robert and sister Layinka Sanni. These beautiful souls flew all the way down from the UK to come and speak to us in Sydney Australia. May Allah swt reward them both immensely and everyone involved in organising this conference. I pray this episode is of benefit and forgive me for my shortcomings.
Assalamu Alaykum and welcome to the first un official episode of Hadaf the Podcast. Essentially I would have liked the first episode to consist of introducing myself and answering the questions I so frequently get, however I could not delay in sharing this episode. This episode is a snippet into the reflections we have during our halaqas. In our halaqa we listened to a seerah episode and what you are listening to now is the sisters sharing their reflections, none of the ladies here are teachers, scholars or sheikhas however they are ladies who reflect and reflection is so so so important. If there is one thing you will take away from this episode take away the art of reflection and how valuable it is. These girls are ordinary girls just like everyone else which makes what they share even more beautiful, I am sure you can relate to some one of them some how and I pray they are incredibly beneficial and I urge you all to spread whatever beneficial knowledge you can as well! Inshallah every person who benefits from these girls reflections and implements some sort of good - inshallah these girls will get the rewards. One of the deeds that will get you ongoing rewards even after you have passed away is sharing beneficial knowledge. After listening to this episode I want you to have the power to reflect upon every ayat that comes your way, increase in your duas and spend more time talking to Allah swt and I want you to be as unapologetically muslim as you can be!
Assalamu Alaykum friends :) Alhamdullilah we have finally launched, I can not wait to see how this podcast grows and In Sha Allah it will be beneficial to all. Jazakallah Khaiyran.
رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِنْ لِسَانِي يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي
Rabbish rah lee sadree Wa yassir leee amree Wahlul ‘uqdatan milli saanee Yafqahoo qawlee“My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance] And ease for me my task And untie the knot from my tongue That they may understand my speech.” (20:25-28)
This is the Dua made before he faced Firaun, the dua was so powerful Allah swt made it a part of the quran for millions of people to recite. Although I may not be facing any Firauns anyitme soon (i hope not aha), this dua is made before one speaks for confidence and more. Alhamdullilah in Islam we have a dua to say for everything, every aspect and action of our lives has a dua for us to remember Allah swt and gain his help with, ultimately reminding ourselves we are nothing without Allah swt and that our strength and success truly only comes from Allah swt and his deen. I don't have the best pronounciation nor do I have incredible knowledge, however I am on this journey, this journey to get closer to Allah swt through remembering him in every action and seeking beneficial knowledge. The deen is vast, beautiful and deep and our time on this Earth is incredibly limited. Inshallah through this podcast I will not only take you along in my journey but the journey of many others, learning through conversation and experience to how to be the best slaves we can to Allah swt. And fulfill our purpose, our aim reach our hadaf. I pray Allah swt puts barakah in this podcast and I pray it is beneficial and it brings us closer to him one conversation at a time.
May Allah swt bless you all, and Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu.
If you have any topics you would like for us to discuss or any questions you have please feel free to message @hadafpodcast_ on instagram or email hadafpodcast@gmail.com