Self Service is your cosmic comfort zone, an “inner-beauty school” where self-care is celebrated, where getting real with emotions is a treat, and an interest in thoughtful, funny conversations, weird wellness and astrology is unabashed. It’s where being a little self-indulgent isn’t just a shame-free act of self-love, it’s a necessary launchpad into a life that’s wholly ours, in a world where we feel good about taking up space. Here, we serve our hearts. We rant. We grow. And we tune the eff up. #SelfServicePodcast
Design Thinking 101 is part of how Fluid Hive helps people think and solve like a designer.
You'll hear designers' stories, lessons, ideas, resources, and tips. Our guests share insights into delivering change and results with design thinking, service design, behavioral design, user experience design and more, in business, social innovation, education, design, government, healthcare and other fields. -
WARNING! This podcast uses progressive boredom via silly stories to help adults fall asleep. Pointless meanders, lulling soothing tones and strange asides are used in combination with bedtime tales to distract your racing brain and let you drift off to dreamland.
If you are expecting something sane or sensible this might not be for you. It might just blow your mind.
Trouble Falling Asleep? Insomnia?
Looking for something soothing to quiet your racing mind?
If you have trouble falling asleep or need background noise this might be what you are looking for.
Plucked from Sleep With Me Podcast these stories are stripped of their introductions giving you 100% pure strange bedtime stories.
Bedtime is here. It is time to "Sleep to Strange"
Welcome, I'm Dearest Scooter, your new Borefriend.
On the "Sleep With me Podcast" an odd man tells strange tales that help dull and lull people to sleep. (that's me)
I've always wondered "What if I took off the intros and just posted the stories by themselves?"
Wouldn't that be strange? -
"Mærk mere af livet" er podcasten, hvor du bliver mere opmærksom på livet.
Du får inspiration og værktøjer til at leve et liv, hvor du trives, er glad, har det godt med dig selv og det du gør.
Vi har kun det ene liv, så mærk efter om du lever dit liv, som du ønsker dig.
Der kommer en ny episode, når jeg eller en af mine gæster har noget på hjertet.
Velkommen til podcasten "Mærk mere af livet".
Jeg er glad for at du lytter med.
Kærlig hilsen
Marianne Køpke
Arbejds- og livsmentor -
Gyldendal Podcast er både til dig der spiser bøger til morgenmad, og til dig der måske ikke læser så meget. Du vil høre nogen af landets mest litteraturbegejstrede og belæste bog-entusiaster fortælle om det vigtigste, det smukkeste, det mest inspirerende, sindsoprivende, grusomme eller geniale, de har læst – og om hvorfor netop dén bog har sat et særligt aftryk på dem og på verden. Og vi vil invitere dig med ind i forfatterværkstedet til en snak om både skriveprocesser, skriveglæde og skriveblokader hos nogen af landets største, bedste og mest elskede forfattere. Dine værter er Silke Fensman og Sigurd Hartkorn Plaetner. Velkommen til!
Velkommen til "Danske Opfindere - historierne om de opfindere, der tænkte anderledes".
Her dykker vi ned i en verden af kreativitet, innovation, og nytænkning, mens vi udforsker nogle af Danmarks mest bemærkelsesværdige opfindelser og de personer, der står bag dem.
Glæd dig til en tur gennem Danmarkshistorien - og opdag, hvordan de danske opfindere har formet din verden, med deres evne til at tænke anderledes.
Danske Opfindere - historien om de opfindere, der turde tænke anderledes" er produceret af podcast bureauet hearHEAR og udgives af AJ Produkter. -
I Plantetinget diskuterer vi primært mad, samfund, sundhed og kultur. Med godt humør, fængende historier, gode interviews og en lille smule selvironi, vil Plantetinget inspirere dig til at leve mere grønt og bevidst.
Fueled by art, sexuality, playfulness, adventure, and imagination, Rose & Dayv Caraway will arouse your senses with libidinous tales of love, loss, action, adventure, romance, suspense, horror, science fiction, paranormal, and fantasy. Brimming with limitless creativity and moxie these erotic stories are sure to seduce your thoughts and leave you and your partner(s) wanting more! This show is for adults only.
Velkommen til HairButcher
Et podcast som samler håndgribelige værktøjer og viden om hvordan man driver en succesfuld frisørsalon.
Vi taler med dem som har klaret sig bedst i branchen, de som har størst erfaring og dem som gør noget ud over det sædvanlige.
Glæd dig til at høre en ny episode hver mandag. :) -
A podcast to connect you to your true nature and beauty.
In your own skull you carry the single most complex and powerful tool in the universe, which also is the sole determinate of the quality and happiness level for your entire life. It's about time that you took control of that thing and learned how to use it to its fullest potential.
Sean Webb teaches you how to hack and take control of your mind like you never have before. You'll be amazed at how much you didn't actually know about the topic of you. The truth is you do have hidden powers within you which are awaiting to be unlocked, and which will transform your life when you turn them on.
Learn how to literally turn off your fear, anger, sadness, worry, doubt, regret, and depression, by stopping those processes where they start; your own mind. -
Er det virkelig så vigtigt med rens? Hvad betyder aktive ingredienser, og hvordan vælger jeg den rette creme til min hud? Hudpleje er i dag kompliceret, forskningsbaseret og super nyskabende, og det kræver efterhånden en tillægsuddannelse i kemi at forstå sin hudpleje. Derfor har vi hos DermaPharm skabt podcasten LabTalks, der gør dig klogere på din hudpleje! Lyt med her! Vært: Julia Lahme
The podcast where we explore and celebrate the lives of ARTISTS with ADHD. Life, art, superpowers, and... wait what was I saying?! Hosted by Sarah Gise, your fellow ADHD artist. We'll have interviews with all different types of artists with ADHD, as well as some mental health experts. Hear stories, jot down some tips, fight the stigma, and have a great time hanging out with us!
Original music for this podcast was composed by Christopher Aaron Knarr. You can find more of his work at
Podcast Artwork design by Joseph Ramski. For inquiries, please contact him directly at [email protected] -
I Min Litterære Pornosamling tager vært Jacob Nielsen den pornografiske, erotiske litteratur med under dynen og ud i radioen. I selskab med sine gæster, undersøger programmet hvad pornografiske romaner fortæller os om vores fantasier, kollektive tabuer, hemmelige subkulturer, politiske overbevisninger og skiftende smag i erotisk kunst.
Har du input, spørgsmål eller kommentarer? Skriv til [email protected] -
I denne podcast interviewer personlig branding-specialist Fabiola Christensen de førende eksperter i personlig udvikling om deres bedste liverfaring og hacks til at få et godt liv.
The HappyWays podcast shares down-to-earth advice on crafting a better workday for yourself and the people at your workplace. Hosted by Jon Kjaer Nielsen, a veteran speaker and published author on happiness at work, this podcast will give you the insights to be happier at work.
In the shows you'll hear findings from science as well as inspiring stories from individuals in organizations that have taken steps to create a happier and more successful workday. The podcast is relevant to anyone looking to improve on the quality of their workday by taking small steps that work. Managers, leaders and human resource professionals who want an alternative to the "usual suspects" of business books will also find the podcast useful and with specific actionable advice.
Jon Kjaer Nielsen holds a Master of Science degree from the Technical University of Denmark, has a background in Human Resources and has been an independent consultant and speaker since 2006. -
This podcast is dedicated to learning from amazing entrepreneurs and business owners like yourself. Learn about the successes and failures that led to the eventual success of some of the most inspiring and influential entrepreneurs in the world, to gain ideas, inspiration, and motivation to continue building the business of your dreams.
The Work with Soul Podcast captures real conversations with modern day spirit women (and a few amazing men), exploring spiritual tools and practices in down to earth ways. Your host, Rebecca Niziol, guides breaks down the how-to of real-life soul work techniques and resources to help you create work, relationships, and a life filled with soul.
As I learn, You Learn. Just a small business owner trying to help you traverse the Creative Gap and get better one step at a time by taking massive action towards your next big business idea or creative project.
Have a question for me? As me on Twitter @nickvegas. -
We all have just 24 hours in a day, even though our to-do lists just keep getting longer. The Busy Mom Collective Podcast is here to help working moms with side hustles master their schedule, own their time, and conquer their out-of-control to-do list.