
  • Modern life is filled with many kinds of pollution. From the audible and visual pollution of our cities to the garbage we let leak into our natural world, humans are separating themselves from nature at a faster rate than ever before in our history. The flora and fauna so graciously given by our earth mother have been all but forgotten in many human environments. Observing, reconnecting, listening to ecopsychology, and exposing ourselves to the natural world can increase our health and well-being.

    To unearth essential information about how we join the human rewilding project and get back in tune with nature, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the co-founder of the Sea Change Project, documentary filmmaker, and naturalist

  • Social pressures often influence an individual's decision-making process. The algorithms behind social media platforms can shape perceptions by showing content tailored to behavior, reinforcing or promoting specific ideas to further financial or political causes. It is proof that understanding human cognition can significantly influence our decisions, from the products we buy to the beliefs we hold.

    To reveal how cognitive psychology affects everything we do, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with prolific author and Professor Emerita of Anthropology at New York University, Dr. Emily Martin. As part of an experimental cognitive psychology lab, Dr. Martin studies the psychology of thinking and how it affects everything. She offers a glimpse into how humans process information and how the data collected has the opportunity to be used for the greater good or commoditized and sold to the highest bidder.

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  • Remember when you flirted just enough with a person to let them know you were interested but not too much that you risked rejection? Then, you were surprised when the other person had no clue what had happened. If you are a man reading this, it's understandable — you likely had no idea this scenario even unfolded. If you are a woman, it wasn't his fault; he's simply emotionally, physiologically, and genetically inclined to miss subtle hints!

    To reveal what we say without talking, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author and associate professor at Texas A&M, Dr. Stephen Furlich about the principles of non-verbal communication.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by:

    Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit theouai.com and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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  • The path to joy is often obstructed with obstacles, setbacks, and grief. From expectant mothers who are just one intense push away from delivering a new lifeforce to adult children caring for their aging parents, many times the pain we endure is the seed that blossoms into the flower of happiness.

    To find out more about cultivating the labors of life into personal fulfillment, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, doula, and co-founder of Moms in Color, Brandi Sellerz-Jackson about her toolkit for thriving.

    Brandi reveals that sometimes the best times in life are when the shadows of darkness recede. In her book, On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life's Great Labors, she imparts the benefits of kindness, how to move beyond surviving and into thriving, and the nuances of co-regulation and codependency.

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  • Scientific understanding of the hormonal changes women undergo during menopause is limited. Historically, women were excluded from major health studies prior to 1996 due to the belief that their fluctuating hormone levels were too complex to study. Today, women are changing the game by conducting their own research.

    To better understand how women can improve their quality of life during the aging process, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a menopause expert, Dr. Mary Claire Haver. Dr. Haver is a certified OB/GYN, author, and founder of The Galveston Diet and Mary Claire Wellness Clinic.

    Dr. Haver offers guidance about how women can navigate menopause and aging. She shares the top complaints of women who experience menopausal symptoms, and the impact nutrition can have on managing those symptoms through her menopause toolkit and books, The New Menopause: Navigating Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts and The Galveston Diet: The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by:

    Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription and free shipping at www.nutrafol.com/quiz with promo code HARVESTING.

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  • From the blush of first loves to the seasoned affections of later years, intimacy adapts to our changing bodies, shifting priorities, and the various life stages we traverse. Whether it's rediscovering a partner in a long-term relationship or embracing new experiences, sexual expression should be free of judgment and have no expiration date.

    To expose how to foster a fulfilling sexual life at any age, by oneself or with a partner, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Executive Director of The Kinsey Institute and award-winning researcher and educator, Dr. Justin Garcia about the joys of sexual expression.

    Justin delves into statistical insights from the Kinsey Institute concerning the impact of COVID on sexual behaviors, highlights pivotal discoveries from the 'Sex After Sixty' collaborative study by the Kinsey Institute and Cosmopolitan magazine, discusses emerging trends in sexuality, and explores the relationship between happiness and intimacy.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by

    Beducated— Offers online shame-free pleasure-based sex education for everyone. Spice up your sex life today and get 50% off the yearly pass. Visit beducate.me/happiness and use code HAPPINESS.

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  • Humans are driven to seek pleasure and avoid pain. It is a tendency deeply embedded in our biological makeup. However, there are times when this pursuit can lead to excess. Due to societal stigma, many individuals delay seeking help until their quest for pleasure turns into a source of pain and their lives begin to unravel.

    To explore the driving force behind constant cravings and the contemporary solutions that can turn lives around, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with primary care physician and professor at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Dr. Joshua Lee.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by:

    Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit theouai.com and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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  • Individuals who embrace positivity are more likely to approach challenges with resilience and adaptability, thus enhancing their ability to overcome adversity and thrive. Research shows that a positive attitude serves as a powerful catalyst for not only extending lifespan but also enhancing quality of life, and in certain cases is a better predictor of longevity than genetics, or life choices.

    To explore the timeless wisdom behind longevity, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with history buff and the Founder of LongeviQuest, Ben Meyers.

    A demand for longevity and healthspan data led Ben to create a business to certify and learn from the world’s oldest people. Ben shares his findings about the most common attributes of supercentenarians, what supercentenarians say is the key to a long life, and the future role of AI in caring for us as we age.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by:

    Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription + free shipping. Visit www.nutrafol.com and use promo code HARVESTING.

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  • Children of immigrants must navigate multiple cultures. The culture they know predominantly from their parents and the culture in which they live. Finding a sense of belonging and identity can be especially challenging for Asian Americans, who tend to be the group that is the least likely to talk about their feelings and seek out mental health services.

    To explore a path for healing cultural identity hurdles, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two licensed therapists, authors, and co-founders of the Yellow Chair Collective, Soo Jin Lee, and Linda Yoon.

    Soo Jin and Linda explain the mission of the Yellow Chair Collective and the premise of Where I Belong: Healing Trauma and Embracing Asian-American Identity, their book based on members’ stories and cultural experiences.

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  • Studies indicate that listening to music not only reduces anxiety and enhances overall well-being but also triggers activity in ten distinct brain centers. And, among the twelve cranial nerves connecting our brain to our sensory systems, ten are linked to auditory perception, making the ears a gateway to the brain.

    Learn how to fine-tune and revitalize brain function through sound. Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the co-developer of a home-based Sound Therapy system and best-selling author Rafaele Joudry.

    Rafaele explains the concept of sound therapy, its treatment process, and the benefits of its use to heal the brain, increase well-being, and fight depression and anxiety.

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  • Have you ever been frustrated while driving? There was no major accident, and no one walked out in front of you, but the driver ahead of you kept changing speed for no reason, and you wonder why this has to happen every day. Agh! Research shows that these chronic irritations or tiny traumas can build up in our system and cause more disruption than a major life trauma.

    To discover how to recover and repair from chronic stressors, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with psychologist, scientist, and author specializing in health and well-being, Dr. Meg Arroll.

    From her book, Tiny Traumas: When You Don’t Know What’s Wrong, But Nothing Feels Quite Right, Dr. Arroll shares her three-step process for building a strong psychological immune system by resetting and rebooting when we feel out of sorts.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by

    Nutrafol—Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription and free shipping www.nutrafol.com with promo code HARVESTING.

    OUAI— Offers beauty boosting head to toe self-care rituals. Visit www.theouai.com and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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  • What some people consider small stressors can trigger and overwhelm those whose biological and psychological makeup is foundationally built upon intergenerational traumas. Those with intergenerational traumas can be predisposed to heightened emotions that may not be widely understood by their societal circles. If you have witnessed someone’s reaction to a circumstance that didn’t appear to warrant it, it could be based on the person’s unique heritage and ancestry without them being aware of the factors at play.

    To discover ways to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma and begin the healing process, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Columbia University-trained Psychologist and intergenerational trauma expert, Dr. Mariel Buqué.

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  • The bells and whistles of modern life take a toll on humans mentally, physically, and emotionally. These burdens are exacerbated by the compulsion to resist and control the chaos because self-protection and the protection of our children are key motivators. But how do we create a sustainable, lasting transformation to quell modern turbulence?

    To more deeply understand how we can realize zen in the chaos, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Oren Jay Sofer, a Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

    Oren’s book, Your Heart Was Made for This: Contemplative Practices for Meeting a World in Crisis with Courage, Integrity, and Love is a guidebook for a year’s worth of contemplative practices. Oren highlights the twenty-six beautiful capacities humans have, the main themes of his book, and how to nurture inner peace amid the chaos.

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  • Understanding and navigating interpersonal dynamics is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. As an example, in a family where one or both parents are narcissists, it can be difficult for children to achieve a sense of self. Children growing up in this unhealthy environment tend to take on particular roles that fit within the confines of the narcissist’s point of view.

    To discover best practices for navigating relationships with self-absorbed personalities, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has forty years in public and private practice, Dr. Karyl McBride.

    Dr. McBride has focused on private research regarding parental narcissism and the debilitating effects of narcissism in relationships. She describes the 5-step recovery process from her book, Will the Drama Ever End? Untangling and Healing from the Harmful Effects of Parental Narcissism and shares stories of clients who are on the road to recovery.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by:

    Nutrafol— offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription and free shipping at www.nutrafol.com/quiz promo code HARVESTING.

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  • With access to mental health care in the United States out of reach or ineffective for some people, alternative treatments and medicines that alleviate symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD are sought after. Treatment seekers are more and more often finding ceremonies that feature doses of psychedelic medicine valuable in shifting their mental state.

    To gain more information with a healthy dose of skepticism, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, psychonaut, and explorer of the inner world, Matt Zemon about his psychedelic experiences, resources, and books.

    Matt shares statistics about the efficacy and legality of different psychedelics, information about the manner in which they are used, and how people can find out more about deciding if psychedelics are right for their healing journey.

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  • Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

    This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

    In the last 20 years, humans have developed a set of mental challenges for themselves unlike any other in human history. The internet age has created a vast array of complications that our minds have not yet adapted to or evolved to process. Bad actors and those who wish to hijack the human mind and spirit have designed methodologies that manipulate traditional cognitive functions to push their agendas.

    To learn more about how can we protect ourselves and strengthen our mental immunity, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the award-winning author of Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think and founder of the Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE) about the science of mental immunity.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by:

  • Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

    This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

    As the 2024 election cycle begins, the amount of memes for and against political candidates in social media feeds will increase exponentially. Most of which will have been created by AI and will contain subtle influences designed to create polarization within the American voting public. Can you discern between a meme created for entertainment purposes and one created by a disinformation campaign?

    To discover how to recognize the truth from fiction, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University and an Instructor in Ethics at Harvard Extension School, Dr. Lee McIntyre. Lee talks about the inspiration for his book, On Disinformation: How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy, and shares common practices and dissemination techniques of disinformation campaigns.

    This episode is proudly sponsored by:

    Nutrafol— offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription and free shipping at www.nutrafol.com/quiz promo code HARVESTING.

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  • Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

    This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

    Mind viruses spread in the same manner as viruses in the body. Something is passed from one person to another. The person's belief system or mental immune system processes the content of the information and either overcomes it and discards it or the virus takes over and causes an illness.

    To discover tips for mental vaccinations and truth recipes, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an associate professor of English at the University of Central Florida and the author of Deadly Delusions: Right-Wing Death Cult and The Cognitive Immune System: The Mind's Ability to Dispel Pathological Beliefs, Dr. Barry Mauer. Barry shares ways we can fortify our thinking to be more productive and healthy.

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  • Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

    This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

    The reliability of the information we ingest is paramount in today’s world of misinformation. Because once we decide that we believe something our minds become much less malleable when it comes to adopting a new belief.

    To learn how information literacy and power-thinking can be taught, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Associate Professor of Biology at Massasoit Community College, and Education Director for the Mental Immunity Project and CIRCE, Melanie Trecek-King. Melanie shares classroom examples of the scenarios she poses to her students and the common thinking errors most humans make.

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  • Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

    This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

    In the US, as the election season approaches many people will have the opportunity to have conversations at home, work, or on social media where their beliefs differ vastly. Without curiosity, kindness, or a sound tool for assessing reasoning some conversations could turn into disputes.

    To discover communication tools that make us more streetwise and rationally philosophical, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Anthony Magnabosco, the current Executive Director of Street Epistemology International