Eldra Jakson III, Co Executive Director at The Inside Circle
Eldra Jackson III
Eldra served 24 years of a life sentence; the last eight were spent sitting with Inside Circle eventually leading to his release from New Folsom Prison in 2014. A living example of successful rehabilitation and re-entry, Eldra has dedicated his free time on the outside to serving at-risk youth, and acting as a facilitator, trainer, and mentor. He is a writer and sought after public speaker on the topics of at-risk youth advocacy, effective criminal justice rehabilitation and turning around ‘toxic’ masculinity. He also hosts the Inside Circle Podcast.
The Inside Circle
The Inside Circle exists to reduce recidivism and all forms of violence-physical, emotional, and psychological— in our prisons and communities. Using the power of human connection found in peer-guided healing circles, Inside Circle transforms lives, reducing violence inside and outside adult and juvenile prisons, lowering recidivism rates, and building social-emotional literacy.
They Operate regularly within and around California State Prison, Sacramento (New Folsom), Sierra Conservation Center, and New Jersey's Juvenile Medium Security Facility. They have ignited and run programs in an array of adult and juvenile detention centers and community settings across the United States.
After sitting in group with Inside Circle for an average of 3 years, members show shifts in resilience, empathy, self-regulation, and perspective taking. For participants, There’s an 80% decline in the number of “115” rule violations. 70% of participants dropped 1-3 security levels. 44% of the men who were serving and went through the program are no longer in prison but instead serving their communities and contributing to society, and 0% of released participants returned to prison within three years of release. For more on The Inside Circle watch The Work documentary available on Amazon.
Discussed In This Episode:
Eldra's background and his storyWhat went through Eldra's mind when he was sentenced and his first years in prisonToxic masculinity, Eldra's definition of it, and how it impacted his lifeWhat we need to know about prison lifeRacial segregation in CA prisons and why this remains in practiceThe Circle -- how Eldra found it and how it healsWhat led to Eldra's freedom and eventual releaseThe adjustment to being out of prison and the biggest challengesThe pain of healingHow to reduce incarcerationCall to action
Important Links:
Waiting For An Echo by Christine MontrossThe Work documentary Eldra Jackson and The Circle on Instagram
Other Episodes Like This:
Healing From An Act Of ViolenceParenting a Child With Autism
Happy Listening!
With Fun and Love,
Jackie -
Deborah Thompson Cox, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Deborah Thompson Cox
Deborah Thompson Cox has a private practice specializingin addressing the after-effects of childhood trauma in adults. Deborah is basedin the Greater Los Angeles area yet her work with others extends across thecountry. Deborah’s work with clients is designed to support the self-healing intelligenceof the body’s life energy. She views the body and mind as one coherentsystem, and both can be affected by a combination of healing modalities. Thiselastic body of work is inclusive of the following approaches:Somatic Experiencing (SE) which guides the client’s attention to their bodilysensations, connecting these to their thoughts, expressions/movements, imagesand emotions in a way that opens the neural pathways and allows trauma-bound(adrenaline-produced) energy to discharge. Quiet spaciousness betweeninterventions allows the profound, and healing, reorganization of the body-mind.Early Attachment Patterning which provides a foundational understandingof the four core Attachment Styles, their origins, the way they reveal themselvesin relationships, and methods for transforming attachment hurt into healing. I usethe terms Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent, and Disorganized Attachment.Somatic Integration which promotes the body’s capacity to hold and expanda wide range of emotions via how the energy runs through the body whichincludes understanding Defense Mechanisms and how the Brain Developsthroughout early childhood via Family Dynamics.And finally, She fuses these modalities by introducing the client to a mindfulpractice of yoga and meditation based upon the ancient wisdom of KundaliniYoga.Contact Deborah @ dthompsoncox@gmail.com or go to her website here
Discussed In This Episode:
How educating yourself on trauma can begin the process of healing traumaThe amygdala function in the brain & The nervous systemA working definition of traumaAttachment PatternsDeborah's story Trauma focused CBTKundaliniPeter LevineSomatic ExperiencingAlcoholism and addictionACESNeuroplasticity
Resources Mentioned
ACES testDr. Arlene Drake Waking The Tiger by Peter Levine
Other Episodes Like This
Jessica Graham How Trauma Affects Us and How To Heal
Happy Listening!
Fun & Love,
Jackie -
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Ashley Cantley
Ashley Cantley
Ashley Cantley is the Author of High-Vibe Feng Shui: 11 Steps to Achieving Your Best Life. She is passionate about living well and helping others do the same through the ancient principles of Feng Shui. Her modern practice pulls from Traditional Chinese Medicine, shamanism, Ayurveda, and current studies of energetics to design a life of abundance. As a certified Feng Shui expert and a Red Ribbon Professional (the highest recognition) through the International Feng Shui Guild, she has worked with celebrity clients and has been featured as a go-to source for media outlets such as Bravo TV and Real Simple.
Discussed In This Episode:
The lifestyle of Feng ShuiWhat is modern Feng Shui according to Ashley CantleyIntuition and deepening your relationship with yourselfBeing authentic and how that's the only way to "do Feng Shui right"Why using environmentally friendly products mattersBeing intentional in everything you doTips from the Feng Shui toolboxMantrasThe Sacred PauseHaving faith and trust in the sacred pauseHow doing all of the "spiritual work' doesn't stop life from happeningHow Ashley is moving through her stillbirth and grieving her baby girlHow to support others when they're in deep grief and traumaHow Ashley is using Feng Shui to help
Jackie SheaAshley CantleyThe Sixth Stage of GriefRachel's GiftIt's OK That You're Not OK
Other Episodes Like This:
Ashley Cantley's First Episode on Feng Shui For HealthHow to Help a Sick Friend
Happy Listening!
Fun & Love Always. -
Amy B Scher:
AMY B SCHER is an award-winning and bestselling author of four books on human-ing and healing. She’s been featured in Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, CNN, CBS, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Rumpus and more. Scher was also named one of Advocate’s “40 Under 40.” Amy’s books have been translated into thirteen languages and endorsed by notable authors such as Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray Love); Vikas Swarup (Slumdog Millionaire); and Sanjiv Chopra, MD, MACP, Harvard Medical School and (Brotherhood with Deepak Chopra). Amy lives in New York City with her beautiful wife and bad cat. www.amybscher.com
Discussed In This Episode:
A balanced view on what depression is from an energetic standpointBurying ourselves for others and the ramificationsBeing practical -- what you have to do vs. what can you chooseThe symptoms of depressionHow indecisiveness plays into depressionPeople-pleasing surrender to where you are. Wanting to move forward but not needing to move forwardWhat is self-healing? Doing the parts that no one else can do but you! Combining Western and EasternAmy B Scher's 3-step approach to energetically healing depressionWhat is energy therapyChanging thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Releasing stuck energyThe Sweep script for changing our beliefs and why that's important Why we sometimes subconsciously keep ourselves sickAmy B Scher advice! The brave lifestyle of staying healthy and depression freeLiving authenticallyBoundaries and how they play a role in depression. Boundaries and being an empathGetting into action "Sometimes we forget when we are spiritual people and we've been using these tools that we can also just DO STUFF" The combo of gentleness and tough loveThe fear of being unloved based on living our lives for ourselvesHarm vs. disappointment What is the path of least resistance?Taking on other's feelingsAmy B Scher advice! How to start taking action today -- tell yourself the truth!
Other Episodes Like This:
Amy B Scher on Lyme Disease Amy B Scher on Healing Anxiety
Happy Listening!
With Fun and Love,
Jackie -
Amy Marcs, Sex and (Self) Love after a Double Mastectomy:
In 2009, Amy received a breast cancer diagnosis and intuitively knew that a double mastectomy was her best option—no easy decision for "a petite Jewish girl with great boobs." (No easy decision for anyone, ever). Marcs loved her breasts—her journey through the grieving process is heartbreaking, touching, inspiring and hilarious. It's a grieving process that many sick people can relate to as all of us lose a part of our identities we were once attached to. We get down to business in this episode, intimately discussing sex and (self) love after a double mastectomy. Today, on the other side, Amy (and her new boobs) tours her one woman show, "Nice Tits," and speaks out about the specific pains of breast cancer and double mastectomies. (http://nicetitstheshow.com )
Weekly Challenge:
"Take your broken heart and make it into art" -Carrie Fisher
I love this challenge, my friends! Amy wrote as a way to move through her experience so it's only fitting that her challenge to you is to find a creative expression on your journey. I did it, and it worked wonder. Check out how creativity helped me heal in this blog post on my photo 365 challenge. You can do anything: Paint, draw, garden, take photos, write, sing, pick up an instrument, color, act, dance, knit, sew, make pottery, and the list goes on. There's no shortage on creative outlets, AND you have the time (and energy)! Commit to ten minutes a day if you can and if you're bed bound like I was then pick something low-impact. Keep me updated on my Instagram @sheajackie. I'll be looking for you #holweeklychallenge
Discussed in this Episode:
DCISBRCA genesHow Amy got diagnosed (when mammograms don't work)Amy's treatment protocolDouble MastectomyFinding a doctor right for youAmy's grieving process (goodbye parties for your boobs)The surgeryHow to save your nipple3D nipplesAmy's writing and performing processLosing parts of your identitySex after a double mastectomyDating after cancerFollowing your own truthHumor in the face of illnessHow creativity can save your life
Resources Mentioned:
DCISTamoxifenAware causes pink necklaceIyengar yogaVinni Myers/ 3D nipples
Other Episodes Like This:
Ovarian Cancer at 29 years oldHow to Navigate a Cancer Diagnosis
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Nichole Proffitt, mindfulness coach for women, somatic experiencing practitioner
Mindfulness and Chronic Illness:
Nichole Proffitt ( http://www.presencemindfulness.com/ ) had been
seriously practicing meditation for years when her first fibromyalgia
symptoms developed, and (plot-twist) meditation was making it all worse.
This isn’t an episode about traditional meditation and using it to heal
from illness. It’s an episode about accepting what is, seeking out
your truth, surrendering to your truth, and then being willing to let
go… of everything. The closer Nichole got to her absolute truth
( whether that truth was that she couldn’t hang out with toxic people
anymore, or eat her favorite foods, or stay up past 10pm
even though she’s always been a night owl) and the more she surrendered
to them, the healthier and happier she has become. She said, “These
truths, as hard as they are to come by, and even harder to live by, are
what give me back my life… the years, relationships, friendships, jobs
and everything I have lost.” THIS is mindfulness and chronic illness.
Nichole’s Facebook
Weekly Challenge:
Ask yourself deeper questions and become open to your own deeper
answers. What a doozy, huh? This may seem totally overwhelming. Often,
it’s those deep—DEEP—answers that we are trying to avoid so that we can
hang on tightly to our own visions. But, this week, gently try to go
inward, listen just a little closer, and allow small parts of your truth
to emerge. Tune in to the episode to hear more about how to actually do
this. Follow me @sheajackie for weekly challenge updates and more
wellness fun.
Discussed in this Episode:
TraumaViolence/ rapeIllness and trauma linkWhy healing your trauma is necessary to heal your illness sometimesThe desire to be fully wellHow coping mechanisms can make us sickerWhat happens to our learned coping mechanisms when we get sickRageBuilding up a reference point for pleasure and delightGriefNichole’s darkest hours and how she made it throughFibromyalgia/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ interstitial CystitisSurrender/ let go/ acceptMindfulness and chronic illnessPresenceYour truthSelf-loveHow to make your own yogurtTriumphs/ how Nichole manages a big full life with self-careDeep listening to yourself
Support this Podcast:
Check out my new Patreon page here! Check out what perks there are for becoming a patron.Follow me at www.jackieshea.com for more updates and my coaching servicesFollow me on IG @sheajackieJoin the Healing Out Loud with Jackie Shea Facebook Community Subscribe/rate/review on iTunes or any other podcasting platform
Other Podcasts Like This:
How Trauma Affects Us and How to Heal
Listening to Your Body’s Wisdom
Happy Listening, dear friends! -
Ashley Cantley, Feng Shui expert, manifester, mama bear
Feng Shui for Health:
Ashley Cantley was drawn to this ancient Chinese practice when faced with healing from a toxic relationship. Similarly, I only started putting attention on my living space when I was sick and doing some healing of my own. Most people who have a current #lifegoal of “heal from illness” are in bed, and, in that case, shouldn’t the bedroom feel like a sanctuary? I believe that my living space is a reflection of how I am in the world, and I committed to making my whole home a giant vision board: Everything in it should make me feel good! Essentially, how to feng shui for health. That being said, I knew very little about the actual art and science of Feng Shui, so I was pretty pumped to get Ashley on and talk about practical suggestions to use Feng Shui for health and healing. How is Feng Shui an extension of holistic health? And how does it enhance other self-care practices? How can we make small changes in our home to enhance our health? Listen in here!
Find Ashley for more Feng Shui tips on IG @fengshuiash and at her blog and website here.
Weekly Challenge:
This one can be a real game-changer! Clean and de-clutter the center
of your home or living space. The center of your home is where the
health and wellness energy resides. Of course it’s in the center, right?
It can be the most important piece of our lives. After a deep clean and
serious de-clutter, purchase a swarovski crystal here and hang it.
In the episode (around minute 20) we get into the deets behind WHY
this crystal is the jam! Follow me @sheajackie on IG for weekly
challenge updates.
Discussed in this Episode:
What Feng Shui isMy personal journey of de-cluttering to healWhy Ashley turned to Feng Shui after a break-upHow changing your space enhances your energyThe Life-changing Magic of Tidying UpWhat is a Feng Shui cureAcupunctureTraumatic MiscarriagesFeng Shui for fertilityLittle adjustments you can make to enhance your health (like the sheet color on your bed!)Feng Shui for health and wellnessMudrasMantrasIntentionsConscious living with makeup, food and clothes
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Bayou with loveThe Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie KondoOtt Light for wellnessMudrasMantras
Other Episodes that May Interest You:
Infertility Vaginal Steaming
follow me at jackieshea.comSubscribe/ rate/ review on iTunesFollow me on IG @sheajackieJoin the Healing Out Loud Facebook groupShare with your friends -
Amy B. Scher, How to Heal Anxiety
Amy B. Scher ( https://amybscher.com/ ) is the best-selling author of the new book How To Heal Yourself From Anxiety When No One Else Can. As
an expert in mind-body healing, she uses energy therapy techniques to
help those experiencing emotional and physical challenges to move on and
heal permanently and completely. Amy has been featured in CNN, CBS, Cosmopolitan, Washington Post, and more. Most importantly, she lives by her self-created motto: When life kicks your ass, kick-back. In this episode get an in-depth look at how to heal anxiety.
Discussed in this Episode:
What inspired Amy to write this bookWhat anxiety isHow to know if you have anxietyHow to heal anxietyTo-do lists: The debate! And how to make them work FOR you. How does technology add to our anxietyWhat happens when you avoid your feelingsBig traumas vs. smaller traumas and which is more harmful?AngerImmune system and feelingsTalk-therapy downfallsDecision makingEmotional Freedom TechniqueLetting goWhy you don’t need to worry Perfectionism Thymus gland tappingOld beliefs Muscle testingWhen to turn toward your feelings and when to turn awayLaughing at yourself
Amy’s book, How to Heal Yourself from Anxiety when No One Else CanAmy’s instagram Our previous episode
Self-Care Tool:
This episode, Amy teaches us how to use thymus gland tapping to help us heal stuck emotions, anxiety and our immune systems. Did you know that the Thymus gland is the master gland of the immune system? Learn how to use it to benefit you.
How to Support this Podcast:
Subscribe/rate/review on iTunesFollow me on IG @sheajackie (my fave platform!)Follow me at www.jackieshea.com for moreJoin the Healing Out Loud Facebook group
Other Episodes like This:
Listening to Your Own Body’s Wisdom -
Megan's Story:
Twenty years ago, on a beautiful Monday afternoon in Portland, Oregon, Megan was violently attacked and sexually assaulted by a stranger. It was luck that saved her life, but the emotional wounds carried on for years to follow. In this episode, Megan bravely shares her story and the tools she used to navigate this random act of violence. Today, in her big, full life, she is free from the power he had over her, and she has come to a place of total forgiveness.
Interested in forgiving your perpetrator? If you want to contact Megan please write to me first and I will put you in touch
Weekly Challenge:
This is straight from Megan’s toolbox: Write a fear list and then (plot-twist) write a gratitude list twice as long! I love this challenge. I always say that I don’t “gratitude-list my way out of feelings,” but I use them to get a more balanced view of reality. When our fears are raging, we often lose sight of what’s real—gratitude can help. Give it a try and tell me what you think.
Follow me @sheajackie for weekly challenge updates.
Discussed in this episode:
Acts of ViolenceSexual assaultTrusting your InstinctsAdrenaline/ shockPTSDfearTherapySelf-judgment / negative self-talkAsking for helpHow to identify your feelingsWritingGriefForgiving your perpetratorWalking through the painAcceptanceAnger and how to let it outExpressing feelings in a productive wayDating after sexual and physical trauma
Resources Mentioned:
Gratitude Hal Elrod
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Other episodes like this;
- Latisha Singletary Life After Parlysis victim of random act of violence. -
Steamy Chick
Vaginal Steaming 101:
How many of you are shaking your heads in amusement? How many of you are doing that but also VERY curious? And how many of you are just like, this sounds weird but I am excited! After so many years dealing with periods that are so heavy I'm left chronically anemic, I had an entirely open mind when I first heard about vaginal steaming. Five months ago, a friend responded to a Facebook post I had written (Ladies! Any and all advice to slow the flow??) emphatically suggesting vaginal steaming. That was only five months ago, but the idea of steaming my uterus piqued my interest so much that I have been following around Steamy Chick on social media, reading her blogs, and steaming at home myself since. I'm so pumped that Keli Garza, founder of Steamy Chick, came on the show and now I get to share this gem with all of you!
This episode is your vaginal steaming 101 course. We discuss its ancient origin (this is not some new trend, you guys), exactly how, when, and why to steam—steaming has been shown to help with everything from infertility to missing periods to blood clots. Plus, it literally feels like a sauna for your uterus. Those of you who are following along with my period series, this episode is part II. I am still in my trial period with vaginal steaming and will have a lot more to say about it in the coming months, but, for now, ENJOY this vaginal steaming 101 course.
Weekly Challenge:
Steamy Chick challenges us to steam at home this week! You don't need to buy anything, you can steam using things you already have: A pot, some tea, salt, and water. I just finished steaming five days in a row as per Keli's suggestion, and I'm meant to wait until the end of my period to steam for three more days (find out why in this episode!). So, my steam may or may not be lining up with the weekly challenge, but I WILL be waiting to hear from all of you on this! Dear naysayers, what have you got to lose? NOTHING. Unless your pregnant then PLEASE do not do this because you absolutely have something to lose.
Follow me @sheajackie for more weekly challenge gems
Discussed in this Episode:
How to vaginal steamWhy to vaginal steamWho should/ shouldn't vaginal steamWhen to vaginal steamHow I got introduced to vaginal steamingSuccess storiesHow Keli ended up on this life pathWhy Keli has dedicated her life to this workWhy tampons are so harmfulWhat to use instead of tamponsThe signs that your period is not rightThe signs that you aren't getting a full uterine cleanseWhat cramps are/ what brown blood meansInfertility and why vaginal steaming helpsSteaming at-home, free of chargeSelf-care practices for womenTaking rest seriously during your period and why
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Steamy Chick website La Loba Loca padsThe Moon Medicine Course Seaweed sponges
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Kerah Henebery and Food to Heal
Kerah obtained both her B.S. in Dietetics and M.S. in Health Promotion/Allied Health Sciences from the University of Connecticut. Her diverse background as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist includes both clinical inpatient and outpatient support for pediatric and adult populations, but her true passion lies in using food to heal and applying an integrative approach to patient care in her private practice, Pursue Wellness. Kerah has particular interests in food sensitivities, digestive wellness, nutrigenomics, and hormonal balance. Kerah is a Certified LEAP Therapist and uses the Mediator Release Test (MRT) in practice to help target food sensitivities that may be contributing to chronic illness, inflammation, and symptoms associated with Lyme disease, Migraines, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia- -to name a few!
Kerah places emphasis on the whole-person and recognizes no two individuals are the same. She applies a unique combination of functional nutrition with an integrative approach to identify the root cause of chronic health concerns. Using whole foods and lifestyle changes, she develops personalized plans tailored to a patient’s individual needs to facilitate preventative and restorative health. Her true joy comes from connecting with each person and helping them live life to the fullest.
Discussed in this Episode:
Using food to heal What got Kerah into nutrition workSecondary InfertilityClean Fifteen and Dirt DozenDIY Natural cleaning productsIngredient labels—what to avoid at all costsGenetics and nutritionGut-Brain connectionMaking yourself a priority Scheduling self-care time
Resources Mentioned:
Heal DocumentaryHeadspace AppEWG dirty dozen and clean fifteen Cindy Kennedy's episode
Self-Care Tool:
Simple and effective when applied: Make yourself a priority! Tips inside the episode on how to do this and what it could do for your life.
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More Episodes Like This:
Non-Toxic Beauty TipsNaturopathic Medicine Tips
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Sascha Alexander:
Sascha ( www.saschaalexander.com ) is a Professional Life, Health, and Business Coach. She started her health journey five years ago when she fell suddenly ill at age 28 with a progressive multi-system mystery illness that was stripping her of her life. Here is our first podcast episode with the whole story. ( https://jackieshea.com/2018/03/26/19-root-causes-cures-autoimmunity/ ) She then sleuthed her way to health by developing a system called the Six Root Causes of Chronic Illness, through which she successfully diagnosed and treated herself despite Western Medicine's insistence that nothing was wrong. She has now recovered her life from the grips of two different autoimmune diseases and Late-Stage Lyme via ozone therapy, peptides, and fecal transplants. She no longer lives life as a sick person. Today she supports people in getting well themselves, or in growing their businesses, making more money, or living life with authenticity, peace, and joy.
Discussed in this Episode:
How Sascha got her Lyme diagnosisWhy Sascha suspected Lyme Air Hunger Surrender to the present Ozone therapy and peptide shotsFecal Transplants Why Sascha got Fecal Transplants for Lyme and how much they helpedFeeling abandoned by the medical community Relationship with God through illnessLaw of attraction—helpful or harmful? Being fearless in the face of people's painWhat Sascha does when she is deeply scared
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Dr. Hunt @ HoltorfDr. Rahbar GI doctorGestalts method
Self-Care Tool:
If you feel like something is still wrong, then something is still wrong. Sascha suggests that you really listen to yourself and your body—if you think something is off, you're probably right. The time is now to get to the root cause. We support you!
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Other Episodes like This:
Lyme disease and Gut HealthLyme disease and how community helps us heal
Happy Listening!
Jackie -
Heavy Metal Detox with Wendy Myers
Wendy Myers ( www.myersdetox.com ) is on a mission to help millions figure out that last missing piece of the puzzle in resolving their fatigue, brain fog and health issues - heavy metal detox. Wendy reveals cutting edge science-backed tips on heavy metal detoxification, heavy metals testing, detox protocols like infrared saunas, ideal detox diet, weight loss, thyroid conditions, adrenal fatigue and surprising hidden sources of heavy metal toxicity.
Wendy Myers is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist and the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue. Free yourself from fatigue and brain fog with her Myers Detox Protocol program, developed over working with thousands of clients. Visit her site Myersdetox.com to get transcripts and videos of all podcasts, hundreds of articles and recipes to aid detox. Get your life back with detox!
Discussed in this Episode:
What made Wendy interested in heavy metal detoxRoot causes of hormone imbalances Heavy Metal toxicity symptoms Mold toxicity Methylation and opening up detox pathwaysMTHFR genesThe most common metal toxicitiesWhere heavy metals hide in our daily life—where are we most deceived. BPA and BPSWater toxicityHousehold cleanersMineralizing our bodies. Salt our food and waterCilantroActivated silica, what supplements and binders to takeHow careful should people be about their detoxing. Heavy metal testinginfrared saunasHow to support ourselves emotionally through detox
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Heavy metals quizEnvironmental Working GroupList of Toxic Sources and Symptoms
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More Episodes like This:
Bioenergetic Intolerance EliminationNaturopathic Medicine and Healing from Home
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Fun +Love,
Jackie -
Lyme disease Awareness 2019
This year, I asked friend and recurring guest, Eva Hagberg Fisher to join me in an open conversation about Lyme disease awareness. Eva Hagberg Fisher ( https://www.evahagbergfisher.com/ ) is an author, educator, and media strategist. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Wallpaper, Dwell, Wired, Tin House, Guernica, and more. How To Be Loved, about the life-saving power of friendship, is her debut memoir and was called “stunning” by the New York Times, “dazzling” by publishers weekly, and “surprisingly funny” by most readers.
Discussed in this Episode:
Lyme myths and facts—where is it and how you treatAntibiotics vs. natural healingHow to come into acceptance How to afford treatments and lifeHow Eva and I became woo-woo patientsThe placebo effectMast cell and Lyme disease Lyme disease awareness
Resources for Lyme disease Awareness:
International Lyme and associated diseases society—find doctors and more infoAnatomy of an Illness by Norman Cousins
Support this Podcast:
Follow me on IG @sheajackiesubscribe/rate/review on itunes or any other platformFollow me at www.jackieshea.comJoin the Healing Out Loud with Jackie Shea Facebook group
More Episodes on Lyme:
Lyme and Healing in NatureLyme and Why Women are so SickLyme and Community and the Spoonie TheoryLyme and Saving your Own Life
Happy Listening!
Jackie -
Cindy Kennedy
In this Lyme disease podcast episode, I interview Cindy Kennedy ( www.pursuewellness.us ). Cindy is a Nurse Practitioner who worked in women’s health for over 20 years. She practiced gynecology and has cared for thousands of patients.
Unbeknownst to her, she contracted Lyme disease. She never saw a tick, or a bullseye rash. Her symptoms were subtle at first, and then in 2011 her disease struck with vengeance. Even as a knowledgeable health care professional, the struggles to find a cause became overwhelming. In general, she discovered that health care professionals are not adequately trained to recognize and treat Lyme disease and its co-infections. She came to feel the same sinking feeling that other Lyme sufferers must bear; the endless walk down the frightening path of misdiagnosis, shattered hope, and disappointment. Resources for learning were not very credible.
As her health improved she became passionate about providing education and guidance for those seeking information about Lyme disease, health and healing. All this has led to the development of her popular Lyme disease podcast series, Living With Lyme (www.livingwithlyme.us ) and her private practice, Pursue Wellness.
Discussed in this Episode:
Where are ticks? Or where aren't they? The medical communities inability to treat Lyme and what to do about itThe Lyme controversyWhat Cindy thought of and knew of Lyme disease before her diagnosisCindy's Lyme story—the symptoms, diagnosis and treatmentBabesiaGut HealthThe dirty dozen and clean fifteenThe period without a diagnosisSurviving Lyme disease as a coupleRaising the invisible white flagBuhner protocol, Mepron, Pectasol-C, OAT, stool analysis, nutrition evaluationSleepHumor, levity and laughingPatienceLyme disease podcast
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
The Anatomy of an IllnessLiving with Lyme podcastBuhner ProtocolDirty dozen, clean 15
Self-Care Tool
How's your funny bone? However it is, we are going to work on strengthening it! Cindy's advice to us is to find levity and humor in tough situations. And, guess what, laughter truly makes a difference—it might even hold up to its reputation as the best medicine. Listen in and hear more about why!
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More Episodes like this:
Lyme disease Podcast : The Spoonie theory and how Community Helps us HealLyme Disease Podcast : Using Meditation to Heal
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Jackie -
Stephanie Feuer:
Stephanie Feuer (https://stephaniefeuer.com/) is a New York City-based writer and marketing executive. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Slate, NBC News THINK, Narratively, Organic Life, The Forward and numerous anthologies. She lost her sense of smell after a virus in the summer of 2017 and is currently writing a reported memoir about smell. Join Jackie Shea and Stephanie in "I Lost my Sense of Smell. Now What?" as they discuss Stephanie's touching journey with anosmia.
Discussed in this Episode:
Anosmia—what is it, who it affects and the potential for healingCelebrities with anosmiaSurviving a fire, undergoing skin grafts and how this changed StephanieStephanie's moment when she realized, "I lost my sense of smell!"Finding your tribe on social mediaFeeling isolated and misunderstoodDepressionSmell training—which essential oils to use and how to do itThe unexpected ways life changes when you lose your sense of smellExercise and how it saved Stephanie
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Stephanie's Narratively Essay
Self-Care Tool for "I Lost my Sense of Smell"
Stephanie teaches us how to Smell Train in this episode. This requires high quality essential oils, some paper, and your nose! If you don't use it, you lose it. So, get sniffing and awaken your senses and bring your nose back to life.
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With Fun +Love,
Jackie -
The Power of Friendship
Eva Hagberg Fisher ( https://www.evahagbergfisher.com/ ) is an author, educator, and media strategist. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Wallpaper, Dwell, Wired, Tin House, Guernica, and more. She holds degrees in architecture from Princeton and UC Berkeley, and a PhD in Visual and Narrative culture from UC Berkeley. How To Be Loved, about the life-saving power of friendship, is her debut memoir and was called “stunning” by the New York Times, “dazzling” by publishers weekly, and “surprisingly funny” by most readers.
Discussed in this Episode:
Brain surgeryMast Cell Activation SyndromeMold Toxicity and living in a tent in the desertElusive illness vs. traditionally accepted illnessesHow illness softens a personSurrendering to illnessThe healing power of friendship through illness Facing and healing intimacy issuesThe miracle that occurs when you need to ask for helpVulnerabilityThe need for reassurance and learning to trust yourselfEmotionally abusive relationshipsGrowth through difficult experiences Friendship with others who are sick vs. friendships with those who don't understandHow helpful social media is and the useful tool it is in healingEva's advice to those who don't have as strong of a support networkJudging the sick—we both did! Deep griefHealing illness PTSD with yoga teacher training and EMDR
Resources Mentioned:
How to Be Loved: A Memoir of Lifesaving FriendshipJen Brea's film, UnrestI am Lonely, I am Loved, the essayThe Two Kinds of Decay, the book
Self-Care Tool:
While the power of friendship is transformative and necessary sometimes it's good to have a reminder that you have everything you need already inside of yourself. Eva brings us the practice of placing a heavy hand on our chests in moments of desperation for external support, feeling your chest rise and fall and reminding yourself: I have everything I need inside. You are powerful, my love. Go get 'em.
Other Episodes like This:
How to (Actually) Help a Sick Friend: Codependent to Supportive Lyme disease and How Community Helps us Heal
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Happy Listening!
With Fun + Love,
Jackie -
Amy B. Scher, How to Heal Anxiety
Amy B. Scher ( https://amybscher.com/ ) is the best-selling author of the new book How To Heal Yourself From Anxiety When No One Else Can. As an expert in mind-body healing, she uses energy therapy techniques to help those experiencing emotional and physical challenges to move on and heal permanently and completely. Amy has been featured in CNN, CBS, Cosmopolitan, Washington Post, and more. Most importantly, she lives by her self-created motto: When life kicks your ass, kick-back. In this episode get an in-depth look at how to heal anxiety.
Discussed in this Episode:
What inspired Amy to write this bookWhat anxiety isHow to know if you have anxietyHow to heal anxietyTo-do lists: The debate! And how to make them work FOR you. How does technology add to our anxietyWhat happens when you avoid your feelingsBig traumas vs. smaller traumas and which is more harmful?AngerImmune system and feelingsTalk-therapy downfallsDecision makingEmotional Freedom TechniqueLetting goWhy you don't need to worry Perfectionism Thymus gland tappingOld beliefs Muscle testingWhen to turn toward your feelings and when to turn awayLaughing at yourself
Amy's book, How to Heal Yourself from Anxiety when No One Else CanAmy's instagram Our previous episode
Self-Care Tool:
This episode, Amy teaches us how to use thymus gland tapping to help us heal stuck emotions, anxiety and our immune systems. Did you know that the Thymus gland is the master gland of the immune system? Learn how to use it to benefit you.
How to Support this Podcast:
Subscribe/rate/review on iTunesFollow me on IG @sheajackie (my fave platform!)Follow me at www.jackieshea.com for moreJoin the Healing Out Loud Facebook group
Other Episodes like This:
Listening to Your Own Body's Wisdom -
Truitt Taylor:
Truitt Taylor (https://www.onepercentpodcast.com/) is the owner of Taylor Design Shop, a stage 3 cancer survivor and the host of the One Percent Podcast. In 2012, Truitt was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer at just 31 years old. After completing surgery, 10 rounds of chemo and 25 rounds of radiation, he finished treatment and healed from colon cancer in 2013. Inspired by being cancer free for 5 years, Truitt launched the One Percent Podcast. On the OPP he interviews young adults who are battling or surviving an unexpected cancer diagnosis. His vision for the podcast is to to create a community to help young adults cope with their new identity and the emotional side effects of treatment.
Discussed in this Episode:
Truitt's diagnosis of stage 3 colon cancer: The symptoms, the procedures and the feelingsHow Truitt healed colon cancerEffects of chemotherapy and radiationWorking while sick: The advantages and disadvantagesThe three things Truitt needed to get through Self-careFriends who disappearInsomniaDifferent tactics for getting through the hardest timesTo google or not to google—the debate! Grief cycle—suicide in the familyDiet changesJournalingForgiveness and what apologizing can do for usMental illnessOvercoming it all and using it to help others
Resources Mentioned:
The One Percent PodcastTruitt's instagram
Weekly Challenge:
Think of someone in your life that you feel resentment towards and practice apologizing for your part. The next couple of weeks, we have been challenged to practice forgiveness—radical forgiveness. Truitt offers us a way to do this alone, whether the other person is present or not, and he enlightens us to how much apologizing to his number one offender lightened his load, enhanced his life, and helped him heal from colon cancer.
Other Episodes Like This:
Thriving After Testicular Cancer with Mr. BallsyHealing from an Act of Violence and Forgiving your Perpetrator
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Happy Listening!
Jackie -
Kristen Carbone, founder of Billiantly, a brand that provides support for women after mastectomy
Kristen Carbone:
Kristen is the founder of Brilliantly, a brand that provides the support women need on their journey toward feeling vital and strong in their mind and body after mastectomy. Motivated by her own personal experience losing her mother to cancer and then electing to have a preventative double mastectomy, she is committed to providing solutions that help women deal with long-term physical and emotional needs so they can prosper.
Discussed in this Episode:
GriefPreventative double mastectomyPerfectionism as a way to deal with griefDisappointment in ourselvesSelf-love, self-worth, self-compassionLearning how to accept helpBeing a collaborative humanBody image as an aging woman Going forward vs. Getting your life "back"ControlChoosing your storyPerspective
Resources Mentioned:
Kristen's company, Brilliantly Kristen's instagramOption B/ Bouncing Forward
Weekly Challenge:
Kristen's preventative double mastectomy opened her up to exploring a new and kinder attitude toward herself. So, this week she challenged us: Upon awakening, find and list five things you are doing well. In this culture of "not enough," we often lose sight of acknowledging ourselves for all of our growth, all of our effort, all of our step-up-to-the-plate moments—big or small. If I pause right now and think of five things, here's what I get: I showed up on time to my commitments today, I returned all of my emails, I gave a friend a hug, I paid for everything I bought today with money I have, (not on credit), I ate healthy food today, I have spread kindness and love. Simple stuff! Wouldn't it be awesome to start our days like this instead of the usual, "I didn't get enough sleep, and I don't have enough time in this day and I suck." HA! can't wait to see what happens as you make this part of your routine. Follow me and watch my journey on instagram @sheajackie
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Other Episodes Like This:
Sex and Self-Love after a Double MastectomyThriving After Testicular Cancer
Happy Listening!
Jackie - Se mer