Educational – Safe Sleep – In Loving Memory of Derrick
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
To contact Mom BLOOM: www.momblooms.org
Facebook: Building Life Opportunities and Options for Mothers
Instagram: mom_blooms
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
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TIPQC Community Resource Council
Contact Information:
Karen Vacaliuc
website: momsconnection.net
Facebook: Mom's Connection Doula Services
Instagram: tricarebirthdoula
email: [email protected]
Almetria Turner
Free Doula Support Application Link
LaTonia Richardson, CD(DONA)
Phone: 515-499-8001
Email: [email protected]
Website: yourdoulaconnection.com
TikTok: toniatheedoula
Insurance accepted: Tricare Prime, Humana Military
Call or email directly for funding regarding free birth services
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician...
In this episode we discuss suicide and suicide screening & prevention. If you are struggling, please see the resources below for support and help.
PostPartum Support International https://www.postpartum.net/
Call 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline
PSI Helpline 800-944-4773 or text help to 800-944-4773
text en espanol: 971-203-7773
(help line is NOT a hotline)
National Maternal Mental Health HOTLINE
988 suicide and crisis lifeline
MGH womens mental health website with information for
patients and professionals about PMADs and medication
mothertobaby.org is website with medication info/fact sheets
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
PostPartum Support International https://www.postpartum.net/
Call 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline
PSI Helpline 800-944-4773 or text help to 800-944-4773
text en espanol: 971-203-7773
(help line is NOT a hotline)
National Maternal Mental Health HOTLINE
988 suicide and crisis lifeline
MGH womens mental health website with information for
patients and professionals about PMADs and medication
mothertobaby.org is website with medication info/fact sheets
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
TDH Respiratory Viral Illness Homepage: https://www.tn.gov/health/rvi.html
(does not include data on pertussis, but outlines general respiratory infection prevention measures that can be taken)
CDC Website Pertussis: https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/index.html
TDH Website Pertussis: https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/reportable-diseases/pertussis-whooping-cough.html
Reportable Diseases in Tennessee: https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/reportable-diseases.html
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
POST-BIRTH Warning Signs Education Program - AWHONN
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
Instagram: Howtohuman.morelen
Website: dianamorelen.comNo content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
The Tennessee Justice Center
The Store
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
RMC Resources: https://www.awhonn.org/respectful-maternity-care-implementation-toolkit/
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
Grow With Me Clinic | East Tennessee Children's Hospital
Referenced article:
Wilkinson, A., Rackers, H.S. & Harmon, T.M. Developmental implications of prenatal opioid exposure among school-aged children: a mixed methods and community-initiated analysis. BMC Public Health 23, 1815 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-023-16702-8
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
Strong Starts Program | Ballad Health
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
Go to www.CountTheKicks.org to find these FREE Resources (and so much more!)
· Order Materials - Materials are available for FREE in Tennessee
· Count the Kicks App - a FREE Hallmark tool with no ads or
pop-ups - available in 21 languages
· Academy for Parents - A suite of resources to help maternal
healthcare professionals educate expectant parents about fetal movement monitoring
ETSU Health Baby Steps website - with links to AAP Promising
Practice site -- https://www.etsu.edu/etsu-news/2021/10-october/baby-steps-promising-practice.php
Local news article about Baby Steps -- https://www.wjhl.com/news/baby-steps-clinic-provides-hope-care-for-children-exposed-to-drugs-before-birth/#:~:text=The%20American%20Academy%20of%20Pediatrics,country%20to%20receive%20this%20honor.
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
If you’re interested, you can use the referral code: BYB6L2WK to get started using the App.
Narrative Nation, Inc., https://wewriteus.org/The Birthright Podcast, https://birthrightpodcast.com/Follow Us on Social Media, Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | TwitterThey are hiring: 5 paid Irth Ambassadors in Memphis, TN, as well as 5 national Irth Ambassadors. Please send your cover letter and/or resume to [email protected].
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive
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No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
For any doulas out there listening, we would love to have you join us for our October 19th conference!
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tn-doula-conference-2024-tickets-1015830585627?aff=oddtdtcreator
For any pregnant people who want to participate in the grant that covers the cost of doula services for moms with no insurance or on TennCare with a due date up until April 2025, please visit our website www.tndoula.org to sign up. Approval and doula connection is a fast simple process.
For any organization that wants to partner with us, please visit tndoula.orgwww.tndoula.org and click on the partner with us button. We look forward to connecting with you soon.
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
Family & Children's Services
Crisis Line 24/7: 615-244-7444
HealthCare Access
Get Covered TN 1-866-475-7879 | [email protected]
Language Services (615) 313-9841 | [email protected]
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
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