
  • Spoiler alert: yes, having a dream job or career IS possible! Today, Dr. Jasmine dives deep into how you can define your dream career and job on your own terms. Through thoughtful reflection, she breaks down the key components of a dream job and career and how you can align them with your values and life goals. 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    A life update and the flooding in MiamiSelf-reflecting on what you want your career to look likeWhat a dream job meansLong-term career success depends on value alignmentAssessing the impact you want to have throughout your careerHow your dream career is closely linked to where you're at in your life


    Resources mentioned:

    Wanna stand out and make the money you deserve? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Jasmine for The Empowered Hire to learn how to land the job you want at a company that'll value you. Episode 72. How to Identify the Seasons of Your Career


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Feeling unsure about where you are in your career and what to do next? In this episode, Dr. Jasmine breaks down the four seasons of your career and provides thoughtful, reflective questions to help you discern which one you're currently in. From the growth and exploration of summer to the leadership in fall, you'll learn how to embrace each season as it arises and what to focus your energies on.


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Creating the support systems you needSummer: the growth stageWinter: the reflection stageSpring: the revival stageFall: the transferring knowledge stageWhy your career journey isn't linear


    Resources mentioned:

    Wanna stand out and make the money you deserve? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Jasmine for The Empowered Hire to learn how to land the job you want at a company that'll value you. 


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Mangler du episoder?

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  • Tired of feeling unfulfilled in your career? In this episode, Dr. Jasmine shares her journey of reinventing herself multiple times to find fulfillment and purpose. She discusses the struggle of letting go of a career that no longer serves you and shares two game-changing questions to help you assess your sense of fulfillment on your current path. You'll learn three powerful strategies to navigate the process of reinventing your career. Tune in to step into the highest version of yourself!


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Reflections on how Dr. Jasmine has reinvented herselfAssessing your energy exchange with your pathIs this in service of your purpose? Three strategies to finally let go of what's not for you


    Resources mentioned:

    Wanna stand out and make the money you deserve? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Jasmine for The Empowered Hire to learn how to land the job you want at a company that'll value you.


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • If you're feeling the urge to quit, you're not alone. But remember: the desires in your heart were put there for a reason. In this impactful episode, Dr. Jasmine opens up about her struggles with wanting to quit her business and what inspired her not to throw in the towel. She offers practical and actionable tips for moving forward and getting where you deserve to be.


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Why Dr. Jasmine almost quit her businessWhy you shouldn't ignore your deep desiresWhat to do when you feel like quittingSeeking support in your community 


    Wanna stand out and make the money you deserve? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Jasmine for The Empowered Hire to learn how to land the job you want at a company that'll value you. 


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Ever feel like you're stuck under the thumb of a manager that just doesn't get it?

    Today, we're diving deep into what makes a bad manager and how you can steer clear of them in your career. Dr. Jasmine drops some wisdom on how to spot those red flags early and the tell-tale signs your boss might be hindering rather than helping your growth.

    In this episode, you'll gain valuable strategies for your job search and learn how to ask the right questions that reveal whether a manager is right for you and your career path.


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    How pivotal good leaders are for our growthQualities that make a bad leaderGetting clear on what kind of leader you want to lead youBecome the interviewer during your job searchThe 3 things you need to know to avoid a lousy manager


    Resources mentioned:

    Wanna stand out and make the money you deserve? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Jasmine for The Empowered Hire to learn how to land the job you want at a company that'll value you. 


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Is your toxic workplace affecting your life on and off the clock? Tune in to learn how to calm your nervous system, prioritize yourself, set boundaries, and foster an unstoppable mindset to flourish even before leaving taxing job situations. With wisdom gained from both her own experiences and her clients' transformations, Dr. Jasmine offers enlightening strategies if you're finding yourself in a similar bind. 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Dr. Jasmine's new studio apartment and living authentically An Empowered Hire client's transformation storyWhy toxic work environments are triggeringTapping into "Why am I staying in this environment?"Practicing mindfulness when feeling triggeredHow to set boundaries at workLearning how to prioritize yourselfThe basics of an exit strategyThe transformative experiences that ultimately lead to growth


    Resources mentioned:

    Wanna stand out and make the money you deserve? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Jasmine for The Empowered Hire to learn how to land the job you want at a company that'll value you. 


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • So you landed a leadership role!! 

    Now what?

    In part two of this series, Dr. Jasmine shares her hottest tips on how to lead with confidence. She breaks down the importance of aligning your leadership values with the company culture, building trust with your team, delegating like a boss, nailing down effective communication, and amping up your visibility. 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    When Dr. Jasmine got her first high-level leadership roleGetting clear on your values and leadership styleWhy trust is essential as a leaderCultivating trust with your teamHow to delegate appropriatelyCommunicating with your team with efficiencyIncreasing your visibility as a leader


    Resources mentioned:

    Wanna stand out and make the money you deserve? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Jasmine for The Empowered Hire to learn how to land the job you want at a company that'll value you. Episode 66: How to Land Your Next Leadership Position


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • As a woman of color, YOU have the power to create true change in the workplace. In this game-changing two-part series, Dr. Jasmine will guide you through landing your next leadership role. With insider tips and ways to showcase leadership, you'll learn how to market yourself in a way that screams, "I am a leader!" 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    What you can expect in this two-part seriesWhy networking is your best friend to land high-level leadership positionsUsing AI to guide your resume and LinkedIn page creationShowcasing your leadership in a new and unique way


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.Episode 36: How to secure your next job or promotion through networking with guest expert Andrea Yacub Macek


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Girl, do NOT sign up for another certification before you've listened to this episode. You don't need all the boxes to check to have the life you want. Today, Dr. Jasmine dives into breaking free from the janky beliefs that what you have isn't enough to progress in your career. She sheds light on the "expert" archetype of imposter syndrome and provides insight into overcoming it. You'll learn practical tips for seeking support and gaining confidence in your skill set.


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Dr. Jasmine's word for 2024Why do we feel the need to accumulate degrees and certificationsDiving into the expert imposter syndrome archetypeThe #1 tip for beating imposter syndromeBoosting your self-confidence 


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.Download your FREE guide: 5 Types of Imposter Syndrome and How to Stop ThemEpisode 60: Navigating Imposter Syndrome and Toxic Workplaces with Dr. Lisa Orbe-AustinEpisode 64: 5 Biggest Lessons To Apply in Your Life and Career


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Welcome to Season 2, y'all! 🎉 

    To ring in the new year and season, you'll learn 5 lessons to transform your life and career. In this real and raw episode, Dr. Jasmine shares her personal journey through the past year and overcoming limiting beliefs. From gratitude to seeking support, breaking toxic cycles, and embracing perspective, you'll hear some major truth bombs to help you level up your career and life. 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    What 2023 taught Dr. JasmineOvercoming old beliefsLesson #1: GratitudeLesson #2: You don't have to do anything aloneLesson #3: You will stay in the cycle until you choose not toLesson #4: Just because you can, doesn't mean you shouldLesson #5: Perspective is everything


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • What does the job search and dating have in common?

    Girl, have you ever seen someone's dating profile? Just like a job description, they're filled with green and red flags to give hints about what being with them will be like. Get ready to learn phrases and words to approach cautiously and which ones to avoid on the job hunt. It's time to filter out toxic work environments and swipe right on those who value your expertise!


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    The mindset work it takes to be an entrepreneur Stepping back into the dating worldRed flags on dating profilesRed flag #1 in job descriptions: Unclear description or broad list of responsibilitiesRed flag #2 in job descriptions: unambiguous salary rangesSpecific words to watch out for in job descriptions


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Okay, so you know how to ask for more money, but how do you actually initiate the conversation? And what happens if you get hit with a 'no'?

    We covered salary negotiation last week (and if you haven't listened yet, go check it out before pressing play on this one!), so now it's time to focus on setting the stage. You'll learn tips on opening up the conversation with your supervisor and the formula for making that ask. So grab your planner and a pen and dive on in! 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Client question: "Should salary be the criteria for not moving forward in a job interview?"Preparing your supervisor for salary negotiationThe formula for framing your askThe questions to follow up with if you receive a 'no'What else can you negotiate for?


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • It's time to connect to your dope self and ask for the pay that you deserve!

    In today's episode, Dr. Jasmine shares with you two steps you can start taking to enter the salary negotiation process with confidence. You'll learn how to claim your worth and determine your market value.

    Start your journey to wealth and press "play"!


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Bringing your confident self to the table during salary negotiationKeeping an "I'm the shit" journal Backing up your asks with concrete researchBreaking taboo and talking about money


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.Determine your market value at Salary.com Compare salaries using Payscale.comRead The Memo by Minda Harts


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Leaders in the workplace and anyone stuck in a toxic workplace, listen up! Let's combat imposter syndrome together.

    In today's episode, Dr. Jasmine is joined by Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin to discuss two of Dr. Jasmine's favorite topics: imposter syndrome and toxic workplaces! You'll hear personal stories and learn how to recognize and challenge automatic negative thoughts, find community support, and take practical actions to create a positive work environment. Plus, for our leaders out there, you'll learn how imposter syndrome can affect leadership and the strategies you can employ to address it. 

    Dr. Lisa Orbé-Austin is a licensed psychologist and executive coach, with expertise in Imposter Syndrome, career advancement, and leadership development. She is a co-founder and partner of Dynamic Transitions Psychological Consulting, a career and executive coaching consultancy, where she works mostly with high-potential managers and executives. 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    What led Dr. Lisa to become an expert in imposter syndromeStrategies to combat imposter syndromeHow to spot a toxic workplaceCorrelation between imposter syndrome and toxic workplacesIs there a correlation between imposter syndrome and gender or race?Yes, you can empower yourself to navigate the systemHow to land those jobs where you can show up as yourselfAdvice for leaders on creating a safe environmentHow can you tell if a team member is going through imposter syndrome and how to support themAdvice to her younger career self


    Resources mentioned:

    Buy Dr. Lisa's books Own Your Greatness and Your Unstoppable GreatnessMake YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.


    Guest info:

    Follow Dr. Lisa's educational and enriching content on Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn @DrOrbeAustin, and visit her website, dynamictransitionsllp.com.


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Yeah, networking is valuable, but what if it gives you the ick?

    In today's short and sweet episode, Dr. Jasmine shares her own networking struggles and a perspective on mindset shifts. No fake affirmations required. Learn to take tangible steps to embrace a sense of possibility and empowerment. If you've ever dreaded networking events and want to reframe those negative-charged thoughts, this episode is a must-listen.


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Networking as an introvertReframing negative thoughts for successCreating "I am working towards" affirmationsLogging your goals and creating a task list


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Have you ever felt like you don't have what it takes to go after your dream job? Just because you don't meet all the qualifications listed in the job description? You're not alone. 

    Today, we'll explore overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome and stop disqualifying yourself from fantastic opportunities. You'll hear Dr. Jasmine's recent struggles with imposter syndrome, plus how she has coached people in The Empowered Hire on this exact issue. You'll also walk away with an eye-opening and practical exercise to boost your confidence and pursue positions that excite and fulfill you. 

    So, if you're ready to break free from self-doubt and step into your most powerful and transformative self, hit that play button already!


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Life update: getting back in STEM and imposter syndrome creeping upHer backstory in neuropharmacology Why you may be disqualifying yourself from jobsWhy you don't have to fulfill the entire job description before applyingHow your networking strategy is the keyThe mindset behind not feeling qualified The programming of not taking risks as women of colorAn exercise to try with your dream job descriptions


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • The one-year podcast anniversary celebrations are still going STRONG! 🎉

    In honor of that and all of you dope women who've been in toxic work environments and realized that you deserve better, we're re-releasing the first podcast episode of Her Next Career Move! Dr. Jasmine dishes out her personal experiences and shares how she overcame the challenges of toxic workplaces. 

    If you're finding yourself in a toxic work environment, please know that you're not alone. That's exactly why The Empowered Hire was created—to help you build the career you know you deserve! 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Finding the company that's right for you with The Empowered HireWhy Jasmine started this podcastWhat you can expect in the next few episodesTangible ways to face your fears Her experience working in toxic workplaces (and why she stayed)What makes a workplace toxicHow to reflect on your work environment


    Resources mentioned:

    Make YOUR next career move through The Empowered Hire.Download your FREE Spotting Toxic Workplaces Guide


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • Are you interested in The Empowered Hire, but unsure if it's the right fit? Then you're in for a special treat today! 

    On today's episode, Dr. Jasmine will talk you through one of the principles of The Empowered Hire that changed and transformed her career: the company search. She'll walk you through the three core principles behind finding the right company that'll support you. 

    You deserve to work somewhere that values you and your voice—where you're encouraged to bring your expertise to the table. So tune in, and let's get started! 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Feeling empowered during an interview Core Principal #1: Finding career happinessCore Principal #2: The "I Get To" mindsetCore Principal #3: Asking the real questions during the interviewFinding a supportive company


    Resources mentioned:

    Learn more about the NEW: The Empowered Hire.Episode 27: The real reason you aren't landing interviews and offersEpisode 01: Why I stayed in toxic workplaces


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com

  • The job search game has changed! Gone are the days of submitting your resume because now, there are some codes to crack. 🧠 

    On today's episode, Dr. Jasmine is joined by fellow career coach, Carla Santamaria, and she shares her expertise on cracking the codes you need to capitalize on to succeed in the job search in 2023. Learn how to optimize your resume, receive invaluable advice on getting past the dreaded ATS, plus how AI is streamlining the job search process.

    Born in Honduras and raised in Miami, Carla Santamaria is a career and mindset coach for first gen professionals. She helps clients discover and lean into their unique skill set, build a meaningful and impactful professional network, and get on track to reach their first six-figure job. 

    On Latina Equal Pay Day 2020, Carla made the courageous decision to ask her employer if she was getting equal pay for equal work. After months of advocating for herself, she was finally given an answer. "No." Despite the heartbreak, Carla used that experience to begin a radical career and life transformation. Twelve months later, Carla had pivoted from higher ed to healthcare to tech, doubled her salary, and launched a career coaching practice tailored to the unique experiences of first gen professionals. 

    Carla is the producer and host of The First Gen Coach Podcast, a career and lifestyle podcast where first generation professionals learn to rethink limiting cultural beliefs, advance in their careers, and build generational wealth. 


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    Going behind the scenes in Carla's business and how she got hereClient wins: taking leaps of faith to a 65k salary increaseWhat is the ATS, common mistakes when using it, and how to optimize itTailoring your resume with keywords for each jobCreating a resume that celebrates YOUThe many purposes that networking has in your job searchThe 3 steps to career successUsing Chat GPT in your job searchLeveraging tech and humans in your job searchThe future of the job search


    Resources mentioned:

    Snag your FREE resume template and guideReady to be a proud quitter? Join my exclusive group coaching program: The Professional Quitters, and start making up to 50% more!Listen to Carla's podcast: The First Gen Coach


    Guest info:

    Follow Carla's inspiring content on LinkedIn and Instagram @CarlaTheFirstGenCoach, or visit her website at thefirstgencoach.com and drop into her inbox at coachedbycarla@gmail.com


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & 

  • This episode is VALUE-PACKED! 💥 

    If you're feeling unfulfilled and have a desire to align your career to the best version of you, you'll want to tune in and take notes

    Dr. Jasmine will take you through exercises that she goes through in her new job search program, The Empowered Hire, so you can identify your long-term career goals and how you measure success. She'll also shed some light on the importance of work-life balance, personal fulfillment, and seeking external support.

    Let's get you unstuck in your career and ready to take action! ❤️‍🔥


    In today's episode, we cover the following:

    "I deserve" statements into affirmations The vicious cycle of negative affirmationsFlipping the script from a negative affirmation to a positive one5 questions to ask yourself when you're unsure what your next career move isYour career is not separate from your lifestyleAsking for help and support


    Resources mentioned:

    Learn more about the NEW: The Empowered Hire.


    Let's connect!

    Instagram: @JasmineEscaleraCoaching & @HerNextCareerMove_

    LinkedIn: Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D

    Are you ready to support women of color to flourish in the workplace and gain respect and credit? Book Dr. Jasmine for your next event! www.jasmineescalera.com