It's been awhile but WE ARE BACK...for one episode that is, but it's a doozy. Sheldon has an interview with THE ROBERT DUVAL...from Canada! AND we introduce a new segment called SHIFT HAPPENS. It's a twofer on the HnT Podcast.
In this very special episode, Sheldon interviews Robert about a very exciting and important financial course that the PAOC is making available to global workers. Robert gives us some insights into finances and global workers as well as a synopsis of the course. You won't want to miss out on this special offer.
Then, in SHIFT HAPPENS, Sheldon talks with David Fortune (wow...fortune and money and Robert Duval...) about one shift in missions that David thinks needs to happen. This segment will cause you to think about mission and outreach in a whole new way.
We may be late but it's worth it!
Season 3 of the Here & There Podcast is finally "in the books" as they say! What began as more here & here ended as it should have: here & there. Sheldon and his crew of Armitages have been shipped safely from Canada back to #Slovakia and all is well again in the world. Or is it? Did Sheldon have a mid-life crisis whilst on home assignment? Are his best years and most significant moments in his rear-view mirror? How hard is re-entry after 6 months away? Can he still do this Global Worker thing? Did Slovakia even want them back? Will there be a Season 4? (most important question in the list) Unbeknownst to him, our season finale episode has also doubled as our last in the mid-life crisis series. Tune in to find out if we're pulling his GW Membership or if he's back in the missionary saddle for another kick at the can (sans sabbatical!). Listener, your faithfulness has earned you another jewel in your already massive crown, so thanks again for listening this season...here and there! ️️️️ #seasonfinale #hereandhere #hereandthere #midlifecrisis #fouroffour #seasonfourandnomore
Mangler du episoder?
About a year ago, I had the chance to ask Kelvin and Laura May Chan a bunch of questions about making a baby and what they thought balancing a newborn while on mission in #Thailand would be like. They had no real clue then how this year would play out, because baby was still on the inside! In the promised follow-up Here & There Podcast from the Missionary Guesthouse, I interviewed this beautiful family of 3 about what they now know for sure about having a baby and taking her overseas. If you've ever given birth or raised a few newborns with your spouse, you'll instantly connect with the honesty and candidness of their answers. Pull out your old family photo albums, pour a tall cold glass of gripe water, and enjoy the latest #HnTPodcast on Podbean or find us on iTunes! ️ #sleepdeprivation #ancientchinesetorture #raisingbabies #emberling
***WARNING: Longer than usual #HnTPodcast post, even longer podcast following.
For as long as I can remember, I have been keeping #secrets. That being said, there's nothing I've found more freeing than finally opening up and sharing a failure or struggle with someone who I knew would love me in spite of my secret coming out into the light.
But if trading secrets for honesty is so liberating, then why is it so difficult? In my case and many others, it is because of #shame.
In his book Jesus Is Better Than You Imagined, Jonathan Merritt wrote:
"Secrets draw their power from shame. I convince myself that I am too messed-up, too tainted, or too tarnished for others to accept. Or maybe people will think I am a fraud. As I believe these lies, shame grows into fear, which is almost always at some level, fear that if others truly know me, they won't love me. Or at least love me as much or in the same way. In order to release my secrets, I must uncurl my white-knuckled fingers from deep desires: My desire to be perfect. My desire to be liked. My desire to be in control. My desire to be successful."
"Shame keeps us from telling our own stories and prevents us from listening to others tell their stories," says Brené Brown. "We silence our voices and keep our secrets out of the fear of disconnection." In the end, shame steals the very thing it promises: meaningful, authentic connections with others. Pursuing a life of honesty means to reveal who I truly am and assert that my #story too belongs at the table.
During #Segue2017 Tier II, Joel and Avin Reimer bravely shared their family's story of working through Joel's sex addiction while serving in South East Asia as Global Workers. I can't thank them enough for their #courage in opening up about this painful time in their lives, and for sharing how they are working through it together.
With their permission, we recorded this 90-minute session for a Here and There Podcast so other GWs could learn from their story, be encouraged to open up about their challenges, and get help where and when they need it.
We know it's a longer-than-usual podcast, but in order to preserve the integrity of their full story (bad and good), we're presenting it to you entirely in one piece. The pause button is your friend! 🎙️⏯️👌
"This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9
#sexaddiction #shameandgrace #redemptionstories
Welp, he's back...in #Slovaktown! Similar to Anna Armitage, Canada had it's fill of Sheldon Armitage and sent him #packing. After a refreshing, but rigorous home assignment (don't call it a holiday!) (or a #sabbatical!), the Armitage clan returned home with full hearts and extra baggage to #Slovakia to resume their global working duties in #Bratislava. Was home assignment a valuable experience? Does Sheldon still want to work globally? Did they raise more #support? Did their international church explode in their absence? Did their girls convert into #Canadians while here? Are the Armitages going back (home) #rejuvenated and ready for the work ahead? All these questions and more are answered on the last ever edition of the Here & (T)here Podcast. Fire up the BBQ, pour yourself a non-mood altering cold beverage, and enjoy this reflection on a "furlough in the books"! ️️
In Part III of the Mid·life Cri·sis Series I asked Rob Moore to open up the Vulnerability Vault and share about his family's #unexpected transition from Global Work in #Thailand to pastoring in Montreal, Québec. While Rob and Jana Brecht Moore were in Canada for an extended home assignment "processing life", #change and #opportunity came their way which ultimately led to them returning to live in their passport country. If you've ever known the pain of a crisis in your own family, or walked closely with another GW suffering while serving overseas, I know the discussion on this latest episode of the #HnTPodcast will be meaningful to you. ️️ #processinglife #crisis #notmidlife #threeoffour
I've often said, "Being sick, sucks." Nobody from our GW crew understands this more than Adrian M. Thomas right now. Being sick can seem like all fun and games until you are grounded from flying, separated from your immediate family, and you're prevented from global working! On the latest edition of the #HnTPodcast, I chatted with Adrian about some fun rumours about his sickness, what he's sick of (not Sharon MacDonald Thomas, but maybe James Guskjolen), and how he's been dealing with sitting on the GW bench these last 5 months. For a guy who's got every right to be sick and tired of being sick and tired, he sure doesn't sound sick! 😉 #sicksucks #sickandtired #onthebench #insicknessandhealth #dominicanrepublic #everydayministries 🤒🤕😷🤢🤧😵❌🛫🇩🇴️👎🏼
While at #GenCon16 in Montreal, I reconnected with someone I barely knew in the GW world, Jeremy Feller. I'd only met Jeremy once before back in 2011 at an all-Africa retreat just outside Malindi, Kenya, where we played some solid beach volleyball with former athlete and self-talker, Murray Cornelius. I've been in a mostly #textual relationship with Jeremy for just over a year now, and in this latest edition of the Here & (T)here Podcast, I attempted to bring our newfound friendship out into the light. No matter what you thought of him before this, I know you'll agree after listening that he's a jolly good Feller, which nobody can deny. 💪🏼🏐🏖🇪🇹🤦🏾♂️ #manbehindthemyth #RDsarepeopletoo #habeshaguy #HnTPodcast #Season3
According to Leanne Toews McAlister, Zoe is the Greek word for "life". When she launched The Zoe Network a few years ago, it was her goal to expose our fellowship to the mission activities of our Global Workers who were "bringing life" to women around the globe through their acts of service. Sheldon and Matt ran into Leanne at #Segue 2017 who was "sans Darcy" at the time and asked her all about The Zoe Network's inception and first few years of supporting projects that empower women and bring spiritual transformation to whole communities. The time for DREAMING is over, and Leanne is imploring people to get off the couch and GET REAL with women! Hope you enjoy the latest edition of the #HnTPodcast. #dreamsmaller #thinksmaller #linkarms #smallprojects #smallthingsconsistently
Once per season, our Fearless Leader, aka "The Donald", sits down for a chat with the HnT Podcast. I caught up with Murray Cornelius on a warm and quiet Friday evening at #Segue 2017 in beautiful Abbotsford, BC. In an attempt to steer away from serious global worker matters, I asked Murray about a few of his #Favourite Things, and he did not disappoint. He may not be a big fan of raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens, but he does have a favourite RD and travel destination! Grab some #chai (another fav thing) and listen in while I try and make Murray #human again! ️
Raising #kids is tough work. I know, because I'm currently co-raising two delightful teen-aged monsters. Raising kids across cultures is even tougher work. This too I know, because I've listened carefully to Global Worker families share openly about raising their third-culture kids and #teens for the past 8 years. Sitting at my kitchen table a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of interrogating the Forgotten Armitage Children of #Slovakia about Global Worker kid life and growing up between two worlds. Like all good pods with kids, you'll love the honesty, hilarity, maturity and calamity that ensues on the latest edition of the Here and (T)here Podcast. One thing you'll agree on is that Sheldon and Anna are doing a fantastic job as GW #parents and raising their kids in a beautiful culturally blended family destined to change the world. Grab a juice bar lady drink and have a listen! 🎙️🤦🤷💁🍹🇸🇰️😂🙌 #TCK #HnTPodcast
Recently we came across an interesting article about missionary burnout. It seems to be a theme on the past few podcasts but this article generated a lot of reaction and dialogue between global workers. So, being the relevant dudes that we are, we decided to chip in our two cents and examine hot topics like burnout, stress and the sacred cow itself...sabbaticals.
Are global workers soft? Does a Wall Street investment banker have the same levels of stress as a global worker in Timbuktu? Should sabbaticals be available to all or only those on the 76th level of the missional org chart?
Listen to Matt and Shel spare with each other, challenge each other and ultimately love each other on the latest episode.
#sabbaticals #hntpodcast #mattisawesome #stress
Ah, Missionary Care. Probably the single most debated issue I have discussed with Global Workers over the years. Some GWs need a little, others, a lot. Many missionaries feel well supported by their regional leadership and/or the home team, and some wonder if anyone knows they're still out there! While Melissa Williams (- the Melissa + a Scott) was hanging out at the Missionary Guest House for a couple of days a few weeks ago, we chatted about this topic, and Scott shared some creative "care" ideas with me. The opinions expressed by Scott and myself in this podcast are those of a GW and former Missionary Care Guy and do not necessarily reflect your opinion or the official policy or position of any sending agency of the #PAOC. There, we disclaimed it, now you can safely listen to it! #missionarycare #membercare #haveyoursay #HnTpodcast
Here & (T)here is getting out of the studio and taking this show on the ROAD! Join us (Anna and Sheldon) as we embark on the adventure that is ITINERATION. We start in Vancouver, head to Osoyoos, go up to Trail, stop in Banff, go to Edmonton and somewhere along the line end up with a $350 speeding ticket. Along the way we sample new cuisine, discover outdoor hot tubs, see the Rockies, lay some smack down on Alberta highways, talk to the newest member of the Eurasia Lead Team, Cal Anthony, and see so much more...
This podcast is as epic as the trip we went on...and we know it one that most Global Workers can identify with. Thankfully It's not as long as a Canadian highway but it might be just long enough for your next commute to where it is you are global working.
This podcast is 100% true and 100% Matt Janes free (sad emoji).
In Part II of the Mid·life Cri·sis Series I asked Patricia DeWit to reflect back on the #transition from 22 years in #Thailand to life as it is now for her and Peter DeWit in Paris, #France. Pat and good words are close friends, and you will surely enjoy the ones she's intentionally chosen to describe this time in her family's life on the latest edition of the HnT Podcast. Listen closely at the end when she talks to her 30 year old self! Interviewing my sister from another mister was a pleasant walk down Authentic Avenue, and I know her way of processing their "Continental Crisis" will encourage so many of you out there. 🌏🔜🌍✌🏼 #hntpodcast #midlifecrisis #twooffour
Mid·life cri·sis: (noun) "an emotional crisis of identity and self-confidence that can occur in early middle age." Nice working definition, but who gets to define #crisis of identity and self-confidence? What's the exact number for "early middle age"? In an effort to bite off more that I can chew, I'm recording a series of podcasts with Global Workers who are or who have worked through some sort of transitional period in their adult lives. Ryan Salomons was the first to take a ride down Honesty Highway with me on the #HnTPodcast and talk about the difficult years while leading his family to #Ukraine and through the first 2 years. Did he have a mid-life crisis? Did it move him into mission? Was it an actual crisis? How did he handle the transition? Our discussion answers these questions and others. Thanks for listening here and (t)here! #midlifecrisis #oneoffour #hereandthere 🚨🔜
You know how many Indian food jokes I know? Naan! On the other hand, I could tell you a few hundred stories about the awesome work of Global #Volunteers over the past 8 years. I am a huge fan of our GVs...remember, Noah's Ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals! 😜 In this week's edition of the Here & (T)here Podcast, I chatted with #GloVol Alex Lopez who's curry-ently assisting a mystery GW family in Kolkata, #India. (Their identity is being withheld for their own protection!) Listen in while Alex gushes about global #volunteering and shares the inside scoop on The Real GlobalWorkerLives of #Kolkata. 🇮🇳🍗🍛🙋🏻♂️ #HnTpodcast
Many people have observed that, the second you're born, you start dying. Of course, dying is not an acceptable reality these days until you've got a good 80-90 years behind you! I'm at the age and stage where my parents are now mid-70s and their health is relatively good, considering their age. That being said, I know at any moment that could change - but I'm over HERE and can immediately step in to help with a health crisis. You're over THERE, and you've left your aging parents back HERE - so what do you do when you get "the call" from your mom or dad with the news of their recent diagnosis? In the latest edition of the Here & (T)here podcast, I was able to ask Wendy Laird Skinner that question and a few more about this issue. Special grace and peace upon her for opening up about the challenges of caring for aging parents from overseas. Trust you will enjoy her honesty and advice! 🙋🏼🔜👵🏼🏥🚨 #prayforbetty #lairdforlife #agingparents #hntpodcast
Steve Martin once famously said, "Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes." Well last week I traded in my Chuck Taylor Converse and walked a few thousand KMs in Sheldon Armitage's #German clogs, and now I'm ready to tell him what I really think of the GW life in #Europa. For the first time since the birth of the Here & There Podcast, we've fully switched places with me being "over there" in Germany et la France, and Sheldon doing time "over here" in Canada. Pardon Sheldon's Canadian Internet signal and poor audio...just one of the many crosses to bear living in Canada. Kein Bier wurde bei der Herstellung dieses Podcast verbraucht! 🇩🇪🔜🇨🇦 #mattoverthere #sheldonoverhere #tradingplaces #hntpodcast
The audio quality of this podcast gets much better after a few minutes. I promise.
Have you ever attended a District Conference? What's the point beyond voting on amendments to the amendments of the resolution on whether or not we should raise one hand or two during worship? Is there any reason for global workers to go to their district conference?
This week on the podcast, Sheldon and his awesome co-host Anna attend the BC and Yukon District Conference. Along the way they attend a banquet (free food!) bump into a few familiar faces and make some new friends as well. If you've ever wondered what the director of GlobalEd is up to or how the author of the Wellness Plan and Sheldon are connected or even who Rebecca Strafforelli is, then pour yourself a cup of coffee and give this episode a listen.
BTW...This episode is 100% Matt Janes free as he's over THERE on family vacation somewhere in Europe.
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