Key verse Romans 1:4 - '...And (Jesus was) declared to be the Son of GOD with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.'
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is just as crucial to our salvation as His death on the cross for our sins. For if Jesus didn't rise from the dead it means His sacrifice was not sufficient payment for the sins of the human race.
It means there would be no atonement for our sin.
But rest assured... Jesus did rise from the dead on the 3rd day after He died. This fact was witnessed by many people who saw Him afterward, and numerous peole with whom Jesus interacted.
But how do we know for sure? Let me ask you - what changed the disciples from cowards to lions?Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
Jesus was only taken down off the cross after a Roman soldier ensured Jesus was dead by thrusting a spear into His heart.
It is crucial that Jesus was dead because without Him dead there could be no resurrection from death.
Without a ressurection the Christian system of belief is empty, as in fake. The Apostle Paul said that those of us who believe Jesus was raised from the dead if in fact He did not rise, we are the most pitiful of all people.
Why would he say that? Because our hope for eternal life would be in vain.
But take heart - the dicisples, the very ones who abandoned Jesus, were changed by something to the point they turned the world upsidedown with a message coming out of an event they witnessed. And most of them died telling what they saw.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
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When Pilate, the Roman governor, asked the religious leaders clamoring to have Jesus put to to death , he asked them, "Why, what evil has He done?" But the mob didn't answer him except to cry out all the more, "Let Him be crucified!"
John 19:7 gives more information as to the reason the leaders in Jerusalem wanted Jesus dead. They said because Jesus "made himself the Son of GOD."
This was an excuse they used because the real reason was Jesus told them earlier in His ministry their religion would not gain them favor with GOD, and that they were the "children of the devil."
Yes, that will get religious people riled up. Now, on the cross Jesus had something to say to those witnessing His death. He asked GOD His Father to forgive those men standing there as they mocked Him. And then, just before He died He declared, "It is finished!"
This meant HIs death completely atoned, or paid the penalty, for the sins of the human race. All sin, for all time.
Why would He do this? Because of His love for us and His desire to see the human race survive. At least for those who chose to believe in Him and show it by taking Him as their Savior. You know, like what it takes to become married.
It takes more than intellectual assent. It takes an action on our part to become married.
Now transfer that to salvation and you will have eternal life according to John 3:16 - "For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not preish but have everlasting life."Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
When Jesus was at the cross where He would die, human history reached a crossroads.
Treachery brought him here. Hatred kept Him there. A Roman death sentence by the demands of His own people ensured Jesus would die on the cross.
The thing is... He was innocent. Being the Son of GOD as He was, why didn't GOD rescue His Son? Why did GOD allow His Son to die at the hands of ruthless men?
John 10:17 gives the answer.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
When we lose a portion of our lives due to some disaster or tragedy or violence, etc., what do we do afterward?
Is there a way to redeem the pain and loss? This series on the life of Joseph found in the book of Genesis in the Bible gives an amazing example of how a young man, wrongfully accused and sent to prison, redeemed the time taken by pain and loss.
We too can find restoration, even if the loss is irreplacable. GOD, when petitioned in prayer, has the means and williness to restore us. We can redeem the pain for good in our lives.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
Joseph was faithful to GOD throughout his time in prison. And listen, this was undoubtedly a filthy dungeon, and he spent years wrongfully imprisoned. And still he remained a faithful child of GOD.
His work ethic and attitude gained him favor, but did not earn his release. GOD had to bring that about, which He did, in His perfect timing.
What about us? Are we waiting faithfully? Or constantly complaining? Joseph had lessons to learn which served him later after he was released. Are you and I learning for the next phase of our life? No, really. Are we learning... and applying our newfound knowledge, or are we sitting, soaking, and drifting through life?
Come on, pick yourself up and get going. Life is waiting for us. And so are others.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
What does it look like for a Christian in bondage. Is it even possible. This episode compares Joseph's prison experience with that of Christians in a prison of bondage to numerous poor choices. Some choices we make in ignorance of the consequences of those choices. Other times we ignore the consequences to our peril.
Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
Confinement in prison - it is meant for those who don't follow society's rules and laws. Therefore, prison is a means of punishment as an attempt to teach lawless people to obey the law, even if they don't want to.
But in Josdeph's case, he was innocent And we, even if innocent, have a mortal enemy called Satan who will bind anyone he can into a prison of sorts, a kind of bondage.
We can learn from Joseph's experience how to endure being enslaved, imprisoned by mental, physical, or addictive behavior.
What to do when you are bound on every side.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
Did you know it can be hazardous as a follower of Jesus? In what way?
Here are the words of Jesus concerning the hazard:
John 15:18 - "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you."
In civilized nations, the hazard is likely to come from standing for truth and being honest in business and work situations. Problems may come from standing firm with your integrity intact, refusing to give a false report of sales, or profit in the business world. For teachers, it may be difficult to report what a student's score actually is, not what the parents or school administrators would rather that teacher put down. It may be a law enforcement officer faced with being truthful, but it allows a guilty perpetrator to go free. Or a real estate agent being pressured to misrepresent the value of a piece of property.
In countries where the dominant religion is other than Christianity and is hostile to any beliefs other than those held by the majority of people, Christians and others of different beliefs have lost their lives for no other reason than holding different values and beliefs concerning GOD.
This hazard has faced GOD's people throughout Bible history, from the time of the prophets to New Testament times when Christians were killed for sport.
Then came the dark ages around 1500-1600 AD in which Christians were killed by the thousands for simply possessing a Bible.
And now in our day and age to avoid hazards at all costs, will we sit silent in the face of evil? Or, take our stand for the Son of GOD and His Word?Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
Friendship with Jesus is easy enough to think about. But consider this: what is it like to have a friendship with the Son of GOD? You know, the One who created all there is.
Yes, that's in the Bible:
Colossians 1:15 - ' He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
Colossians 1:16 - 'For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
Colossians 1:17 - 'And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.'
If Jesus is your friend, are you loyal to Him? How so?Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
A deeper look at John 15:2 reveals a tender promise from GOD. That of a loving Father who lifts up a fallen child and takes the steps necessary to restore His beloved child to wholeness.
But what about our part in the restoration process? If you have fallen into a low condition of stress and depression, etc. what can you do to help yourself within GOD's power and promises?
Listen in and let me know if this message helps you in any way. I need feedback in order to improve future episodes. info@hopesharbor.netShow notes at HopesHarbor.net
During the night before Jesus was arrested, He spent hours teaching His followers several things dear to His heart. Abiding with Him spiritually was one of the lessons He wanted them to remember.
He used an analogy of a branch abiding in the vine, without which a branch will wither and not produce that for which it is intended.
We are those branches. Jesus is the vine. Almighty GOD tends to both. And from this state of being close to the Son of GOD, we are promised a life of benefiting others, we are promised joy, and we are promised answers to our prayers when they are prayed in keeping with Jesus's nature, power, and authority.
The question is, how do we abide?Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
The foundation for living the Christian life is, I believe, obedience to the commands of Jesus. There are truths in the Bible by which to test our faith and whether we are who we say we are. That is... when we say we belong to GOD.
The bottom line question is this: is our name written in the Book of Life? The truths I refer to help us determine if we were sincere when we gave our lives to GOD and took the forgiveness offered.
This episode takes a balanced look at what the Bible reveals to us concerning our relationship with GOD.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
Every system of religious belief must have a solid foundation upon which to base its claims. If viewed the same as constructing a highrise building, if the foundation doesn't hold up, the system, like a building, will fail those who inhabit it.
Christianity makes the claim of eternal forgiveness of sin, restoration of the lost connection with GOD, power to live each day in faith (belief), and witness accounts of each of these claims.
What makes Christianity different is the forgiveness of GOD is offered free to those who choose it, although it cost GOD the life of His Son here on the earth. So what happened to Jesus that caused religious people to seek His death at the hands of the Roman government?
He told the religious leaders of His day their religion would not get them to Heaven.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
Have you ever thought about the influence people have in your life? How about in the past? Many things influence us, especially during our childhood, whether physical or spiritual.
Let this episode bring consideration to the influence you're having in someone's life right now. We all influence others; how will they remember us in years to come?Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
Have you ever seen the bumper stickers that read 'CoExist,' and then usually followed by a row of major religious emblems? Coexistence is one thing. All religions being the way to GOD in their own way is quite another.
Do you know what Jesus had to say about the way to GOD? By the statement He made concerning this issue, He excluded His claim to divinity and His teachings from consideration as just another way to find GOD.
This episode examines the claims of Christianity and those of several other major religions.
Something to consider: Either Jesus told the truth about Himself, or He is a fraud.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
You may have heard of the love of GOD, but how does GOD's love help us today? What can I know and understand about GOD's love so that it becomes real to me?
Well, GOD's nature is love and everything about Him stems from His nature. All of His attributes, those characteristics that help identify GOD to us, are all tied to His love and His love to all His other attributes.
This episode explores the measure of GOD's love and what it led Him to do for us. And this is where knowledge meets experience. You see, all new spiritual life offered to us is possible right now for the asking because of what Jesus did for us on that cross.
If we choose to believe what the Bible reveals about the new life in Christ, then we begin to experience GOD's love as His purposes for us are lived out. Those purposes are also revealed in the Bible.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
GOD's goodness ensures He carries out justice. His justice is tempered by mercy.
Do you want or need GOD's mercy? In goodness He gives mercy. But what about justice? It was justice that sent Jesus, the Son of GOD to the cross to die. However, the mercy of GOD moved Him to substitute His Son in our place of death.
You see, justice demands the death penalty for sinning against GOD. And if we take the message of this episode to heart, we need not die an eternal death of the soul but rather, live for eternity with GOD who loves us dearly.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
These attributes of GOD explain something of the mind of GOD. Is there comfort in knowing GOD never changes? Would you trust your life, and your future to GOD regardless of the cost if you believe He knows all there is to know?
Malachi 3:6 Psalm 147:4 & 5 Romans 11:33-36
And what if GOD holds all knowledge? Doesn't He need to know how to apply His will to our lives with wisdom?
It's easy to say we believe these attributes are true about GOD, but do we live by them, day by day? This is not a rhetorical question. If you want to deepen your knowledge of GOD and by deeper knowledge deepen your faith, listen to this episode and others in the series The Attributes of GOD, taken from A W Tozer's book Knowledge of the Holy.
Key verses:Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
How is it known GOD is trustworthy? Well, over the last several thousand years people of those ages and even today test GOD's promises in the Bible. How is this done? By praying. And how to pray... that is a whole other subject!
Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1:10 - 'whom we trust...' And he meant GOD.
I was skeptical about GOD when I was younger, and whether the Bible is true. Then I took a chance by choosing to believe the Bible account. It took time but I eventually came to experience enough interaction with GOD over the last 47 years to learn something.
GOD is trustworthy.
I explain it as best I can in this episode.Show notes at HopesHarbor.net
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