In this episode, I talk with Daron Acemoglu about the rapid pace of technological change and its impact on democracy, institutions, politics, and society. Drawing on concepts from his book Power and Progress, we discuss ideas like the 'productivity bandwagon' and 'so-so automation,' along with technology’s dual potential to uplift the world from poverty and shape future prosperity. We also touch on the nuanced history of Industrial Revolution and how it could be related to the technological progress of today.
A discussion with Steven Neil Durlauf, the Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor and the Director of the Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality and Mobility at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. Prior to this appointment, he was William F. Vilas Research Professor and Kenneth J. Arrow Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Durlauf received a BA in economics from Harvard in 1980, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and a Ph.D. in economics from Yale in 1986. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, a Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, a Fellow of the International Association of Applied Econometrics, and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2011.
Durlauf was Co-Director of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group from 2010 to 2022, an international research network linking scholars across disciplines in the study of inequality and the sources of human flourishing and destitution. Additionally, Durlauf served as Economics Program Director of the Santa Fe institute from 1996-1998. He is currently a General Editor of the Elsevier Handbooks in Economics series and was a General Editor of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, revised edition, published in 2008. He also served as the Editor of the Journal of Economic Literature from 2013 to 2022.
Durlauf's research spans many topics in economics, with his most important contributions involving the areas of poverty, inequality, and economic growth. Much of his research has attempted to integrate sociological ideas into economic analysis. He helped pioneer the application of statistical mechanics techniques to the modelling of socioeconomic behavior and has also developed identification analyses for the empirical analogs of these models. His other research focuses on techniques for policy evaluation and the econometrics of cross-country income differences. Durlauf is known as a critic of the use of the concept of social capital by social scientists and has challenged the ways that agent-based modelling and complexity theory have been employed to study socioeconomic phenomena.
In this episode, we delve deep into these critical topics, unpacking the complexities and exploring innovative perspectives. The conversation covers the multifaceted nature of economic disparities and the factors driving them, analyzing the dynamics of economic growth and the policies that can foster sustainable development. It also explores how sociological concepts can enhance our understanding of economic phenomena and lead to more comprehensive models. Additionally, the importance of mathematics in economic research and policy-making is emphasized. Steven shares his insights on how mathematical rigor contributes to the precision and clarity of economic theories and their practical applications.
We thank New Uzbekistan University for providing the venue.
Mangler du episoder?
I had the incredible honor of hosting Dr. Adeeb Khalid, a distinguished historian and scholar whose extensive work significantly shaped our understanding of modern Central Asia. Dr. Khalid held a BA from the University of Punjab, Lahore, a BA from McGill University, and an MA and PhD from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Since 1993, he had been a professor at Carleton College.
Dr. Khalid's research delved deep into the history of Central Asia, focusing on the region's cultural and identity transformations from the Russian conquest of the 1860s to the present day. His work intricately explored the intersection of the Muslim and Russian/Soviet worlds, with a particular emphasis on the fate of Islam under Tsarist and Soviet rule. His interests spanned culture and cultural change, empire and colonialism, and nationhood in its various forms.
Over the years, Dr. Khalid was the recipient of numerous prestigious grants from foundations such as the Guggenheim Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, among others. He also held esteemed visiting research positions at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris and the Kluge Center for Scholars at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.
Dr. Khalid was the author of four influential books: "The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia," "Islam after Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia," "Making Uzbekistan: Nation, Revolution, and Empire in the Early USSR," and "Central Asia: A New History from the Imperial Conquests to the Present." His latest book offered an integrated narrative of both the "Russian" and "Chinese" parts of Central Asia and had been translated into multiple languages, reflecting its global impact.
Among his many accolades, "Islam after Communism" won the 2008 Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize, and "Making Uzbekistan" received the Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History in 2016. These awards highlighted the profound contributions Dr. Khalid made to the fields of Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies.
Here are the links to Dr. Khalid's books on Amazon:
The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia
Islam after Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia
Making Uzbekistan: Nation, Revolution, and Empire in the Early USSR
Central Asia: A New History from the Imperial Conquests to the Present
Yoshiko M. Herrera is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research on Russian politics; nationalism, identity, and ethnic politics; political economy and state statistics (national accounts); and international norms, has been published with Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press, Perspectives on Politics, Comparative Politics, Political Analysis, Social Science Quarterly, Post-Soviet Affairs, and other outlets.
At UW–Madison, Herrera teaches courses on comparative politics, social identities and diversity, and post-communist politics. In 2021, she was a recipient of the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award at UW-Madison.
Herrera received her B.A. from Dartmouth College and M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Before arriving in Madison in 2007, Herrera was the John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Social Sciences in the Government Department at Harvard University (1999-2007). She is also a former Director of the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia, former Co-Director of the Institute For Regional and International Studies, and former Director of the UW-Madison Partnership with Nazarbayev University.
Tom Ginsburg is a Professor of International Law and Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
He is primarily known as a scholar of international and comparative law, with a focus on constitutions.
Dr. Alice Evans is a distinguished scholar and expert in the fields of gender studies, development, and human geography. She is widely recognized for her extensive research and publications that delve into critical issues surrounding gender equality, social change, and regional variation.
Her forthcoming book, titled "THE GREAT GENDER DIVERGENCE," to be published by Princeton University Press, promises to be a groundbreaking exploration of the origins and evolution of patriarchy, as well as the factors driving gender equality and regional disparities in gender roles and representation.
Dr. Evans has published extensively on various topics, including support for gender equality, the changing roles of women as breadwinners, the catalyzing effect of cities on social change, and the dynamics of inequality in Latin America. Her work reflects a deep commitment to advancing our understanding of gender dynamics and their impact on society.
Currently, she holds a position as a Visiting Fellow at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. Her career has included roles as a Senior Lecturer and Lecturer in the Social Science of Development at King's College London, as well as being an Associate Faculty member at Harvard University. She has also served as a Visiting Associate Professor at Yale University and as a Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Cambridge.
Dr. Alice Evans earned her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Human Geography from The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where her research focused on gender divisions of labor in Kitwe, Zambia. She also holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Development Studies (Research) from LSE.
With her extensive academic background, research contributions, and commitment to advancing gender equality, Dr. Alice Evans is a prominent figure in the field of gender studies and social sciences. Her work continues to inspire and inform discussions on these critical issues, making her a valuable resource in the pursuit of a more equitable and inclusive world.
Instagram: @draliceevans
Twitter: @_alice_evans
Mehmonimiz, iqtisodchi-olim, Xalqaro oziq-ovqat siyosati tadqiqotlari ilmiy tadqiqot instituti (IFPRI) katta ilmiy xodimi — Komiljon Akramov. Komiljon aka bilan dunyoda va mintaqadagi oziq-ovqat masalalari, diyetalarni xilma xilligi, Oʻzbekistondagi oziq ovqat ishlab chiqarish va isteʼmol muammolari haqida suhbatlashdik. Shu bilan birga, Komiljon akaning ilmiy karyeralari, ularni hayot yoʻllari haqida ham suhbatlashdik. Doktorlik dissertatsiyasi yozish jarayoni, AQShdagi ilmiy institutlardagi muhit va qiyinchiliklar haqida ham gaplashdik. Komiljon aka AQShdagi ilmiy faoliyatlaridan oldin ham, Oʻzbekistonda avval fan nomzodi boʻlganlar, keyinchalik esa Markaziy Bankda muhim lavozimlarda faoliyat olib borganlar, shuning uchun Oʻzbekiston yaqin tarixidagi katta iqtisodiy xatolarni kelib chiqishi haqida ham fikr almashdik.
Exploring Economic Development & Global Dynamics with EBRD Chief Economist and Oxford Professor Beata Javorcik
In this interview, we delve into critical issues shaping economic development, trade, and investments.
We discussed range of topics:
Attracting Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs): Strategies to attract FDIs and the knowledge they bring to the recipient economy.
Inward-Looking Policies: the challenges posed by inward-focused economic policies and their impact on development.
Migration Dynamics: Insights into the complexities of migration and its role in economic development
War and Sanctions: Russia's global economic role and the repercussions of the War and the sanctions on international trade.
Polish Economic Miracle: the remarkable story of Poland's economic transformation and its lessons for other nations.
World Trade Organization (WTO): the WTO's role in shaping international trade and fostering economic development.
Uzbek Reforms and their potential to drive economic progress in the region.
This podcast offers expert insights into economic development, global trade, and investment, providing a comprehensive understanding of these vital topics.
Наш гость - российский экономико-географ, специалист в области социально-экономического развития регионов, социальной и политической географии. Профессор географического факультета МГУ - Наталья Зубаревич.
Тимофей Милованов – президент Киевской школы экономики, профессор Питтсбургского университета.
Министр развития экономики, торговли и сельского хозяйства Украины в 2019–2020 годах. Советник руководителя офиса президента Украины. Специалист в области микроэкономики и теории игр.
Тимофей Милованов родился в 1975 году. Окончил Киевский политехнический институт (менеджмент) в 1997 году и Киево-Могилянскую академию по специальности «экономическая теория» в 1999-м. В 2004 году получил степень доктора философии по экономике (PhD по экономике) в Университете Висконсин-Мэдисон (США).
Преподавал в европейских и американских вузах.
7 июля 2016 года Верховная Рада Украины избрала Тимофея Милованова в Совет Национального банка, с октября 2016 года он был заместителем председателя Совета.
Michael McFaul is Director at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, the Ken Olivier and Professor of International Studies in the Department of Political Science, and the Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution.
Suma Chakrabarti is adviser to President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on economic development, good governance and international cooperation. He's also an advisor on economic development to the president of Kazakhstan.
Prior to this role, he was a president of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and before joining EBRD, he was a senior civil servant - permanent secretary at the UK government.
Bugungi mehmonimiz dunyodagi eng mashhur mutafakkirlardan biri, Frensis Fukuyama.
Professor Frensis Fukuyama Stenforddagi Friman Spogli (FSI) nomidagi Xalqaro tadqiqotlar institutining katta ilmiy xodimi. Shuningdek, FSIning Demokratiya, taraqqiyot va qonun ustuvorligi markazining direktori. Bundan tashqari, Stenforddagi siyosiy fanlar kafedrasi professori. Menimcha, professor Fukuyama oʻzining 1992-yilda yozgan “Tarix intihosi va soʻnggi odam” (The End of History and the Last Man) kitobi bilan mashhurlik qozongan.
Professor Fukuyama taraqqiyot, xalqaro siyosat va siyosiy masalalar haqida koʻp izlanishlar olib borgan. Professor Fukuyama bilan biz Markaziy Osiyo, Oʻzbekiston va uning shu paytgacha rivojlanishi haqida suhbatlashdik. Shuningdek rivojlanishda davlat boshqaruvining sifati va demokratiya bilan farovonlikning bogʻliqligi ham toʻxtalib oʻtdik.
Qizigʻi, suhbatimiz Oʻzbek tilida!
Mehmonimiz — professor, siyosatshunoslik va psixologiya olimi, yozuvchi, diplomat Alisher Fayzullayev.
Alisher Fayzullayev — taniqli olim, Toshkent Davlat Universitetida, Oʻzbekiston Fanlar Akademiyasi Falsafa kafedrasida, Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universitetida va boshqa mamlakatdagi yetakchi tadqiqot va taʼlim markazlarida faoliyat olib borganlar. Ilmiy faoliyatni chet-el universitetlarida ham olib borganlar: Fletcher huquq va diplomatiya maktabi, Tafts universiteti va Diplomatiyani oʻrganish instituti, Jorjtaun universiteti tashqi xizmat maktabi (2011-2012). Shuningdek McGill universitetida (2014) , Kembrij universiteti (2005) va Gʻarbiy Vashington universiteti (1992) ishlaganlar (visiting scholar). Bir nechta ilmiy jurnallarning tahririyat hayati a'zosi, o'ndan oshiq ilmiy maqola va sakkizta kitob muallifi.
Davlat va jamiyat xizmatida: Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining xalqaro ishlar boʻyicha Davlat maslahatchisi, Tashqi ishlar vaziri birinchi oʻrinbosari va Oʻzbekistonning Belgiya, Gollandiya, Lyuksemburg, Buyuk Britaniyadagi Favqulodda va muxtor elchisi hamda Yevropa ittifoqi va NATOdagi vakili boʻlib ishlaganlar.
Hoshimov Iqtisodiyoti dasturining navbatdagi mehmoni, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Adliya Vaziri - Ruslanbek Davletov.
Biz qonun ustuvorligi, huquqshunoslik, konstitutsiyaning mohiyati va hokimiyatning tiyib turish funksiyalari haqida suhbatlashdik.
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