
  • The IFS Sacred Healing episode explores the "top of the cliff" approach in dealing with childhood trauma and emphasises the importance of early intervention and prevention.

    Through the lens of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, children are empowered to understand their thoughts, emotions, and inner parts. By preventing self-blame and providing children with the necessary tools, we can help them navigate their emotional landscape and avoid internalising blame when their needs aren't met.

    This episode discusses the significance of empowering children with emotional understanding and offers strategies for implementing preventative interventions to support their emotional well-being and resilience.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Welcome to IFS Sacred Healing – Taskmasters Grip. In this episode, I speak about my Taskmaster, a powerful inner critic that can hinder our life and limit our self-compassion. Through the lens of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, I delve into the wound the Taskmaster is protecting and explore ways for accessing the truth of our wounds and cultivating self-healing. I also discuss the importance of accessing the truth of our wounds and how Self Energy can be a powerful source of healing and self-compassion.

    Through my personal story and practical insight, this episode provides a roadmap for anyone seeking to overcome the influence of the Taskmaster, access the truth of their wounds, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-compassion and healing. We embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and learn how to harness the power of your Self Energy.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

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  • Welcome to IFS Sacred Healing Podcast. In this episode, we will explore the capacities and qualities that an IFS therapist needs to guide their clients through the healing process effectively.

    We will discuss the importance of trust in the IFS process, focus, understanding, activation awareness and averting perseverance, confidence, perspective, challenge, and presence. As we delve into these different capacities, we will also explore how an IFS therapist can build and develop these qualities, including through supervision and experiential practice.

    Additionally, we will discuss how IFS is different from other psychotherapy models and how it can prevent burnout for therapists while facilitating more profound healing for clients. Finally, we will conclude the episode with a guided IFS meditation that will allow you to access your therapist, leadership, and coaching parts and offer them space and a chance for healing.

    Whether you are an IFS therapist looking to deepen your practice or simply curious about this innovative therapy approach, I hope this episode will provide valuable insights and tools for growth and transformation.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • IFS seeks to help us heal and integrate these different parts of ourselves, promoting greater self-awareness, self-compassion, and personal transformation. Through the process of "unburdening," we are guided to identify and understand the roles of our various subpersonalities and work towards achieving a more harmonious and balanced internal system.

    In this podcast, we'll explore the principles and techniques of IFS, including the idea of "self-leadership" and the importance of building a strong relationship with one's core or "true self." We'll also examine the research behind IFS and hear stories of individuals who have experienced profound healing and growth through this approach.

    Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of Internal Family Systems and discover how this powerful healing method can help you achieve greater self-awareness, inner harmony, and overall well-being.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Welcome to IFS Sacred healing. In this episode, we will explore the concept of trauma bonding, its effects on individuals, and how Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy can help release people from the patterns of unhealthy relationships. As a trauma therapist, I have witnessed how trauma bonding can create a false sense of safety and attachment, making it difficult for individuals to break free from abusive or unhealthy relationships.

    Through my experience with clients and research, we will discuss how trauma bonding can affect different parts of oneself, including the inner child and wounded parts, and how IFS therapy can help clients connect with their true Self and move towards healing. We will explore clinical best practices for trauma bonding, including identifying triggers, releasing self-blame, and creating a safe internal environment.

    I will share three case studies of how clients have successfully moved out of trauma-bonding relationships through IFS therapy. Finally, we will conclude with an IFS-inspired meditation that listeners can use to release trauma-bonding patterns and connect with their true Self. Join me as we dive into this important topic and learn how to release from the patterns of unhealthy relationships.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself at www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Welcome to this episode of our podcast, where we'll explore addiction from the perspective of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy and the work of Johann Hari. Addiction is a complex and often misunderstood issue, and IFS provides a unique and compassionate approach to understanding and healing addiction. Johann Hari's work offers insights into the social and cultural factors contributing to addiction and how to address them. In this episode, we'll discuss these perspectives and how they can be integrated to support healing and recovery.

    Johann Hari is a British journalist, writer, and public speaker who has become well-known for his perspective on addiction. He believes the conventional view of addiction as a simple matter of chemical dependency is fundamentally flawed. Instead, Hari argues that addiction is largely a social and psychological issue that arises when people are disconnected from their communities and unable to find meaning and purpose. 

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Hello and welcome to today's episode, where we'll dive deep into the concept of the Taskmaster, one of the key inner critics in the Internal Family Systems model. We'll explore its role in our lives, its beliefs, and the somatic profile it manifests in our bodies. We'll also discuss how we can work with this inner critic to slow it down, reduce stress and anxiety, and ultimately find a greater sense of peace within ourselves. In this episode, we'll also guide you through an IFS meditation to work with the Taskmaster, using the power of sacred healing to release any negative energy that this inner critic may be holding onto.

    So, take a deep breath and join us as we journey into the inner workings of our minds and discover how we can work with our Taskmaster to achieve a greater sense of inner peace.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Welcome to this podcast episode on somatic encoding, profiling, IFS, and sacred healing. These approaches offer powerful tools for personal growth, healing, and transformation. Somatic encoding helps us to understand how our bodies store past experiences and emotions and how to release them from our nervous system. Profiling helps us to identify the different parts of ourselves and their unique needs and perspectives. Internal Family Systems (IFS) helps us to work with these parts to resolve conflicts and promote integration. Sacred healing involves connecting with our inner wisdom and the divine to facilitate healing and spiritual growth.

    In this episode, we'll dive into each of these approaches and explore how they can complement each other to create a holistic approach to healing and personal growth.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place. If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Welcome to IFS Sacred Healing, the podcast that empowers you to ignite the fire of your true self and connect with the healing power within.

    In this episode, we'll dive into self-energy and explore how it can help us break free from the voice of social conditioning and connect with our inner wisdom to live a life of ease, grace, and joy.

    You'll learn how to tune out the outside world's noise and connect with the stillness within, tapping into the ancient wisdom of your gut brain and emotional centres.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place. If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Welcome to IFS Sacred Healing, a podcast exploring the transformative energy of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy. In this episode, entitled "Perfectly Imperfect," we'll dive into the concept of perfectionism and how it can hold us back from living our most authentic lives.

    We'll explore how the IFS model can help us develop a healthier relationship with our inner critic and learn to hold space for our perfectly imperfect selves.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place. If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Following your rhythm can be one of life's most rewarding and fulfilling experiences. When we live our lives according to our internal clock, we can tap into a deeper sense of purpose, creativity, and flow that brings us closer to our authentic selves.

    Many of us live according to external expectations, trying to keep up with the pace of the world around us. We may feel like we must rush through things, multitasking, juggling multiple responsibilities, and constantly striving to meet deadlines and obligations.

    When we learn to tune into our internal rhythm, we can find a sense of peace and harmony that goes beyond the frantic pace of the outside world. We can learn to slow down, take the time to savour each moment, and truly live in the present.

    Following your rhythm means being true to yourself, listening to your inner voice, and trusting your intuition. It means taking the time to do the things that nourish your soul and letting go of the things that no longer serve you.

    It also means learning to be patient and compassionate and accepting that your rhythm may differ from those around you. It's about embracing your unique gifts and talents and using them to create a truly fulfilling and meaningful life. Following your rhythm can be a lifelong journey but worth taking.

    You can create an authentic, joyful, and fulfilling life by learning to listen to yourself and trust your instincts. So please take a deep breath, tune into your internal rhythm, and let it guide you towards your best self.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Come visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • Anger is often seen as a negative emotion, causing harm and destruction. But what if you knew anger could also be a gift in disguise? When channelled in the right way, anger can serve as a powerful motivator, pushing us to take action and make positive changes in our lives.

    Think of anger as a warning sign, alerting you to a situation that needs to be addressed. Instead of lashing out or bottling up your emotions, use your anger as a catalyst for growth. Channel your energy into finding solutions and creating positive outcomes.

    By embracing anger as a gift, you can turn an activated emotion into a positive force for change. So, the next time anger strikes, try to see it as an opportunity to connect, be curious about its intent and transform your life and those around you.

    In this episode, unleash the power of your emotions, and see their positive impact on your life. Be the sacred rebel, activate sacred healing.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Come visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

  • You want humanity to relate to each other as equals and to recognise the sacredness in you and the world around you. You want to unleash the beauty that hides in even the ugliest scenes and sentiments. You want to make possible what others cannot be. You are a radical dreamer, a sacred rebel, and you bring the light of a more positive future to this world.

    However, this can have its burdens. Deep within, you may feel that you don’t fit in with the rest of the world. Perhaps your sense of how things can be and how they are is so different to the smaller minds or more fearful hearts of many others that you rarely receive for all that you offer. This might make you feel frustrated, thwarted or lonely at this time.

    In this episode, allow yourself to come alive in the creative waters of your being and love who you are as you swim against the grain.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Come visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

    Inspired by Alana Fairchild and Scared Rebels Oracle

  • An idea has captured your attention - or will do so very soon. It may be a grand vision or the vague sense of something that could be. You are encouraged to accept the vision, the idea or the inspiration as it is vital to your creative and spiritual growth.

    In this episode follow your inner guidance and your inspiration, and become curious about the path it takes you on. This is your opportunity to flourish from a place of inspiration.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Come visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

    Inspired by Alana Fairchild and Scared Rebels Oracle

  • Though it may be cloaked and hidden, within you lies natural magnificence, vibrancy and true uniqueness. The more challenging this is for you to believe, the more growth this podcast episode offers you. Your opportunity for growth lies in letting go of the need to hide from the world and letting go of any doubt about what gifts lie within you.

    In this episode, it's time for you to trust Self and let the real inner you out from behind the veil.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you to a place of inner trust and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Come visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

    Inspired by Alana Fairchild and Scared Rebels Oracle

  • There’s a thunderstorm about. It is either headed your way or just passing through now. Please don’t make a thunderstorm mean more than what it is. Everyone wants to know how we can quickly access peace and tranquility when we feel like we are in the eye of the storm.

    So, join me, therapist and IFS practitioner, as I guide you through the storm and take you into a sacred healing place.

    If you want to be sure to tap into your divine creative genius and heal from a place of sacred energy, don't miss an episode.

    Come visit my website and experience IFS for yourself www.phenomenaltherapist.com

    Inspired by Alana Fairchild and Scared Rebels Oracle