Binging the Devil's Fruit is a bi-weekly One Piece manga readthrough podcast hosted by John "MugiwaraJM" and Austen "Jadpeanut". John, an artist/animator and long-time One Piece fan takes his friend and co-host Austen, an animation nerd who has never read One Piece before, through the series, so what better way then to document the journey! Additionally, we will also review the various movies and specials.
A gaming, music, and movie reviewing podcast. Support this podcast:
Placing the greatest popular movies into pantheons of greatness by their genre...from a casual fan’s perspective! Hosted by Joe, Joel, JC, Sam, Steve, Josh, and Katelyn.
Membahas isu sosial, budaya, juga politik dan lingkungan yang ada di film, serial televisi, atau pop culture lainnya || IG: || Twitter:
With attention to detail and an appreciation for the genre, a film snob and a fanboy explore the meaning behind monster movies.
Sebuah podcast yang mengupas film dan tv series bersama @akbar246
Annie and Dave take turns to pick something one of them was a fan of before they were married, and that the other one doesn't know. Then they both watch or read it and come together to discuss their reactions. What will the newbie think of it? And will the fan still love it? Listen to find out.
We discuss all things competitive Pokémon. Whether you're new to the space or a seasoned veteran, you'll always leave with some great insights. Join the conversation!
Welcome to Cinephobe: The Podcast where Zach Harper, Amin Elhassan and Anthony Mayes review movies that are poorly rated on Rotten Tomatoes, and try to ascertain whether or not those movies are accurately poorly rated, or maybe just didn’t get a fair shake. Cinephobe! Wherever you get Podcasts!
Welcome to the Bat-Jar Podcast, hosted by Average Joe and Asian Jon. In a world overtaken by nerd culture, how is someone with limited knowledge of comic books, superheroes, anime, and movies supposed to get by? Join Average Joe as he takes Asian Jon on a journey to discover the hidden secrets of the biggest franchises today.
Three friends share their love of movies and sit down each week and talk about what they've seen.
Podcast Gamer Paruh Baya bersama Rindradana Rildo & Kemal Ardiyanto
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Several village idiots have risen from the deepest depths of immaturity to deliver their unprofessional commentary on movies.
If you want to feel drunk without taking a sip of alcohol this is the podcast for you. -
Looking for a podcast that takes your love of movies and TV to the next level? Look no further than The Cinedicate - the Chicago-based guide to the world of cinema! Host Armand and a crew of industry insiders, genre-lovers, and cinephiles are your trusty companions on this adventure through film.
From heart-pounding action to soul-stirring romance, they cover it all with a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of cinema. But they don't stop there - The Cinedicate also tackles hard-hitting topics embedded within our films: like our own mortality, modern imperialism, and so much more.
Each episode features an engaging guest from the world of film, from visionary directors to talented actors, and everything in between. They share their insights, secrets, and insider knowledge to give you an unparalleled glimpse into the magic of moviemaking and storytelling.
Ready to join the conversation? Don't just watch movies – experience them with The Cinedicate! 🎥🍿
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Membahas sedikit tentang drama korea
Suka bahas movie yang seru dan worth it to watch.
Ever disagree with Rotten Tomatoes? Then we have the Podcast for you. Join us while we debunk poor movie reviews and slap you with some knowledge. Support this podcast:
Behind-the-Scenes of the Business and Craft of professional Screenwriting.
Ngobrol-ngobrol film di hari Kamis bersama KamiSinema! Mari bersenang-senang lewat beberapa program:
Udah Nonton Ini?: KamiSinema saling bertukar refrensi film yang cihuy.Class or Trash: KamiSinema berdebat kusir tentang sebuah film, apakah film tersebut film yang baik atau buruk.Highlight News: KamiSinema memberikan opini tentang berita terhangat di dunia perfilmanSirkuit Penghargaan: KamiSinema memberikan prediksi hasil dari beberapa acara penganugrahan film.Pegiat Sinema: KamiSinema berbincang dengan para orang-orang hebat yang telah berkontribusi dalam industri film dalam negri.Hari Kamis, bersama Kamisinema!
¿Alguna vez te has sentado con tus amigos a hablar de videojuegos, a jugar y has sentido que era lo mejor del mundo? Es una sensación insuperable y más si eres tan apasionado como nosotros... somos dos amigos que hablan de videojuegos (y otras cositas) que no nos la sabemos todas, pero disfrutamos investigar, hablar pero sobretodo jugar... Acompáñanos en esta charla entre amigos