In this episode I talk with Michaela Hyde from Marriage Foundation. It's more of a personal chat and debrief of 2022 really in which we cover empty nest syndrome, long term relationships, living with chronic pain, Michaela's menopause journey and my return to education. We also talk about HRT and also other techniques for resilience that help us survive the ups and downs of life.
As promised, here are the menopause-specific episodes:
104 To HRT or Not with Sharon Hartmann (this is an edited-down version of 91, Menopause HRT and your GP) 103 - Diane Danzebrink talks about her surgical menopause and how it resulted in her reaching breaking point and then becoming an activist for menopause awareness. 92 - Food, mood and hormones - how we can use what we eat to help navigate hormone change 91 - the full episode with Sharon Hartmann on making an informed decision re HRT and how to approach your GP 79 - Beyond The Bleed is with the menopause Psychologist Dr Becky Quicke about navigating anxiety and mental health through peri-menopause 78 - Knowing and Navigating the Smptoms of Menopause with the wonderful Diane Danzebrink -
Sex therapist Emma Waring joins me for part 2, following on from episode 107, ‘Is Your Sex Life Dutiful or Beautiful?’ to discuss the more intimate side of pleasure and our sexual relationships. We discuss orgasms, how the clitoris works, how vibrators can improve our sex lives and she reveals the all-important location of the not-so-elusive G-Spot. (Did you know that 96% of women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm? Hollywood might have us think otherwise).
Emma shows various vibrators during this episode which we describe for audio-only purposes, however we did also film the conversation which you can see on www.womenwhatwhistle.com
We also cover sex in menopause and how vaginal atrophy can cause bacterial vaginosis and recurrent thrush - lubrication can be answered prayer for that.
Emma’s website is emmawaring.com and she mentioned various resources including Pillow Talk which is currently discounted on Amazon.
The other two episodes Emma has done with us are: 107 ‘Is Your Sex Life Dutiful or Beautiful?’, and also episode 94, ‘What Is Good Sex?’
Mangler du episoder?
In this episode we talk about equality in sex and relationships. We delve into the roots of cultural and religious writings that have informed a male superiority over the centuries, where women's shame around sex, nakedness and physical desire comes from, how we can recognise if our sexual script is skewed/damaged, and what to do about it.
NB trigger warning at 15 minutes where Emma describes the action of rape, it is no more than one minute long.
Once again, Emma is fantastic and gives us lots to think about. If you've not heard the first episode she did, Episode 94 'What is Good Sex?' is well worth a listen as well, it is currently one of our most downloaded podcasts.
To get in touch with Emma Waring, here's her website
Emma's book is Seasons of Sex and Intimacy
She also mentioned Becoming Cliterate by Dr Laurie Mintz and Fairplay by Eve Rodsky
10 years ago, Helena Croft founded Streetlight UK. Prostitution and trafficking is a very real issue. It’s quite of the moment to suggest that sex work is empowering, but Helena has a very different and experienced take on this narrative which is currently being pushed about.
This episode is a conversation of two halves. First is about how Helena overcame terrible shyness and uncontrollable blushing that often held her back in life. And then how her faith helped her find her voice, which began her transition into politics. 10 years ago, she then founded Streetlight UK which gives support to women involved in prostitution.
You can read more about the charity on their website Spotlight UK and the book Helena mentioned was Trafficked
Please get in touch if you have a story or know someone else who would love to share theirs. You can email me pipa.gordon@icloud.com or find me on social media.
In this podcast episode, author Cary J Hansson talks to me about her epic midlife adventure in which she went back to university, already as a mum of twins, and having also navigated divorce. She accidentally fell in love and decided to relocate to Sweden once she graduated… and then found out she was carrying more than suitcases!
I’m not so sure she set out for it to be an adventure but it really was, and then, of course, hormones began to change so she had some more navigating to do. During that time, she’s raising twins, a new baby, paddleboarding, cold water swimming and writing short stories and novels which you can find here and all of which deal wonderfully with all the true ups and downs of ‘midlife’.
Cary is a fabulous example of taking life by the horns and not being held back by fear of the just in case. It’s a wonderful conversation and reminder that life is for living, at every stage!
This is an edited-down version of podcast episode 91 in which Menopause specialist Sharon Hartmann discusses hormone change with me and how we can best navigate it.
She covers things like when hormone change begins, what can instigate it outside of the natural rhythm of life, and then she covers various symptoms, some more unknown than others.
We also discuss natural v HRT (spoiler: topically applied HRT IS a natural product), the difference between gel, patches and spray; the importance of how you apply, testosterone, the Mirena coil, and also the length of time to take HRT and if it's ever too late to get on board (spoiler: forever, and not usually)
Sharon is an NHS nurse practitioner and runs a private practice to support women going through menopause. You can find her online here.
Please do subscribe to the podcast, you can find it on all platforms and if you'd like to subscribe to the blog as well, head over to Women What Whistle website.
This week we talk with Diane Danzebrink, campaigner, psychotherapist and menopause expert about her experience of menopause which was brought on by surgery for a hysterectomy, after discovering she had ovarian cysts, endometriosis, adenomyosis and a large fibroid. So severe were the psychological effects of menopause that it almost resulted in Diane ending her life. She tells the story in this episode.
Her website is www.menopausesupport.co.uk and you can sign the petition (please do because it’s getting very close to the all-important 200k) here. There are also extensive resources available on her website, she also records a podcast called The Good The Bad and The Downright Sweaty
Other episodes we have done on the menopause are:
78 Knowing and Navigating the Symptoms of menopause with Diane Danzebrink
79 Beyond the Bleed with psychologist Dr Becky Quicke
91 Sharon Hartmann – how to approach your GP
92 Food mood and hormones – Emma Ellice Flint
93 Testosterone is not just for boys, another great campaigner Dr Zoe Hodson
Please do come and join our Facebook group, and if you’d like to subscribe so you receive the podcast into your inbox, then please do on womenwhatwhistle.com
Finally, just a quick reminder - menopause itself is one day. It’s one year after your last period, however, it takes approximately 10 years of hormone change to get to that point, and it’s those years that we refer to when we say perimenopause. A LOT happens in that time – far from hot flushes!! Estrogen receptors are scattered throughout our bodies and so when our estrogen levels drop, it can affect us dramatically – the list of symptoms is long!
Hair loss Weight gain Brittle nails Vaginal dryness Sleep disorders Dizziness Incontinence Allergies Breast pain Headaches Joint pain Itchy skin Irregular periods Irregular heartbeat/palpitations Osteoporosis Burning tongue Tingling Gum problems Night sweats Hot flushes Changes in body odour Digestive problemsThere can also be profound Psychological symptoms too, as we hear in this episode
Mood swings Fatigue Depression Anxiety Irritability Difficulty concentrating Memory lapses Loss of libidoRemember, everyone's journey will be different. Please do not suffer in silence, there are many support groups and a wealth of information available. Reach out and connect, please don't hold back. Pipa x
Grief is something that we’ve all found ourselves talking about with the loss of Queen Elizabeth. It has a profound impact on us and during this collective time, many of us have experienced the pain of other losses rise to the surface. In this episode, we talk to Jo Moseley, who found herself feeling at the end of herself after her own journey of grief and in the midst of menopause. Almost accidentally she turned it around and literally paddled her way out. She’s now a filmmaker, podcaster and writer, and the first woman to stand up paddleboard the 162 coast-to-coast trail from the west to the east coast of England. She says she’s just an ordinary person, which of course we all are – so it just goes to show, that if we are brave enough, we can do anything.
You can connect with Jo on social media @healthyhappy50 or you can find out more about her on her website, you can download her film Brave Enough, and find her podcast, The Joy of SUP here as well as on all the usual platforms.
You can also get in touch with me @PipaGordon on social media or via the website where you can subscribe so that you don't miss a podcast or a post.
Here we go, the first episode of Women What Whistle, renamed and revamped and very much about not falling in line or fading away. It’s about finding our brave through the stories of other women who’ve had to find theirs.
We start this week with a conversation laying out the concept that challenges our perception of normal. We so often berate ourselves for not being like someone else, but ultimately, normal is most beneficial when measured against ourselves. Dr Sarah Chaney, historian of nursing and emotions, joins me for a conversation in which we talk about how this concept of normal came about, and just how flawed it is.
Sarah touches on her own experience growing up, of trauma, living with grief, being bullied, self-harm and feeling immensely anxious on a daily basis. She’s a wonderful example of being shaped by her experience of life so far, allowing the process to mould her into who she is today and embracing her past in order to shape her future – surely that is the perfect example of finding true personal fulfilment.
Culturally we have become obsessed with happiness, but I think contentment and fulfilment is perhaps a more valuable aspiration. But, those things don’t come from what we have or what others see, they come from allowing ourselves to embark on our own journey, by owning our past and allowing it to shape who we are today and carry us into tomorrow.
Sarah has written 2 books, Psyche on the Skin – a history of Self Harm, and Am I Normal – the 200 year search for normal people (and why they don’t exist). She’s also co-hosted a fascinating podcast series called Living With Feeling and if you can follow her on Twitter @kentishscribble
It's so great to be back and thanks for listening! Each new episode will be published every other Tuesday across all podcast platforms. You can also subscribe for free on womenwhatwhistle.com which means you will get it delivered to your inbox, and you'll also receive my fortnightly newsletter/chat on non podcast weeks. If you would like to support with £4 per month, you will also get access to the undedited video conversation – it won’t be polished like the podcast is, and won’t have my chat at the beginning and the end, but will give you the opportunity to see how the interview actually went in real time, warts and all. It will also help keep the podcast going without the need for random ads!
Please note that if you’re a free subscriber, you don’t miss anything, you still get all the best bits in the podcast itself.
THE STORY SO FAR: Welcome to our final episode from inside the wardrobe. We are relaunching with a slightly new focus in the Autumn which I explain about in this episode
The previous episodes I signpost are:
Menopause: 72, 78, 79, 91, 92, 93
The 5 love languages: 25
What is good sex: 94
Eating disorders or food related: 29 76 92 95
Grief and depression: 49 84 85
The link to my website is here
The link for subscribing to Women What Whistle is here
And the link to our Facebook group page is here
As ever, thank you so much for listening – much love all round!!
Our penultimate episode inside the wardrobe before we launch afresh in September, with excellent words of wisdom from Winona Ryder and Caitlin Moran about ageing and how to find yourself. Click here to join the Facebook group page and here to go to my website. Talk to you next time x
Well well well! It's been a LOT longer than I initially thought but here we are! Listen to this episode as I process through managing change, the new world we find ourselves living in, slowing time and a catch-up on where we are now and what's coming next.
Just a short 25 minute episode for our last podcast of 2021 in which I talk you through my 20 year practise of wrapping up the year just gone by. I promise you that you will never hurrumph at new year again. It doesn’t need to take long but it’s a sure fire way to make every year count and to start each new year afresh – and without a single resolution in sight!!
If you want to email me what we talk about in this episode, please do so pipa.gordon@icloud.com
For any other info, just check out my website, pipagordon.co.uk or come and find me on social media, or join our Facebook group.
Happy new year!!!!
In this penultimate episode of 2021 I travel to Baker Street tube station and walk over to the apartment of my long-time friend and fellow broadcaster, Joanne Good. As the second oldest female broadcaster in the BBC, our plan was to talk about staying fresh and relevant, but as always we covered so much more! She talks about being a youTuber at 66, facelift spotting in Waitrose and why she blames Winnie The Pooh! We cover everything from dogs to bingo wings, but most importantly we talk about how to stay on top when it comes to all the different things life throws in our paths.
Jo hosts a radio show on BBC London Radio 4 nights each week from 10pm and Sunday afternoons from 3pm, has a YouTube Channel called Middle Aged Minx, and hosts a podcast called Dogs In The City (currently having a break).
She has an incredibly positive and can-do attitude about life which never fails to inspire me so I think you will love our conversation. Please do rate, review and share with your friends, we would love it if you join our Facebook group page and if you would like to get in touch with me, I’m Pipa Gordon, all the links to getting in touch and following on social media as well as other podcast episodes are all on my website pipagordon.co.uk
If you wonder if you will ever find your voice, or fear that you won’t know what to do with it when you do, then check out this episode. It’s a hugely inspiring conversation with someone who has forged her own path right from the start. We talk about politics, patriarchy, education, and media, taking part in life, taking control and finding our confidence. Alison Cork has lost three and a half stone in eight months, so we cover exercise, food, hormones, menopause, Campari, kids, chocolate – all while walking (not ambling!) around Hyde Park.
Alison is a powerhouse, her website is alisonathome.com her charity for women entrepreneurs is MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS and you can find her on social media as Alison Cork.
You can also find me, Pipa Gordon on my website, and please do come and join our podcast Facebook group
Sex therapist and author Emma Waring joins me for an episode in which we pull back the covers on our sex lives. It is an area of life that we are often uncomfortable talking about and yet something that is so vital to our health and wellbeing, not to mention our relationships.
In this episode we discuss:
The value of sex and intimacy Dealing with previous sexual trauma Loss of libido and ways we can build it up Managing children at home, exhaustion and a busy work life Common barriers to intimacy – physical / psychological Sex drive and when they don’t match Practical tips on how to move from the place of sexual negativity, through to sexual positivity Orgasms, how they work for women Hollywood and porn, how we have been misguided by media What is good sex? What is enough sex? What are we looking to achieve?Emma's book is called Seasons of Sex and Intimacy
Emma’s Website is https://www.emmawaring.com/
Other resources mentioned:
Seasons of Sex and Intimacy by Emma Waring
Becoming Cliterate by Laurie Mintz
The State of Affairs by Esther Perel
Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
She Comes First by Ian Kerner
Fair Play by Eva Rodsky
Finally thank you for finding this podcast and taking the time to listen. Please do rate and review, and also come and find me on social media or my website. We would love for you to join our Facebook group page too.
In this episode we wrap up Menopause Awareness Month by talking with Dr Zoe Hodson about testosterone and alcohol. It’s not just about libido, we talk about the benefits to mental health, our mood, energy and mental agility. A decrease in testosterone can have a detrimental knock on effect to women’s lives. Zoe talks about women being misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, ME, fibromyalgia, POTS, even women being investigated for an early onset of dementia – all because of the dip in testosterone, a hormone that our ovaries already produces, hence, it’s not just for boys.
We also talk about the effect of alcohol and how during this stage of our lives, it has an effect on our heart health, sleep, anxiety and bone density.
If you would like to follow Zoe, she’s on Instagram and Twitter
You can access the FRAX tool here
You can order the Testosterone T-shirt here
You can order the Make Menopause Matter T-shirt here
Zoe works closely with Dr Louise Newson and there are heaps of wonderful resources on the Newson Clinic website too.
Other episodes on Inside My Wardrobe dealing with hormone change and peri-menopause/menopause are episodes 72 78 79 91 and 92
Thank you for listening, please do share this episode with your friends and family and keep talking about these things, there is absolutely no shame in hormone change.
If you would like to get in touch with me, please do so via my website, and if you would like to join our Facebook group page, click here.
On this episode we talk all about how our food effects both our physical and mental health. Our hormones are affected tremendously by what we eat and there’s a reason why diets don’t work, they don’t give us the balance we need, for example, high protein = low mood. Clinical nutritionist and former chef Emma Ellice Flint joins me to go deeper into this conversation, she is passionate about making a difference to our health and happiness through food and nutrition, and hopefully you’ll glean some great tips from this conversation. Here are some notes..
Emma’s website is emmasnutrition.com – as we said there are loads of recipes on there, she offers 1:1 consultations, hosts workshops and if you follow her on social media, she’s regularly posting more ideas for how to eat healthily.
We talk about phytoestrogens and other great ingredients in plant food that specifically support our bodies as we go through hormone changes:
Legumes, pulses and beans – soy being top of the list. Also in chickpeas, white beans/cannellini, haricot, butter beans, black beans Seeds – flaxseed/linseed, chia seed Top 3 nuts for women are almonds with skin on, walnuts and brazil nuts (just 2 a day) Dark berries on your breakfast Vegetables – kale, cauliflower, brussel sprouts Fermented food such as sauerkraut, kefir etc enhance your digestionHigh protein low carb are short term diets that can cause long term bloating and fatigue. Remember, high protein = low mood
Exercise is also connected to gut function as well as sleep quality and emotional health. They all connect together.
Emma will be back in the new year to talk about weight, but in the meantime, please do check her out online or on social media she is @emmas_nutrition
Finally if you would like to contact me, please do so via my website, or click here to join our Facebook group.
Menopause is often misdiagnosed so education is paramount. If we can know what to look out for, we will be far more equipped when we go to see the GP for help and support. This week we talk to menopause specialist Sharon Hartmann from the Newson Clinic. She works both in the NHS and the private sector so she has a window on both experiences.
The effects of menopause start in our early 40s, sometimes even sooner and often they are misdiagnosed as depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, even alzheimers – you’ll hear all about that across the next few episodes.
If you haven’t yet heard the other episodes about navigating and understanding the symptoms, they are numbers 72 78 and 79.
In this episode, Sharon Hartmann was keen to talk not just about menopause, but how to talk to your GP about HRT and we cover masses – from migraines to endemitriosis, depression to pelvic floors, to how to apply HRT, the 5 year myth, the WHI Study, testosterone, the mirena coil and libido …here’s a few break points:
17:00 symptoms, both physical and psychological
19:00 pelvic floor and bladder, vaginal atrophy
28:00 body identitcal HRT
33:00 HRT and whether or not to come off (short answer, no)
38:00 what to do when your GP says no
42:00 5 year myth
46:00 Is it ever too late to start?
50:00 testosterone
51:00 libido and anxiety
54:00 bad sleep and sleep hygiene
57:00 mirena coil
We talk about the Newson Health clinic where you can get heaps of advice and help as being a great place to start and click here for the NICE guidelines to help you with approaching your GP. The Balance app is the other resource helpful for navigating and tracking your symptoms.
Please share these episodes with friends and family, it’s so important to keep the conversation going.
Thank you for listening, if you'd like to follow me on social media, you can see all my links via my website
In this show we talk about anxiety, change, careers, teenagers, parenting, failure, adventure – all sorts!
Cai Graham, author of The Teen Toolbox, is a parent and teen coach and joins me in a multi tasking episode. We talk about what teenagers need, what is going on in their lives, their unconscious minds, and how to cope with moodiness through to self harm. We also talk about taking control of our own lives, whatever stage we may be at, and embracing change as and when it comes. We touch on grief, depression and anxiety.
Cai can be found on all platforms and her resources are available via her website at caigraham.com her book The Teen Toolbox is widely available, click here to order on Amazon.
Other things mentioned in the show: Aristotle quote “happiness consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime, all the goods – health, wealth, knowledge, friends etc – that lead to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. This requires us to make choices, some of which may be very difficult”.
Other episodes mentioned
Menopause episodes so far #72 #78 #79
#88 Lucinda Gordon Lennox “Nobody is Broken”
#54 Cathy Madavan - When Life Throws A Bowling Bowl in Your Path
If you would like to get in touch with me, all my links are available on my website pipagordon.co.uk and please feel free to join our Facebook group page for further conversations.
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