
  • For 35 years now, The Strategic Coach® Program has been helping entrepreneurs to achieve business success and business growth while living happy lives. But Dan Sullivan didn’t set out to create a program for entrepreneurs. He set out to create a thinking program, and entrepreneurs are the ones who took to it the most. In this episode, Dan talks with fellow business coach Shannon Waller about the genesis of Strategic Coach® and why it works so well for entrepreneurs.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    The learning experience created by others that’s had the most influence on Dan’s thinking today.The ways of thinking on which Dan based The Strategic Coach Program.How constantly growing in capability and confidence protects you from worrying about the future.What lets Dan know he’s created a timeless thinking tool.Where all Strategic Coach thinking tools come from.

    Show Notes:

    The entrepreneurial game will continue for as long as you’re up to it.

    Each person can take the actual experiences of their daily life and develop them into knowledge.

    The challenges you face each day are sufficient to create a lifetime learning program.

    It's easier to get things created and produced these days than it was in the old days.

    Entrepreneurs have to be learning on a daily basis, while many non-entrepreneurs don’t have to do much learning after they get the job.

    Some non-entrepreneurs view having to learn new things as a chore, while entrepreneurs see it as an advantage.

    The bigger the problem and the faster the solution, the bigger the check for the entrepreneur.

    Strategic Coach clients are never told what they should learn from using a Coach thinking tool.

    It’s dangerous for an entrepreneur to get bored.

    Entrepreneurs get punished most heavily for not changing their minds.

    Entrepreneurs can make greater progress from thinking than people in most other lines of work.

    As a group, Strategic Coach clients are uniquely confident and feel a unique sense of capability and confidence about the future.

    Strategic Coach clients make more money and take more free time than a comparable group of entrepreneurs.

    Entrepreneurs are the only people whose success depends upon being transformative.

    Strategic Coach clients have a shared language thanks to the Program’s thinking tools.

    The cause of most entrepreneurial problems is loneliness.


    The 4 Freedoms That Motivate Successful Entrepreneurs [Article]

    Unique Ability®

    Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    The Entrepreneurial Time System®—The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Time Management

    The Experience Transformer®—Transforming Experiences Into Multipliers [Article]

    The Impact Filter™

  • Everyone knows that AI is going to be an increasing factor in business success and business growth, and it’s essential that entrepreneurs are aware of the technology’s limitations as well as its potential. In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller speak with special guest, AI expert Evan Ryan, about what’s holding back the productive application of AI and what you can do instead to best take advantage of AI in your organization.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    How to use AI, an intangible, to achieve measurable goals.Where Evan has seen the most success in companies’ use of AI.The first question every executive asks Evan.Ways of thinking that make AI more accessible.Why many people are hesitating to adopt AI in their businesses.Examples of where hesitation to use AI has prevented business growth.Entrepreneur ideas supporting making the change to AI.How to convince people to take a big leap using AI.The way AI disrupts established thinking about budgets.Why the successful use of AI requires a growth mindset.

    Show Notes:

    No matter how fast the technology itself moves, it's as slow as the humans that are adopting it.

    If a solution works for one person, you know 50% of what it would take to work for 10 people.

    Humans don't naturally think in terms of exponentials because nothing in our world really operates exponentially.

    If you experience sudden growth, and it’s behind you, you can do your own exponentials going forward.

    If you don't know where the leadership is, you don't know where the rest of the organization is.

    It's hard for people to grasp intangibles unless they're conceptually prone, so you need tangible proof of selling an intangible.

    If software is magic, AI is magic times a million.

    Something that’s inherently unclear and inherently vague is inherently a little scary.

    Technology doesn't become normal until it becomes boring.

    We have to normalize our way into the future. And that means that you have to start small and get used to it.

    San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and the media talk about AI like it's the end times.

    A lot of what goes on in Silicon Valley is getting people to bet on the bet. They're not actually betting on the technology.

    One new capability always introduces new capabilities. That's a feature of technology.

    The problems we want to solve are the same. We just keep getting better technology with which to solve them.

    To grasp future jumps, people need to grasp past jumps.

    Technology is automated teamwork.

    AI won't necessarily replace people, but people who know AI will replace people who don't.


    AI As Your Teammate by Evan Ryan


    The Gap And The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    Your Life As A Strategy Circle by Dan Sullivan



    Unique Ability®

    Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    The Self-Managing Company by Dan Sullivan

    Article about The Experience Transformer®: “Transforming Experiences Into Multipliers”

    Article: “What Free Days Are, And How To Know When You Need Them”

    Deep D.O.S. Innovation by Dan Sullivan

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  • Do you give yourself time to think? Many people don’t. And for entrepreneurs, the stakes are higher because they’re in the marketplace independently. In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller talk about why thinking time is so important for business success and how entrepreneurs can get the highest quality thinking time through The Strategic Coach® Program.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    · Why deep thinking is scary.

    · The question that The Strategic Coach Program was based on from the start.

    · Why it’s easier to get entrepreneurs thinking about their thinking than most people.

    · Why thinking about your thinking is something that has to be consciously learned.

    Show Notes:

    Most people only do the kind of thinking done in Strategic Coach® in extreme emergency.

    Most people engage in three levels of thinking: thinking about things, thinking about other people, and thinking about other people’s thoughts. But there is a fourth level: thinking about your thinking.

    Higher education is almost entirely based on people who spent their whole lives thinking about somebody else's thoughts.

    In any sale, the first thing that people buy is a relationship.

    There’s only one expert on what progress is going to make a client happy, and that's the client.

    Some people don’t think about their thinking because they’re afraid of their thinking.

    For most people, it’s an unnatural act to think about their thinking.

    The Strategic Coach Program is about the clients, not the coaches.

    Instead of thinking about their thinking, most people just engage with whatever the world throws at them during the day, and then watch TV in the evening.

    Thinking about your thinking means taking agency over what actually goes on in your mind.

    The more you think about your thinking, the more normal it becomes.

    The problem is never the problem; the problem is not knowing how to think about the problem.

    Tightly scheduled entrepreneurs cannot transform themselves.


    Thinking About Your Thinking by Dan Sullivan

    The Dan Sullivan Question by Dan Sullivan

    Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    Your Life As A Strategy Circle by Dan Sullivan

    The Impact Filter™

    Article: The 4 Freedoms That Motivate Successful Entrepreneurs

  • Podcasting is the future of content. Are you ready to master it? Join Dan Sullivan, Shannon Waller, and industry veteran Paul Colligan as they dive into the business of podcasting, from where it was to where it’s going. With over 20 years of trailblazing experience, Paul shares secrets to podcasting success and the mindsets that separate the amateurs from the pros. Learn how to create a hit show and leverage this booming medium to skyrocket your business influence and growth.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode

    What it was like in the early days of podcasting.The factors that led to podcasting becoming what it is today.What entrepreneurs love about podcasting.Dan and Shannon’s early experiences with podcasting.How podcasts let you find people who share your mindset and values.The type of people who are plugged into podcasting.Predictions on the future of podcasts.

    Show Notes:

    It takes less than five minutes to submit your podcast to Audible for free. And you’re in the directory less than 10 minutes later.

    It's always mindset that stops people from trying something new.

    The value of the content needs to be understood as greater than its packaging.

    The best thing about podcasting is the speed of creation.

    It’s easy to tell when a podcaster is following a script.

    In a good podcast, you don't know what the second question will be until you've asked the first question.

    If you try to control the experience of a podcast, you lose the authenticity of the end product.

    Listeners feel like they have a personal relationship with podcasters.

    Podcasting has had a profound impact on how politicians speak.

    People now use the podcast standard for judging all public speaking.

    Podcasts are only popular in countries where they have cell phones.

    The only problem with new media is when you treat it like old media.


    The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy

    Podcast: Podcast Payoffs with Dan Sullivan and Gord Vickman

    Podcast: 10xTalk with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish

    Podcast: Shannon Waller’s Team Success

    The Team Success Handbook by Shannon Waller

    AI As Your Teammate by Evan Ryan

    Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy


    Article: “Scary Times” Success Manual: How To Be A Leader When Times Get Tough

    Article: Your Business Is A Theater Production: Your Back Stage Shouldn’t Show On The Front Stage

    The Positive Focus®

    Once You’re Lucky, Twice You’re Good by Sarah Lacy

  • Employment opportunities for people with blue collar skills are going to keep growing. In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller talk to Kenny Chapman, CEO of The Blue Collar Success Group, about his entrepreneurial path and how skilled blue-collar work is going to be much more crucial, popular, and needed going forward.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    How Kenny’s experience in the military led him to becoming an entrepreneur.What The Blue Collar Success Group helps with.How Kenny “leveled up” his self-esteem.The biggest benefits he gets from being in The Strategic Coach® Program.How Kenny used his growth mindset to expand his business and then branch out.

    Show Notes:

    In the 1940s, being a plumber was a valued career.

    Blue-trade industry covers hundreds of different specialized skills.

    It takes good leadership to have a good company.

    If you don't operate an effective, good model, you're not going to have what you need in order to pay people top of market and above.

    Mindset drives everything, and clarity drives direction.

    Identity limits us a lot.

    You're much more valuable the more you learn and the more you see.

    When we hear the word “education,” we've automatically trained our brains to think “higher education.”

    Like colleges, skilled trades are not created equal.

    Customers complain about price no matter how much it is. So you might as well get customer complaints at a profitable number.


    The Blue Collar Success Group

    Blue Collar Success Laws by Kenny Chapman

    The Six Dimensions of C.H.A.N.G.E. by Kenny Chapman

    Visual Thinking by Temple Grandin




    The 4 C’s Formula by Dan Sullivan

    The Impact Filter™

    Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    Unique Ability®

  • Every great entrepreneur wants (and deserves) to have a dependable team around them so they can be freed up to develop new ideas and focus on growing their business. But how do you get one? After all, the first question most entrepreneurs ask when they join The StrategicⓇ Program is, “Where do you find such great team members?” In this episode of Inside Strategic Coach, Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller finally answer this question in-depth. From identifying and nurturing your team’s areas of Unique AbilityⓇ and creating a positive and collaborative work culture to investing in team members’ growth, Dan and Shannon share everything that makes Strategic CoachⓇ a magnet for skilled and passionate talent—and how your business can become one too.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    The number one tool necessary for building and maintaining a great team. How to determine if an activity is right for an individual. Why Strategic Coach team members don’t really need to be managed, monitored, or motivated.How Strategic Coach creates an incredible sense of safety for its team members.The two things that team members are looking for.Why you should think of hiring someone as an investment, not a cost.

    Show Notes:

    At Strategic Coach, you’re always either winning or learning.

    There are a lot of Coach tools that support having a great team.

    Everybody's on their own unique growth path in terms of who they are and the kind of work they’re most likely to enjoy and excel at.

    Strategic Coach team members can continually focus their time at work on doing what they’re excited about.

    The moment someone is hired, Coach invests in learning about who that person is and how they can grow their skills.

    At Strategic Coach, if something doesn’t work, the system gets blamed, not the individual.

    The four core values of Strategic Coach (PAGE) are: positive and collaborative teamwork; being alert, curious, responsive, and resourceful; getting results; and providing an excellent first-class experience.

    Strategic Coach has uniformly very helpful and very positive team members.

    Some Coach clients have been with the company for 15, 20, 25 years, and so have some team members.

    The educational system generally disparages successful business people.

    Almost all Coach team members are directly in contact on a person-to-person level with the company’s clients.

    A team member can’t be at their best if they don’t feel safe.

    If you want great team members, you have to be a great entrepreneur. And that also includes being a great person.

    Great team members who want a bigger future aren't interested in being with someone who doesn't have any future.

    If you're going to be able to attract and retain the best people out there, you can’t have an entitled attitude.


    Unique AbilityⓇ

    Article: Your Business Is a Theater Production: Your Back Stage Shouldn’t Show On The Front Stage

    The Team Success Handbook by Shannon Waller

    Everyone And Everything Grows by Dan Sullivan

    Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

  • When things need to get done, it doesn’t mean that you, as the entrepreneur, need to do them yourself. In fact, for the best kinds of business growth and business success, you need to do as little as possible. In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller share the three rules for having a friction-free future.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    The way to achieve more by actually doing less.Why you need to be clear about what you want to be doing.How to determine the minimum you need to do for a goal to be achieved.Why things getting done without your doing them yourself means you’re growing.

    Show Notes:

    Strategic Coach has a lot of tools for creating teamwork where other people do work that you don't like doing.

    For every task, there’s someone who’s great at it, loves doing it, and finds it energizing to do.

    There are times in your past where you’ve done a lot, but someone else would have done it if you’d done nothing.

    Friction is where you’re moving, but you’re being resisted by forces.

    When a new thing has to be done, ask yourself three questions: Is there any way this can be achieved by me doing nothing? What’s the minimum I have to do for this to be achieved? Is there anyone else who can do my minimum?

    The more you stick to the three rules, the more gets achieved by things you instigate.

    Rather than having pride about the things that get done, some entrepreneurs have pride about doing the things that get things done.

    An entrepreneur is only required for the activities they love doing.


    Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    The Impact Filter™

    Unique Ability®

    Article: Your Productivity At Its Best With This Guaranteed Hack

  • Everything that humans create is done with tools. But the skill level people have for using tools varies drastically. In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller discuss why it’s essential to be good at using the tool of language for both thinking and communicating, and share the thinking tools that all entrepreneurs can use for both business success and business growth.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    Why Dan vowed years ago to never again operate his business with receivables.Why you’re never starting from zero.How entrepreneurs can learn what to do in the future by looking at their past.How Strategic Coach® thinking tools improve clients’ lives.Dan’s process for developing and introducing new Strategic Coach thinking tools.

    Show Notes:

    One of the reasons to get really good at language is because it gives you the tools for thinking and communicating.

    If you don’t have the language to think about things, you’re trapped by your emotions.

    If your language skills aren’t good enough, people can only respond to your emotions.

    A lot of small businesses stay small because they never really comprehended what entrepreneurship really was.

    Some things that are impossible can become possible if you change your thinking.

    Strategic Coach currently has roughly 250 thinking tools in the company’s 35th year.

    Every quarter, Dan creates three or four new thinking tools.

    New thinking tools address new things that are happening to entrepreneurs where there isn't a structure for thinking about it.

    Questions about the future are tools for instigating a thinking process.

    You always have to have a bigger and better future to bounce your present off of.

    In today’s world, ideas and processes have tremendous value.


    Total Cash Confidence by Dan Sullivan

    Article: This Tool Will Help You Make Sense Of The Past AND Take Charge Of Your Future

    The Impact Filter™

    Your Life As A Strategy Circle by Dan Sullivan

    The Transformation Trilogy by Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy

    Article: The Four Freedoms That Motivate Successful Entrepreneurs

    Everyone And Everything Grows by Dan Sullivan

    The Positive Focus®

    The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Time Management

  • Description:

    Since 1989, Strategic Coach® has been helping entrepreneurs find greater happiness and business success. In this episode, Gord Vickman and business coach Dan Sullivan talk about how the company has grown over nearly 35 years and how they’re catering to the needs of successful, collaborative entrepreneurs with growth mindsets.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode

    What entrepreneurs get out of each of the three Strategic Coach program levels.Why additional program levels were created Why there’s no competition for entrepreneurs in the “Free Zone.”Why Dan considers himself only 50% of the creative team when it comes to innovating new thinking tools.How entrepreneurism is like jazz music. The future of The Free Zone Frontier® Program.

    Show Notes:

    Thinking tools enable structured thinking.

    Strategic Coach thinking tools are all about entrepreneurs thinking about their thinking.

    Strategic Coach has 240 trademarked thinking tools. And by this time next year, they’ll have 50 patents.

    A Self-Managing Company® is one where team members manage what already exists, and the entrepreneur creates what's higher, better, and bigger.

    A Self-Multiplying Company™ is where individual team members create new productivity, creativity, and profitability in the world.

    For entrepreneurs in the “Free Zone,” their competition wants to be their customers.

    Sometimes, your mistakes are your biggest breakthroughs.

    Strategic Coach’s ideas come from ongoing experimentation with entrepreneurs.

    All entrepreneurs are outliers.

    The more thinking tools you have, the more flexible an entrepreneur you are.

    Intellectual property—copyrights, trademarks, and patents—is backed up by major governments.


    The Self-Managing Company by Dan Sullivan

  • Exciting advances are being made in the area of life extension. Business coach Dan Sullivan, having set a goal for himself in 1987 to live to the age of 156, has been keeping close track of the trends. In this episode, he and Shannon Waller talk about what people should know if they’re interested in living a great life as long as possible.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    Why Dan chose age 156 as his goal.The profound impact Dan’s growth mindset has had on his thinking.The simple thinking exercise that can add decades to your life.Major breakthroughs that have happened in the longevity field.Why longevity is going to be an area of great inequality.

    Show Notes:

    The body really pays attention to what your mind is thinking.

    The majority of Strategic Coach® clients are planning to live to at least 100.

    Human progress is created out of human aspiration.

    People’s longevity goals are having an impact on medicine, science, and technology.

    All the longevity breakthroughs have happened within the last ten years.

    All of our cells are specialized cells, but they all come from a kind of universal cell.

    AI can turn one kind of information into another kind of information.

    There's a profound mindset change going on in medicine, that all disease is just an aspect of aging.

    Your chronological age and your biological age can be different.

    Regeneration is taking what's healthy and keeping it healthy. Repair is taking what's damaged and making it healthy again.

    If enough people want to live longer, as a whole, we’re going to live longer.


    My Plan For Living To 156 by Dan Sullivan

    Unique Ability®

  • While some people think it’s a good idea to take neutral positions, Dan Sullivan says entrepreneurs need to avoid this. In this episode, he and fellow business coach Shannon Waller discuss the business motivation for always choosing a side.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    Why trying to be neutral doesn’t teach you anything or get you anywhereHow to know your own standards.How Strategic Coach® clients learn about themselves.The way to strengthen your position using opposing views.

    Show Notes:

    When you pick a side, you immediately begin learning an enormous amount about the side you’ve chosen and why you’ve chosen it.

    If you try to be a neutral person, you just disappear because you’re not for anything.

    A lot of people have very strong opinions about their thinking but have no real foundation or basis for their thinking.

    The most successful entrepreneurs bet on themselves 100%.

    You only become successful by making increasingly more successful judgments.

    Obstacles are the raw material for achieving your goals.

    Every person is a complete universe of experience and learning.

    Other people do things for their reasons, not your reasons.

    You can only have a conversation if you show respect for who the other person is.

    It’s only if you respect other people’s opinions that you can reverse your own.

    Emotions come before our thinking.

    You don’t pick a side out of thinking; you pick a side out of feeling.


    The Impact Filter

    Your Life As A Strategy Circle

    The Entrepreneur's Guide to Time Management

    The Communist Manifesto

  • At most companies, when something goes wrong, an individual gets the blame. At Strategic Coach®, on the other hand, we ask whether the individual could have been better set up for success. In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller explain how the Coach environment is set up so that everyone at the company has the best shot of performing at their best and contributing the greatest value.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    The positive change that new Strategic Coach team members can take advantage of.What will cause a new Coach team member to be rejected.Why envy shouldn’t be tolerated in a company culture.The importance of congruency in a company.Why Dan doesn’t want to think about how any of his team members are interacting with clients.Dan’s growth mindset toward his position at Coach.

    Show Notes:

    A company can create the structures and the processes where any good person can decide to be a great person.

    If you trust in your team members, you’ll save yourself a lot of worry.

    Envious people feel inferior from birth.

    The ultimate proof that people aren't envious is that they innovate new things that everybody applauds them for.

    The outlook that you’re born with is very much subject to the circumstances you’re born into.

    In all your teamwork interactions, make sure everyone else knows where you’re coming from and what you’re trying to achieve.

    Team members should be freed up to focus on what they’re uniquely good at and love doing.

    People who are relaxed and confident can be more creative.

    If your company does new things, you need people’s creativity.

    In bureaucracies and large corporations, you’re expected to be very good at doing several things.


    Video: Tips For Exceptional Company Performance

    The Positive Focus®

    The Transformation Trilogy by Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy

    Unique Ability®

    The Impact Filter™

  • Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller cut through the predictions of unlimited business growth. They explain why the cost of four key elements crucial to business success are on the rise. It's a straightforward conversation about what entrepreneurs should anticipate, and practical steps you can take to navigate the changes ahead.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    Why we’re entering a working person’s market.Why energy is going to be cheap only in the United States.How the four crucial factors influence each other.

    Show Notes:

    90% of all transport happens on water. And the cost of water transportation is going through the roof right now.

    Over the next 25 years, the only place where energy will be guaranteed to be cheap is the United States.

    The four crucial MELT factors are money, energy, labor, and transportation.

    The costs of the MELT factors are going to rise over the next 25 years.

    It’s important to find a way to finance yourself that doesn’t involve debt.

    You shouldn’t be giving up a lot of your company just to get your growth money or your survival money.

    The U.S. is going to start using tariffs for foreign-produced goods.

    We're now in a period where the whole world is going through the greatest loss of skilled knowledge and skilled know-how in history, and this period will probably continue for another decade.

    It’s going to get more and more expensive to hire really great people.

    The last three years have seen the fastest, biggest growth of new industry and new manufacturing in the history of the United States.

    Entrepreneurs are successful to the degree that they solve the D.O.S.® issues (dangers, opportunities, and strengths) of their client base.

    Automating what used to be strictly human work is a very slow process.


    Deep D.O.S. Innovation by Dan Sullivan

    Your Life As A Strategy Circle by Dan Sullivan

  • Strategic Coach® has a unique company culture. Only the best team members stay there, and each has unique capabilities and a growth mindset. In this episode, business coaches Shannon Waller and Dan Sullivan explain how other entrepreneurs can go about creating a Coach-like culture in their own organizations.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    Why everyone at Strategic Coach must have a growth mindset.The main value Strategic Coach creates for its entrepreneurial clients.How Dan helps entrepreneurs focus on doing only what they love doing.How Strategic Coach clients get added value from comparing notes with one another.Why many entrepreneurs never get far beyond their own capabilities.A simple way to ensure every meeting is positive and productive.How you know you’re not in competition with anyone.

    Show Notes:

    Strategic Coach clients learn in a community where everyone is a successful, talented, and ambitious entrepreneur.

    Nothing turns a person off more than someone not practicing what they preach.

    All the thinking tools that Strategic Coach clients master are the same ones that Strategic Coach team members master.

    Strategic Coach clients use Coach thinking tools to organize both their business and work lives.

    Strategic Coach clients and Strategic Coach team members advance in their careers in the same way.

    Strategic Coach clients learn how to have complete congruity between their behind-the-scenes activities and what clients see.

    The obstacles to your goals are your raw material for achieving them.

    Quantitative measurements really focus entrepreneurs’ brains.

    In 2024, Dan Sullivan will have been coaching entrepreneurs for 50 years.

    An entrepreneur in one part of the world totally understands an entrepreneur in another part of the world.

    There’s a whole relationship that develops from a coach helping a client think more clearly.


    Everyone And Everything Grows by Dan Sullivan — coming December 2023!

    Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    Your Life As A Strategy Circle by Dan Sullivan

    Unique Ability®

    The Positive Focus®

    The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Time Management

  • Entrepreneurs have more to be grateful for than most people who experience business success. In this episode, guest host Gord Vickman and business coach Dan Sullivan share entrepreneur ideas about all there is to appreciate about running your own business.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    How it benefits team members to free up the entrepreneur.A way to start fresh every day.Where all of Dan’s gratitude starts.How to ensure every meeting is positive.The only accurate way to measure progress.How AI has changed the podcast production process.

    Show Notes:

    Entrepreneurs tend to be a lot more grateful for their work lives than people who haven't created their own companies.

    You can’t be complaining and grateful at the same time.

    If you’re saying you’re excited about something, it’s implicit in that that you’re grateful for it.

    Strategic Coach clients use Coach thinking tools in their personal lives as well as their work lives.

    The entrepreneurial instinct starts before age ten.

    Entrepreneurially minded people know that money is the key to gaining independence.

    A lot of entrepreneurs are trying to escape from their beginnings.

    Negative experiences can be uniquely valuable for you if they lead to course corrections.

    Everything we're grateful for is because we appreciate the value of it.

    If you measure your progress against the ideal, you eliminate all the value of what you’ve achieved.


    The Positive Focus®

    Unique Ability®

    The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan

    Strategic Podcasts

    The Impact Filter™

  • Dan Sullivan and guest co-host Gord Vickman explore the innovative concepts

    within the Transformation Trilogy and the collaboration behind their success.

    Discover the driving force behind Dan's creation of Who Not How, The Gap And The Gain, and 10x Is Easier Than 2x, as he shares personal anecdotes, inspiration, and insights gained along the way. He also delves into the evolution of these books, their impact on entrepreneurs worldwide, and the invaluable lessons you can apply to your own successful journey.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    The people Dan needed to meet in order for these books to happen.How Dan realized his three major market books were a trilogy.Feedback Dan’s gotten from clients about the Transformation Trilogy.Possible plans for more major market books based on Coach concepts.

    Show Notes:

    Work always takes the time that’s allotted for it.

    Life is taking advantage of everything that wasn’t planned.

    Dan first had the idea for books as something to assist and support what the other Strategic Coach coaches were doing.

    Recognizing that consumers want to get information very quickly, Dan came up with the 60-minute book format.

    When Dan was 70, he committed to putting out one book every quarter for the next 25 years.

    There’s now a 10-person team around Dan on the Strategic Coach quarterly book project.

    The origin of every Strategic Coach thinking tool is Dan asking entrepreneurs a question about their experience.

    Everything in the Strategic Coach Program and the way the company is run is a function of equipping people with thinking tools to improve their entrepreneurial life.

    The number one rule governing the Strategic Coach universe is free Dan up to focus on what he does best.


    Who Not How

    The Gap and the Gain

    10x Is Easier than 2x

    The Transformation Trilogy

  • Every entrepreneur would love to go 10x. So what’s holding them back? In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller share the mindset you need to experience major business growth.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    The incorrect way that most people interpret 10x.How you can learn about going 10x from looking at your past.Why people are currently experiencing 10x greater growth very easily.How to think of 10x in terms of entrepreneurial freedoms.

    Show Notes:

    The world is progressing on the basis of new tools, new technologies, and new opportunities.

    We’ve all gone 10x many times in our lives.

    It’s useful for entrepreneurs to look at how they’ve grown within the framework of their entrepreneurial lives.

    You can look at massive growth as a series of 10x jumps.

    If you don’t have a deadline for it, it’s only a wish.

    Entrepreneurs don’t drive themselves crazy with their goals, they drive themselves crazy with their deadlines.

    Money you make can be good or bad depending on the activity and who is writing you the check.

    The four entrepreneurial freedoms are freedom of time, money, relationship, and purpose.

    All entrepreneurs seek the freedom to focus on whatever they want to focus on.

    Looking ahead doesn’t tell you how to go 10x.

    Change is a natural part of being an entrepreneur.


    10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    The Four Freedoms

    The Self-Managing Company by Dan Sullivan

  • Entrepreneurs often need to be creative to have a profitable business. What do you do when you aren’t a creative person? In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller talk about the “why” and “how” of imitating other people in order to achieve business success.

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    Why we imitate other people’s performance.The reason Dan never attends workshops by other coaches.How real creativity involves grafting.How uses of technology can be a step back instead of a step forward.

    Show Notes:

    There are two timeless ways of learning and improving yourself: imitating other people's performance, and repetition.

    Humans are the only species that can use their brains to access the uniqueness of other people's brains.

    We all imitate other people, whether we like to admit it or not.

    If you're creative, and you come across someone who's more creative, you imitate, but at a certain point, you make it your own.

    What an imitating person does, and for how long they do it, tells you whether they're just an imitator or whether they're creative.

    If you appreciate someone else’s skills, you can translate them into your own world.

    Creative people can be polarizing.

    You create a new capability using vision and obstacles.

    The combination of two people’s uniqueness creates something brand new.

    People who imitate but aren’t creative are stealing.

    In a world of AI imitation, creative people are going to get wildly more creative to differentiate themselves from robots.


    Unique Ability®

    Your Life As A Strategy Circle by Dan Sullivan

  • A lot of people go to great lengths to always appear busy. But should you really see being busy as a badge of honor? In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller explain why the answer is “no.”

    Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode:

    What busy people are really after.How busy people are actually wasting energy.How to achieve results more easily using teamwork.Why there’s a real cost for entrepreneurs who are focused on being busy.

    Show Notes:

    People try to establish their value by always being busy.

    Being busy has nothing to do with any kind of results.

    As results oriented people get better at what they do, they achieve their desired results by being less busy.

    Depending on the rules you set up in your company, either being busy or achieving results will be rewarded.

    Busy people see it as dangerous to not be seen on any workday.

    In large bureaucracies, you get promoted on the basis of your busyness because the organization’s purpose is to be seen as busy.

    Entrepreneurial companies get connected to the marketplace very quickly.

    There’s no progress without measurement.

    Entrepreneurs tend to make for really lousy employees.

    We’re always ignorant and incapable when we start anything new.


    “Geometry” For Staying Cool & Calm by Dan Sullivan

    The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Time Management

    Article: Your Business Is A Theater Production: Your Back Stage Shouldn’t Show On The Front Stage by Shannon Waller

    The 4 C’s Formula by Dan Sullivan

  • There are major differences between regular entrepreneurs and 10x entrepreneurs. Do you know which type you are? In this episode, business coaches Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller explain what makes someone a 10x entrepreneur and reveal the best things you can do if you are one.

    Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:

    What you can tell about an entrepreneur by how they talk about their goals.The best types of goals for entrepreneurs to have.What makes an entrepreneur a good fit for The Strategic Coach® Program.The entrepreneur motivation and growth mindset that mean you’ll never stop growing.The question that gives an entrepreneur a bigger future.How to surround yourself with other constantly growing people.

    Show Notes:

    Dreams and wishes aren’t measurable, but goals are.

    10x entrepreneurs constantly think, “What we have now is great, but what does it look like when it’s 10x?”

    The reward for going 10x is that you get to do it again.

    10x entrepreneurs aren’t looking for quick fixes; they’re looking to put in the work and time to get to a higher level.

    Over time, you get better at recognizing what’s worth your time and what isn’t.

    Only one out of every 400 entrepreneurs would be a good fit for The Strategic Coach Program.

    Status is a byproduct of capability.

    You only know you have greater capability if you’re getting greater results.

    People who are always striving for greater capability never stop growing.

    A person who is growth-minded might worry about outgrowing someone who isn’t growing.

    What makes a business complicated is the social pressure from outside of you.


    The 4 C’s Formula by Dan Sullivan

    The Entrepreneur’s Guide To 10x Growth

    The Multiplier Mindset® Podcast