
  • Listen to episode 917 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Overcoming Even Insurmountable Difficulties. Edited and adapted from How to Get On in the World by Major A.R. Calhoun.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Courage, combined with energy and perseverance, will overcome difficulties apparently insurmountable. It gives force and impulse to effort and does not permit it to retreat. Tyndall said of Faraday, that (quote) "in his warm moments he formed a resolution, and in his cool ones he made that resolution good."


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast.This episode is edited and adapted from Studies in Thought World by Henry Wood, published in 1896.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Poverty is a condition of soul. This is even true on the material plane. The millionaire who feels poor is poor, and nothing but a mental revolution can make them otherwise. On the other hand, the humblest task, and the simplest gift, may be transmuted into a pleasure and privilege.

    The world is full of poor people who are rich, but they are utterly unaware of it. There are boundless deposits of virtue and love, goodness and beauty, health and happiness, waiting to be withdrawn. But ....

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  • Listen to episode 916 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Driving Your Ambition to Success. Edited and adapted from How to Develop Your Personality by Clare Tree Major.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Ambition is desire, the desire for self-expression along the line of least resistance. Desire is a thing to be cultivated. Feed it with your imagination. But do not desire to have things. Greed and envy, and a host of other uglinesses, owe their birth to the desire to have. Desire to BE, and the things will come of themselves.

    To be a great success, a master in your chosen business or profession....


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  • Listen to episode 915 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret Power of Tolerance. Edited and adapted from The Power of Truth by William George Jordan.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Tolerance is a calm, generous respect for the opinions of others, even one's enemies. It recognizes the right of every person to think their own thoughts, to live their own life, to be themselves in all things, so long as it does not run counter to the rights of others. It means giving to others the same freedom that we ourselves crave.

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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode is edited and adapted from Creed of The Dauntless by Frank B. Whitney, published in 1931.

    Podcast Excerpt: Here is the way to get along with people: Get out of personal consciousness! If you are in the attitude of mind where you think of people as working against you, as misunderstanding you, as being inconsiderate of what you do, then the first step must be that of getting a right perspective on life.

    Here is an astounding fact: The person with ...


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  • Listen to episode 914 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Become Rich in Love & Happiness. Edited and adapted from A Man Worthwhile by John Phillips Meakin.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: I would like to talk with you today about the subject of success. But first let us understand each other. My idea of success may not be yours. I do not mean success in the narrow sense of gaining some petty victory — the success of wealth, power, or glory. I do not mean to tell you how to become a great captain of industry, nor a brilliant entrepreneur; neither would I instruct you in the art of diplomacy or statesmanship; the mysteries of religion nor the intricacies of politics. A person may be great in all these, and yet be ....


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  • Listen to episode 913 of the Inspirational Living podcast: You Can Be the Master of Your Fate. Edited and Adapted from Success and How to Win It by B.F. Austin.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Every weight carried lessens the chances of victory; every weight discarded increases the prospects of success. Yet how many people enter life's great arena loaded down with weights, careless if not utterly oblivious of the handicap under which they struggle for fame and fortune and the higher success of character.

    Let me point out a few of the loads that many people are carrying in the great race of life, and see if any of them are a part of your unnecessary burden.....


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode is edited and adapted from Creative Mind by Ernest Holmes, published in 1919..

    Podcast Excerpt: How often it is true of our spoken prayers, that we have said words over and over again, and yet our prayers have apparently yielded us nothing, simply because we have not really desired the things asked for. The thing actually desired is the thing we pray for, not the petition that may be expressed in words.

    The deepest prayers cannot be put into words. True prayer is the intense inner desire of the heart, deeper than any human speech can express; so profound, so vital and spiritual, that it must wing its way silently to the Eternal.


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  • Listen to episode 912 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Art & Power of Conversation. Edited and adapted from Pushing to the Front by Orison Swett Marden.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To be a good conversationalist — to able to interest people, rivet their attention, draw them to you naturally by the very superiority of your conversational ability — is a great accomplishment, one that is superior to all others.

    It not only helps you to make a good impression upon strangers, it also helps you to make and keep friends. It opens doors and softens hearts. It makes you interesting in all sorts of company. It helps you to get on in the world. It sends you clients, patients, customers.


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  • Listen to episode 912 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Turning Time & Money Into Success Habits of Personal Power. Edited and Adapted from Success and How to Win It by B.F. Austin.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Economy is a much broader word than most people imagine. It applies to time, strength, talent, influence and effort, as well as to the prudent and saving use of money. The rule of life should be: Avoid all waste.

    When it comes to time, how important it is that we should learn how to make the best use of "spare moments," the "odds and ends" of our lives, and make them contribute their full share to life's grand purpose and attainment.


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode is edited and adapted from A New Philosophy of Life by John Herman Randall, published in 1911.

    Podcast Excerpt: How often it is true of our spoken prayers, that we have said words over and over again, and yet our prayers have apparently yielded us nothing, simply because we have not really desired the things asked for. The thing actually desired is the thing we pray for, not the petition that may be expressed in words.

    The deepest prayers cannot be put into words. True prayer is the intense inner desire of the heart, deeper than any human speech can express; so profound, so vital and spiritual, that it must wing its way silently to the Eternal.


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  • Listen to episode 912 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How the Successful Use & Value Money. Edited and adapted from Youth and Opportunity by Thomas Tapper.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When discussing the Factors of Success, comparatively few people would fail to insist that the one thing above all others in desirability and importance, is money. We give precedence to money because we believe in its power, and yet, at the same time, it is the most impotent of our many servants.

    Rightly regarded, money is a wholesome possession. The amount of good it can be made to do is so astounding that it is no wonder we regard it as the greatest thing in the world. Yet it is not the greatest thing in the world. It is merely one essentially important thing, and about its importance everyone should rightly inform themselves.


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  • Listen to episode 911 of the Inspirational Living podcast: We Really Do Get What We Ask For. Edited and adapted from The Open Door by Hugh Black.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Always remember that what you request is given to you, and what you really will in your heart you attain. Life comes and says calmly and confidently, "Ask what I shall give you," and the door opens out into the place of your asking.

    I know that this may seem at first an absurd statement that what we seek we find, and where we knock it is opened to us, but if you think a little you will see that it is true. We may not get the exact thing we most desire. The particular object on which we have set our hearts may....


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode is edited and adapted from The Life Radiant by Lilian Whiting, published in 1903.

    Podcast Excerpt: The great truth of life — that which we may well hold as its central and controlling and dominating truth — is that "our best moments are not departures from ourselves, but are really the only moments in which we have truly been ourselves." These moments flash upon the horizon of the soul and vanish. They appear before us as in vision, and fade; but the fact of their appearance is its own proof of their deep reality.


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  • Listen to episode 910 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Go Through Life With Perfect Poise. Edited and Adapted from Poise: How to Attain It by D. Starke.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Poise is a quality which enables us to judge of our own value, and which (in revealing to us the knowledge of the things of which we are really capable) gives us at the same time the desire to accomplish them.

    It is not a singular quality. On the contrary, it is a composite of many qualities, all of which take part in the molding of that totality which bears the name of poise.

    The principal qualities of which poise is composed are as follows:


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  • Listen to episode 909 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Success is No Accident | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from How to Get On in the World by Major A.R. Calhoun.

    Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Michelangelo was one day explaining to a visitor at his studio what he had been doing to a statue since a previous visit. "I have retouched this part—polished that—softened this feature—brought out that muscle— given some expression to this lip, and more energy to that limb."

    "But those are trifles," said the visitor.

    "It may be so," replied Michelangelo, "but recollect that trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle."


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode is edited and adapted from Power Through Repose by Annie Payson Call, published in 1900.

    Podcast Excerpt: It is with life as it is with art. What we do must be done with love, or it will have no force. Without the living spark of love, we may have the appearance (but never the spirit) of useful work or quiet contentment. Stagnation is not peace, and there can be no life, and thus no living peace, without happy relations with those about us.


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  • Listen to episode 908 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Taking Control of Your Mind & Body | Health Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Youth and Opportunity by Thomas Tapper.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Most people are very content with the world they live in. Even the poor are often happy because what they have and what they think are equal. But the moment a person realizes that being poor limits them in many ways, they are no longer happy. They want other things; they wish to live on a better street; to know people who are doing well. In other words, they want to be (quote) "better off," as the saying goes.....


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  • Listen to episode 907 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Be the Master of Your Circumstances. Edited and adapted from The Freedom of Life by Annie Payson Call.

    Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: IT is not the circumstances of life that trouble or weigh upon us. It is the way we take them. If a person is playing a difficult game of chess, the more intricate the moves, the more thoughtfully they look over their own and their opponent's pieces, and the more fully they are aroused to make the right move toward a checkmate.

    If, when the game became difficult, the player stopped to be depressed and disheartened, their opponent would probably always checkmate them. However, in most cases, the more difficult the game, the more....


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  • Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode is edited and adapted from The Shining Gateway by James Allen, published in 1915.

    Podcast Excerpt: Every dog can bark and fight, and every foolish person can rail and abuse with hard words, and give way to fits of bad temper. These things are easy and natural to us, and require no effort and no strength. But the wise person puts away all such follies, and trains themselves in self-control — trains themselves to act unerringly from fixed principles, and not from the fleeting impulses of an unstable nature.


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