There are so many great forms of weight training for all health populations. We usually like to start with very light resistance with very begginer exercisers that have worked with weight lifting a little bit to those that have never had any expeirence.
Pyramid training can happen in many forms for all health populations and is more highly reccomended for the athlete to intermediate exerciser.
This is the process of starting with very light resistance on a particular exercise for roughly 10-12 reps and slowly increasing resistance for 8 reps to 6 reps and even 4 reps. This can also follow with a flush set of a moderate set of 10-12 reps.
Most Muscel Groups Startwith Your Primary: Chest, Back Shoulders & Legs. Eventually Secondary,
This a great way for those who have worked out over the years or are just a begginer with resistance and really want to advance in in strength and mucle building as ones body is adhering to the basics.
Listen in on Pyramid Training Methods. More in depth resistance training routines coming very soon.
Dr. Chris
There is always a corner to cut when it comes to healthy eating, but now the Microwavable Meal Industry has made it so easy for us to think that this perfectly fine way of nutrition.
Yes, high protein is always the case for a selling point, but so many manufactures are not telling the truth even if they are smaller portitions. Yes, they will use their fillers with a lot of high glycemics that are very low in cost, such as pasta and rice, potatoes.
Always pay attentiion when buying these different brands of microwavables healthy meals and listen in more to my thoughts.
Dr. Chris
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Dividing up muscle groups to make sure we don't have to take up hours in the gym for efficiency for our personal time and overall growth of muscle and advancement in health.
The Push-n-Pull method is by far a long time routine used in the world of resistance training and can be used from the most advanced to even basic exerciser when it comes to wieght training.
Yes, anyone can utilize this method and see great results and maximize their workouts by using a simple Push-Up to Bench Press and finishing with Lying Triceps Extension to Triceps Pulldowns for the Push Method. Pull Method is as easy as a Pull-Up or Lat Pulldown with a Biceps Curl with a Barbell or Dumbbell.
Most importantly, everything can be done with just about every piece of exercise equipment, not just free weights, but with weight machines, reistance bands or how about ketllebells. Yes, Legs can be incorporated on any day.
This is a great way to learn split routines and gives you more guidance on how to develop exercise programs for yourself that can be creative and safe for your advancement in exercise.
Please check out the Chart for Great Examples of the Push-N-Pull Method
Dr. Chris
Welcome to Turkey Stroganoff: Kielbasa or Ground
This is an amazing recipe that I love all year long, especially for the colder months of the year, along with some cauliflour mash, feeling good and getting that comfort food fix.
Turkey Kielebasa
1 Jennie-O Ring Kielbasa: Sliced 1/4in thin & Slices Cut into 1/2 Pieces
1 Cup of Sliced Button Mushrooms
1 Tblspn Butter
1 10.5oz 98% Fat Free Cream of Mushroom Soup
1/2 Cup Sour Cream
1/2 Tlbspn of Fennel
1/2 Tblspn Salt or Garlic Parsely Salt
1/2 Tblspn Black Pepper
Add: 1 Tblspn butter to medium high heat w/ Turkey Kielbasa & Mushrooms and saut'ee for about 8 minutes mixing until Kielbasa is a nice & golden brown. Add, 10.5oz Cream of Mushroom Soup & 1/2 Cup of Sour Cream & mix thourghly. Mix 1 Tblspn of Fennel with 1/2 Tblspn of Salt or Garlilc Parsely Salt & 1/2 Tblspn of Black Pepper
Let Simmer for 12-15 Minutes & Mix Thourghly & Enjoy
Ground Turkey
2lbs Ground Turkey
1 22.5oz Can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 Cup Sour Cream
1-2 Cups of Sliced Button Mushrooms
1 Tblspn Fennel
Ground 2lbs of Turkey until cooked almost all the way through & drain and cook rest all the way. Add in Mushrooms & mix thourghly for about 2 minutes and add in 22.5oz can of Cream of Mushroom Soup with 1 Cup of Sour Cream & mix thourghly. Add 1 Tblspn of Fennel & mix thourghly. Add 1/2 Tblspn Salt or Garlic Parsely Salt with 1/2 Tblspn of Black Pepper.
Mix throughly & Simmer for 12-15 minutes & Enjoy
Serve on a Bed of Cauliflour Mash & You're Good to Go!
Dr, Chris
Spot Reducing has been an old tale in the world of health that exercises that focus specific area of the body will make it look better or appealing?
Nope, not true. It's all about working with full body exercises throughout the whole body first to really reduce that body fat well below needed and then spot producing might be a key thing during exercise. Abdominal exercises completed over and over again does not mean your are ever getting six pack abs. It takes time and the proper exercise prescription.
Key thing: Change Up Your Exercise Programs Every 6-8 Weeks and See Results, Especially with Intergrated Health Sync Inc.
Much Love,
Dr. Chris
Protein Supplements have gone through so much over the years, with the taste just the development. Today, and for so many years, there are so many great brands that have been developed with amazing taste, not like the chalk taste we all once new, but also put together in other forms such as great fluids and bars,
Please check out this Pod Cast and learn more about great brands out there that will give you a great protein supplementation.
Dr. Chris
Get even more inspired and educated on how building muscle is going to help you increase your metabolism by advancing with more resistance through a proportional exercise program and eating throughout the day with lean protein and supplements to give you the nourishment you need with great fiberous carbohydrates for muscle building properly.
Nope, having just one meal a day with fasting does Not Work as you are Malnourishing your Body Systems.
Nourishing Your Body with plenty of protein, fruits and veggies with small proportional meals/snacks throughout the day is the science & top research.
You will build muscle and feel Amazing!
Dr. Chris
The Heat is on and everyone should be well educated on staying hydrated through the hot months of the summer. However, the summer has not been that hot up here in the North, it sure is in many other places.
Please follow these simple tips for just daily hydration that have changed over the last few years on fluid intake, but also, just working in the heat and exercising.
Dr. Chris
The Olympic Training and Diet with their schedules are amazing. I have worked with so many athletes seeing the same advances in their health with training and diet and rising to the next level in their sport achieving high athletic goals with Divison I and DIvison II Scholarships.
Most importantly, watching so many of my great clients/patients get up day being the athlete they are and rising to the next level by following their Exercise and Nutritiional Prescription and getting ready for more advancement.
You're the Best...
Dr. Chris
Protien Isolate has been a great discovery for sometime and has done amazing advancements for athletes or for all health populations due to being in a mincronized blend and very easily absorbed in a faster manner to get protein to the muscles.
Our bodies are craving protein in the morning and especially after a exercise routine so it can heal and rebuild the lean tissues. Listen in and learn how Protein Isolate and Casein Protein differ, but are still both highly important in the process of building muscle.
Dr, Chris
Please think as you read and listen to this, as you are an Athlete. I thought this piece was just perfect for the Olympics, but most importantly for all people that want to become healthier no matter what their ability.
Working with almost every health populations with so many great advances in health modalities, I have seen so many great strides in health, overcoming so many health challeges and advancing for more. As a former competitve athlete and health practitioner at many levels, it makes me so excited to see the advancements that are still to evolve.
Please Listen! We Are All Athletes.
Dr. Chris
Another great slow digesting protein, just like Cottage Cheese that is a great meal/snack during the day to curve that hunger and re-build muscle is Yogurt.
Just like Cottage Cheese, Yogurt has come so far in so many varieties that are easy to take with you on the go or come in a family size container. Let's not forget all the different flavors that have evolved over the years. Different fruity flavors to even desserts.
Please pay attention to the most important education of this. The High Protein vs Low Carb, Low Fat and Zero Sugar=Booya.
Dr, Chris
Homeostasis is a medical term that we should all know and it's all about Balance...
If you're not feeling well, got a head ache, back pain, mental health is off balanced and very unforunately fighting some chronic disease. This is NOT in a Homeostasic state, which is not Balanced...
It is our job as Health Practitioners to make sure we find the solutions to make your lifestyle better and healthier and hopefully find that cure, so Homeostasis can be restored and bring you back to Balance...
Let's Stand Up & Kick Health Into Motion!
Dr. Chris
2-4 Tuna Steaks or Any Fish: 6-8oz each
1 Egg Plant: 1/4 inch Slices- Discard Ends
4 Zuchinni: Cut in Half Length Wise-Discard End
2 Portabella Mushroom Caps: Pop Stem & Clean with Wet Towel
4 Green Oions: Cut the Root Off
8 Slices of Lemon
Always Clean Produce with Soap & Warm Water Thoroughly...
Rub with Love: Olive Oil & Salt or Garlic Parcely Salt & Pepper Evenly...
Pre-Heat Grill On High:
Place Zuchinni, Portabella Mushroom Caps & Egg Plant Slices on the Grill for about 2 Minutes Slowly Rolling & Turning Every 20-30 Seconds... These are thicker & will take longer to cook...
Turn Heat Down to Medium High: Cook Veggies for 2 More Minutes
After 4 Minutes Completed: Place Green Onions on the Grill for an Additional 4 Minutes
After Two Minutes of Turning Veggies Every 20-30 Seconds Getting a Nice Char on Them: Place Tuna Steaks or Any Fish on Grill & Flip Every 90 Seconds to 2 minutes for the next 6-8 Minutes...
Grab Veggies Off the Grill with Nice Char & Tenderness with a Total About 8 Minutes... Let Cool...
After 4-6 Minutes: Have 1/2 Cup of UNAGI Sushi Glaze by Kikkoman Ready with Brush...
Glaze Tuna Both Sides Twice for Last Two Minutes or at Least One Side if Other Side Has Skin... Evenly Coated with Unagi Glazed, Pull Fish Off Grill to Plate....
Chop: 1/4 Green Onion, 4 Chuncks Each, 1/4 Mushroom Caps, Slice Zuchinni 1/2 Chunks, 1/4 Egg Plant Slices... Mix in Bowl with 1/4 cup with Balsamic Vinaigrette Lemon or Your Favorite Flavor & Mix... Add More If Needed....
Place on Platter with Fish and Lemon Slices Placed to Your Desire
Be Creative...
Dr. Chris
Having muscle soreness has always been the dilemma with physcial activiity, to high intense exercise. After a great work out or having a great day of physcial activity such as cycling more miles you shoud of, we wonder why we get up the next day with muscle sorness that is not all that bad.
We Call It "The Good Sore". The Soreness that let's us know we did somehting good through healthy practices of Physical Activity & Exercise Programming.
Please listen in on how "Muscle Soreness" is not what it use to be such as "Lactic Acid" in the muscles, but is the actual breakdown of muscle tissue through the actin and myosin filaments.
You will also find out how to elevate this pain through some simple modalities.
Dr. Chris
Casein is a great protein that is very important in our diet that is many Whey Protein Supplements, but most importantly in our everyday diet.
Just as Whey Supplements, Casein comes from dairy, Yogurt and Cottage Cheese. As Yogurt now has really come along, Cottage Cheese has been a staple for slow digestion protein that makes great for slowing down hunger as a meal preplacement and brings all essentional amino acids for rebuilding muslce tissue during strenght training or any trauma to muscular tissue.
I Love Cottage Cheese and please listen in on this great adventure?
More Cottage Cheese Please...
Dr. Chris
Our pets are always here for us annd they love us unconditionally. We can be having tough stressful day, but they will always be there for us.
I knew this was not going to be easy, but this was the most difficult two weeks of my life in a long time. Both of My Best Buddies Passed within two weeks of each other.
All I Can Say Is. Cherish the moments you have with your Best Buddies...
They Love You Unconditionally,
Dr. Chris
Making Turkey or Chicken Tacos with ground meat is a very easy healthy dish that I make at least once a month if not twice a month. Follow these simple steps for easy taco meat that can enchance healthy nutrition with loaded protein and plenty of veggies for antioxidants for the immune system and disease fighting antioxidants.
2lbs Ground Turkey or Chicken: Brown Most of the Way & Drain Most Liquid
4Tlbspn of Taco Seasonings or 2Pack of Taco Seasonings
Mix all the way through: No Need to Add Anything Else
Make Tacos or Taco Salads: Add Cheese, Light Sour Cream, Chopped Tomatoes, Salsa, Onions, Navajo Mikes Hot Sauce or Hot Chilis...
Ode to Richard Simons and Dr. Ruth, who were Icons and Pioneers in the modalities of health and passed away this last following weekend and will never be forgotten for their tributes to health and well-being.
Dr. Ruth really was well above her time starting with her radio show called "Sexually Speaking", but also importantly her own televison show "The Dr. Ruth Show". Let's face it, this was above and beyond most peoples time and many were tuning in to her divrersity of sexual heath and most importantly womans health and well-being that helped changed our communities that wil never be forgotten.
Richard Simons was not out to prove anything crazy in the world of health when it came to exercise and nutrtion. He never had that college education in health or exercise, but learned it first hand and did it right by showing himself how eating properly with simple basic dietary portions that individuals needed and most importantly, moving that body daily was what it took to reach goals for losing weight and feeling great. Yes, Richard Simons showed the world that he knew what it took to make a healthy lifesyle and started up his own Health Clubs "Slimmons". Great Intergrity came from this man as he created "Sweating to the Odies" and his "Deal-a-Meal" Program, so he could really connect with people that were dealing of what he went through as being obese. Richard Simmons was a Pioneer of Health and Fitness, but most importantly, He Listend...
Beautiful picuter of both Dr. Ruth and Richard Simons sitting together in an interview.
Dr. Chris
Healthy Sauces and Marinades are right at your finger tips with many other dressings or condiements that can make healthy foods go to the the next level with simple cooking.
Eating healthy today, does not need to taste like dirt or card board, but with so many great cooking modalities that we can cook with, we must pay attention to some key factors when it comes to sugar, salt and fat.
Listen to this simple introduction on using Sauces and Marinades, that helps you focus on low sugar, low salt and low fat to excite your cooking.
Products Will Be Featured Weekly...
Thank you,
Dr. Chris
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