
  • Let me paint you a picture..you’ve just finished scrolling on Instagram/Pinterest and you’re feeling empowered to renovate one of the rooms in your home. You’re excited about this transformation and tell yourself that you would like to go about this independently (no designer or builder). But as you start the process of mapping out what material you want to who you want making the installation, you quickly realize that budget is a major topic that influences your decision making. You tell yourself, “no worries, google’s got me” only to find 1,674,293,239 links to comb through all talking about DIFFERENT THINGS. Talk about overwhelm and confusion, right? Join Taylor in a strategic conversation of how she believes is the best way to approach your next renovation. Everything from what you should consider, material options to help you be more mindful of your budget, some stories and of course what she believes is the biggest after thought she’s seen people make in their independently managed home renovations.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • Today, join Taylor in a tranformative, slightly traumatic and borderline dramatic tale of the time she got robbed by a member of the building team during her family’s home renovation in the early 2000s. Fortunately, this very early on experience didn’t go without any gain as this planted a seed. She learned the hard way, that unfortunately we can’t trust everything we hear especially when we are granting someone complete access to some of the most personal corners of our home. Even if they consider themselves “professionals”.. it runs a little deeper than that and it’s our resonsibility to do our research. Back then, (believe it or not), she didn’t say much so she saw A LOT of red flags along the way and those red flags over time unfortunately got so red they basically tuned purple. As she looks back with 20/20 vision while pulling from her own design experiences throughout the years, Taylor has put forward some tips on what she would encourage others to keep an eye out for as they look to collaborate with a builder and how to start off on the right foot. But first let’s jump into story time..

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

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  • When I was away in LA I was lucky enough to have access to the Roosevelt Hotel’s newly renovated Johnny Grant Apartment where everything from Vogue photoshoots to Oscar parties have been hosted there at some point in time. If you’re a modern day design finatic, like myself, you probably get most of your design inspiration from sources online. I’m talking about instagram, pinterest and tiktok but let’s not forget that this is just one lens. It’s tough to really get into the nitty gritty of the details of what makes the space truly shine. And of course the answer to the question, "what is it about a design that makes a celebrity want to spend their valuable time and money there?" And the follow up question: "how can I achieve this for my space"? Have no fear, creatives, I took my time and I took my notes of what aspects of the stunning design by Kevin Klein could challenge what we might believe to be true about design rules and trends we study from our screens. Join me as we debunk these ideas together.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • After coming out of the very cold, and rainy on and off again season of Vancouver's Temperate Rainforest winter months, Taylor's inspired to talk about not design (for once..), but her feelings. More specifically happiness, what is it? And debunk some theories and maybe even share some recent events that occurred that might of started the brainstorming process of this episode in the first place. Why is it that sometimes the most minor inconvenience take us out of the present moment of experiencing joy? Join this talk with Taylor as she attempts to uncover the reason behind this emotional mystery.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • Join Taylor as she helps prepare you for your most ambitious home improvement endeavour to renovate the heart of your home, your kitchen. But this is no ordinary kitchen renovation podcast, on no, (what is classified as an ordinary kitchen renovation podcast? she doesn't know..). Listen in as Taylor goes through her personal list of what she looks for in a kitchen renovation. All details that should be considered at one point or another. Not material matching, all logistics. If you've been thinking about getting a new design in on your kitchen but don't know where to start, come hang out with Taylor and listen in on her different perspectives on a routine kitchen update.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • The holidays can be stressful and some might even say it’s contradicting that the most wonderful time of the year could potentially be the most overwhelming. Ontop of the craziness that are the first 2 weeks getting back into the swing of things. Taylor has come the the conslusion that what made the process feel overload is the constant stimulation that takes us out of our present moment. Everything from “what should I bring to that dinner party?” and “I think it takes around 4 hours to bake a pie?” to “okay Siri, set a reminder to do all of my 10 tasks on the first day back.” All these small brain scene moments that happen throughout the day take us away from our actual life that should translate, in our minds, as memories. You know how it is. We start the day with good intentions but before we know it we're about to go to bed.. again. the day felt like a breeze. After 2 weeks of this constant battle though, she thinks she’s cracked the code. Taylor has curated a small mindfulness practice that touches on some of the most memorable first grade English class curriculum: who, what, when, where, and why. How does she implement this? Listen to find out.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • Lately, I’ve been looking for new ways to put out design tips into the world that is easy to digest. Outside of my occasional struggle to describe designs to you through a mic (which you will later see).. I think we met that goal today! Introducing a NEW segment I am going to call “When You’re Selecting
(insert name of material here)”. Today we will be leaning into the gem of every space, the SPARKLE of detail in ANY room, the metal finish. We will be going over the current pros and cons I have of each of the 3 finishes (Chrome, Brass and Matte Black) and hopefully that sparks some conversation within us. To my surprise, as we explored some of the pros and cons I uncovered a new angle on this topic.. that there’s a reason for the fact that it’s never a straight and narrow decision when we make these material selections. What is that exactly? Let’s find out together today.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • In this episode I got sick and you can hear it..as someone who gets a cold once a year I couldn’t help but try and backtrack my last few months and unfortunately I came to the conclusion that I had severely overloaded my schedule, did not honour the basic human need of having lunch at a reasonable time that was earlier that 4pm and I stopped asking myself a fundamental question to what I think makes life fulfilling, “what do you want to do for yourself today?” From the moment we are put on this planet we are faced with an overwhelming amount of stimulation that guilt trips us into feeling like we must always be on the hamster wheel or else we “fail”. But we learn time and time again that this is no way to live and we can experience breaks in areas of our emotional, physical and mental space from it. I am not a doctor but I do love to talk about ideas. Come with me down the rabbit hole of why we feel there is no real great time to take a break.. even when you’re sick.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • I had a moment of realization where the average human spends most of their (day-time) life in the classroom from ages 0 to lets say.. 28 (my age). There always seems to be another 'level' of education we can explore and under any field of work for that matter. We can do the work anywhere at any time whether that be in the classroom, online or at home. This thought made me think really deeply on why school is so highly encouraged and following that thought is 'what do we get out of it?' Is the education system fool proof where once you graduate you're deemed to be the most well-rounded worker around? After reflecting on my own experience of graduating with a degree and then deciding to go back to school for design right after, I realized I have my own thoughts. From what I've lived through I believe there's an element to work and life that school does a great job teaching us while falling short on other areas. What are they you ask? Come hang out and see.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • Taylor has just finished unwinding after a non stop 72 hours. Let's just say that if a single day could feel like a week... this day would have easily been the Friday of the Vancouver Fall Home Show event. Taylor dives in to unpack the weekend step by step with you, from mental breakdowns and realizations, to unfortunate events hours before she steps on stage, to the design tips she shared during her presentation to help you design the furnished living space of your dreams. She's here to spill the tea on her experience because she had a lot of fun this weekend, and needless to say she's holding nothing back.

    Taylor's Layering List:
    - throw pillows
    - throw blankets
    - candles
    - diffusers
    - coasters
    - book ends
    - vases/trays
    - botanicals/flowers
    - sculptures
    - trinkets
    - books
    - pictures

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • I feel like I've been holding back on design talk lately and over the past week, I've realized that I've been doing so because I'm terrified of having to describe a space to you using nothing but a microphone I got from Best Buy and my ability to translate..she's a visual girly for a reason.

    But today is the day. I've decided to face my fear and give it a whirl.

    Over the course of my creative lifespan I have grown to have some pretty strong opinions of what I think is helpful in a design and what I thought were were sort of overrated. I am here to say that I have changed my mind on a few design details and so please join me as I do my best to share with you why.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • I had one question I use to despise when being interviewed, it stressed me out to the point where I would be stress sweating in whatever chair of the office I aspired to work at had. But now that time has passed, I'm better able to see the experience for what it is. I thought I could share my story with you and ways I've overcome the crippling discomfort. Over the years I realized that ultimately I felt threatened by the lack of my own self confidence but I like to think that I've grown since then and if there's anything I try to take out of a bad situation is a good old growth moment. This question tends to put a lot of people on edge and even tends to make the most confident people feel inadequate but let's experience this together shall we?.. so let me just ask you, do you have experience?

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • For the first episode of It's All Perspective, Taylor decides to talk about the lovely language of communication from the lens of giving and receiving feedback. Hopefully if you're going though a season filled with feedback or having to give it to someone, you'll find parts of this applicable in your life. Because needless to say with the nature of critique comes a level of discomfort and some may argue a potentially bruised ego that we all might struggle with from time to time.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com

  • Welcome to It's All Perspective with Taylor Reiko. Taylor's here to shed light on everything recent from new design trends to new experiences and design tips. New episode out every Monday starting September 11th.

    IG & TT: @taylorreikodesign
    Design Services: taylorreikodesign.com