What you currently think and know about success is probably 99.9% wrong! Most people have these set ideas about wealth and success that are a myth, and because of this, they will never succeed. Listen in as I share the real secret to success that I have experienced through my own journey. Most RAW and most REAL - what they won't tell you!
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Your design is the face of your company. It determines how well or how bad everything goes for you. Is it building or breaking your business? Tune in for a secret resource I share. This resource has supplied us with designs that have generated MILLIONS of dollars for us!
I have been really analyzing students who have bought our courses and I have noticed a pattern: everything starts out right, then something happens…and only a fraction of the people breakthrough and succeed. What is the problem and how can YOU not fall into that same failure trap. Tune in now…
One of the most amazing projects I got to be part of was writing a 30 day plan IF I lost everything, with one of the TOP marketers in the world. 30 people, 2 comma club winners, MILLION dollar earners, all share their plans. Knowing what these plans are, NOBODY has any excuses not to make money in any circumstances! Listen in and get your plan at www.Jeremy7.com.
Anik reveals how he bet money and lost. With less than $100 to his name, worked his ass off, rose up then crashed… Anik went all the way to 1.5 MILLION dollars in debt! Nowadays people are scared of any debt. Imagine 1.5 MILLION. Tune in as Anik opens up about what really changed and the mind-blowing strategies that took him from zero to making millions and millions.
One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs and/or business owners can ever make is to blindly do their business, their marketing and shoot in the dark for their success, without doing research! If you watch successful people, you will notice patterns and similarities to their success journey. The path has been paved. You do not need to reinvent the wheel, but find those who are already successful at what you want to do and model them.
In today’s society, a lot of people developed this attitude that the world owes them everything. They completely lost the manners and gestures that not only make them professional, but simply human beings, showing respect. This ONE gesture is the handshake - the right and proper handshake. Do you shake hands correctly? A single handshake could be a million dollar difference in your life whether someone will or will not do business with you.
Are you capitalizing on every moment? The small habits you practice on a daily basis either build you or break you. Listen in to see what I do in a 5-hour boring trip and learn how you can model because it works! There is ONE defining difference between successful people and broke people. Successful people look for ways to multiply their money. Broke people look for ways to pinch their pennies. Don’t spend less. Earn MORE and invest. Scale up that teachability index…
In a year you could be Nike’s ambassador, if you listen and implement what I share in this podcast. One of the reasons I am at the top everywhere is because I have a KEY distribution channel that will never go away…and this is exactly what you need to focus on. This distribution channel is a gold mine! Every day that you are missing this, you are missing the unprecedented opportunity.
Now is NOT the time to take the money off the table! It’s time to reinvest. It’s time to take advantage of this strategy that I cannot stop talking about. We are crushing it with this strategy…and most people screw these small things up 100%! The #1 reason I am where I am is I f**king sweat the small stuff like crazy…and THIS strategy is insanely good! Life is about living freely and giving all the best to your loved ones…
People get very excited about starting a business, getting their first results, the money starts coming in…and then they go crazy and make this ONE BIG mistake! This mistake alone will turn anyone’s business to dog sh*t in no time. Learn the exact steps you need to take right now to prevent making this mistake and really set your business up to make you rich forever! Those cups are fine…
In today’s episode I share the exact strategy that you can use right now to blow up your business. Seriously stupid cheap and really easy to implement, using Instagram stories. Followers are great, but they don’t turn into dollars automatically. What the influencers don’t even realize yet, you can monetize on! Once they catch on, you might be missing out…and if you listen to the end, you get an unadvertised bonus!
Out of desperation people will put out half-ass products out into the marketplace because they’re listening to gurus who say “money loves speed.” That’s one of the biggest lies out there. Money does NOT love speed. Money loves testing. Money loves quality. Money loves attention. Don’t put out your marketing message, your product or your service without first listening to this podcast…Mark my words!
For the first time in my life, not a single person jumped up to buy! The massive fail I just experienced was humbling as f**k! I did everything right. I did what I do best…but this is next level fail. This episode shows you how every niche is different and even though you might have the best product, you can still massively fail. But…not having experienced it, I would not have made the choice that I did…
90%+ of people are failing because they are missing the big pieces from their business. Most are looking for shortcuts, easy solutions and push-button businesses…but what really gets you to the top is studying people like the back of your hand! Today, I share how ONE presentation can change everything for you IF you structure it with the strategy I reveal! Imagine being able to get into people’s head…
I got out with nothing. Depression. Fear. Pain of the past. Fear of the unknown future. But I knew that I had something much better in store for me. Barbwire all around, handcuffed by non-dominant hand to someone who was there for double murder, walking out… Not a single soul knew of the immediate release and here I was with my bag, barely anything in it, out into society. Out into NOTHING. What happens next is exactly WHY my life changed. Tune in…
Just like Christopher Columbus discovered the new world, the Internet has brought a whole new world to us. In today’s day and age, no one can justify any excuse of why they are not building their own secure financial empire. You wanted to go a high quality top school? You got it AND without paying hundreds of thousands of dollars! It’s literally that simple and what does it cost you? ZERO! The how-to is out there, but the want-to is up to you. You know you need to do it…but so far you feel like everything has been going wrong. Small consistent steps lead to big results…like the MILLION dollar funnel!
You would not find me or my family going to half-ass places, doing things half-ass or running my business half-ass! The attention to detail and the level of obsession you have for your business will set the foundation of how successful you will become. If you see something working, reverse engineer it, funnel-hack it and figure out the pieces, then model it down to T. I used to suck…really bad! But because I stuck through it, was my own best customer, I am here now, changing other peoples’ lives.
Are you ready to learn the secrets of the perfect presentation that will shift your business forever? Not the “pushy sleazy salesman” kind that you can smell a mile away…but the real and raw presentation that inspires, motivates and results in SALES for you business. People don’t buy because of the offer, but people buy because of THIS - listen in to learn what the turning point is that converts your listener into a buyer! There are a lot of people that need your products and services…
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