
  • Cathy and Troy break down the consequences of Trump's proposed economic plan: cut taxes for the rich, deport immigrant workers, and skyrocket the costs of consumer goods by spiking import tariffs, which economists say would lead to a recession in the U.S. by next year, while increasing inflation - leading to the S word: Stagflation, a combination of slow growth and high prices that we saw in the 1970's.

    The Trump campaign is preparing for a disastrous debate performance against President Biden this week by pre-suggesting that Biden will be on drugs, and only able to form a coherent thought when jacked up on performance enhancers and anti-depressants. Every accusation is a confession with cocaine addled diaper Don.

    Conspiracy network InfoWars is finally shut down by Alex Jones' bankruptcy trustee, ending a nightmare of American culture that destroyed hundreds of lives.

    And Cathy leads a deep dive discussion of the biggest Presidential debates of the modern era in preparation for the nightmare Trump Biden debate coming this week. Kennedy was TV ready while Nixon had the flu; Reagan dumbed down the Presidency to make it cool; and Clinton came out on top in a Presidential 3-way...

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

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  • Cathy and Troy break down the recent Supreme Court decisions: to lift the ban on bump stocks, a device that turns a semi-automatic rifle into a machine gun, and to allow the continued use of the abortion pill.

    The Trump presidential immunity case ruling is imminent, with two members of SCOTUS, Alito and Thomas, firmly entrenched within the Trump insurrectionist movement.

    Trump attempts another sham grassroots event, attending a service at black church in Detroit, and literally everyone in the crowd is white. The only black people in the room were the same Maga operatives who travel everywhere with Trump pretending to be adoring fans to build the narrative of black support.

    Trump then attended a Turning Point USA event where a "white boy summer" flag was unveiled, a slogan used by neo-nazi Nick Fuentes' group, the Groypers. Trump held a fake event at a black church in the morning, then partied with white supremacists in the evening, and still wants to pretend he isn't a racist.

    And Cathy gives a deep dive into Trump's plan to replace income tax with import tariffs, a dumpster fire idea that will put all the burden of funding the federal government on the poor by skyrocketing the price of goods.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee....

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  • Cathy and Troy discuss Trump's "let them eat cake" moment as he tells his supporters standing in triple digit heat to see him speak that he doesn't care about their safety, only their votes.

    Speaking of let them eat cake, the European Union elections in France go full fascist, as the far-right, nazi-sympathizing party of Marine Le Pen destroys the centrist party of President Emmanuel Macron, setting up a showdown for control of the French parliament in elections this summer.

    Is fascism coming to France?

    And we deep dive potential reforms to U.S. Senate to save the body and American democracy as a whole by looking at how upper houses work in other countries and what we can learn from them, as the world barrels toward 3 crucial elections this year in the U.S., U.K., and France that will decide the future of global democracy.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    For more exclusive content, consider subscribing at Patreon.com/justbuylesscoffee

  • Cathy and Troy break down the developing ceasefire proposal put forth by President Biden to end the conflict in Gaza. The deal includes a withdrawal of Israeli forces and the rebuild of Gaza, along with a return of displaced Palestinians to their homes.

    Is this the beginning of an end to the genocide and the start of a new era of Palestinian statehood? Bibi Netanyahu's right-wing coalition is adamantly opposed to it, but the Israeli people want it...and so does Hamas. Will Bibi's political opponents in the parliament back him on the deal if he loses the support of his right-wing base?

    Donald Trump is convicted by a jury of falsifying business records to cover up a scheme to launder hush-money payments to porn stars. And he is still the Republican nominee for President. Will the nation elect its first felon to the White House? What does that mean for the U.S and for the world?

    And Cathy brings us a deep-dive on generational responses to the Trump conviction.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    For more exclusive content, consider subscribing at Patreon.com/JustBuyLessCoffee

  • Cathy and Troy break down the verbal melee in Congress in the middle of the House Oversight Committee meeting, when Marjorie Taylor Greene decided to talk trash...then Jasmine Crockett made her eat it. But really isn't this what the House of Representatives was designed for?

    Biden agrees to debates with Trump...because Trump is an idiot and didn't realize you don't have to challenge your presidential rival to a debate, those are scheduled for the fall right before the election. But Biden calls Trump's bluff and now we get another round of the absolute horror show that is the Trump/Biden debate. Awesome.

    Biden works on a deal with the Saudis to bring them into the fold on Israel in exchange for a ceasefire agreement. Will Israel agree to it?

    The International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of Hamas while the President of Iran dies in a helicopter crash.

    And Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker decides to step in shit, lecturing college graduate women about how much better their life would be if they just gave up their careers and committed to making babies. Will Taylor Swift respond to her boyfriend's jackass teammate?

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    For more exclusive content, consider subscribing at Patreon.com/justbuylesscoffee

  • Cathy and Troy analyze Biden's decision to withhold offensive weapons from Israel after Benjamin Netanyahu crosses Biden's red line and attacks Rafah, and an investigation reveals U.S. weapons have been used to commit war crimes. Now all eyes on Tel Aviv and Washington as the world turns against Bibi, and Biden now has to decide if he will fully abandon the brutal Israeli response against the Gaza Palestinians.

    While campus protests accelerate in the name of establishing an Arab Palestinian single state, i.e. ending the state of Israel. But what will that mean if the only government lined up to take control of such a state is Hamas? A far right, Islamic fundamentalist, anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-Jewish regime, with 8 million Jews living in Israel. What is the plan? And where is the secular democratic leadership that can demand rights for the Palestinians without forcing a mass removal of the Jews, and the expansion of extremist sectarian fascism?

    And creepy Alabama Senator Katie Britt introduces a bill to create a federal registry of pregnant people. Trump tries to claim his rally hit 100,000 attendees on a boardwalk in New Jersey with a capacity of 25,000, and the local media repeats the lie. And Cathy pontificates on the potential of a larger Russian invasion of Europe in the first ever edition of the segment: Cathy smokes the tea leaves.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    For more in depth content, consider subscribing at Patreon.com/JustBuyLessCoffee

  • Cathy and Troy break down the looming attack from the Israeli Defense Forces on the city of Rafah, the last vestige of security for the people of Gaza, what the choices are for Biden now, and how this moment more than any other will define his legacy.

    Hamas agrees to a tentative ceasefire proposal written by Egypt to release hostages in exchange for a brief cessation of hostilities, but how will Bibi and the hardliners in the Israeli government respond?

    Protests grow on college campuses. Some are met with horrific racism, as in the case of Ole Miss. While some occupy buildings and become radicalized , and still others broker negotiations to achieve their goals from the universities.

    Cathy and Troy break down the history of college campus protests and draw parallels with the campus demonstrations of the late 1960's.

    And dog killer Kristi Noem wins Troy's lie of the week. And it's a complete disaster.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    For more exclusive content, consider subscribing at patreon.com/justbuylesscoffee

  • Cathy and Troy break down Donald Trump's recent court cases, where the disgraced former president faces fraud charges for secretly paying off a porn star to keep quiet about their affair while his wife was pregnant, calling it a campaign expense, and paying a guy named Pecker to hide the story from the tabloids.

    Oh and he keeps falling asleep during the trial and farting himself awake, grossing out his own lawyers.

    And he's the nominee of the Republican party to be the most powerful person on earth.

    Slap yourself. This is reality.

    Pro-Palestine protests get more intense on campus, as Bibi Netanyahu begs Biden to exempt his top lieutenants from the International Criminal Court, and the United States sanctions Israeli troops for attacking non-combatant Palestinians in the West Bank.

    The Supreme Court hears two key cases: one where Trump's lawyers argued that Presidents are allowed to commit crimes with impunity; and another where the state of Idaho argued that federal laws mandating that emergency room doctors save women's lives shouldn't apply to states that criminalize abortion.

    We break down the responses from the Justices and predict which way the cases will go.

    And South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem publishes a book wherin she happily describes murdering her own pets, and tries to use it as a platform to launch her into the role of Trump's Vice President.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    For more exclusive content, consider subscribing at Patreon.com/JustBuyLessCoffee

  • Cathy and Troy break down the Iran attack on Israel and the beginning of World War 3...or is it? Iran's attack was a very prescribed response designed to appease the hardline elements in their government, and resulted in only one injury and no deaths. Cathy and Troy examine the next possible moves for Israel and the U.S. with one thing certain: Israel is not safer as a result of Bibi Netanyahu's genocidal war on the Palestinians.

    And, we respond to far-left attacks on our character for our refusal to sit out the election, and ask what the plan is on the far-left, considering they don't even have a candidate to challenge Biden, let alone one that can get 270 electoral votes. The nation and the world has so much to lose with the election of Donald Trump, but the far-left care more about themselves than they do about actually helping the Palestinians.

    And a fake hug in a Chick-Fil-A wins Troy's lie of the week.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    For additional exclusive content, consider becoming a subscriber at Patreon.com/JustBuyLessCoffee

  • Cathy and Troy break down the new total abortion ban in Arizona, a law written in 1864 before Arizona became a state, and decades before women had the right to vote. The law has been on the books for more than a century but was unenforceable while Roe v. Wade was the law of the land. Thanks to Trump and the Federalist Society taking control of the U.S. Supreme Court, now Arizona women are subjected to 19th century law, and 19th century medicine.

    Arizona joins Florida as two major swing states that will now have abortion on the ballot for the Presidential election in November, greatly increasing the chances of a Democratic victory on the national level.

    Israeli Defense Forces pull troops back from southern Gaza a week after Biden called Bibi Netanyahu and read him the riot act over international food aid workers being killed in an air strike by the IDF. Bibi is now in a really bad spot as he's on the verge of losing American support if he pushes any further in Gaza, but if he doesn't he will lose his fascist right-flank supporters in the Israeli Parliament.

    And Obama's pollster discusses the reality of polls in the 2024 election and how despite what legacy media is saying, Trump is in no better a position than Biden according to the Polls. The Never Trump movement is holding strong with Nikki Haley getting tens of thousands of votes in primaries despite dropping out of the race.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    For additional exclusive content, consider subscribing at Patreon.com/JustBuyLessCoffee

  • Cathy and Troy are joined by special guest, MeidasTouch contributor CoachD_Speaks, to celebrate Trans Day of Visibility, a day put into hyper public awareness by fake Republican outrage that it landed on the same day as Easter.

    Republicans lied and said Biden scheduled Trans Day of Visibility on Easter out of disrespect for Christians, but Trans Day of Visibility is always March 31st, and has been since 2009. The date of Easter changes, and they simply landed on the same day this year.

    We guarantee Biden didn't actually know Trans Day of Visibility was even a thing until Republicans made it huge.

    Speaking of huge, a giant container ship slapped in the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore and collapsed it, killing 6. Rather than spark a conversation about our critically underfunded infrastructure, racist Republicans decided, inexplicably, to make it into their latest salvo in the war against diversity.

    And Texas Republicans get caught in a meeting with a group called Abolish Abortion Texas, whose explicit mission is to impose the death penalty on women and girls who get abortions, or receive IDF treatments, with no exception for rape or incest.

    All for less than than the price of a cup of coffee....

    Check out CoachD_Speaks on TikTok, Instagram, and on the MeidasTouch Network.



  • Cathy interviews Sarah Hoffer, Change Party Senator at the University of Florida and Jayden Currence, Director of Communications for the UCF College Democrats, to discuss how politics is playing out on their respective campuses and offer advice for other young people and students looking for ways to get involved.

  • Cathy and Troy break down the UN Ceasefire Resolution that passed the Security Council without a U.S. veto, leading Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel his visit to the United States next month, likely signaling a decay of U.S./Israel relations. This was definitely the right move in the face of Israeli genocide of Palestinians, but will an increasingly isolated Bibi prove to be even more dangerous?

    A terrorist attack in Moscow kills 140 people. Putin recognizes that ISIS K is responsible but is still trying to spin the horrifying loss of civilian life as somehow the fault of Ukraine.

    House Republicans finally pass a funding bill to keep the government open to the end of the year, and as a reward for bipartisan compromise, House Speaker Mike Johnson now faces losing his job after Marjorie Taylor Green files a motion to vacate the Speakership. Here we go again with more House Speaker chaos? Or will House Dems save Johnson's job, and if so, what will he owe them?

    In the midst of Speaker drama, Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher, two old-school Republicans, suddenly quit Congress as a middle-finger to the MAGA takeover of the Party. Republicans now hold the House majority by a single vote.

    Chuck Todd finally shows up to work, telling off his bosses at NBC to their faces for hiring ex RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel as full-time contributor.

    And Cathy puts on her tin foil hat and jumps right in to Royal family conspiracy theories surrounding the condition of Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

  • Cathy and Troy analyze the Presidential election in Russia, where Vladimir Putin won with 87% of the vote, to look at what actually stealing an election looks like. Pro-democracy activist and Putin opposition leader Alexei Navalny was killed in a Russian prison in February. Putin will now be dictator of Russia until 2030, at least.

    The U.S. House passed its effective TikTok ban; a law that TikTok must divest from its Chinese parent company ByteDance, and be purchased by an American company or investor group. As the Chinese economy collapses, could this be a bluff to hurt ByteDance stock and further harm China, the biggest U.S. competitor for global superiority? Or will Biden actually sign this law and allow the U.S. government to assist in a hostile corporate takeover of the biggest brand in the world? One thing is for certain: TikTok is too big to be banned.

    And Trump son-in-law and former Director of Middle East Policy Jared Kushner discusses a plan to move out Gaza residents to build valuable beach front property in the Gaza strip. If Trump wins re-election, will construction begin immediately on Trump Tower Gaza?

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

  • JBLC breaks down the looming Congressional ban on TikTok, what is motivating it, and if it will actually happen. TikTok is a source of community for many youth and especially those affected in their formative years by COVID shutdowns. Many youth use TikTok as their main outlet of self-expression and connection. The U.S. Congress probably has more pressing things to deal with than to scapegoat an app on behalf of competing business interests.

    But then again, Trump may try to buy it...

    And a huge week of news as the State of the Union and Super Tuesday occured last week. We analyze Biden's speech as he shames the devil that is the MAGA Republicans into utter submission. We also discuss Biden's gaffe during the speech that overshadowed its success with many people.

    MAGA freshman Senator Katie Britt of Alabama gives a bizzare, unwatchable response speech that was so bad everyone but Trump hated it. She's probably going to be Trump's VP by the way. One section of Britt's speech was so misleading it earns recognition as Lie of the Week.

    And the general election is here at last with Super Tuesday primaries booting out Nikki Haley and Dean Phillips. What will Nikki Haley do now? Will she finally form the third party for sane conservatives? Or will fold and endorse Trump, and return limping into the MAGA-sphere. Probably the latter.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    PLUS: a subscriber-only deep dive continuing our series on U.S. Presidents. This time we break down what we feel are the best Presidents of the 20th and 21st century. It was harder than it sounds.

    Catch the deep dive here:


  • JBLC breaks down the passage of a bill in France to enshrine the right to an abortion in their constitution, a move inspired by the loss of reproductive freedom in the United States;

    Nikki Haley wins the DC primary on the way to a complete surprise rout of Donald Trump...probably not, but we take a look at the upcoming Super Tuesday primary elections, can Haley make a last stand against the insurrectionist and save the soul of the Republican Party?;

    Speaking of insurrection, the Supreme Court rules that states can't remove Donald Trump from the ballot for violating the 14th amendment insurrection clause. We explain why this actually was the right call, and also why we need a constitutional convention now more than ever;

    Also, Kamala Harris takes the lead on the conflict in Gaza from the U.S. perspective and calls for a 6 week ceasefire. Netanyahu opposition leader Benny Ganz is invited to the White House and the dicussion is kept secret. Is Biden prepping for force out Bibi?

    And Chaya Raichek, the creator of LibsOfTikTok wins liar of the week. She's a right-wing terrorist who foments trans genocide for money.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    PLUS: Inspired by the recent Presidential historian poll which ranked Trump worst President of all time, Cathy and Troy create their own lists of worst Presidents with analysis in a Patreon exclusive Deep Dive.

    Subscribe here to get access: https://www.patreon.com/justbuylesscoffee

  • Cathy and Troy give a eulogy for the career of Mitch McConnell, who announced this week that he would be stepping down from his 2 decade role of Senate Republican Leader, a career marked by putting party ahead of country, weaponizing the filibuster, and corrupting all three branches of government, only to be turned on by MAGA. Bye Mitch. You earned your place in political infamy.

    The Supreme Court is taking up Trump's claims of Presidential Immunity, the concept that Presidents, and in Trump's case ex-Presidents, are allowed to break the law. The best case scenario is that SCOTUS is simply making a move to delay Trump's Jan 6 and classified documents trials.

    Worst case scenario, the Court paves the way for Donald Trump, and any President, to be above the law. This is the Court where Trump picked 3 justices, and another, Clarence Thomas, was directly involved in the Jan 6 coup through his wife and other political allies.

    The results are in from the Michigan primaries and some Democrats just can't commit to Joey Biden in the middle of the GAZA genocide. Cathy and Troy put on campaign manager hats and discuss the primary results from both parties, who had a good night, and which side is actually more uncommitted to their candidate.

    And the Christian nationalism crusade continues as men who think In Vitro Fertilization is abortion make moves to ban the procedure nationwide. We break down how the "life begins at conception" argument is so flawed with an epic Cathy rant.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

  • JBLC looks at the death of Russian pro-democracy leader Alexei Navalny, Putin's chief rival, in a Russian prison camp; a political assassination the same week that Trump announced to the world that he would let Putin do "whatever the hell he wants", as MAGA suddenly turns against Russia saying that Trump is the only leader who can stand up to Putin.

    Will this serve to dislodge Ukraine aid from Congress as the world is reminded of the brutality of Putin's regime?

    All this as Russian propaganda ratchets up in the U.S. ahead of the election. Tucker Carlson goes to Russia and films a blatant pro-Putin gaslighting segment, stating that quality of life is better in Russia than in the United States.

    We dismantle Carlson's lies in our first "Lie of the Week" segment.

    Trump is ordered to pay $450 million dollars and banned from doing business in NY for three years in his NY Civil Fraud case, after a clown show of a trial where he attacked the judge and defamed the judge's clerk, all after forgetting to request a Jury.

    And the Presidential greatness survey is released and Donald Trump is ranked DEAD LAST, 45 out of 45, failing to edge out famous drunks and traitors. He's in the company he deserves. While Obama jumps to 7, and Biden enters the survey at 14.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    Jingle Credit: Iba Teacher

  • Cathy and Troy delve into the world of cognitive politics as a Trump appointed special prosecutor throws gasoline on the mental fitness debate between Biden and Trump. Should Biden drop out and make way for a candidate with less baggage? Will Trump be in prison by the election?

    Plus MAGA implodes in Congress over border negotiations, and right-wing heads explode over Taylor Swift and the Superbowl.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

  • JBLC analyzes the situation at the U.S. border with a look at both the MAGA response, which took the form of a failed convoy of true believers heading down to the border to stop the migrant invasion, only to learn that the trip was part of a con artist grifting operation; to Republicans in Congress sabotaging their own border bill to make Joe Biden look bad, and keep the border in a crisis to help Donald Trump get elected.

    Cathy and Troy unload on Israel and Gaza with cathartic rage at the fact that U.S. is fighting in the middle east...AGAIN; discuss the tragic Biden legacy as a supporter of genocide, but swallow the hard pill than Biden is the better option for the Palestinians when faced with the prospect of a Trump presidency...and Bibi Netanyahu knows it too; and speculate on the future of a Palestinian state, and the role of the U.S in the world in the face of increased skepticism and global dismissal of U.S legitimacy as a defender of democracy.

    And we speak with special guest Monique Worrell, a Florida prosecutor suspended by Ron DeSantis over her investigation into racist corruption at a local police agency. DeSantis used Worrell during his Presidential campaign as an example of how he was cleaning house of "Soros-funded woke prosecutors."

    But now DeSantis has been embarrassed out of any possibility of reaching the Presidency, Worrell is running for re-election in a jurisdiction where she won 67% of the vote the last time...and she's seeking justice against DeSantis.

    All for less than the price of a cup of coffee...

    See the full interview with Monique Worrell by becoming a paid subscriber on our Patreon page at:


    And get involved and support Monique's run for State Attorney and defense of democracy in Florida here:
