Henrik Bondtofte og Alexander Leo Hansen fra online marketing bureauet Obsidian Digital taler om links og linkbuilding.
Hej og velkommen til Digital Performance Talks.
En podcast hvor, Signe, en klassisk marketing- og ecommercegeneralist, sætter sit skarpe netværk af specialister og eksperter stævne til en snak om alt det, hun ikke ved nok om, men er nødt til at forstå. Det handler om discipliner, best practices og trend i ecommerce og marketing. Målet er, at klæde dig på til at træffe de rette beslutninger i dagligdagen og have det sjovt. Tak fordi du lytter med.
Med vært Signe Juul Madsen, Head of Marketing & Communication hos No Zebra. -
Vi taler digital strategi, digital marketing, SoMe, innovation, forandringsledelse & governance.
Her bliver du klogere sammen med andre digitale professionelle i danske virksomheder.
Digitale ledere og specialister deler konkrete erfaringer.
Podcasten er en del af BENTZEN netværket og dermed 100 % uafhængigt og uden konsulenter eller leverandører. -
Welcome to DXTalk: Navigating the Digital Experience Industry - your guide to understanding the dynamic landscape of the digital experience industry. In this podcast, we delve into the world of Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), Content Management Systems (CMS), and more, with the goal of uncovering valuable insights from an industry perspective.
We decided to create this podcast due to our own professional curiosity, and, most importantly, because we truly think there is a need for it - a space to find inspiration and enlightenment for listeners navigating the industry.
Through this podcast series, we invite guests who have industry expertise and differing vantage points to illuminate different topics in an open discussion format. We believe in openness, inclusivity, and transparency, and we aim to invite guests with a variety of perspectives and opinions to learn as much as possible about the industry.
In the discussions, we place a strong emphasis on trends in the industry through the perspective of our guests. We hope to bring focus to emerging technologies, changing consumer behaviors and needs, and the latest trends shaping and evolving the digital experience landscape.
Some of the topics we will be discussing:
- Trends within the industry
- The Future of CMS and DXP
- Looking at the digital experience industry from outside
- Understanding new markets
- Consumer behavior, requirements, and needs
- Competitors' view on open-source CMS’s
- And much more
Join us on this journey as we explore the industry and uncover new insights.
Your hosts of this podcast:
Lasse Fredslund, Product Owner CMS, Umbraco
Jonas Poulsen, Tech Partner Manager DXP, Umbraco
Bolette Kern, Product Owner, Umbraco -
Practical AI: The Capacity for Good, is a podcast that explores the positive side of artificial intelligence. We speak with thought leaders about the intersection of AI automation, customer support, and customer experience. We dive into real-life stories of how AI has improved people's lives. Join us as we explore the many ways in which AI can be a force for good and hear from those who are using it to make a positive impact on the world.
🧑🏼🚀 The Content Universe: Your Daily Guide to Mastering Content Creation
Welcome to The Content Universe, the podcast that’s your daily companion on the journey to mastering content creation!
Hosted by Mikkel Svold, a seasoned expert in content production, this podcast delivers almost daily check-ins packed with tips, tricks, and insights you can use to elevate your content game.
Whether you're crafting content for knowledge-driven companies in engineering, science, technology, or advisory sectors, or just looking to enhance your own creative projects, we've got you covered.
Each episode dives into practical advice on podcasting, longform and short form writing, graphic design, efficient workflows, and so much more. Learn from real-world examples, discover the latest trends, and unlock the secrets to creating engaging, high-quality content that stands out.
Tune in to The Content Universe and transform the way you produce content. 🚀 -
Med podcasten AI Creator hjælper jeg dig med at bryde igennem støjen med dine budskaber, opbygge et loyalt publikum og sælge dine produkter og ydelser. I podcasten vil jeg og inviterede gæster, give dig viden og inspiration.
The Macro Trading Floor is a fun and actionable macro and markets podcast hosted by Alfonso Peccatiello and Brent Donnelly. If you are looking for banter, financial education, and actionable trade ideas this is the podcast for you!
Agile Coaches' Corner shares practical concepts in an approachable way. It is for agile practitioners and business leaders seeking expert advice on improving the way they work to achieve their desired outcomes.
گفتگو با اهل فن
فنکست پادکستی است که در آن با بازیسازان ایرانی از سراسر دنیا گفتگو میکنیم -
Marketing Brief Extended er 1 time lange podcasts, der går i dybden med emner inden for online marketing som fx e-mail automation, leadgenerering og PPC. Dine værter er Emil Kristensen (CMO i Sleeknote) og Halfdan Timm (Partner i Obsidian Digital).
On Unsupervised Learning, Redpoint Partners Jacob Effron, Patrick Chase, Jordan Segall and Erica Brescia explore the rapidly developing AI landscape and what it means for businesses and the world. With Redpoint’s history investing in companies such as Snowflake, Twilio, Stripe, Descript and hosts who have each been in both the builder and investor seat, subscribe now to make sure you don’t miss any of it.
Marketing Brief er en skarp podcast med konkrete tips, tricks og hacks til din online marketing. Halfdan og Emil er passionerede online marketing-nørder, og de deler ud af oversete, brugbare råd og egne erfaringer til gavn for den digitale marketer, der altid vil blive bedre.
På 10 intense minutter pr. episode går Marketing Brief i dybden med mange forskellige, spændende aspekter af online marketing, som du helt sikkert vil blive inspireret af, så du kan forbedre din egen online marketing. -
Det her er podcasten, der gør juraen spiselig, og hvor de tunge juridiske problemstillinger og gråzoner gøres lette og transparente. har samlet alt fra studiepodcasts til reportager, der alle har det tilfælles, at de giver dig indblik i juraen på en ny og oplysende facon.
Podcasten Beyond Digital stiller skarpt på tidens digitale agenda. Vi ser på de mange muligheder, nye forretningsmodeller og specielle kundeoplevelser, samt stiller de kritiske spørgsmål til etik og moral i spændingsfeltet mellem teknologi og mennesker.
#Omnichannel #Customerservice #Chat #Chatbot #Automation #Robotics #Futureretail #Online #Selfservice #Digital #Commercialexcellence #Customerexperience #Userdesign #Designthinking #Nudging #Behavioraleconomy #Salesexcellence #Operationalexcellence #CRM #Leadership #CX #UX #EdTech #Tech #Exonomics # ThoughtLeadership #Purpose #Culture #Values #Motivation #ModernWorld #Humanoid #BusinessPhilosophy #Science #Human #Bridging #Monitizing #BrandBuilding #BusinessModels #Metail #CoCreation #BI #Analytics #Marketing #Newera #Transparency #SenseEconomy -
Biz Buds is value-packed weekly discussion from successful creative entrepreneurs Mike Janda and Tom Ross. They share their journeys from struggling freelancers to both running multi 7-figure businesses, and the lessons picked up along the way.
A funky podcast looking into the challenges the communication industry is facing. Both big transformative and small personal problems are discussed by a panel of the very best industry people.
Få de bedste online marketing tips fra de skarpeste hoveder i Danmark.
**Produktionen af flere Iværksætterhistorier-episoder er midlertidigt sat på pause. Vi stræber efter at vende stærkt tilbage - gerne hurtigst muligt**
Iværksætterhistorier er Danmarks (måske) største om iværksætteri. Her kan du høre om iværksætterne, imens de er i gang med at gøre deres startup eller scaleup til en succes. Du får et indblik i deres tanker, drømme og frustrationer, som foregår undervejs i iværksætterprocessen og hvordan de gik fra idé til skalering, samt hvilke udfordringer de har oplevet og hvad de vil råde andre iværksættere til at gøre.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Brickshare er en crowdfunding-platform for fast ejendom. Det giver helt almindelige mennesker mulighed for at få en bid af den store gevinst, der ligger i at investere boligmarkedet.
I Brickshare Podcast kommer du lidt tættere på virksomheden og de mennesker, der står bag konceptet. Du kan følge med i firmaets udvikling, lære os lidt bedre at kende og få seneste nyt om investering og ejendomsmarkedet.